Top 10 Sales Outsourcing Companies to Boost Sales

Top 10 Sales Outsourcing Companies to Boost Sales

Most businesses find it challenging to have an outlined sales and marketing strategy that generates qualified leads to fill their sales pipeline and increase revenue. 

They struggle to secure appointments and close deals with top decision-makers that can accelerate the growth of their business. 

Given this, having a service that can guarantee and ensure a steady flow of leads to improve sales is considered valuable to your business. This is where sales outsourcing companies appear in the picture. 

With them, you don’t have to worry about your lead generation process as they carry the burden on their shoulders while easing the stress for you. But, how do you discover them?

In this article, we will cover 10 sales outsourcing companies you can consider for the growth of your business. 

What are the different sales outsourcing services and who needs them?

1. Sales outsourcing firms

If your company needs to prospect new clients and move them through the sales pipeline (make sales calls, negotiate, and close deals), you need to hire a sales outsourcing firm. 

In other situations, they can recruit, train, and manage your sales team to improve their skills and ultimately, the sales performance of the company. 

2. Sales lead generation and outreach firms

If your business needs to generate qualified leads and build relationships with them, you need to hire a sales lead generation firm. They reach out, attract, nurture, and convert complete strangers into qualified sales prospects for your sales team to close. 

Depending on your business model, they use different approaches – inbound or outbound – to generate these leads and fill your sales pipeline.

3. Sales coaching firms

If your company needs to organize formal sessions for its sales representatives and improve their performances, then you must hire a sales coaching firm. They can help your sales representative to tackle common sales challenges and even secure bigger deals. 

They help improve the performance of your sales reps and identify areas where they can improve. This equips them with the skills and confidence needed to face any sales challenges and have a positive impact on your company.

Top 10 sales outsourcing companies you need to consider 

Here are the top ten (10) sales outsourcing companies you need to consider for your business. 

1. Nerdy Joe — Sales lead generation and appointment setting outsourcing

Our agency specializes in helping businesses and sales teams develop winning sales strategies that include effective outbound lead generation tactics

We help sales teams and businesses identify their ideal customer segments, learn what they’re after, and develop strategies that will draw them in and turn them into paying customers.

Our experts are always on the lookout for ways to improve your sales process, especially when it comes to generating leads. 

We’ll evaluate your current techniques, identify areas for improvement, and optimize them to help you attract high-quality leads that are more likely to convert.

What makes us different from other lead generation agencies is our unshakeable commitment to quality. We know that generating leads is just the beginning — the real challenge is turning those leads into loyal customers who keep coming back for more. 

That’s why we focus on generating leads who aren’t just interested in your product or service, but who are also more likely to make a purchase.

We understand that every business is different, so we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. We’ll work closely with you to develop customized lead generation strategies that fit your unique needs and help you achieve the results you’re after.

Why you need to outsource your sales lead generation to Nerdy Joe

Here are some perks that’ll make you want to hire us as your sales lead generation firm. 

You get a steady stream of leads per month and that’s all you pay for.

Most of the time, sales teams or B2B businesses end up paying for services they don’t need when they work with lead generation companies. In fact, many lead generation companies fall into different categories:

  • Some charge for every email sent or contact added to your list.
  • Others charge a monthly fee, promise the best leads, but fail to deliver.
  • There are those who label anyone who downloads an ebook or PDF as a lead and charge for it.
  • Some bring in leads that never convert into customers.
  • The last type charges based on the number of qualified leads they provide.

To be fair, only the last type really cares about your ROI and gets you great results that matter.

We understand that when you’re looking to hire a lead generation outsourcing firm, your goal is to get more leads to sell to, to keep your sales team more busy and productive, and ultimately grow your revenue.

In light of this, nothing makes sense for your lead generation needs but the number of leads a company can bring you steadily per month. 

That’s why our value does not revolve around the number of emails we send or the work we do, but rather the results we deliver — (i.e. the number of hot leads we put on your sales pipeline).

We forgo all vanity metrics like open rate, bounce rate, click through rate, etc and only focus on metrics that matter to your goals of increasing leads and getting more sales.

For instance, if you want to work with us to increase the customer base for your SaaS product, we’ll report:

  • The number of new sign-ups you get. 
  • The number of positive replies we get.
  • The number of demo calls we book for you.
  • And the number of new clients we get for you.

