How to Email a Recruiter With 15 Samples From Recruiters

You’ve spent hours perfecting your resume. 

You’ve scrolled through endless job boards, customizing your cover letter for each application. 

And then it happens — a recruiter reaches out to you, or you find a job that seems like the perfect fit — your dream job. It’s exciting but also nerve-wracking. Your next step? 

The inevitable email to the recruiter. Then comes the big question. 

How do you go about writing an email to the recruiter that stands out and makes a positive, lasting impression? 

Sure thing is, if you have the right profile for the job description, the email can easily get you through the door, and you can quickly find yourself in the interview chair with the hiring managers. 

Likewise, getting the email wrong or one misstep could mean the difference between moving on in the hiring process and getting your email relegated to the spam folder.

That’s what we are here to help you avoid. In this article, we’ll help you understand the art and science of emailing a recruiter and landing a job opportunity. We’ll also share 15 samples of email to recruiters to get you up and running easily. 

So, let’s get started. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

What is a recruitment email, and why does it matter?

A recruitment email is an email message directed at a hiring manager, recruiter, or HR professional expressing interest in a job position or seeking more information about potential job openings. 

Unlike the traditional job application, which is often a formal process involving cover letters and résumés, a recruitment email is both a proactive step taken by job-seekers (as a direct line to the decision makers) or a response to job listings.

How to write recruitment emails: What to say and how to structure your email for success

Recruitment emails help you create a good first impression and a lasting one if your email particularly stands out. But nailing them requires a careful writing process and a solid email format to present it professionally to the recruiter. 

So, let’s start by discussing how you should address the recruiter and what you should include in the email, and then talk about the format you should follow to bring it home. 

How to address a recruiter in an email and what to say to a recruiter

Recruiters deal with a lot of candidates, and their main job is to get rid of most of them and only move forward with one or a couple of them for the interview process. Because of this, most job seekers stress over writing emails that stand out and sell them very well in the job search. 

  • What should I say? 
  • How should I phrase my sentences? 
  • How do I come out as professional and confident about my skills for the position in question? 

And lots of other similar questions. This is the biggest challenge most job seekers face when writing an email to a recruiter. But we’ve got you covered. Here are a couple of tips that can help you nail this to perfection. 

  • Stick to the formal format

Unless the recruiter has already established a casual tone, you should stick to stick to a formal email format. That means complete sentences, proper punctuation, grammar checking, and no slang. You must apply professional email etiquette. We’ll discuss this further below.

  • Treat every recruiter with respect

The recruiter reading your email likely gets a lot of job interest. There is a good chance they read dozens, if not hundreds, of similar job application emails every day. Treat them with the respect they deserve. That means maintaining a professional tone of voice throughout the email.

  • Use an appropriate greeting and sign-off

This is also part of keeping things formal and treating them with respect. Stick to tried-and-true options like “Dear [recruiter’s name]” or “Hello [recruiter’s name]”. Similarly, your sign-off should be appropriately formal: “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Yours truly” work well.

  • Make it easy for them

Recruiters are busy people. Don’t wait for them to request or make them go through hoops.  Provide all the necessary documents and information upfront. Attach your CV, link to your portfolio, or include any work examples as applicable. Clearly label attachments and include concise explanations for quick reference.

  • Sell yourself and shine (explain why you’re an ideal candidate)

This is your opportunity to shine and get the job interview. Summarize why you’re the best fit for the position in question. Highlight your skills, experiences, and accomplishments that align with the role. Vague statements like “I’m a hard worker” won’t cut it; instead, use specific examples that demonstrate your capabilities.

  • Describe how you’ll add value

You’re a good fit for the position. Cool, what else are you bringing to the table? Companies aren’t just looking for employees to fill roles; they’re looking for people who will add value. So, explain how your unique set of skills, experiences, and perspectives will contribute to the team, department, or organization as a whole.

