How to Write a Price Negotiation Email With 8 Templates

How to Write a Price Negotiation Email With 8 Templates

You’ve finally found the perfect supplier for your business needs. Their product or service checks all the boxes, but there’s a catch — the price tag is higher than you’d anticipated. Now, you’re at a crossroads. 

You’re torn between biting the bullet or trying to negotiate the final price. Do you compromise on your budget or engage in the delicate dance of negotiation? 

You decide the latter is worth a shot (good call), but there’s a problem – how do you convey your price concerns without coming off as rude, unprofessional, or lowballing the other party? 

Well, that’s what we are here for.

In this article, we will teach you how to write an effective price negotiation letter to secure an excellent deal with your seller or service provider — one that works well for both your party and that of your seller or service provider. 

So, let’s get started. 

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How to price negotiation emails

A price negotiation email helps you reach out to your vendor with the intention of discussing a possible price reduction. It’s more than just asking for a discount; it’s an approach to ensure you get the best deal without damaging your relationship with the supplier or service provider.  

Also known as the price negotiation letter, the email aims to open up a dialogue about the price and seek a win-win outcome for both parties. So, you need to understand that you and the recipient have a shared goal: striking a deal. In the end, you should reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Because of this, you don’t just jump into the email asking for a price reduction; there is a way to negotiate the price so that it makes sense and a strict format to follow for making a success into an email. 

So, let’s start with how to negotiate a price in the world of business. 

Understanding the basic elements of price negotiation 

There are a couple of boxes you must check and conditions you need to meet before you can reach out to negotiate price via email. Here they are:

  • You know the average market price for the product or service. So, you have a reference point for negotiations.
  • You understand the value of the product or service. So, you can demonstrate to the seller how their product or service will be beneficial to you beyond just its basic functions.
  • You have a good justification for requesting a price reduction. You understand their proposed price. You can demonstrate that you have a genuine need for the product or service, but the price constitutes a barrier, and you’re not just lowballing their product or service. 
  • You have prepared alternative offers that will potentially work for both of you. As we said, your goal is to reach a deal that works for the two parties — a mutually beneficial deal.

Once you understand this and have them clearly figured out, it’s all a matter of formatting them properly into your email. So, here is how to do that.

Price negotiation email format: key elements to include in your price negotiation email and how to write them

The price negotiation email follows almost the same format as any other business email. Your email needs to have a good subject line, a body where you discuss your intentions and a professional closing to show professionalism. 

What matters here is what you include in each section of the email. Let’s detail and discuss them so you understand how to write them properly. 

1. The subject line: How to write a price negotiation email subject line that guarantees an open

Your email subject line is the door key. If it’s poorly written and doesn’t get the recipient to open the email, it all goes downhill from there. So, here is how you nail it to perfection and entice your recipient to open your email:

  • Be direct but courteous: Subject lines like “Request for price discussion” or “Considering purchase: Can we discuss pricing?” are clear yet non-aggressive.
  • Add a personal touch: Including a product name or service can show that you’re genuinely interested. For example, “Query about [product name]’s pricing”.
  • Stay professional: Avoid overly casual language or coming off as too desperate, like “Urgent discount needed!”

2. The email body: How to negotiate pricing via email?

This is the part that matters the most. It’s where you engage in the discussion to reach an agreement with your service provider or product seller to reduce the price for you. Here are the essential parts of a price negotiation email body.

  1. Polite greeting. 
  2. Stating your intention clearly and letting them know why you’re reaching out.
  3. Providing a rationale to justify your request.
  4. Providing counteroffers to propose or explore other solutions.
  5. Recognizing the value you’re being offered.
  6. Adding a CTA or next steps

That’s roughly about it; now, here is how to write each part. 

Polite greeting: Setting a positive tone.

Begin with a warm and personable greeting that sets a friendly tone. Formal and professional email salutations such as:

  • “Good morning [first name],”
  • “Hello [first name]”
  • “Dear [first name]”
  • “Hello there,”

— can help you start the conversation on the right foot.

State your intention clearly: Why you’re reaching out.

Clearly outlining the reason for your outreach avoids confusion. It prepares them to listen to your proposal and consider it. The key is to be upfront and specific. Here is a phrasing example for this:

“Our team is genuineuly interested incorporating your [product/service] to help us [outcome] but the price is a little outside our current budget. So, I am reaching out to discuss potential adjustments in the pricing.”

Provide a rationale: Justify your request.

This is how you make your price negotiation proposal make sense to them. You’d want to ground your negotiation in facts. 

Maybe you’ve conducted market research or received quotes from competitors. Or maybe you want the price reduction because the current pricing doesn’t help with your ROI. 

Ideally, you should provide a good rationale for your request. That way, they’d also have a solid ground for granting your request. Here is how you can phrase this in your price negotiation letter: 

“We’ve conducted an extensive research in the market, we’ve found similar offerings in the range of [X to Y]. While we recognize the unique advantages your product provides, aligning the price closer to market standards would enhance its appeal for our budgeting team.”

Be ready with alternatives and counteroffers: Propose other solutions.

Here, you should demonstrate that you don’t care about just your business. You want to show that you are reasonable and don’t want them to lose money because of you. So, you propose offers and counteroffers that would work for both parties. 

