450+ Spam Trigger Words to Avoid in Your Copy

Choosing the words used in your emails is always a delicate task.

You want to present your products in the right way, entice the reader to engage with your message and take your desired action, and yet stay on the good side to avoid words that trigger spam filters. 

But sometimes, while pushing for compellingness and ensuring that the email is conveying the purpose of your message, the use of certain words pushes email service providers’ spam filters to place your emails in the spam folder. 

In this article, we share the latest list of spam trigger words to avoid you need to be aware of to keep your emails safe from landing in the spam folder and ensure you always get delivered. 

What are spam trigger words?

Email spam trigger words are words and phrases included in your email that email providers’s email filtering algorithms see as red flags and consider malicious for the recipient of the email and therefore block the email being delivered.

These are mostly words that are used in email subject lines as well as email bodies in an attempt to get an action or reaction from the reader.

They trigger spam filters that consider them spam words because they find them suspicious, misleading, or too good to be true and send the email to the spam folder.

Spam trigger words can tip your beautifully-written email to the wrong side of the inbox of your recipients, who will, therefore, not receive your communication — even if you don’t mean to use those words and phrases.

The main reason email marketing specialists need to learn about email spam words to avoid is that constantly having your email marketing campaigns sent to spam folders hurts email deliverability.

Down the road, constantly having your emails flagged by spam filters damages your sender reputation, and spam filters will always send your email campaigns to the spam folders anytime they receive emails from your domain.

Before we reveal the list of email spam trigger words to you, it is important to put things in context to show you the types of words that get flagged as spam emails. 

What types of words do spam filters flag?

There are a gazillion words and phrases that get flagged by email spam filters. It can seem hard to always know which ones, but there is a pattern.

Spam filters only catch suspicious words and phrases associated with the following:

  • Scams: setting up dishonest schemes or frauds and using words and phrases like ‘free money’, ‘instant weight loss’, ’billions’.
  • Manipulation: creating unnecessary urgency with words like ‘Urgent’, and ’Don’t delete’. This also includes using words that are too specific to marketing and the idea of sales.
  • Gimmicks: adding tricky words to elicit emotions or drive action.  
  • Promises: constantly making promises across the email.
  • Free gifts: include too many gifts and promising free stuff in your email subject line or content. 
  • Neediness: sounding desperate and needy with words like ‘Help’, and ’Distress
  • Sleaziness: using inappropriate, out-of-context, or sex language with words like hot babes, or adult. 
  • Shadiness: ethically or legally questionable behavior.
  • Being too cheap: making unrealistic discounts with words and phrases including ‘Free’, 100% off, Full Discount.

450+ spam trigger words per category and business industry

There is a list of words and phrases that are considered suspicious or potentially spammy by email providers.

These will be detected, trigger some sort of red flag, and the spam filters in your recipient’s inbox will likely place your email in junk status to protect the recipient.

Here is the ultimate list of email spam trigger words. 

Marketing and Sales Email Spam Trigger Words To Avoid

  • Ad
  • Affordable
  • All natural
  • All new
  • Amazed
  • Amazing
  • Amazing stuff
  • As seen on
  • Auto email removal
  • Bargain
  • Be amazed
  • Beneficiary
  • Best price
  • Big bucks
  • Bill 1618
  • Billing
  • Billing address
  • Billion
  • Billion dollars
  • Bonus
  • Bulk email
  • Cancel at any time
  • Cannot be combined with any other offer
  • Chance
  • Cheap
  • Check
  • Check or money order
  • Click
  • Click below
  • Click here
  • Click to remove
  • Compare rates
  • Compete for your business
  • Dear friend
  • Direct email
  • Direct marketing
  • Discount
  • Email harvest
  • Email marketing
  • Free call
  • Free consultation
  • Free DVD
  • Free hosting
  • Free priority mail
  • Free sample
  • Free trial
  • Free website
  • Increase sales
  • Increase traffic
  • Increase your sales
  • Incredible deal
  • Info you requested
  • Information you requested
  • Internet marketing
  • Marketing
  • Marketing solutions
  • Mass email
  • Month trial offer
  • More internet traffic
  • Multi-level marketing
  • No purchase necessary
  • No questions asked
  • No selling
  • Offer
  • Offer expired
  • Once in lifetime
  • One hundred percent free
  • One hundred percent guaranteed
  • One time
  • One time mailing
  • Online biz opportunity
  • Online marketing
  • Opt in
  • Sale
  • Satisfaction
  • Satisfaction guaranteed
  • Save $
  • Save big money
  • Save up to
  • Search engine listings
  • Search engines
  • Sign up free today
  • Special promotion
  • Special promotion
  • Tells you it’s an ad
  • This isn’t a scam
  • This isn’t spam
  • This won’t last
  • Traffic
  • Trial
  • Vacation
  • Vacation offers
  • Visit our website
  • Web traffic