  • Request information and clarification on the next steps

Finally, don’t leave things hanging. Politely request information on the next steps in the hiring process, whether that’s a formal interview, a follow-up email, or another form of assessment. This not only shows your eagerness but also helps you plan your follow-up correspondences.

Recruitment email format

Now that you know how to address a recruiter to get a response to your recruitment emails, how do you ensure your email floats to the top and captures the recruiter’s attention? The answer lies in the format.

Recruitment emails, pretty much like most professional email communications, follow the formal email format. Here is the format: 

  • Subject line
  • Email body
    • Salutation
    • Self-introduction
    • Email content
    • Endnotes and next steps
  • Email ending
    • Thanking the recruiter for their time and consideration
    • Formal and professional email sign-off
    • Signature (with your contact details)

Now, let’s discuss how to write each part and structure your email:

1. Recruitment email subject line

Recruiters receive tons of emails from candidates. They’re there to check those emails and comb through the candidates. So, you don’t need to sweat over the subject line. The more you can keep it simple and true to the purpose of your email, the better it can be. 

Here are some examples of great subject lines that you can use for your recruitment emails:

  • “[your name] – Application for [job title/role]” 
  • “Interest for [specific job role/department]”
  • “Can you update me on the progress of my application?”

2. Recruitment email body

Here is how to write the body of your recruitment email. 

Salutation: Address the recruiter correctly. Like we said before, keep it formal. “Hello + name” or Dear + name” will quickly get you through the door. 

Introducing yourself: Succinctly state your identity and purpose. A simple phrase such as “My name is [your name], a [your profession/current role], and I’m reaching out regarding…” will do just fine. 

Email content:

  • Articulate your interest and fit for the role. Clearly express why the job or company appeals to you. What about the role aligns with your professional aspirations?
  • Mention key achievements or experiences relevant to the position. Don’t just regurgitate your CV. Instead, pick out a few achievements or experiences that align closely with the job requirements and highlight them.
  • Explain how your unique set of skills, experiences, and perspectives will contribute to the team, department, or organization as a whole.
  • Add personal touches, like referencing mutual connections or past interactions. It reinforces your genuine interest and might jog the recruiter’s memory.
  • Attach your CV, link to your portfolio, or include any work examples as applicable. Clearly label attachments and include concise explanations for quick reference.

Endnote and next steps: Wrap up your email by politely expressing your hopes for a reply or feedback. For instance, “I’d be grateful for the opportunity to discuss this role further…” or “I look forward to hearing from you.”

3. Recruitment email ending

End the recruitment email by thanking the recruiter for taking the time to read the email and consider your application. Next, add a professional or formal email sign-off that helps you end the email in an approachable manner. 

Then, add your professional signature with all the potential information and ways to reach out to you in case they need to. Here is an example:

“I truly appreciate you taking the time to review my application and consider my candidacy. Looking forward to hearing from you

Best regards

Best regards,

John Doe

Digital Marketing Specialist

(123) 456-7890

[LinkedIn Profile Link]


15 samples of emails to recruiters to get you started

You can make the process of writing a recruitment email much smoother by using an email template or sample. Here are 15 diverse scenarios with sample emails to guide you:

1. Initial introduction and job inquiry

This is often your cold email — a first attempt to initiate a conversation with a recruiter or a hiring manager. We recommend that you make it both brief and compelling, giving them a reason to want to learn more about you. Here is a sample email for this:

2. Following up after a job fair or networking event

Post-event follow-ups are essential to reiterate your interest and remind the recruiter of your interaction. So, start by referencing the event and any memorable part of the conversation you had. Then, tell them about your experience and how valuable you can be for their organization.

Here is a recruitment email sample for this:

3. Reaching out to a recruiter via a referral or mutual contact

A referral can be a golden ticket. When you’re introduced or referred by a mutual connection, it’s imperative to mention the referral source right at the beginning to catch the recruiter’s attention. Next, you can sell yourself to the recruiter. Here is an email example for this:

4. Inquiry for an internship position

The right way to write an email for an internship inquiry is to demonstrate your eagerness to learn, grow, and contribute. Also, emphasize what you can offer them: a fresh perspective, academic knowledge, or particular soft skills that can be beneficial. 

