How to Negotiate Salary Via Email With 10 Samples

How to Negotiate Salary Via Email With 10 Samples

Negotiating your salary can feel like navigating a complex maze, with questions and uncertainties clouding your path. Truth be said, it’s not the easiest request, and most professionals even wonder whether it’s OK to negotiate their salary. 

You know — that moment when you’re about to accept a job offer but can’t help but wonder, “Should I ask if the salary is negotiable?” It’s a common dilemma that can determine not only your immediate financial well-being but also your long-term career prospects.

Though, one thing for sure is that most companies will make you a salary offer, and you can be sure they will be willing to pay you the lowest they can — and that’s not wrong. If you think you’re worth more, it’s up to you to initiate negotiations to up your salary.  

In this guide, we will teach you how to successfully negotiate your salary via email. You’ll learn how you can secure the compensation you deserve from your hiring manager. We’ve also added salary negotiation email templates and samples to get you started easily. 

So, let’s get started. 

Should you first ask if the salary is negotiable?

Should you kick off by asking if the proposed salary is negotiable? The short answer is yes. But not to your employer. 

Before you even think about drafting your salary negotiation email, you need to do some research to understand the market rates for your role in your industry and location. 

Popular job and recruiting websites like Glassdoor, Payscale, and LinkedIn can provide insights into the salary range or industry average salary you can realistically expect.

Another aspect of your research involves understanding your prospective employer’s or company’s policies pertaining to salaries. You need to find answers to questions like:

  • Do they have a history of negotiating salaries? 
  • Are there some terms and conditions for raising salaries?
  • Do they have some SOPs about negotiating salaries?
  • What about their stance on benefits, bonuses, and other perks? 
  • Etc.

As you do the research and find answers to these questions, you can easily gauge the company’s flexibility and tailor your negotiation strategy accordingly.

While you’re at it, reflect on your skills, experience, and qualifications. Make sure that you deserve the raise. What unique value do you bring to the organization? Highlighting these attributes can justify your request for a higher salary.

Last but not least, beyond the dollars, consider your priorities. Is a higher salary your main goal, or are you open to negotiating other benefits like flexible hours, additional vacation days, or professional development opportunities?

Why negotiating your salary is important

The thing is, the significance of salary negotiation cannot be overstated. It is your chance to set the foundation for your earnings within the company. 

A well-negotiated salary not only ensures you are compensated fairly but can also set the ground for your future earnings — given that most raises are calculated as a percentage of your current salary.

But even more importantly, like we said in the introduction, most businesses will have the lowest offer ready for you, and that’s OK. In fact, it even makes sense from a financial standpoint. 

Businesses are always looking to cut expenses while also keeping their talents. So, if you feel or know for a fact that you’re worth more than you’re being compensated for your work or position — and thus need a raise — it’s up to you to reach out to them (in the right way) to negotiate and get a raise. 

How to write a salary negotiation email: Key elements to include in the email and how to format it

Now that we’ve discussed the fundamentals you need to understand before writing a salary negotiation email, it’s time to learn how to actually write the email

Before you can negotiate your salary effectively via email, you need to know what to include in the email and be strategic about it. In this section, we will outline the key elements you should include in your salary negotiation email and then provide guidance on formatting it effectively.

What to say when negotiating salary via email?

Here is a step-by-step guide to an email salary negotiation process to ensure your message gets across and leads to a positive outcome. 

  • Express gratitude for the offer or the opportunity: Show genuine appreciation for the offer or the opportunity presented to you before making a counteroffer. It shows respect and sets a positive tone from the outset.  
  • Position your ask elegantly: Clearly state your request for a higher salary while framing it as a reflection of your skills, experience, or the market research you’ve conducted. Be confident but tactful in your language.
  • Be transparent about your needs and wants: Explain why you believe the salary offer doesn’t align with your expectations or industry average salary data. Avoid making demands and instead aim for a constructive conversation.
  • Offer a range (if applicable): If applicable, provide a salary range rather than a specific figure. This allows for negotiation and flexibility. Always ensure that the lowest end of your range is still acceptable to you.
  • Let them know that you’re open to discussion: Let the employer know that you are open to discussing the offer further. Also, be sure to emphasize your interest in finding a mutually beneficial solution.
  • Ask for confirmation and next steps: Close your email by asking for confirmation of receipt and indicating your eagerness to move forward with the negotiation. Politely ask about the next steps in the process. 