Financial Email Spam Trigger Words To Avoid

  • Accept credit cards
  • Additional income
  • Avoid bankruptcy
  • Calling creditors
  • Cards accepted
  • Cash
  • Cash bonus
  • Cash Cash Cash
  • Cents on the dollar
  • Consolidate debt and credit
  • Consolidate your debt
  • Costs
  • Credit
  • Credit bureaus
  • Credit card offers
  • Debt
  • Don’t hesitate
  • Double your
  • Double your cash
  • Double your income
  • Drastically reduced
  • Earn
  • Earn $
  • Earn extra cash
  • Earn per week
  • Eliminate bad credit
  • Eliminate debt
  • Exclusive deal
  • Expect to earn
  • Expire
  • Explode your business
  • Extra
  • Extra cash
  • Extra income
  • Fantastic deal
  • Financial freedom
  • Financially independent
  • For just $ (some amount)
  • For just $xxx
  • Free
  • Free gift
  • Free grant money
  • Free investment
  • Free leads
  • Free membership
  • Free money
  • Free offer
  • Free preview
  • Full refund
  • Get out of debt
  • Get paid
  • Great offer
  • Hidden assets
  • Hidden charges
  • Income
  • Income from home
  • Investment
  • Investment decision
  • It’s effective
  • Loan
  • Lower interest rates
  • Lower monthly payment
  • Lower your mortgage rate
  • Lowest insurance rates
  • Lowest Price
  • Luxury
  • Luxury car
  • Luxury car
  • Make $
  • Make money
  • Mortgage
  • Mortgage rates
  • No cost
  • No credit check
  • No fees
  • No hidden
  • No hidden costs
  • No interests
  • No inventory
  • No investment
  • No middleman
  • Only $
  • Opportunity
  • Pennies a day
  • Quote
  • Refinance
  • Refinance home
  • Refund
  • Requires initial investment
  • Risk free
  • Serious cash
  • Serious only
  • Subject to cash
  • Subject to credit
  • Talks about hidden charges
  • The best rates
  • They keep your money — no refund!
  • Thousands
  • Unsecured credit
  • Unsecured debt
  • US dollars
  • Wants credit card
  • Warranty
  • Your income

Medical Email Spam Words To Avoid

  • Cell phone cancer scam
  • Collect child support
  • Cures
  • Cures baldness
  • Diagnostics
  • Fast viagra delivery
  • Human growth hormone
  • Life
  • Life Insurance
  • Lifetim
  • Lose weight
  • Lose weight spam
  • Medicine
  • No medical exams
  • Online pharmacy
  • Removes wrinkles
  • Reverses
  • Reverses aging
  • Stop
  • Stop snoring
  • Valium
  • Viagra
  • Vicodin
  • Weight
  • Weight loss
  • While you sleep
  • Will not believe your eyes
  • Xanax

eCommerce Email Spam Trigger Words To Avoid

  • Be your own boss
  • Boss
  • Buy
  • Buy direct
  • Buying judgments
  • Congratulations
  • Gift certificate
  • Give it away
  • Giving away
  • Here
  • Hidden
  • Join millions
  • Join millions of americans
  • Laser printer
  • Limited supplies
  • Million
  • Million dollars
  • Money
  • Money back
  • Money making
  • Never
  • New customers only
  • Order
  • Order now
  • Order shipped by
  • Order status
  • Order today
  • Pennies a day
  • Potential earnings
  • Price
  • Produced and sent out
  • Profits
  • Purchase
  • Pure Profits
  • Rates
  • Rolex
  • Round the world
  • Shopper
  • Shopping spree
  • Stock alert
  • Stock disclaimer statement
  • Stock pick
  • Strong buy
  • Stuff on sale
  • Supplies
  • Supplies are limited
  • While supplies last
  • Why pay more?

