14 Best Email Copywriting Services to Consider in 2023

Hiring email copywriting services can be one of the most rewarding decisions you make for your business. 

Email copywriters can help attract and generate leads, nurture leads, educate your leads, convert prospects and leads into paying customers for your business, promote loyalty and retention and more. 

Unfortunately, most copywriting services go about it the wrong way. In our experience, here are a couple of mistakes we’ve seen that most companies make when it comes to email copywriting. 

  • Selling too hard. 
  • Failing to optimize for mobile. 
  • Creating poor copy with generic personalization. 
  • Neglecting your sender reputation. 
  • Avoiding customer segmentation. 
  • Failing to include clear calls to action.

In this post, we’ve scouted the copywriting industry and listed 14 top-rated email copywriting services you need to consider in 2023, including our own, Nerdy Joe. 

We are a lead generation company that helps businesses generate and convert leads through cold email and email copywriting. From the copy we create and the strategies we use, we offer you a customized email copywriting service that aligns with your brand and target audience. 

This post will detail why our team is the best email copywriting service. We’ll share with you some of the top agencies, so you can compare.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

14 best email copywriting services you need to consider

Here are the 14 best email copywriting services you can consider.

  1. Nerdy Joe
  2. Chase Diamond
  3. The Email Copywriter (Chris Orzechowski)
  4. GoSuperb
  5. Sara Frandina
  6. WebFx
  7. Reach Mail
  8. Copify
  9. Samar Owais
  10. Mighty Fine Copy
  11. eCommerce Boost
  12. Express Writers
  13. Writer Access
  14. Luciano Vitera

Let’s discuss each service so you can know what they do and how that fits into your goals and needs. Let’s start with one of the best email marketing services.

1 – Nerdy Joe

We are a B2B lead generation and email copywriting services. With us, you can expect result-driven email copy without breaking the bank. 

Our team of professional copywriters are dedicated to crafting compelling emails that engage your target audience and drive conversions. 

We understand that every business is unique, which is why we tailor our services to meet your specific needs and goals.

Why you Nerdy Joe is the best email copywriting service that you need to consider

Exceptional understanding of your target audience and writing skills

Properly understanding the target audience and positioning the email copy accordingly is a must to guarantee success for your business; we know that.

That’s why as soon as you sign up for our service, the first thing we do is to research your target audience.

We seek to have a deep understanding of your target audience and their needs, preferences, and pain points so we can write emails that align with those. 

You might wonder how we actually proceed to learn about your target audience so well that we create compelling email copy.

Well, it depends on your product and what problems it offers solutions to. That’s why the first step is to ask you about your ICP. 

Sadly, we realized for most people that they generally only have a surface level idea of their ICP. For example, when we ask a brand who’s your ICP, we get answers in the realms of:

  • We sell to tech companies
  • We’re targeting series A tech companies
  • Our ICP is SaaS company that have had a recent IPO
  • We target companies that use Salesforce
  • Etc.

The problem here is that this does not truly answer the question of who is your ICP.

Because we believe an ICP needs to be a specific person or company with clear needs that your product solves really well.

So, instead of simply rolling with what they tell us, we ask a couple meaningful questions to get a more accurate, representative picture of their ICP.  

Here are a few of the questions we ask:

  • Which type of clients is easiest to close?
  • Which type of clients churns the fastest?
  • Which type of clients have the highest lifetime value?
  • What are the top 3 objections you hear from prospective clients during sales calls?
  • Why did you start your company? 
  • What pain points were you trying to solve?
  • Etc.

By answering these questions, you basically eliminate the mass and tell us precisely who we should target and why. And this type of information makes the difference between: 

“We’re targeting series A tech companies,” 


Our ICP is a VP of Sales at a b2b software company selling to HR professionals.

His main pain points are a lack of organization, time management, and team collaboration.

He often refers to XYZ podcasts to get insights as to how to manage his team efficiently.” 

Once we get together and are clear about who your ICP is, — with as many details as above —,  writing a persuasive and engaging copy that resonates with them becomes really easy. And our experienced and skilled copywriting team can get on the keyboard from there to create email copy that your audience loves. 

Here are some examples of how people engage with our email copy. 

The first is a reply we received as we reached out to a VP of Marketing who has historically blocked or reported SPAM to anyone who’s sent him a cold email.

The second is also a reply we got from ex-hunter.io Head of Marketing, Irina Maltseva.

