How to Write a Sales Pitch Email With 10 Templates

If you’re in sales, you know the frustration well. You’ve got a fantastic product or service that could genuinely make your prospect’s life better, yet your email dashboard remains a desolate wasteland — no replies, no engagement, and certainly no conversions.

Admittedly, this can be both frustrating (for you as sales reps) and disheartening for you or your business, which has no conversion to show for its great product. And if you’re here, chances are that you’ve realized that the problem lies not in the product but in your sales pitch approach. 

We get it. Your prospects’ inboxes are crowded. And so, writing an email sales pitch that stands out, engages, and converts is becoming a challenge every day that goes by. But we’ve got you covered; that’s what we do every day at Nerdy Joe, writing sales emails that sell. 

So, in this article, we will teach you the art of crafting an irresistible sales pitch email, one that not only grabs attention but also persuades and converts. We’ve also attached 10 sales pitch email samples and examples to this post so you can get started easily. 

Let’s get started. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

What is a sales pitch email? 

A sales pitch email is an email you send to your potential clients or prospects with the primary objective of convincing them to purchase a product or service. 

Sometimes referred to as the elevator pitch, the sales pitch email is not just an advertisement or a generic business email. It comes as part of a marketing funnel, and it’s a purposefully designed email tailored to address the prospects’ needs, desires, and pain points to entice or nudge them towards taking your desired action — whether that’s scheduling a demo, making a purchase, or simply initiating a conversation.

Now, let’s discuss how to write an effective sales pitch email. 

How to write a sales pitch email: Understanding the key elements of a sales pitch and the right email format 

Crafting a successful sales pitch email is not just about stringing together persuasive words. It needs to be a well-thought-out strategy from a sales team that involves understanding your recipient, their pain points, and how your solution fits into their world. Below are the essential elements you need to consider for a stellar sales pitch email.

What to include in a sales pitch?

You can’t write a good sales pitch email without knowing how pitching works or what to include in the email. 

Nailing the email is good, but nailing the approach to pitching the prospects is even more important.

Here are a couple of tips and sales pitch techniques that’ll work well in your email. 

  • Make sure you are reaching out to the right people

The first rule of sales via email or any other sales process is making sure you’re reaching out to the right person to present your offer. If you target the wrong person with the email, then it doesn’t matter how compelling your offer is or how well you’ve written the email; it all goes south from there. 

Use LinkedIn, company websites, and other online resources to ensure you’re targeting the right individual within the organization. Create buyer personas to understand your ideal customer’s role, responsibilities, and pain points so that you can speak their language in your email.

  • Highlight their problem or pain points

A good sales pitch email doesn’t start with you; it starts with them — the potential client. In fact, this is how you sell. If you can’t articulate the problems they’re facing so that you can present your offer in a meaningful way, then it’s all a guessing game, and you’re doomed to failure. 

Identify the challenges they are currently facing and articulate them clearly in your email. Take the time to understand their pain points. Take apart the different values or use cases of your solution and analyze the problems they provide solutions to. 

The goal is to make them feel understood and validated, which paves the way for introducing your solution.

  • Correlate those problems with the KPIs they are evaluated on

Going a step further, link their pain points to the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) crucial to their role or business. For example, if you’re reaching out to a Sales Manager struggling with low team productivity, correlate this with its impact on monthly or quarterly sales targets. 

This not only shows that you understand their world but also that you speak their language. It makes your email feel personalized to them. It’ll be more impactful, and they’ll be much more likely to take you seriously and consider what you have to offer them. 

  • The implications/stakes of not solving the problem (the frustration, business as well and emotional implications)

After laying the groundwork, it’s time to turn up the heat. Chances are, you’ve already heard that people buy based on emotions. Well, it’s true. Research from Unruly indicates that emotionally triggering ads and marketing campaigns can persuade 70% of viewers to buy a product. 

