How to Write a Meeting Request Email With 12 Email Samples

How to Write a Meeting Request Email

A meeting request email is an email a person or party sends to ask another for a business meeting at a specified date and time. As you can tell, these emails are used in a professional context, and they are important for scheduling meetings with colleagues, clients, or other stakeholders.

Good business meeting request emails should clearly state the following:

  • The purpose of the meeting: It describes why you want to meet. You can do this by including discussion points or the overall goal of the meeting.
  • The proposed date and time: While offering a few alternatives to accommodate the recipient’s schedule, it proposes a clear date and time for the meeting.
  • The duration of the meeting: It indicates how long the recipients can expect the meeting to last.
  • The location or platform for the meeting: This can be a physical location or a virtual platform if the meeting is to be held online.
  • Any preparation needed: If the recipient needs to review or bring anything to the meeting, it’s also specified in the email.

Meeting request email format: Key elements and how to write a successful meeting request email

Let’s take a look at the structure of a successful meeting request email, the key elements it includes, and how to write each one of them. Here is how to write meeting request emails:

Meeting request email subject line 

The first thing your recipient will notice about your meeting request email is its subject line. Studies show that 47% of emails are opened based on the subject line. 

So, as your recipient reads the subject line, they must be able to tell what’s required of them or why you’re emailing them. With that in mind, meeting request emails should be the simplest to write. Here are a few tips you should consider.

  • Keep it concise and clear: Keep it short and clearly convey the purpose of the email. You want to make it easy for the recipient to understand what the email is about at a glance.
  • Include necessary details: Mention key details such as the proposed date or topic of the meeting if space allows. This allows the recipient to quickly understand the context of the meeting.
  • Use action-oriented language: Use verbs that inspire action, such as “review”, “discuss”, or “plan”.
  • Make it relevant: The subject line should be closely tied to the content of the email. It should directly reflect the purpose of the meeting.

Here are some examples of meeting request email subject lines:

  1. “Request for a meeting on [date] to discuss [topic]”
  2. “Proposed meeting to review [project name] progress”
  3. “Invitation to strategy planning meeting on [date]”
  4. “Meeting request: [your name]/[your company] & [recipient’s name]/[recipient’s company]”
  5. “Discussing [topic]: meeting request for [date]”
  6. “Seeking your availability for a [topic/project] meeting”
  7. “Let’s meet to discuss [business topic or project]”

Email salutation for requesting a meeting

Once you have crafted a catchy subject line, you need to use an appropriate salutation. In most cases, the salutation you use will depend on who the recipient is and the nature of the relationship between you two. 

Here are slime examples you can employ based on the relationship. 

  1. Formal meeting request salutation — Business or professional context:
  • Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [last name],
  • Dear [first name],

2. Informal – Friends or Close Colleagues:

  • Hi [first name],
  • Hello [first name], 
  • Hey [first name],

3. Team or group — Departments    

  • Dear Team,
  • Hello Everyone,
  • Hi Team,

Meeting request email body

Purpose of the meeting 

You should state the purpose of the meeting within the first few lines of the meeting request email. It allows the recipient to understand the importance of the meeting and prepares them for the topics that will be discussed. 

It also shows respect for their time, ensuring they can make an informed decision about whether or not to participate.

Here are some formulas you can follow to write it:

  • “I am writing to request a meeting to address recent issues in our supply chain process. Your insights and experience could be key in identifying effective solutions.”
  • “I am proposing a meeting to plan our strategy for the upcoming financial quarter. Your understanding of our market trends will be essential in shaping our approach.”
  • “The purpose of this meeting is to engage in team-building activities and strengthen our working relationships. Your involvement would greatly contribute to a successful and enjoyable event.”

Proposed date and time 

There is no appointment without a proposed date and time. Inform your recipient about the proposed date and time. With this, they know if the time and date are convenient for them or if they will reschedule. 