Salary negotiation email format

So, how do you format a salary negotiation email? Well, it is a professional email that is considered business communication, so the email must adhere to formal email etiquette. That means that it should have a formal email formatting including:

  • A subject line
  • An email body
  • An email ending

Here is how to write each section. 

Subject line: How to write a salary negotiation email subject line

Your subject line should be concise and informative. You don’t need any strategy here. Just be direct and show that you mean business. 

The best way to do this is to ensure that it clearly indicates the purpose of the email — that you want a raise or that the current salary doesn’t meet your expectations — so, salary negotiations. Here are some examples of salary negotiation email subject lines you can use

  1. “Salary negotiation request for [your name]”
  2. “Discussing compensation”
  3. “Revisiting salary expectations”
  4. “Request for salary adjustment: [your name]”
  5. “Open to salary discussion”
  6. “Salary concerns for [position title]: [your name]”

Email body: How to write the body of an email negotiating your salary

This is where you do the convincing and include all the content we talked about earlier for a successful salary negotiation. Basically, your goal here is to show them that you have a good reason for reaching out to them to get a raise and ensure they see it as a merit for the value you bring to the company. 

Here is how to write the email body:

  • Start with a professional email greeting such as “Hello + [name]” or “Dear + [name]”. 
  • For the opening line, express gratitude for the offer or the opportunity at hand. 
  • Start the main content with your ask. Position it as a reflection of your skills, experience, or market research.
  • Tell them your needs and any factors that influence your request, and be honest about them. For instance, you could mention the cost of living, relocation, or additional responsibilities.
  • Offer a range (if applicable), not specific figures. 
  • Let them know that you’re willing to discuss and negotiate the offer further. Also, highlight your eagerness to join the team and contribute to the company’s success.
  • For the call to action, ask for confirmation and next steps. 

As you write the email, keep in mind that this is a professional email, so you need to use a formal and respectful tone. 

Email closing: How to end a salary negotiation email

You start wrapping the email by thanking them for their time and considering your request. Also, let them know that you are eager to hear back from them. Next, you need to add a professional sign-off and ways they can get back to you — typically an email signature. 

9 salary negotiation email samples

Here are 9 sample salary negotiation emails for different situations, along with descriptions of each scenario and tips on how to write them. 

These samples provide salary negotiation email templates you can use for different scenarios where you might need them. 

Salary negotiation email sample 1: For a job offer that’s below industry standard

So, you’ve received a job offer that you’re excited about, but upon reviewing the compensation package, you notice that it falls significantly below the industry standard for professionals in your field and position. 

What you are looking for here is a constructive dialogue. So, when writing the email, you need to show gratitude for the offer while diplomatically addressing your concerns about the salary. Show your enthusiasm for the role with a clear desire for fair compensation.

Here is a compelling salary negotiation email example you can use to write this email:

Salary negotiation email sample 2: When you’ve received multiple offers

If you find yourself in the enviable position of receiving multiple job offers, you have the leverage to negotiate and engage with your preferred employer. 

In this case, your salary negotiation email should demonstrate your appreciation for the offer, express your desire for more information about the compensation package, and signal your openness to further discussions. 

The goal is to engage in a productive conversation with the recruiter and ensure that you make an informed decision. Here is a salary negotiation email template you can emulate here:

Salary negotiation email sample 3: Highlighting added certifications or qualifications

So, you’ve gone the extra mile to enhance your qualifications or skills and are ready to provide even more value. It could be anything like acquiring additional certifications, skills, or qualifications that significantly boost your suitability for the role. So, it only makes sense that you get a raise. 