The third is from Ross Simmonds, CEO of the multi-million dollar agency Foundation Marketing.

The approach we take makes people love our email copy. So much so that they take the time to tell us before offering to hire us to do copywriting for them. 

We offer you custom copywriting services and are results-oriented (we care about your ROI)

Here are two typical scenarios and types of services you’ll receive when working with email copywriting services.

  • Scenario and type 1: You tell them what you need the email copy for, they produce the copy, you pay, and end of the deal. It can happen that they produce copy periodically for you. Basically, you pay them for every email they write for you, and that’s it. 
  • Scenario and type 2: You discuss your goals and needs. They write the email copy based on your needs and goals, run the campaign, and report on your original goals, like getting more sales, getting more sales leads, etc. 

We believe that only the latter makes sense for business email copywriting. 

If you need email copywriting services, we believe you either need to generate leads, nurture a prospect list (aka lead nurturing), educate your target audience, or simply close more deals/get more sales — and so the email copywriting service should be positioned to serve accordingly. 

In fact, we tailor our services to your specific needs and goals (for each client), rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach where we simply write your email copy and call it quits.

We always write our email copy to deliver on some specific goal, so our service is always custom to what you need. 

Let’s say, for example, that you need email copywriting for lead generation. You need to fill your sales pipeline with leads.

In that case, we agree on a specific number of leads we will bring you per month; you pay us, we create the email copies, run the campaigns, and get the leads for you. 

And because you signed up to get leads, we won’t bother you with email metrics that don’t pertain to your lead generation goal, such as open rate, click-through rate, etc.

Instead, we will report on metrics that matter. 

For lead generation, metrics we report on include: 

  • Number of positive replies (people replying with genuine interest)
  • Number of meetings booked (people willing to talk to your sales team)
  • Lead to close rate.

If you want to work with us to increase the customer base (aka get more sales with your email marketing) for your SaaS product, we’ll write the email copy to sell, and we will report:

  • The number of new sign-ups you get. 
  • The number of positive replies we get.
  • The number of demo calls we book for you.
  • And the number of new clients we get for you.

If you’re a B2B company selling to accountants, we’ll only report on the number of appointments we set for your sales teams.

Our offering varies depending on your company’s overall goal and what outcome matters the most to you, and the metrics we’ll report on as well.

We uphold strong, unique ethical standards and have keen attention to detail

We don’t bargain with data and email quality. 

We uphold ethical standards in our email service practices, like avoiding spamming, respecting subscribers’ privacy, and complying with all relevant laws and regulations.

Also, all our emails are error-free and optimized for maximum impact. 

Now, saying it like that might seem vague to you and won’t make much sense. So, here is what we mean by all that and how we enforce it all the time. 

Let’s assume that you need us to create cold email copies to help generate more leads for your business. Here is where our ethics set us apart. 

Most email copywriting services and marketers go about lead generation cold emailing as a numbers game. 

They think of strategies like: “we’ll send 1000 cold emails per day for every week and before the weekend, we can convert 0.01 percent of them and get a few clients.” 

Go on Twitter asking for cold emailing tips, and you’ll see what we’re talking about. 

But here is why we don’t do that. 

To begin with, it means bombarding too many people with cold emails in hopes of only converting a tiny-tiny fraction of them.

There’s no way that’s ideal.

The other downside is that you won’t do research on your prospects to create personalized cold emails relevant and meaningful to each one, which is also not ideal.

Worst, doing cold email that way comes with many consequences for you, the client. 

  • Getting flagged as a spammer: ESPs and ISPs will flag your email and IP addresses as spammers.  
  • Damaging both brand and sender reputation: They’ll kill your company’s reputation, and you’ll get a bad rap on social media. 
  • Poor leads quality: The quality of the leads you get will be subpar, and you can’t convert, at least not easily or in a short timeframe. 
  • Pissed prospects: Some prospects can be mean to you, saying things like “Remove me from your list”, “Don’t ever email me again,” or worse “Really? Your cold email sucks”. 
  • Deliverability issues: Your domain will face severe deliverability issues, and most of your future emails, if not landing in the spam folder, will be bouncing.

Basically, doing it like this will simply make your churn rate skyrocket and damage your reputation in the same wave. Also, that’s not how you’d want your business to be represented.  

Therefore, part of our ethics is to avoid this by being super-specific in who we target and creating customized messages, to very short prospect lists, and guess what? It works like a charm. 