Here’s how you can frame this in your email:

  1. Single option: “I would like to propose that we meet on [day], [date] at [time]. Please let me know if this works for your schedule.”
  2. Multiple options: “To accommodate your schedule, I’ve provided a few potential dates and times for our meeting:
    • Option 1: [day], [date] at [time]
    • Option 2: [day], [date] at [time]
    • Option 3: [day], [date] at [time]

Please let me know which option works best for you, or if there’s another date and time that suits you better.”

Details about the meeting place or platform

Once you have informed your recipient about the proposed date and time, you should continue the conversation by giving them more details, such as the meeting place or platform. Is it an online or offline meeting? 

If it will take place offline, inform them about the physical location. If it is online, inform them about the channel. Include the link where necessary. Some common channels you can use to host your meeting include Zoom, Google Meet, or other platforms. 

Here’s how you can frame this in your email:

  1. Physical location (offline meeting): “The meeting is scheduled to take place at our office, located at [physical location/address]. I’ve attached a map with detailed directions for your convenience.”
  2. Virtual platform (online meeting): “We will conduct the meeting via [platform name, such as Zoom or Google Meet]. I will send the meeting link and any necessary access codes closer to the meeting date.”

If the meeting will be conducted on a platform that requires a specific link or meeting ID, it might look like this:

“The meeting will be held via Zoom. Here are the meeting details:

  • Meeting link: [insert link]
  • Meeting ID: [insert meeting ID]
  • Passcode: [insert passcode, if applicable]

Please let me know if you have any issues accessing the platform or if you have any other questions about the meeting.”

Meeting request email CTA: Request for confirmation 

Now that you have informed them about the details, you must include a call to action. Think about it! You’ve worked hard to get your recipient’s details and schedule a meeting date and time, location, or channels. 

Including a confirmation request brings your efforts home. The best approach is to ask questions to confirm if your request is convenient for both parties to avoid confusion. 

Here’s how you can frame this:

  1. Single recipient: “Please confirm your availability for the proposed date and time by [specific date, typically 2-3 days later]. If you are unavailable, I would appreciate it if you could suggest an alternative time that suits you better.”
  2. Multiple recipients: “I kindly request each of you to confirm your availability for the proposed date and time by replying to this email by [specific date]. If you are unable to attend at the suggested time, please suggest alternative times that work better for you.”

Professional meeting request email closure and signature

You should finish your meeting request email with a professional email closing line and sign-off that will sound pleasing to your recipient. Your ending must align with the general tone of the email. That is to say, if your email body is formal, don’t finish with an informal closure. 

Here are a couple of ideas to help you frame this:

Formal closing lines:

  • “Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.”
  • “Thank you for your time and understanding.”


  • “Kind regards,”
  • “Best regards,”

As you write this, be sure to follow your sign-off with your full name, title (if applicable), and contact information. Here’s a complete example:

“Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Best regards, 

[Your full name] 

[Your title] 

[Your contact information]”

12 meeting request email templates to request meetings successfully

Template 1: How to write an email requesting a meeting with a colleague

This type of email is often short and straightforward. Since both parties are already acquainted with each other, it requires no formal introduction. You can go straight to the purpose of the email. Include all essential details, such as the time and date of the meeting. 

You can also include the location or channel by which you will use to communicate if it is an online meeting. Also, don’t forget to request confirmation from your recipient. Here is a template that can work out for you.  

Template 2: How to write an email requesting a meeting with your team

When writing this type of email, you don’t need to introduce yourself, as all the recipients are co-workers in the same organization. 

Simply include the necessary details, such as the time, date, and purpose of the meeting. If you find it difficult to craft one, here is a helpful template that can help you out. 

Template 3: How to write an email requesting a meeting with a supervisor or manager 

A supervisor or manager is usually busy managing one project or the other. So, you don’t want to waste their time with a lengthy email. Be concise and specific about what you want. Include the necessary details as well. Here is an example that can help you out. 

