Top 10 B2B Lead Generation Companies in the United Kingdom

Top B2B Lead Generation Companies in the United Kingdom

Are you looking for a UK-based lead generation agency to help you fuel your sales pipeline and bring in hot leads so your sales team can close them? Look no further.

In this post, we will list the top 10 B2B lead generation companies you should consider in the UK for lead generation and appointment setting services. 

We will detail each service and its approach to lead generation to help you see clear criteria you need you consider and which service best fits your needs and budget. 

Let’s get started.

10 B2B Lead Generation Companies in the United Kingdom 

1 – Nerdy Joe 

Nerdy Joe, a specialized B2B digital marketing agency, is dedicated to providing top-notch email marketing and outbound lead generation services, specifically through cold emailing. 

Our team of seasoned marketers employs proven strategies to captivate and engage potential customers, and key decision-makers and generate leads through effective cold outreach techniques, including email marketing campaigns.

We intentionally keep our service offerings on cold email alone to ensure we excel in our chosen expertise. We understand that generating leads is only part of the equation; the true challenge lies in converting those leads into loyal customers. 

Therefore, we prioritize generating leads who not only express interest in your product or service but are also more likely to convert into paying customers.

Partnering with us is seamless and offers you a lot of flexibility, as we offer flexibility without any mandatory long-term commitments. You can trust that you’ll receive exactly what you need when you choose to work with us.”

Why’s Nerdy Joe the Best B2B Lead Generation Company in the UK 

Here are some reasons why Nerdy Joe is one of the best lead generation companies in the UK.

We prioritize delivering tangible results (and that’s what you pay for)

When it comes to B2B lead generation agencies, there are different types out there: 

  • those who charge based on email volume or contact lists, 
  • those who overpromise but underdeliver, 
  • those who label any download as a lead.

But in our experience, these are in no way what you want for your business. Because if you decide to invest in lead generation, for us, it means that you’re in need of leads to sell to, fill your sales pipeline and increase your revenue. 

That’s why at Nerdy Joe, we stand apart by pricing our service based on the results we will deliver, and putting our clients’ return on investment (ROI) front and center.

We make it crystal clear to our clients that we handle the prospect list and email volume, because we understand that what truly matters to you is seeing tangible growth and qualified leads — not the work we do or the number of cold emails we send. 

So, our team of lead generation experts and appointment-setting specialists take pride in delivering real value, and we focus on meaningful metrics that make a difference, such as positive replies, booked meetings, and lead-to-close rate, rather than getting lost in superficial metrics like open rate or bounce rate.

For instance, if your goal is to ramp up your guest posting opportunities, we’ll report on the number of ‘yes’ responses from editors, positive replies we’ve received, and mentions on high domain authority websites you’ve secured each month. 

If you’re a B2B company targeting accountants, we’ll only charge you for the appointments we set up for your sales team. Our offerings are tailored to your unique business objectives, with a keen emphasis on delivering the outcomes that matter to you the most.

We take great care in crafting individualized cold emails for each recipient — we don’t believe in playing the numbers game.

Many lead generation service providers and experts believe that the key to success in lead gen is sheer volume, advocating for sending thousands of daily emails.

They believe in strategies like sending a thousand emails per day and converting some percentage of people in the end. 

A quick glance at Twitter will show you a plethora of advice and strategies espoused by self-proclaimed experts in this field.

However, this approach comes with its pitfalls, and here are the few that come top of our minds as we draft this: 

  • being flagged as spam by email service providers (ESPs) and internet service providers (ISPs), 
  • tarnishing the company’s reputation on social media, 
  • generating subpar leads, 
  • facing deliverability issues with the domain,
  • and more.

Because of this, we at Nerdy Joe, take a different approach. We invest time in thoroughly understanding your ideal customer profile (ICP) before sending a single email. 

Our goal is to make each recipient feel truly known as if we’ve crossed paths with them months ago. We don’t believe we have to blast out 1000 cold emails to book a few meetings. We trust our process and the quality of the work we put in and know we don’t have to do that.

So, instead, we focus on sending tailored, individually-personalized (not-persona-based templates) cold emails to a select group of 10 or 15 people, with the aim of building trust and relationships.

As you probably figured, when we talk about personalization, it goes beyond simply adding variables like [[First name]] to email subject lines. 

We gather information from various sources. In fact, the most significant part of our job is to research your prospects and collect data about each individual. To nail this, we:

  • Listen to podcasts they’ve been on,
  • Read blog posts they’ve written, 
  • Read social media posts they’ve liked and shared or commented on, 
  • Comb through online forums where your prospects are active. 