We want each recipient to feel like you know them and take you seriously and not just another spammer in their inbox. 

The ideal scenario we strive for is to send 20 personalized cold emails, get 15 replies, 10 positives, and get you 4 sales-qualified leads or sign-ups. 

Now, don’t get this wrong.

By personalization, we mean we make each email copy relatable, meaningful to the prospect’s unique personality and timely. We don’t just add [[First name]] and other variables to the email subject lines. 

You might wonder how we research prospects and where we get information about each prospect or member of your target audience we use for personalization. Among many things, here are a few things we do. 

  • We listen to podcasts your potential customers have been on.
  • We read blog posts they wrote. 
  • We read their LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon posts.
  • We read discussions on forums they’re in.

Using the data we collect, we craft first lines and icebreakers customized to each individual. (That’s also part of our ethics, no cold email without a compelling icebreaker)

Here’s what it looks like in real life. We pitched CoSchedule’s Head of Content, Ben Sailer, and asked him if we could write for them.

Here’s what he replied 1 hour later.

Here is another successful example from a similar strategy.

As you can see from both screenshots, the cold emails sent to the prospects were so compelling that they couldn’t help but acknowledge it. 

Also, you’ll be surprised to learn that our team manually builds all the data we use when targeting prospects for our clients.

And this includes list building, prospect research for personalization purposes and everything else. 

We know there are data intelligence tools like LeadsEngine, ZoomInfo, or Lusha that can sign up for, and they’ll quickly scrape up the net to build us lead lists, including 1000s of targets we can send emails to every day. 

But as well, we know the level of accuracy and customization it takes to cut it into someone’s inbox with an unsolicited cold email and get their attention. 

That’s why we do not rely on data intelligence tools. In most cases, such tools only compile technographic and demographic data from companies.

For example, using these tools, it’s easy to find data such as: 

  • The company is in the healthcare industry, 
  • They have 500 to 1000 employees,
  • Are series B-funded companies,
  • Are in India,
  • Use Freshworks or Salesforce as part of their tech stack.
  • Etc.

The problem is that this type of data can’t serve for quality personalization.

Anyone can easily guess those, and they are not unique enough to make the prospect feel you actually researched them.

And that’s why we take it upon ourselves to do the work and bring out relevant data we can use. 

Our team provides a collaborative and timely service with seamless communication between you and us

We can’t do it without you. We need to collaborate with clients to understand their business goals and create a customized email marketing strategy. 

So, we will constantly maintain open lines of communication with you, providing regular updates on campaign performance and responding promptly to any questions or concerns you may have. 

Last, but not least, we will deliver high-quality email copy on time, meet deadlines, and ensure that campaigns launch on schedule.

We offer a unique approach to our services that eliminates the need for long-term and binding contracts

As a team of savvy marketers, we believe that transparency and accountability are key to building a successful partnership.

That’s why we offer a unique approach to lead generation that eliminates the need for long-term and binding contracts. 

Instead of locking you into a 3 to 6-month retainer, we allow you to choose the plan that works best for you, pay only for the leads we generate, and renew only if you’re happy with the results.

Our flexible approach ensures that you’re never locked into a fixed payment plan, regardless of your satisfaction with the service.

With no long-term commitments, you can subscribe and unsubscribe at your discretion, giving you the freedom to choose what’s best for your business. 

Our service offers you the following benefits:

  • Flexibility: Choose when to subscribe and when to stop, based on your satisfaction with the service. No more paying for results you’re not getting.
  • Risk mitigation: Stop your subscription without financial or legal consequences if you’re dissatisfied with the service.
  • Accountability: Our subscription-based model incentivizes us to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction, ensuring that you get the results you deserve. 

At the end of the day, we’re committed to providing you with a flexible, risk-free, and accountable approach to lead generation that puts your needs first.

2 – Chase Diamond

Chase Diamond is an email marketer that uses emails to drive revenue for various brands.

Chase is the co-founder of a full-stack email marketing agency, Boundless Labs, which helps traditional e-commerce companies and CBD companies to generate revenue and drive growth. 

They specialize in demand generation through inbound and outbound strategies, generating top-of-the-funnel traffic, and offering e-commerce email marketing services.

The agency has partnered with some of the most amazing brands, such as Clover, Alya Skin, Everwise, Tasting Collective, Manhattan, and many others.