Legal Spam Trigger Words To Avoid

  • Certified
  • Claims
  • Claims not to be selling anything
  • Claims to be in accordance with some spam law
  • Claims to be legal
  • Clearance
  • Confidentially on all orders
  • Copy accurately
  • Easy terms
  • Guarantee
  • Guaranteed
  • In accordance with laws
  • Insurance
  • Legal
  • Message contains
  • Message contains disclaimer
  • Name brand
  • No catch
  • No claim forms
  • Obligation
  • Reserves the right
  • Terms
  • Terms and conditions
  • The following form

Employment Email Spam Trigger Words To Avoid

  • Apply online
  • Free access
  • Have you been turned down?
  • Home
  • Home based
  • Home based business
  • Home employment
  • Hybrid work
  • Meet singles
  • Member
  • Member stuff
  • No age restrictions
  • No experience
  • Online degree
  • University diplomas
  • Work from home
  • Work remotely

Email Spam Trigger Words With Numbers

  • 100%
  • #1
  • $$$
  • 0% risk
  • 100% free
  • 100% more
  • 100% satisfaction
  • 100% Satisfied
  • 4U
  • 50% off
  • One hundred percent guaranteed
  • Thousands

Urgency Words and Phrases To Avoid Spam

  • Act now
  • Action
  • Call now
  • Can’t live without
  • Do it today
  • Fast cash
  • Get it now
  • Get started now
  • Limited
  • Limited time
  • Limited time offer
  • Limited time only
  • Take action
  • Take action now
  • Time limited
  • Urgent
  • What are you waiting for?
  • What’s keeping you?

Other Words and Phrases to Avoid to Ensure Email Deliverability

  • Acceptance
  • Access
  • Accordingly
  • Avoid
  • Call
  • Call free
  • Cancel
  • Casino
  • Celebrity
  • Collect
  • Dig up dirt on friends
  • Don’t delete
  • Dormant
  • F r e e
  • Fantastic
  • For free
  • For instant access
  • For Only
  • For you
  • Form
  • Instant
  • Junk
  • Laser printer
  • Leave
  • Legal
  • Long distance phone offer
  • Lose
  • Mail in order form
  • Maintained
  • Medium
  • Miracle
  • New domain extensions
  • Nigerian
  • No gimmick
  • No obligation
  • No strings attached
  • No-obligation
  • Not intended
  • Not junk
  • Not spam
  • Offshore
  • Open
  • Outstanding values
  • Passwords
  • Per day
  • Per week
  • Performance
  • Phone
  • Please read
  • Pre-approved
  • Presently
  • Print form signature
  • Print out and fax
  • Priority mail
  • Prize
  • Problem
  • Promise
  • Promise you
  • Real thing
  • Removal
  • Removal instructions
  • Remove
  • Request sample
  • Safeguard notice
  • Score
  • Score with babes
  • Section 301
  • See for yourself
  • Sent in compliance
  • Serious
  • Social security number
  • Spam
  • Stainless steel
  • Talks about prizes
  • Teen
  • They’re just giving it away
  • Undisclosed recipient
  • Unlimited
  • Unsolicited
  • Unsubscribe
  • We hate spam
  • We honor all
  • Weekend getaway
  • You are a winner!
  • You have been selected

What if you cannot do without these words? 

You will be bound to use some spam trigger words. Sometimes, it only makes sense to use them to formulate your message or make your offer compelling to your audience.

In some contexts even, they can operate as power words to inspire your recipients to take action. 

So, you’re probably asking yourself whether you will get your email flagged as spam anytime you include any of these words in your emails or subject lines.

From our experience, the real problem is the frequency with which you use them and how many of them you include in your email that triggers the spam filter. 

The reason we believe this is that spam filter algorithms work based on a scoring system rather than simply seeing the word and instantly flagging the entire email as spam.

They consider your sentences and the number of potentially spammy words or phrases it contains — both your email subject lines and copy. 

Based on the data gathered, they score your email an overall spam score, which determines whether your email lands in the spam folder or the inbox.

Of course, the higher your spam score the lower your chances of getting your email delivered in the inbox. 

So back to your question. Yes, you can use the words and phrases that make sense to you. It’s only a matter of density.

Spam filters are becoming more and more sophisticated and allow for nuance. It is a matter of context and sensible use. So, you make sure you include these words or any kind of power words in your email copy sparingly. 

Key Takeaways

  • The risks linked to these words are constantly evolving, so stay tuned, we update this list regularly. Finally, note that although using these words is risky, you can continue to use them, but sparingly.
  • If you want to maximize your chances, refrain as much as possible from placing them in the subject line of your message. This requires a little effort, a good dose and a lot of creativity, but the results of your campaign will be all the better.
  • Also, always ensure that you follow the CAN-SPAM Act laws and include an unsubscribe link in your email campaign. CAN-SPAM Act laws govern commercial emails — emails sent by a company attempting to sell or promote its products. Always aligning with them will help with your email deliverability and avoid fines owing to poor email marketing. 

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