Doing so allows us to pick up on unique information about each individual, which helps us craft unique cold emails with compelling lines and icebreakers that resonate with them at a core level. They can feel the email is written for them alone.

Here’s what it looks like in real life. We pitched CoSchedule’s Head of Content, Ben Sailer, and asked him if we could write for them.

Here’s what he replied 1 hour later.

Here is another successful example from a similar strategy.

Our approach has yielded positive results, even from people who historically blocked or reported SPAM to anyone who’s sent them a cold email.

Here’s another example where we pitched a Head of Marketing, and here’s the response. 

Here is another example.

Contrary to what gurus and lead generation agencies suggest, most of our outbound lead generation campaigns are run towards 10 or 15 people, not 1000 — and guess what? We get incredible results. 

We rely on manually-built, meticulously curated data with the highest quality, ensuring that we only book leads that are genuinely interested and qualified for sales.

We have a strict policy of not using client data for our lead generation campaigns. As well, we do not rely on data intelligence tools such as ZoomInfo or Lusha to build our lists — we research prospects manually and build our lists manually. Here is why. 

We find that these sources only provide technographic and demographic data, which limits the level of personalization we can achieve. For example, they only provide us with surface-level data about the companies they spit out — data we could roll our eyes at and guess internally.

  • Own a Fin-tech SaaS tool
  • Have 50 – 100 employees
  • Use HubSpot 
  • Located in the UK
  • Recently had an IPO
  • Recently acquired by Square
  • And more basic data

As we said, we can’t achieve any significant personalization with this type of data. Plus, it says nothing about the prospects’ needs and why they might need your service. 

So, reaching out to people like this is like throwing arrows at a wall to see which sticks, which is not ideal for your brand image. 

Instead, we focus on gathering psychographic data and other types of information to create a more comprehensive profile of our ideal customer. Here is what we do, really.

When we onboard a new client, the first step we take is to ask them specific questions about their ICP. These questions include inquiries about:

  • the types of clients with the highest lifetime value, 
  • the easiest clients to close, 
  • the clients that churn the fastest, 
  • common objections heard during sales calls, 
  • the reasons behind starting their company, and 
  • the pain points they were trying to solve.

By gathering this information, we gain a deep understanding of our client’s target market and get highly specific in who we should target with our lead generation campaign. 

In fact, that’s how we go from we’re targeting:

“series A tech companies,” 


“We are targeting a “VP of Sales at a B2B software company selling to HR professionals who struggles with lack of organization, time management, and team collaboration, and frequently listen to XYZ podcasts for insights on team management.”

Once we have a clear ICP, we manually build our lead list, using the information gathered from our clients, and use that data to run our lead generation campaigns. 

This approach allows us to craft more tailored and effective messaging that resonates with your ideal customers, resulting in higher-quality leads and better campaign performance.

We don’t require any contracts for our services — you are free to renew or stop your subscription with us based on your satisfaction with our performance.

We understand the importance of delivering results from the very first month. We prioritize your satisfaction and the value we provide. 

Unlike traditional lead generation companies that require you to sign a 3 to 6-month contract, we offer flexibility in payment and renewal options based on your satisfaction and budget.

Also, because you know exactly what you are paying for, we don’t send you proposals based on surface-level information we have about your company. We also don’t waste your time with useless meetings. 

Our plans provide clear deliverables and outcomes, so you can have a clear understanding of what to expect

Lead generation is not always a sure service, so we understand the importance of clarity and transparency in our offerings and pricing. 

We believe that our straightforward approach to pricing and deliverables sets us apart as one of the best lead generation agencies. Our goal is to provide you with a clear understanding of what to expect from our services.

Each of our plans lets you know exactly what you are getting at the end of the month. We don’t rely on vague statements such as “it depends on a lot of factors” or excuses like “your account manager swallowed the key to his office and couldn’t work.” We are committed to delivering results based on your specific needs and requirements.

Also, as a client, you must understand that product-market fit and a clear understanding of your target audience are key factors for successful lead generation campaigns. 

If your business has a well-defined problem-solving solution that resonates with your target market, then we are confident in our ability to help you achieve results. 

However, if your business is still in the process of figuring out its target audience or product-market fit, we may not be the best fit for your needs.


Our lead generation service’s pricing is crystal clear. We’re three plans:

  • Silver: It costs $499/month and only gives you two warm LEADS.
  • Gold: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $999/month and gives you 6 hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Platinum: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads on a monthly basis.