Template 4: How to write a business meeting request email to meet with a customer 

When writing a meeting request email to a client, you should start by introducing yourself, especially if the customer is new. This is good for maintaining professionalism. Then move on to the purpose of the meeting and why it should interest the recipient. 

Next, cover essential details such as the venue, channel (if online), time, and date. Ensure the time frame is flexible to give your recipients options to pick from. Finally, call on the recipient to confirm your meeting request. Here is an example that can help you out. 

Template 5: How to write a sales meeting request email

A sales meeting request emails are typically sent by sales reps or businesses to their prospective client or customer. The objective is to arrange a meeting where the business’s products or services can be discussed, demonstrated, or sold. 

Basically, the meeting provides an opportunity to address the customer’s needs, answer their questions, and potentially close a sale. So, as you write these emails, you need to focus on clarity, a value proposition, and respect for the recipient’s time. 

Here is a template that can guide you. 

Template 6: How to write a meeting request email for a project update

Your goal with this email is to schedule a meeting to review progress, discuss challenges, share updates, and plan future steps. Simply provide the meeting’s objective, proposed time and date, and a request for confirmation of attendance. Here’s a meeting request email template to guide you:

Template 7: How to write an email for a performance review meeting 

Performance review meeting emails are typically issued by a manager or HR representative to an employee. 

The purpose is to schedule a meeting to discuss the employee’s work performance over a specific period. The discussion usually involves evaluating the employee’s accomplishments, challenges, areas for improvement, and goals for the next review period.

The key aspect of this email is that it needs to be kept formal and professional. Here is an effective meeting request email template you can emulate to write this.

Template 8: How to write a meeting email request for a brainstorming session

So, here, your goal is to schedule a meeting to generate new ideas, solutions, or strategies related to a particular topic or project. The email should outline the topic you want to discuss, the time and place, and encourages the participants to come prepared with ideas.

Just like others, be specific about the purpose of the email. Include vital details such as time, date, location, or channel (if online) in the message. Also, request confirmation from your recipient. Here is a great meeting request email template to help you out. 

Template 9: How to write an email requesting a company-wide meeting 

A company-wide meeting involves everyone working within the company. So, you need to keep the email message professional and use a formal tone. Also, be clear about the purpose of the meeting, the date, time, and duration, as well as any preparation required.

Keep your message short and sweet. Here is an example to help you out with company-wide meeting requests.

Template 10: How to write an email to request an online/virtual meeting 

Virtual meetings make everyone get together with ease. When requesting an online or virtual meeting, you should specify the platform that will be used (Zoom, Google Meet, Teams, etc.), provide a link if possible, and detail the purpose of the meeting.

Here is a template that can help you out.

Template 11: How to write a meeting request for an urgent issue

Urgent meetings can be tough when the participants are often busy. The key to making this successful is by making it clear why your meeting is a priority. Then you simply need to provide a meeting time as soon as possible and include any other detail pertinent to the meeting. 

Template 12: How to write a meeting request for a networking event

This is typically an email you send to either invite individuals to a networking event you’re hosting or to propose a one-on-one meet-up at a networking event you both plan to attend. 

The purpose is to connect, share ideas, discuss potential collaborations, or expand professional networks.

So, that said, we will provide you with two templates for both scenarios.

If you’re inviting individuals to a networking event:

If you’re proposing a meet-up to someone at a networking event:

Key takeaways

  • A meeting request email is an email you send to ask for an appointment with someone, team, or your entire organization. 
  • A standard meeting request email consists of a proper salutation, the purpose of the meeting, proposed time and date, confirmation request, and professional closure. 
  • One key best practice you should consider is to communicate in a professional tone to your recipient. 
  • Need help with email marketing and lead generation? We are ready to help. Nerdy Joe can help you get highly-stellar results from our sophisticated email marketing efforts. Give us a response today. 

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