How to Write a Quotation Email With 7 Samples to Inspire You

A quotation email can be a game-changer, keeping your business at the forefront of sales success as it acts as the bridge between your offerings and your potential clients.

In this article, we will take you through a detailed journey of crafting an effective quotation email that gets your prospects to sit up and take notice.

Plus, we’ve added 7 inspirational samples that will help you write compelling quotation emails for your business.

What is a quotation email? 

A quotation email is a business email sent by an individual service provider or a business to a potential customer to provide details on the price for certain goods, products, or services. It’s generally a response to a quote request from a potential client.

So, as per the client’s requirements, it typically includes specific details such as the nature of the goods or services, quantity, fixed price per unit, total cost, payment terms, delivery details for the entire process, and other relevant information.

Why and when to use quotation emails? 

A quotation email is not just important because it helps you detail your pricing and service terms for your customers. There are key business reasons why you should always use quotation emails in business procedures. 

Here are some of the main reasons you should always use them:

  • Providing clarity and transparency: Quotation emails help you give your customers a clear understanding of what they’ll get and how much it will cost them. It clarifies everything from hidden or upfront fees down to the reasons for these fees. They help you avoid any potential misunderstandings or disputes down the line.
  • Professionalism: Providing a formal quote demonstrates professionalism and helps you or your business stand out from competitors who may be less thorough. After all, 59% of respondents say that email marketing influences their purchases. Providing a quote via email shows that you care and mean serious business. 
  • Record keeping: Quotation emails also serve as a written record of the proposed deal, which can be useful for accounting, legal, and customer relationship purposes. Here again, quotation emails can help you rapidly resolve issues down the line or avoid them altogether. 
  • Encourage commitment: If a customer is comparing prices or considering different providers, a clear, detailed, and prompt quote can encourage them to commit to your business over the competition.

That said, you probably have a pricing page on your website. So, you’re probably thinking that you can’t just keep whipping up quotation emails whenever somebody stops by your business; you’re right. Here are some situations that demand a quotation email:

  • Creative service provision: If your company provides services, such as consultancy, marketing, content creation, design, software development, etc., it’ll be an excellent idea to send a quotation email to give your potential clients an idea of your pricing structure as well as your terms.
  • Custom orders: If a customer requests a custom order that’s not part of your standard product or service range, you can send them a quotation email to give them an understanding of the cost and timeframe.
  • Bulk purchases: If you’re a wholesaler or own a company selling goods, you can send quotation emails to your customers for large or bulk orders. This is a good idea since bulk purchases typically come with discounts or special terms. 
  • Complex projects: For projects that involve multiple stages, materials, or other complexities, a quotation email can break down the costs involved. It lets you give the customer a clear understanding of what they’re paying for each part of the project. This is particularly useful for carpenters, bricklayers, and other parallel services. 
  • Negotiations: In some business scenarios, virtual meetings aren’t possible, and pricing isn’t fixed and needs to be negotiated. A quotation email in these contexts can form part of this negotiation, setting out your initial pricing position. 

Quotation email format: How to write a quotation email (the anatomy of a successful quotation email) 

These are the key components of an excellent quotation email. Keep in mind that they’ll also serve as the stages you’ll have to go through as you write your quotation email. 

  • The quotation email subject line 

The subject line is what the recipient sees first in the inbox. This is not an email to sell. So, you need to make your intentions in the subject line clear and simple so that your recipient understands that you are coming to them with a quote. 

For instance, your subject line could be “Request for a quote” or “Quote for [service or product’s name].”

  • Initial greeting and introduction

Start the email with a professional and polite greeting such as “Hello + name” or “Good morning + name.” 

You’ll most likely know their name. If it happens that you don’t know the person’s name, omit the name, but still greet them politely. A simple “Hello” or “Good morning” can help to set a friendly tone for the email.

  • Detailed description of products/services

The next thing to do is to give a vivid description of the products or services (to be) purchased. It enables your client to identify what they want to purchase. A detailed description can be the product name, a picture if need be, and a product identification code or something similar — based on the system of identification you have at your company. 

  • Pricing breakdown

Ensure you list the products or services you’re quoting as line items. Include a vivid description of the items, quantities, unit price, and total price per item. You can separate the products and services’ pricing details. 

Furthermore, make sure to differentiate the labor from the material cost. Also, state what the cost doesn’t cover. You should also indicate details about shipping and delivery fees. This helps you to stay organized when breaking down the cost in the email.

  • Terms and conditions (including payment terms, delivery dates, etc.)