According to their site, they have generated over $100 million in revenue for various companies through email marketing.

Their goal is to achieve sustainable growth as their clients count on them to generate 20%-30% of their revenue. They utilize data, usually enriched CRM data and campaign analytics, to achieve their goals. 

They have been featured in notable news agencies and magazines such as NBC, ABC, CBS, Digital Journal, Esquire magazine, CNBC, Merry Jane magazine, and others. 

Boundless Labs offers three pricing plans for their services and including:

  • Email strategy plus light execution, which costs $5,500 per month.
  • An outsourced email team which costs $7,000 per month.
  • E-commerce email marketing course, which costs $749 (one-time fee).

3 – The Email Copywriter (Chris Orzechowski)

Chris Orzechowski is the founder of “The Email Copywriter,” an email marketing agency that helps e-commerce brands grow their revenue with email automation.

Their website indicates that they have worked for over 200 clients and have generated over $100 million for them.

Some of the brands they have worked with include Rich Dad, The Urban Monk, Power Abs, The Hustle, Betterment, Filippo Loreti, Omigo, and more. 

Their goal is to help companies with all the tools, tips, and training they need to turn their email list into profitable assets and generate tons of revenue for them.

They mainly help to scale revenue with emails through these three ways:

  • A workshop that entails training the in-house team on how to increase sales through email
  • Flow setup, which employs the company to perform all email marketing strategies — copywriting, email design, email workflows, email optimization, and email performance
  • Coaching involves joining The Winner Circle’s group to increase revenue by 20 – 100%.

The founder also does podcasts where he shares his email marketing philosophy with other business owners.

There are no pricing details on their website. However, you can fill out a form on their website if you want to work with the agency.

4 – GoSuperb

GoSuperb is a professional content writing service that consists of exclusive in-house writers that deliver professional content writing services to their clients.

According to their site, they have served over 400 clients and performed over 1,500 writing tasks. 

They specialize in delivering impeccable writing services by not misinterpreting clients’ orders, generalizing topics, or writing common knowledge that could dull readers.

GoSuperb offers a wide variety of writing services, such as articles, web content, SEO content, product description, blog writing, press release writing, copywriting, cover letter writing, creative writing, and technical writing. 

The agency also offers SEO keyword research to help clients optimize their keywords in the best possible way. 

GoSuperb offers three pricing plans for their services and including:

  • High-quality writing for $4.50 per 100 words
  • Superb writing for $7.50 per 100 words
  • Rewriting services for $3.50 per 100 words

5 – Sara Frandina

Sara Frandina is a conversion copywriter that uses words and email marketing software to connect with communities and drive them to take action.

She specializes in using research-based and psychology-influenced words to craft copies for landing pages, launch copy packages, and email sequences.

Upon signing up with the agency, she crafts converting copies through six approaches.

  • She examines your current phase (what is working and what isn’t) to define your goals 
  • She executes a custom research plan to craft messages that resonates with your prospects
  • She delivers solid drafts of deliverables
  • She takes those drafts and turns them into masterpieces that nail your goals
  • She delivers the ready-made copies.
  • She optimizes your copies and tests the variants to select the most effective one.

If you want to work with this agency, you have to drop your email on the website for her to contact you. 

6 – WebFx

WebFx is a digital marketing agency that drives revenues and helps businesses to scale to new heights.

Among their digital marketing services is the top-level email marketing management service, where they manage your campaigns and ensure your subscribers become paying customers. 

They craft custom email strategies and offer various email services such as email design, coding of emails, website sign-up implementation, and A/B testing the emails to determine the most effective variant.

They also implement strategies such as content creation and personalization to craft campaign packages that fit your business needs and improve their ROI.

They own email marketing tool software that enables them to perform bulk email services, track each email campaign, and devise ways by which they can improve the campaign for their clients.

WebFx offers three pricing plans for their services.

  • Basic plan, which costs $300 
  • Market Leader plan, which costs $600
  • Enterprise plan, which costs $1200

7 – Reach Mail

Reach Mail is an email marketing service that offers specialized email marketing tools to varieties of customers.

It’s one of the best email marketing software with all the features you need for marketing automation; they offer its services to different types of businesses, such as small businesses, marketing firms, and large companies.

The services offered largely depend on the type of business you operate.

For instance, small businesses get features such as a drag-and-drop message builder, flexible list import, friendly live phone support, and more.