From the beginning, we will work together on a sales development or optimization strategy that guarantees that you get the results you desire. We will set KPIs and OKRs accordingly and lay out strategies to ensure we hit them. 

You get a top-rated outreach strategy with strong personalization

If you’re familiar with lead generation companies and their methods, you know that many take shortcuts to quickly build long lists of prospects using data intelligence tools. Then, they use a single template to send cold emails or messages to all of them.

They basically approach lead generation as a number’s game. They believe the more people they reach out to, the more likely they are to close many people. 

While this approach can work, it raises a few important questions. 

Do you want your company to be represented by a lead gen agency that sprays emails and prays for results, or do you want to work with an agency that takes the time to research a smaller list of prospects and craft personalized messages for each one?

We’re guessing you prefer the latter. 

Although the agency that builds a huge list and sends out generic emails could still get you results, it comes with some serious risks. 

For example, your emails could be flagged as spam by ESPs and ISPs, which could hurt your brand’s reputation and lead to social media backlash. Also, the quality of the leads you get might be lower, and you could face deliverability issues with your domain.

So, while it may seem like volume is the key to success in cold outreach or lead generation, taking shortcuts can damage your company’s reputation and relationships with potential clients. It’s much better to work with an agency that prioritizes quality over quantity.

At Nerdy Joe, we avoid this by being super-specific in who we target and creating personalized messages, to very short prospect lists, and guess what? It works. 

The most significant part of our work is to spend time learning about your ideal customer profile (ICP) in and out before sending any email. We want each recipient to take you seriously, to feel like you know them and wonder why you didn’t cross their paths months ago.

Honestly, we don’t want to send 1000 emails per day for a week to get you 4 sign-ups or meetings booked at the end of the week. Our ideal scenario is that we send 20 emails, we get 15 replies, 10 positives, and get you 4 sales-qualified leads or sign-ups.

Just for some context on how this works for us, here’s an example of a reply we received as we reached out to a VP of Marketing who has historically blocked or reported SPAM to anyone who’s sent him a cold email.

Here’s another example where we pitched a Head of Marketing, and here’s the response. 

Contrary to most lead generation agencies, most of our cold email marketing campaigns are run towards 10 or 15 people, not 1000. 

We believe the best marketing approach is the one that promotes trust and relationship. That’s why we always put in the extra work and patience it requires. 

You might wonder where we get information about each prospect or member of your target audience we use for personalization?

  • We listen to podcasts your potential customers have been on.
  • We read blog posts they wrote. 
  • We read their LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon posts.
  • We read discussions on forums they’re in.

Using the data we collect, we craft opening lines and icebreakers customized to each individual.

Here’s what it looks like in real life. We pitched CoSchedule’s Head of Content Ben Sailer and asked him if we could write for them.

Here’s what he replied 1 hour later.

As you can see, the cold emails were so compelling that they couldn’t help but acknowledge it before offering to hire us. 

You get a team with strong commitment to quality, we do prospecting and list building manually

We already told you how we don’t do any shortcuts when it comes to building lists and searching prospects to target for the campaigns we run for you. 

We don’t purchase any lead lists and we don’t scrape them from sales intelligence tools like Apollo, Lusha, or ZoomInfo. Here is what we do actually. 

First, we know the level of data accuracy and customization it takes to cut it into someone’s inbox with an unsolicited cold email and get their attention. 

So, we take a meticulous approach to crafting targeted prospect lists for your campaigns. We don’t resort to shortcuts like purchasing lead lists or scraping data from sales intelligence tools. 

Instead, we go the extra mile to ensure data accuracy and customization, knowing that personalization is key to capturing the attention of potential prospects with unsolicited cold emails.

Unlike relying solely on data intelligence tools, which provide generic technographic and demographic data about companies, such as industry, employee count, funding status, location, and tech stack, we aim for much deeper personalization. 

We seek out psychographic data and other relevant information to create emails that make prospects feel like we truly understand them and their day-to-day challenges.

When we onboard a new client, our first step is to inquire about their Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). We ask probing questions to uncover insights such as:

  • which type of clients have the highest lifetime value, 
  • which ones are easiest to close, 
  • which ones churn the fastest, 
  • common objections heard during sales calls, 
  • the motivation behind starting their company,
  • the pain points they were trying to address,
  • and more.