This is where you state the possible variations in your business. Whatever terms or conditions you have at your business that might influence the costs mention it. Or add a link to a page that covers them very well. You should detail things like:

  • The delivery of the project depends on location or good weather. 
  • Additional work hours will require extra cost. 
  • Late payments include 1% penalties.
  • Etc.

In addition, let them know about the payment option and when you want to be paid. Whether it is through direct deposit, checks, credit cards, or full or installment payments, let them know to avoid confusion.

  • Include add-ons, VAT, interdependencies, and clauses

You should let your client know the different variations that can affect the cost. For instance, they should know the amount of value-added tax they are paying on a specific item. Or you can let them know if any discounts apply to them and any other disclaimers associated with your business. 

  • Closing statement 

Just as the greeting, you must end your email politely. Closing statements such as “We’re looking forward to hearing from you” can help your recipient understand that you expect a reply within a specific timeframe. 

  • Contact information or a professional email signature

Ensure you include your details in the email. This enables your recipient to reach out to you if they have inquiries or want to clarify the details to you. Your contact information can include business name, address, phone number, email address, and job title.

Five tips for proofreading and refining your email

Here are some email tips you can consider for the proofreading and refining process.

  • Make it about your client’s needs 

Every quotation email must address their client’s needs. Think of it like a guide to enable them to make an informed purchasing decision. 

So, as a foundational step, take the time to map out everything you should include in the email but, more importantly, what they’ll need to know. 

Things like:

  • The value for their money
  • The ROI for them
  • The costs and the drivers
  • Terms and conditions
  • Delivery fees
  • Preferred payment options
  • Payment deadlines
  • Service or delivery turnaround time
  • Etc. 

Keep in mind that it will all depend on your service or product and the needs of the customer in your particular context. 

  • Use a formal writing style

A quotation email is professional. Be sure to be polite and friendly throughout your correspondence.

  • Use an item list

Write a detailed list of each item. You can use bullet points to help you stay organized and list the quote for each item.

  • Talk about the fees

You should break down the cost of each item to your recipient. You must also let them know about any additional fees such as VAT, shipping and delivery fees, discount, and everything else. 

  • Payment option

Inform your recipients about the payment options as well as the time of payment. Is it direct deposit, check, or credit card? One-time payment or installment payment? This will enable the client to know if the options match the form of payment. 

07 sample quotation emails to inspire you

Here, you’ll find 7 samples of quotation emails you can use to answer your client’s requests. Simply copy, paste, and edit them in a way that suits your needs and your branding styles. 

  • Sample quotation email for price

The price quotation email is the simplest quotation email. It provides two simple things — the price and details for your prospective clients. You can do this by outlining the items first and then the price. Or you can outline the price and make a comparison with your competitors. Here is a template that can work out for you. 

  • Quotation with a discount offer

If one of your clients is loyal or is buying in bulk from you, this is a good reason to send a quotation email. A quotation email with a discount informs your clients about a special discount. 

When writing this type of email, ensure you use the right tone and be clear. An effective quotation email must be easy to read and find information quickly (discount code/coupon).

  • Revised quotation email

A revised quotation email is written by a company that has quoted a price for an order and is revising it. When sending a revised quotation email, ensure you precisely state what your clients need. Here is a template that can help.

  • Quotation email for additional services/products

If you have some additional services or products that weren’t listed in the initial email, you can send another quotation email. Ensure that the tone and language are appropriate when communicating with the client. Here is a template that can guide you. 

  • Quotation following a meeting/discussion

After having a discussion or meeting with your clients about your products or services, you can send them a quotation email. 

Your email shows you’re interested in doing business with them and also acts as a follow-up email or even a reminder email to give them a nudge, taking them a step closer to purchase. Here is a template that can work for you. 

  • Follow-up quotation email

If you have sent a previous email to your client, but they are yet to respond, you can send a follow-up quotation to hear from them. Here is a sample that can help you out. 

Bonus: Sample email to request a quotation from a supplier/vendor

Wanna write an email to request a quote from a business but know where to get started? Here is the perfect template for a client email requesting a quotation. See it as a formal letter to a sales rep to request all the details about products you’re interested in.

Key takeaways

  • A quotation email typically includes specific details such as the nature of the goods or services, quantity, cost per unit, total cost, payment terms, delivery details, and other relevant information.
  • Ensure you consider your client’s need and incorporate it within the body of the email in a professional tone. You should also prepare follow-up emails or even an entire follow-up sequence to re-engage your prospective client who request for quotation in case they go silent on you.
  • You can write a quotation email when your client requests it, when you’re planning a budget, or when you need to revise the initial email you send. 
  • Need help with email marketing and lead generation? We are here to help. Nerdy Joe can help you get highly-stellar results from our sophisticated email marketing efforts. Give us a response today.

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