Our email marketing pricing includes the following:

  • The tech stack we use to build your prospect list and send and monitor your campaign.
  • A complete list of prospects that fit your buyer persona and ICP.
  • The campaign setup fees.

2 – Lead Gen Dept

Situated in Norwich, England, Lead Gen Dept is a B2B lead generation agency that helps tech, SaaS, and consulting companies to grow their businesses. They focus on growing your sales pipeline and setting up the right sales opportunities in your calendar. 

To do this, they conduct research, target your ICP, perform outbound lead generation campaigns, and refer the generated leads for you to follow up. In addition, they run their outbound prospecting campaign through channels such as LinkedIn, email marketing, and calls. 

To save time and effort, they handle all the top-of-the-funnel campaigns to ensure you have more time to close deals. 

Contrary to Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing detail on their website. But, you can use their forecasting calculator to forecast your sales conversion rate within a specific budget. You can also book a call with them to get a specific quote.

3 – Pearl Lemon

Pearl Lemon is an SEO agency that specializes in driving organic traffic to websites. They are featured on notable websites such as Forbes, Search Engine Journal, Deloitte, SemRush, TedX, AppSumo, Inc, and more.

Although their primary focus is on SEO, they also provide lead generation services where they deliver high-quality leads to fuel your sales pipeline. They perform different activities to generate these leads and set up appointments with them. 

Some of the strategies they implement include launching cold email campaigns, cold calling, LinkedIn, or podcast outreach to reach the target audience. 

4 – Growth Hub

Growth Hub is a B2B lead generation agency that focuses on generating qualified leads and growing businesses. They target top-quality buyer persona that can bring sales opportunities to your doorstep. 

According to their website, their lead generation is about sales intelligence where they focus on their client’s value proposition, how to solve their pain points, and close more deals. 

Thanks to their multi-touch campaigns, they can create highly personalized messages via email, calls, or LinkedIn to deliver maximum engagement and produce fast results. They also test and track their campaign performance to make improvements where necessary.

5 – SalesCaptain

Sales Captain is a B2B lead generation agency that helps businesses to generate qualified leads and grow their sales pipeline. They have partnered with notable firms such as Microsoft, Adobe, Zendest, and ClickUp.

This lead generation agency mainly executes outbound sales campaigns to book more sales calls and close deals. To better understand the agency, here is an overview of its processes.

  • They define and target your prospect through their premium sales data
  • They engage the leads and book sales calls through personalized messages
  • They optimize and scale your campaign to meet your sales targets. 
  • They track your campaign performance in real time.

6 – Operatix

Operatix is a sales acceleration company that helps businesses emerging, mid-size, or enterprises – to improve their sales pipeline and accelerate growth. Some of the companies they have worked with include Cherwell, Trend Micro, Proofpoint, Cisco, DXC, and more. 

Their main goal is to hit sales targets and grow businesses. To do this, they understand your value proposition, identify high-quality prospects, and get you in front of decision-makers that can fuel your sales pipeline and uncover opportunities. 

You can also use their sales pipeline calculator to discover how to reach your sales target. If you want other pricing details, you must get in touch with them. 

7 – Prospect Connect

Prospect Connect is a telemarketing and demand generation agency that helps businesses to target their ideal customers and accelerate revenue. They have worked for different firms such as Lanes Group Plc, Toople, Scottish Power, Ryman, Lloyds Bank, Feedwater, and more.

With technology and its proven approaches, they identify high-quality prospects and nurture relationships that create long-term value. They don’t only focus on the number of calls or activities they get. Instead, they focus on quality relationships that accelerate sales and create long-term growth for the business.

8 – Flowd

Flowd is a full-service B2B lead generation agency that generates high-quality leads and drives revenue to grow businesses. They have worked with various brands including Wild Idea, The Good Egg, Invennt, Plumm, U, Mavericks Unlimited, and more.

They focus on running campaigns that target the ideal prospects and give you the best deals. Here is a quick view of their processes to better understand how they work.

  • They build a list of your ideal prospects through a B2B database
  • They send AI-personalized emails through lead-generation tools
  • They send the leads to the designated salesperson
  • They nurture conversations with the leads and close the deals

Although there is no pricing information on their website, you can use their ROI calculator to figure out your budget and ROI. For instance, a campaign sent to 1,000 prospects and cost you £3 per prospect could cost you £3,000 every month. If you want to get other information about their services, you must book a call with them. 

9 – Lead Pronto

Lead Pronto is another lead generation agency that generates qualified leads and drives business growth. They have worked with various companies such as Optical Express. Allianz, Vitality Life, Safe Style UK, and more. 