Meanwhile, large companies get features such as full-fledged API, flexible account structure, and dedicated account manager. 

The agency also offers bulk email services for clients that send a high volume of emails. Reach Mail offers three pricing plans for their affordable email marketing services. 

  • Free plan which gets you 2,500 contacts and 7,000 emails per month
  • Basic 5K plan, which costs $9 per month and gets you 5,000 contacts with 12,000 emails
  • Pro 5k plan which costs 429 per month and gets you 5,000 contacts with 25,000 emails.

8 – Copify

Copify is a professional content writing service that delivers amazing content to drive real results.

They have worked for tons of brands and have delivered content for companies such as Yell, LookFantastic, Autotrader, Lyca Mobile, Voyage Privé, and more.

Thanks to their vast number of freelancers and internal staff, they deliver content within record time. Their processes differ based on the type of writing service they offer.

According to their copywriting page, they do not only simply write to engage your readers.

They write to achieve various marketing goals, such as driving SEO traffic and increasing conversions. 

Some of the services they offer include blog content writing, SEO copywriting, website content writing, e-commerce copywriting, article writing, and content creation.

If you want to work with this agency, you can contact them on their website to get a quote. 

9 – Samar Owais

Samar Owais is an email conversion strategist and copywriter that drives sales for SaaS and e-commerce businesses.

She has worked for companies such as CopyHackers, Longplay, Workamajig, and others.  She specializes in writing emails that turn:

  • Subscribers into paying customers
  • Free trials into paid subscriptions 
  • Existing customers into loyal fans

She claims to write emails that boost sales, increase conversions, and fix money-leaking gaps in email sequences.

She does this by analyzing customer data, designing conversion-focused email strategy, and writing clear email copies that prompt your subscribers to convert.

If you choose to work with her, you must fill out a form on her website. 

10 – Mighty Fine Copy

Mighty Fine Copy is a conversion copywriting agency that offers growth and optimization services for B2B and SaaS companies.

They act as a B2B lead generation agency by attracting qualified leads and generating more revenues from their websites, landing pages, and funnels.

 They craft copies imbued with emotions that drive more sales and scale businesses.

So far, they have worked for various notable companies such as SemRush, UserZoom, Owler, Biteable, Unbounce, Bynder, Culture Amp, and more. 

Part of their services involves finding your brand voice and defining companies’ personalities to attract the ideal customers.

They also write website and landing page copies that speak about the customer’s pain points and proffer solutions. 

In addition, they craft and send email sequences that nurture your clients, convert subscribers into paying clients, increase your MMR, and improve retention rates.

Their B2B and SaaS pricing plan is based on the number of pages they write. This includes:

  • 3 pages which cost $5,997
  • 6 pages which cost $8,997
  • 10 pages which cost $14,997

11 – eCommerce Boost

eCommerce Boost is a marketing agency that specializes in eCommerce brands and drives revenue with email and SMS marketing.

They help e-commerce brands generate more sales by sending out targeted messages to prospects at the right time.

They have worked with notable companies such as Sugar, Tinnitus Treatment, Bowerbird Jewellery, Euphoria, Beyli, Marmoris, and more.

They utilize a combination of automated workflows and tactical campaigns to analyze, optimize, and implement strategies to repeat purchases through emails.

They connect with previous customers and convert them into loyal customers and advocate for various brands to increase cash flow and generate more revenue.

They also use SMS marketing to build and nurture relationships with customers, convert them, and turn them into loyal ones.

There are no pricing details on their website, but you can contact the agency and request a quote.

12 – Express Writers

Express Writers is a marketing agency that offers an all-in-one content-writing solution to marketers, agencies, and brands.

Aside from the numerous content writing solutions that they offer, they also offer email marketing services for their clients.

Since they understand the importance of email copies, they provide a clear and personalized email copy that adds value to their audience.

Some of the email marketing services they provide include:

  • A 200-word teaser email: A short copy that stays on course and delivers the intended message
  • A 400-nurturing email: This is a preferable option that shares a detailed blog update, newsletters, or new offerings.
  • An 800-word long-form offer: This is suitable for a new product launch copy or blog-style post.
  • Five-Email sequence: This option helps to nurture new clients, re-engage older contacts, or explain changes in businesses.

Express Writers’ email services allow for the advertisement of products, sharing updates, and nurturing new customers. Depending on your needs, they can perform a one-off or monthly campaign. 