In such cases, your email should detail your recent achievements. You’ll want to request a discussion about adjusting the salary to reflect your enhanced qualifications. You’ll also want to emphasize your dedication to delivering exceptional results, not getting more certifications just to get a raise. 

Here is an email sample you can learn from:

Salary negotiation email sample 4: When you’re relocating and need an adjusted salary

Some companies pay their talent based on their geographic location and the living cost in that part of the world or country. So, imagine you’ve accepted a job offer that requires you to relocate to a new city. 

However, you’ve determined that the cost of living in your new location is notably higher than your current one. So, you should explain your circumstances regarding relocation and request a raise. 

Your goal is to request an adjustment in your salary to ensure a smooth transition and maintain your financial stability. The email should strike a balance between expressing gratitude and addressing the practicalities of your move. Here is a sample you can copy:

Salary negotiation email sample 5: If the initial offer is close but just not quite there

Picture a situation where you receive a job offer that’s nearly in line with your salary expectations but falls slightly short. You’re enthusiastic about the role and the company and a part of you feels it’s OK to take it anyway. The other part feels that a minor salary adjustment would make the offer even more appealing. So, you decide to go for it.

In this case, your email should convey your appreciation for the offer and acknowledge the competitive nature of the compensation package. However, you’ll want to express your desire for a slight salary adjustment to align with market rates and the value you bring to the organization. Here is an email sample you can emulate to write this:

Salary negotiation email sample 6: Asking for additional benefits instead of salary

In certain situations, you may be content with the salary offered but believe there’s room for negotiation in other areas, such as benefits, work arrangements, or professional development opportunities. That’s what this negotiation email is for. 

You should express appreciation for the current salary while politely and professionally requesting additional benefits or concessions. You must frame your request in a way that emphasizes your commitment to the role and the company’s success.

Here is an email sample you can use as a template to write this:

Salary negotiation email sample 7: If you’ve been with the company for a while and are asking for a raise

When you’ve been a dedicated employee with a company for an extended period and believe it’s time for a salary increase, you need to approach the negotiation with professionalism. 

Your email should show your appreciation for your time with the company, highlight your accomplishments and contributions, and respectfully request a salary adjustment. 

It is about justifying your request based on your proven track record and the market standards for your position. Here is an email sample you can use to write this:

Salary negotiation email sample 8: Responding to a rejection of your initial negotiation

In cases where your initial salary negotiation request receives a rejection or a counteroffer, your response email plays a critical role in maintaining a positive and constructive dialogue. Here is how to write it:

Thank them for getting back to you with a response and show you want to continue the negotiation. Let them know what you think about the counteroffer or the response they’ve provided. 

It’s also essential to communicate your openness to further discussions and your commitment to finding a resolution that benefits both parties. Here is an email sample to help you write your response:

Salary negotiation email sample 9: When you’re ready to accept after a successful negotiation

After a successful negotiation where both parties have reached an agreement, your acceptance email should convey your appreciation for the employer’s willingness to accommodate your request. 

It’s an opportunity to express your enthusiasm for the role and your commitment to the organization’s success. The email should provide clarity on the next steps in the onboarding process. It marks the conclusion of the negotiation phase and the beginning of your journey with the company. Here is the perfect email sample for this:

Key takeaways

  • Always start your negotiation email by expressing genuine gratitude for the job offer or the opportunity. This sets a positive tone and demonstrates your enthusiasm for the role and the company.
  • Maintain a professional and diplomatic tone throughout the email. Even if you’re negotiating, it’s crucial to be respectful and courteous in your language and approach.
  • Clearly articulate the reasons for your salary request. Highlight your skills, experience, qualifications, and any additional value you bring to the organization. Use concrete examples and data when possible.
  • Be open to compromise and flexibility. Show a willingness to engage in a constructive conversation to find a mutually beneficial solution. It’s not just about getting what you want; it’s about building a positive working relationship.
  • Need help with email marketing and lead generation? We are ready to help. Nerdy Joe can help you get stellar results from our sophisticated email marketing efforts. Talk with us today. 

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