What makes this lead generation agency distinct is that they generate qualified leads from two options – pay per lead and revenue share options. Here, they implement various lead generation marketing methods such as Facebook lead generation, Google Ads, and even LinkedIn. They also track your campaign performance and keep you from any success. 

You don’t have to commit to a long-term contract. All you need to do is to let them know what you want and they will create the leads in your sector. To get started with them, you can fill out a form, email them, or call them.

10 – Paragon Sales Solution

Paragon Sales Solution is a sales and marketing agency that offers various services designed to increase sales. One of the main services they offer is lead generation where they help to improve your sales pipeline by closing more deals. 

Thanks to an array of methods, they ensure to generate high-quality leads that produce results. They also keep track of your campaign performance to determine the success and make improvements where necessary. 

11 – Facets

Facets is another UK sales and marketing agency that helps to grow businesses and improve their businesses. They have worked with various brands such as Warner Bros, Ciatė, Emmanuel Online,  Snay, People’s Postcode Lottery, and more. 

The agency partners with your business and then develops revenue-centric strategies that advance its growth. One of these strategies is the B2B sales model which is curated to improve your sales pipeline and generate more revenue. Here is an overview of how their process works.

  • They develop a new sales operations process and use the right data and tools to make the process more efficient.
  • Their sales team helps to determine the sources of your prospects through different channels such as phone calls, LinkedIn, email, and more. 
  • They set up meetings and guide the conversations to move the prospect along the sales pipeline.
  • They close the deal

12 – Branch Growth

Brand Growth is a UK technology growth agency that provides sales and marketing solutions to B2B tech companies looking to grow faster. Some notable brands they have worked with include Fujitsu, Tableau Software, Informatica, eClerx, BigHand, Tibco, and more. 

Located in Bath, United Kingdom, their goal is to help B2B SaaS companies scale up and win more businesses. They implement a sales approach that provides their clients with key market insights that improve sales. They also target and determine high profiles for businesses, create content that triggers action, and use various channels to create sales opportunities for your team to close. 

Unlike Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on the website. However, if you want to get in touch with this agency, you must speak to a growth expert,  book a call, or email them. 

13 – Air Marketing

Air Marketing is also a UK agency that provides sales and marketing solutions for businesses, either start-ups or enterprises. Some brands they have worked with include Perkbox, Funding Circle, ContentCal, GoCardless, Visualsoft, Granter, and more. 

They can help you with anything from business telemarketing tips to lead generation advice and more.

For example, for lead generation, they help develop strategies to generate quality leads, build relationships with ideal customers, improve the sales pipeline, and generate more revenue.  

With their skilled sales experts, they engage with decision-makers and build relationships to deliver results. Contrary to Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on their website. But you can email them to get in touch with them. 

14 – Incite

Incite is a B2B marketing and demand generation agency that provides sales and marketing solutions to grow businesses. Some of the notable brands they have partnered with include Intel, Adobe, Capita, CPA Global, and more. 

They focus on helping businesses of all sizes to hit their sales targets by generating leads and converting them. They target your ideal prospects through various channels and engage with them to move them along the sales funnel. They also craft effective content that drives marketing leads and produces results.

15 – Ant

Ant is a UK-based marketing agency that helps to grow businesses and improve their revenue. They deal with businesses of various sizes, whether start-ups or blue-chip corporations and help to find their ideal prospects. They have worked with various brands such as Daily Mail, 2checkout, Britvic, RBS, and more. 

They provide lead generation and appointment-setting services to help businesses grow. They do this by identifying high-quality prospects and crafting effective content that triggers actions from these prospects. Then, they deliver leads that can promote the growth of your business. 

Contrary to Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on their website. But, you can fill out a form to request a quote. 

Which lead generation agency should work with in the UK? 

At Nerdy Joe, we pride ourselves on being a lead generation agency that delivers real results and understands the needs of our clients.

As you’ve seen, many so-called lead generation companies offer services and outreach strategies that have very little to do with lead generation and the results you actually want.

So, if what you’re looking for is: 

  • An agency that runs custom lead generation campaigns. 
  • An agency that charges you for results, not tasks. 
  • An agency that doesn’t require you to commit to a contract. 
  • An agency that does not waste your time and that’s affordable. 
  • A group of experts that care about your company’s reputation and relationship with prospects. 

Nerdy Joe is the lead generation agency you’re looking for. We do the market research, identify leads, do the lead research, lead management, and bring you qualified leads, we are part of your team.

Get 3 – 5 meetings every week

We can fill your calendar with 3- 5 meetings every week. Just tell us who is your ideal customer, and we’ll get you meetings with them.

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