Here is the pricing plan for each of their email services.

  • Short Teaser (200w), which costs $56 per copy
  • Short Nurturing Email (400w), which costs $112 per copy
  • Long Offer Email (800w), which costs $224 per copy
  • Email Sequences (5 emails, 400w each) which costs $475

13 – Writer Access

Writer Access is a content creation platform that provides talent, tools, and training to grow businesses and agencies.

They have worked with various companies such as Cisco, Encompass, CarMax, Canyon Ranch, Allstate, and more. They have delivered over 2.5 million projects and have over 20,000 freelancers. 

To get started with this company, you have to select a membership plan that fits your needs. Then you can use their AI-Powered writer search to find freelancers.

Afterwards, you place your orders within your budget range. Finally, you use some intelligent software to streamline your workflow.

Writer Access offers four pricing plans for their clients, and these include:

  • Starter plan, which costs $49 per month
  • Growth plan, which costs $119 per month
  • Pro plan, which costs $359 per month
  • Enterprise plan, which costs $599 per month.

14 – Luciano Viterale

Luciano Viterale is a marketing agency that helps eCommerce and SaaS companies to attract and convert high-quality traffic.

Among all the services they offer is the copywriting service specifically for e-commerce and SaaS companies.

They have worked with notable companies such as Zapier, Finder, Trends, Starter Story, MarketerMilk, and more.

Luciano Viterale offers a wide range of copywriting services, such as email copywriting, website copywriting, UX copywriting, eCommerce copywriting, SEO copywriting, and SaaS copywriting. To do this, they undergo these five processes:

  • They define your goals and identify your expectations
  • They prepare a proposal for you after working on your ideas, researching your niche, and auditing your competitors.
  • They build a strategy and provide a project plan
  • They execute strategies such as interviewing customers, performing keyword research, and fine-tuning copies.
  • They optimize and test the copy to select the best-performing variant.

If you want to work with this company, you must book a free audit with them. 

How do you know you are working with the best email copywriting service? 

Thousands of email agencies offer various services and claim to be the best. But, if you are chosen by email service to work with, how do you truly know they are the best? Here are five features that enable you to identify the best email copywriting service

1. Content creation

Think about all the emails you have received from different companies.

You’d notice that while there are some emails you can’t wait to open and engage with, you end up ignoring, deleting, or unsubscribing from others. What makes the difference between these two categories is the value of those emails.

People are more willing to read an engaging email. In fact, when you send them an offer, they will consider it. When you are working, check to see if their process creates engaging content that resonates with your audience. 

For instance, a great email marketing service can implement outbound lead generation strategies by sending some engaging cold email sequences to generate B2B leads for a SaaS company. Only then can you confirm you are working with a great email copywriting service?

2. Expertise with email tools

Many email marketing services have worked with varieties of tools. If you ask for some details about the tools, you could learn about the reliable means to use, the strengths and weaknesses of each one, and the ones you should avoid. 

When working with these services, you don’t have to worry about the one they can recommend. Instead, pay attention to their depth of knowledge about the tools. A great email marketing service will be ready to answer any question and give vivid details about each tool.

3. Legal Compliance

If you have violated email marketing rules before, you may need an agency that specializes in domains that suffered from negative email reputations.

Once you have chosen an agency, ensure you ask them about how they perform their tasks. Are they familiar with the laws guiding email marketing in your country?

Do they keep their processes clean? Is there an unsubscribe button to enable subscribers to opt out of the email?

If you get thorough and positive answers from the email marketing service as regards these questions, you could be working with a great email marketing agency.

Let Nerdy Joe handle email copywriting for your business

Our result-driven email copywriting service is tailored to help businesses like yours add more sales meetings to your calendar, hit your SQLs quota without breaking the bank, and grow predictably month-to-month through email without spamming your contacts.

With our expert team of copywriters, you can trust that your email campaigns will be crafted with precision and attention to detail.

We understand the importance of generating quality leads for your business, which is why we employ proven strategies that have been tested and refined over time.

Say goodbye to the frustration of lackluster lead generation and hello to the growth and success your business deserves. 

Let Nerdy Joe take the reins and deliver the results you need. 

Wanna give it a shot?

Talk to us here.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Get 3 – 5 meetings every week

We can fill your calendar with 3- 5 meetings every week. Just tell us who is your ideal customer, and we’ll get you meetings with them.

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