For example, instead of just asking for a lower price, you can maybe shoot for a longer-term contract for slightly reduced prices or bundling services/products for a special rate. Here is how you can phrase this in your email:

“If a price adjustment isn’t feasible, perhaps we could discuss package deals, longer contract durations, or other perks that might make the investment more viable for us?”

Appreciate and acknowledge: Recognize the value you’re being offered.

The idea is to show that you know and recognize the worth of what’s being offered. Here is a way to phrase this:

“We’ve reviewed your offerings and truly believe they stand out in the market. Your commitment to quality is evident, and that’s precisely why we’re eager to work with you.”

Add a compelling CTA: A call to action or next steps

Conclude by suggesting a way forward, whether it’s a meeting, call, or further email discussions. Here is an example:

Could we possibly set up a time to chat later this week to discuss this further?

3. The email ending: How to conclude a price negotiation email

You should also end your email on an excellent note. Ending your email correctly is just as important as starting it. It leaves a lasting impression on the reader and can greatly impact the success of your negotiation attempt. 

Provide an email closing line, professional email sign-off, and cap it all off with a professional email signature. Here is how to do it:

Email closing line

The email closing line should leave a positive sentiment, maintain a respectful tone set in the body, and emphasize collaboration. Here are a few ideas:

  • Express gratitude: It’s always courteous to thank the recipient for their time and consideration. Example: “Thank you for taking the time to consider our proposal.”
  • Reiterate desire for a mutual solution: Reinforce your aim to find a win-win scenario. Example: “I’m confident we can find a solution that benefits both our organizations.”
Professional email sign-off

Your email sign-off is your goodbye phrase. It needs to be respectful and shouldn’t come across as too informal or overly familiar. Here are some suitable options:

  • “Best regards,”
  • “Kind regards,”
  • “Warm regards,”
  • “Sincerely,”
Professional email signature

Your email signature serves as a digital business card. It provides the recipient with essential details about you and offers an additional layer of professionalism. 

Include your full name, your position, your company name, your email address and online handles, and any other relevant contact information. Here is an example: 

8 price negotiation email samples to learn from

Below, we’ve outlined eight different scenarios in which you might find yourself needing to negotiate prices via email. Each one comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. 

We’ll provide a brief explanation of each scenario, tips on how to write the email effectively, and, of course, an example email to give you a concrete understanding of what to do. 

Sample 1: Initial price negotiation inquiry

This is the initial email that you send when you’ve found a product or service you’re interested in but find the pricing a bit above your budget. The aim is to open the door for price discussions.

Be clear and state your intention right at the beginning of the email. Also, make it clear you’re interested in their product or service and not just shopping for the lowest price. 

Here is an email template you can emulate here:

Sample 2: Responding to a high quote

This email comes into play when you’ve received a quote from a supplier that’s higher than expected. The objective is to open discussions for a better price without being confrontational.

As you write this, you should clearly state what you find challenging in the quote. Next, be sure to explicitly ask for a revised quote or a meeting to discuss the pricing further. Here is a price negotiation email sample you can use here: 

Sample 3: Asking for additional benefits/features if the price isn’t negotiable

Sometimes, the price isn’t negotiable, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get more value for your money. So, you can negotiate added benefits or features in lieu of a price reduction.

So, state that you understand the price is fixed but are looking for additional value. Be specific and clearly define what extra features or services would make the deal more appealing for you. Here is a template for this:

Sample 4: Stating a competitive offer from another supplier

This is a scenario where you’ve received a more attractive offer from another supplier and want to give the current supplier a chance to match or beat it. Clearly state that you’ve received another offer. Avoid making it sound like a threat; instead, communicate it as an opportunity for them to reconsider their proposal. Here is a template for this:

Sample 5: Negotiating a renewed contract at a lower price

As you renew your contract with a business partner, you might want to negotiate for more favorable terms based on your past relationship and changing market dynamics. If you’re aware of more competitive rates or changing industry standards, you can mention them. 

Here is an email sample for this. 

Sample 6: Seeking bulk purchase discount

If you’re planning to make a substantial purchase, it’s common to seek discounts for buying in bulk. This can be a win-win situation for both of you. Here is an email template for this:

Sample 7: Following up on a previous negotiation email

Sometimes, after sending a negotiation email, you might not get a response. A follow-up email serves to bring your previous message back to their attention. Remember, your email could’ve been missed unintentionally. So, remind them of the previous email without sounding pushy.

Here is a template you can use:

Sample 8: Accepting a final offer

Once you’ve reached a favorable agreement or decided to accept the supplier’s final offer, you want to tell them gracefully. So, show appreciation and thank them for their time and understanding. Lastly, indicate your enthusiasm for the upcoming partnership.

Key takeaways

  • Being upfront about your intentions and budget constraints helps set the right context for price negotiations. Also, offering a well-founded rationale — whether it’s competitive offers, bulk purchases, or long-term relationships — adds weight to your request and opens the door for a meaningful discussion.
  • Always be flexible and prepare fair price counter offers. If a direct price reduction isn’t feasible, be prepared to explore other avenues for added value. This could be through additional features, extended service terms for future business, or other benefits that enhance the overall proposition. 
  • If your initial negotiation email doesn’t receive a timely response, don’t hesitate to send a polite follow-up to negotiate the price. A gentle reminder could be the nudge needed for the supplier to re-evaluate their offer or expedite their response.
  • Need help with email marketing and lead generation? We are ready to help. Nerdy Joe can help you get stellar results from our sophisticated email marketing efforts. Talk with us today. 
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