The goal is to present yourself as a valuable addition, someone who will absorb, contribute, and grow during the internship tenure. Here is an email sample for this:

5. Thank you email post-interview

This email is a small gesture that can have a significant impact. It not only showcases your manners but also re-emphasizes your interest in the role. Better yet, it provides another touchpoint for keeping your candidacy top-of-mind for the recruiter.

As you write this, reiterate some of the main points discussed during the interview. Show your enthusiasm and suitability for the role. The email should be gracious and positive. Here is a sample recruitment email for this:

6. Expressing continued interest after an interview

Sending this email to a recruiter after an interview is a strategic move that helps reiterate your enthusiasm for the position. Highlight your interest and remind the recruiter of your relevant skills. It can set you apart from other candidates who might not take this additional step, showing your keenness. 

Here is a sample email you can learn from.

7. Asking for feedback post-rejection

Seeking feedback after a rejection can provide insights that might be invaluable for your future applications. Admittedly, this can be a sensitive topic. But you should approach it with humility and a genuine desire to learn and grow. Here is an email sample to help you win this:

8. Inquiry about future job openings

When you’re interested in a company but there aren’t current openings that fit your profile, reaching out proactively can be a good idea. A well-written email here can help put you on the company’s radar for future openings. Here is an email sample you can emulate:

9. Following up after sending a resume but no response

Even the most talented applicants don’t always have their emails answered right away. Getting no response is not necessarily a statement of your skills. If you’ve sent your resume for a job opening but haven’t heard back, a gentle reminder email can remind the recruiter of your application.

In your email, you should be respectful and patient, understanding that recruiters deal with numerous applications. Here is a sample email you can use here:

10. Emailing after receiving a job offer

Receiving a job offer is an exhilarating moment. It does no wrong to send an email to express your gratitude and show your enthusiasm for the opportunity. Your email here should express gratitude, enthusiasm, and, if necessary, any queries you might have before accepting.

Here is a good email sample for this:

11. Negotiating the job offer

Negotiating a job offer is a critical part of the recruitment process. It’s about ensuring that both you and the employer find terms that are mutually beneficial. This email should be clear about what you want, provide a rationale for your requests (like market research or your unique qualifications), and always maintain a tone of gratitude and willingness to collaborate.

Here is an email sample for this: 

12. Asking for more time to consider a job offer

You may need more time to evaluate a job offer. Maybe you’re comparing it with another offer, considering relocating or mulling over other personal factors. Whatever it is, be respectful and transparent about needing more time. Here is a sample email to help you do this:

13. Accepting a job offer

When you decide to accept a job offer, your email should express gratitude and enthusiasm for the role. It’s a chance to show the employer they made the right choice and set a positive tone for your upcoming tenure. Here is an example of an email for this:

14. Declining a job offer

Declining a job offer needs to be handled with care and professionalism. The email should express gratitude for the offer and provide a brief, general reason for declining without going into excessive detail. Here is an email sample to help you do it:

15. Check-in email after accepting an offer and before starting the role

Sending a check-in email between the time you accept a job offer and your actual start date is a proactive gesture to ensure you’re prepared on your first day. Here is an email sample you can use here:

Key takeaways

  • Whether you’re initiating contact, following up, or negotiating, always use a professional tone in your job hunt. Address the recruiter correctly, maintain a respectful demeanor, and ensure your email is free from typos or grammatical errors.
  • Tailoring your email to the specific recruiter or company can make your message stand out. Whether it’s referencing a mutual contact, mentioning something unique about the company, or recalling a past interaction, personalization can leave a lasting impact.
  • Passion often distinguishes candidates. Make sure to convey genuine interest in the position and the company, showing the recruiter that you’ve done your homework.
  • Need help with email marketing and lead generation? We are ready to help. Nerdy Joe can help you get stellar results from our sophisticated email marketing efforts. Talk with us today. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.