Armed with this information, we precisely pinpoint who to target and why, and we manually curate our prospect lists accordingly. 

This approach goes beyond generic targeting like “series A tech companies” and delves into a level of specificity that resonates with prospects on a personal level. 

For example, here is how specific we can get:

“Our ICP is a CTO at a software company selling to DevOps, with identified pain points of lack of organization, time management, and team collaboration, and a preference for XYZ podcasts for team management insights”

With this comprehensive understanding of your ICP, we meticulously handpick prospects for your lead generation campaigns, ensuring the highest quality data for personalized outreach that captures attention and drives results. 

You won’t have to sign no binding contracts 

Typically, sales and lead generation services will ask for a commitment of 3 to 6 months before starting work. They say it’s because they need time to test and because the buying process can be lengthy.

The downside is that you end up paying each month no matter what, even if you don’t see any results. That can be pretty discouraging. That’s why we do things differently with a subscription-based model.

When you work with us, you’ll see results right away from Month 1. You’re in charge of whether to keep going or not based on your satisfaction and budget. 

This means you’ll know exactly what you’re paying for upfront, and there’s no stress of being stuck in a long-term, binding contract.


Our marketing service’s pricing is crystal clear. We have three plans:

  • Silver: It costs $499/month and only gives you one warm LEAD.
  • Gold: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $999/month and gives you 6 hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Platinum: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads on a monthly basis.

Our email marketing pricing includes the following:

  • The tech stack we use to build your prospect list and send and monitor your campaign.
  • A complete list of prospects that fit your buyer persona and ICP.
  • The campaign setup fees.

2. — lead generation and sales outsourcing company

Belkins offers lead generation and appointment-setting services to help companies generate new opportunities and close sales deals. They work across different industries such as healthcare, financial service, software development, hardware manufacturing, media production, and more. 

They perform lead research and launch their outreach strategy to connect with potential sales leads that can eventually generate revenue. At Belkins, you can access their copywriting service where they design and launch well-tailored cold email campaigns to connect your potential customers. 

Besides, you have access to a sales team that mainly consists of an account manager and sales development representative. This team books meetings with your ready-to-buy leads who can facilitate the growth of your business.

Although there isn’t pricing information about their services on their website, you should expect to pay between $10,000 to $49,000 for your project. If you want to get an exact quote, you must book a call with them. 

3. Martial Group — outsourced sales team

This B2B lead generation company specializes in generating lead opportunities and closing deals for its clients. It consists of 200+ sales executives and curated four databases with 100 million contacts. They serve various industries such as automotive, IT, financial services, government, retail, telecom, e-commerce, and more. 

The moment you sign up for their service, they customize targeted lists and develop marketing campaigns that will get qualified leads to your CRM. Also, you gain access to your sales team who help you to monitor prospects’ engagement and close more deals. 

Contrary to Nerdy Joe, their pricing details aren’t displayed on their website. But, should you choose to work with this company, you must sign up for a minimum of 3 months contract. To get the exact pricing details, you must email them or book a consultation with them.

4. Sales Nash — sales outsourcing agency

Sales Nash is a sales development company that provides prospecting and appointment-setting services to its clients. They serve various industries such as SaaS, software development, health tech, healthcare, event management, and more. 

Sales Nash’s main goal is to generate qualified B2B leads for their clients while ensuring they close deals that foster the growth of the business. To do this, they develop and implement a sales development strategy that enables them to discover your ideal customer profile. 

Then, they set you up with their dedicated sales team who initiates a conversation with your prospects, filters out the interested ones, and sets up a call with them. 

 Just like Nerdy Joe, they offer a three-tier pricing plan for their SDR services. This pricing plan includes:

  • A junior team which costs $2250 per month,
  • A standard team costs $3250 per month, and
  •  An extended team costs $4750 per month. 

5. Sales panel — outsource sales and lead qualification processes

Sales panel is an intelligence and data-driven marketing software that helps B2B companies to identify, track, and qualify leads. It provides a tracking and analytics service where it gathers data on all visitors, leads, and customers that visit your website and strive to understand them. 

Irrespective of where the leads come from, Salespanel ensures to track and identify the quality of each lead in real-time, qualify them on some criteria, and nurture them through the buyer journey. 