So, in your sales pitch email, explain the frustration, financial losses, or even emotional toll that the problem could impose if not solved. The key to making this work is not to be overly dramatic but to be realistic. Your goal is to stir a sense of urgency.

  • Make a compelling value proposition

Now that you’ve touched on their pain points and the dire consequences of not addressing them, it’s your turn to shine. Present your product or service as the solution they’ve been looking for or not seeing. 

Your value proposition should be clear, concise, and compelling enough that they can’t help but want to learn more. That’s the least you strive for, getting them to want to learn more. 

  • Include a strong call-to-action (CTA)

Last but not least, what do you want them to do after reading your email? Whether it’s scheduling a call, signing up for a free trial, or downloading an eBook, make your CTA clear and actionable. 

Use compelling language that encourages immediate action, like “Book your free consultation now” or “Get started today.”

Sales pitch email format 

The sales pitch email doesn’t have any special email formatting specific to it. It follows the same format as most typical business or professional emails. 

  • A subject line
  • A compelling email body
  • An email ending

Here, you need to understand that every part of a sales pitch email, from the subject line to the closing, plays a crucial role in persuading the reader. Let’s break down each section and provide guidelines on how to effectively construct them:

Subject line: How to write a sales pitch email subject line

The subject line is your first impression. If it doesn’t capture attention, the email likely won’t be opened. Keep in mind that the subject line doesn’t have to reek of the fact there you are there to sell them something. You want to be subtle and focus more on the value you’re bringing them. 

Here are a few tips to craft a winning subject line for a sales pitch email:

  1. Keep it short and sweet: Aim for 6-10 words to ensure it’s fully visible in most email clients.
  2. Spark curiosity: Pique the recipient’s interest with a tantalizing hint or a question.
  3. Personalize: Use the recipient’s name or mention something specific about their company.
  4. Avoid spammy words: Words like “Free,” “Buy now,” or “Save $” can trigger spam filters.

Here are some examples of good sales pitch email subject lines:

  • “John, a solution for your team’s productivity?”
  • “Is this the missing piece in your marketing strategy?”
  • “How [your company] can elevate [their company]”

Email body: How to write a sales pitch email body

Once your recipient clicks to open, you’ve won half the battle. But now comes the crucial part: the email body. Here’s how to get it right:

  1. Use a simple email greeting: Start by writing a professional or formal email salutation. Address the recipient by name for a personal touch. Anything along the lines of Hello/Hi + [first name] will do fine. 
  2. Write an icebreaker opening line: Make it about them, not you. It’ll serve as an icebreaker and get them to commit to reading your email through. Reference a recent achievement they had or a challenge they might be facing.
  3. State the problem they’re facing: Clearly articulate the problem or pain point you think they’re experiencing that your product offer can solve. 
  4. Let them know the implications for their business metrics or goals: This is how you make it relatable to the recipient. Based on what they do and the goals they care about, detail what not solving the problem would mean for them and their business. 
  5. Give them a glimpse of how they will feel: What will happen if the pain point persists or in the event of failure due to the problem not being solved? Tell them and be realistic. Let them know the emotional implications or frustrations that will hit them.
  6. Provide your solution: Now, this is presenting your product or offer as the ultimate savior for their situation. Introduce your product/service as the solution, but keep it brief. You can’t get them to buy directly; your goal is to get them to want to learn more. 
  7. Write value proposition: Enumerate the benefits they’ll gain or the losses they’ll avoid by using your product/service. This is how you show the value of your product. 
  8. Provide social proof: Insert testimonials, case studies, or statistics that back up your claims.
  9. Add your call to action: What do you want them to do next? Click a link to a landing page where they’ll learn more? Watch a demo video? Be clear about the next steps they should take. Make it easy for them to take action.

Email ending: How to end a sales pitch email

So, you made your case elegantly and show them the value you can bring them. Now, it’s time to wrap it up. Here is how to end your sales pitch email. 