Then, it runs highly targeted marketing campaigns on these qualified leads to promote their conversion. It also allows you to connect and integrate with various CRM and marketing tools such as Mailchimp, Calendly, Salesforce, Pipedrive, WordPress, Zapier, and Intercom. 

Although they offer three pricing plans, you can first make use of their demo or start a free trial to have an idea of what the sales tool can do. Nonetheless, their pricing plan includes:

salespanel pricing
  • Basic plan which costs $149 per month
  • Growth plan which costs $499 per month
  • Scale plan which requires custom pricing. 

6. SalesRoads — B2B sales outsourcing and sales training company

SalesRoads is a top sales outsourcing firm that simplifies revenue operations to promote the growth of your business. They have over 500 outsourced SDR teams that help to improve and grow your sales pipeline. This dedicated team consists of various experts such as sales coaches, client success managers, and sales operations teams that produce results. 

With their B2B appointment setting service, you not only get dedicated SDRs but also qualified appointments with prospects, a demand generation playbook, and an industry-leading training program.

Contrary to Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on their website. But you can fill out a form to get a quote. 

7. JumpCrew — Experienced sales professionals

JumpCrew is another lead generation agency that focuses on generating leads and scaling opportunities to improve revenue. They leverage data to develop strategies that will move your prospect along the sales cycle. 

They also craft compelling content and distribute them strategically so they can reach the right people. With JumpCrew, you have access to a dedicated team that implements efficient sales and marketing processes to yield results. 

Although there is no pricing information on their website, you can fill out a form or contact them to get a quote. 

8. SalesAR — B2B market research and lead generation company

SalesAR describes itself as a B2B lead generation company that generates warm leads for businesses, boosts sales, and spreads brand awareness. They utilize over 30 tools and have served 50+ industries.

Once you sign up with this company, you receive a polished database that consists of accurate leads to foster the growth of your business. They also implement a customized outreach strategy, offer content writing services, negotiate with prospects, and arrange calls or meetings to hand over the hot leads for you to close. 

Finally, they offer anti-spam services where they perform domain overviews and some other processes to eliminate spam issues. Their pricing plan depends on the duration of the service you want, which could be monthly, quarterly, or a customized plan. 

However, you should note that exact pricing details aren’t available on their website. You must contact them to get a quote. 

9. Cleverly — Outsourcing sales and LinkedIn lead generation

Cleverly is a LinkedIn lead generation agency that specializes in generating qualified leads and driving revenue. They leverage the data from their successful LinkedIn campaigns to target and engage decision-makers. 

To do this, they build the prospects’ lists, personalize the outreach messages, and A/B test their copywriting service. They also grant you dedicated account managers who ensure the success of your campaign by giving you weekly updates and making improvements based on real-time data. 

cleverly pricing

Pricing depends on the service they offer. For instance, the silver plan for their LinkedIn lead generation service is $397 per month. Meanwhile, the gold and platinum plan costs $497 and $1,197 per month, respectively. Other services, such as cold email lead generation and white label lead generation, have their pricing. 

10. Operatix — Sales development professionals

Operatix is a sales acceleration company that helps B2B software vendors to improve their sales pipeline and grow their revenue. They have over 250+ teams that can accelerate growth through outbound lead generation or improving your in-house SDR teams. 

They ensure to hit your sales target by understanding your unique value proposition and engaging with top decision-makers that can fuel your sales pipeline. They also offer services such as account-based selling, lead qualification, cold prospecting, and account identification.

If you want to know their pricing details, you must contact them to get a quote. 

Work with Nerdy Joe to boost your lead generation and sales services

There you have it. Each firm on this list is different and can contribute to great results for your sales team.

If what you need is an agency to which you can outsource your sales activities or let them do sales for you, then all the Martal Group, SalesAR, and Belkins perfectly fit your needs. 

But if you already have a solid sales team and are looking for a lead generation team that’ll help you fill up your pipeline, eliminate all the prospecting work and get your sales team to focus on what they do best: one-on-one calls and closing deals, we’re the one to beat. 

  • We charge you for results, not tasks.
  • We don’t require you to commit to a contract.
  • We don’t waste your time, and that’s affordable.
  • We are a group of experts that care about your company’s reputation and relationship with prospects.

Get 3 – 5 meetings every week

We can fill your calendar with 3- 5 meetings every week. Just tell us who is your ideal customer, and we’ll get you meetings with them.

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