  1. Write a thank you note for the closing: Always thank them for their time, as it shows respect and courtesy.
  2. Sign-off professionally: Write a professional sign-off note as you finish the email. You can use anything like “Best”, “Cheers”, “Best regards,” etc.
  3. Add your signature: Include a professional signature with your full name, position, and company, along with ways to contact you.
  4. P.S. Section: Use a P.S. to reiterate your CTA or highlight a special offer. It’s often one of the most-read parts of the email.

7 sales pitch email samples

Now, let’s practice what we’ve been discussing so far. Here are 7 sales pitch email samples you can use to sell your product or service. 

Sample 1: Introducing a new product.

If you are launching a new product, your sales pitch email’s primary purpose is to show the value of your product and generate demand for it. The email should instill a sense of curiosity, enticing the reader to learn more about the product and how it might benefit them.

So, you want to make sure your email subtly hints at its value, captures attention, and drives interest. Here is a sales pitch email example you can emulate: 

Sample 2: Sales pitch offering a limited-time discount or promotion.

Limited-time promotions are powerful motivators for potential customers to take action. It can happen that sales professionals want to offer existing clients a special offer to get more value out of them. 

Even better, you may need to craft a unique offer for your potential clients to bring them to sign up with you. This is the sales pitch email you need to make it work. 

Writing this email should be very simple. All you need to do is drive quick action with a sense of urgency while highlighting the exclusive value you’re offering. Make sure the reader understands the tangible benefits they stand to gain. Here is the perfect sales pitch email sample for this:

Sample 3: Following up after a previous conversation.

Follow-up emails are a gentle nudge reminding the recipient of a prior interaction or discussion. The objective here is two-fold: to refresh their memory of the conversation and to propel them towards the next step, whether that’s a meeting, a purchase, or another form of engagement. 

The idea is that the customer’s pain points are still valid, and you have a solution for it. As you write this, demonstrate a genuine interest in their needs and show eagerness to continue the conversation. Here is a sales pitch email template to get you started.


Sample 4: Question-based sales pitch.

The question-based sales pitch works by posing a relevant, thoughtful question to the recipient, challenging their status quo, or getting them to consider an alternate perspective. 

Your sales pitch email here should ignite curiosity, prompting them to seek answers or solutions – ideally, through your product or service. Here is a sample you can learn from: 

Sample 5: Case study or success story-base sales pitch.

Leveraging a case study or success story is a potent way to build credibility and trust. So, what you need to do here is craft an email that highlights real-world examples of how your product or service solved a problem or delivered tangible benefits for a similar client or industry.

Here is an example you can learn from:

Sample 6: Data-based sales pitch.

Businesses trust data all the time. Presenting hard numbers can be very persuasive. It helps you lead your recipients to make data-driven decisions. Your email here must lay out quantifiable results or benefits, making the value proposition crystal clear and evidence-backed. Here is a sample:

Sample 7: Benefit-based sales pitch.

Benefit-based sales pitches go straight to the heart of what a prospect cares about: what’s in it for them? These emails highlight the direct advantages or positive outcomes the prospect can expect, creating a compelling argument for your product or service. Here is an email sample for this: 

Key takeaways

  • Make sure your sales pitch email resonates with the recipient on a personal level. You can do this by referencing their company’s unique situation or discussing specific challenges they might be facing. This is the best way to let them know you did your homework and that you are not targeting them as part of a blast. 
  • While it can be tempting to list out all the features of your product or service, it’s more effective to focus on the tangible benefits the recipient will gain. What problem does your offering solve for them? How will it positively impact their day-to-day or business metrics?
  • Using data-backed arguments or sharing success stories provides credibility to your claims. A data-driven approach or showcasing a relatable case study can be the difference between a pitch that convinces and one that falls flat.
  • Need help with email marketing and lead generation? We are ready to help. Nerdy Joe can help you get stellar results from our sophisticated email marketing efforts. Talk with us today.
Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

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