23 Thank You Email Examples And Templates

thank you email

If someone has gone out of their way to help you or do something for you, it’s reasonable to express your gratitude to that person. 

Sending a thank you email is about making someone feel appreciated. They are one of the most awesome kinds of emails to receive. 

If you are struggling to craft a thank you email, we have provided 50 examples to show how it’s done. Do dive in! 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

What is a “thank you” email?

A “thank you” email, also known as thank you letter, is an email message comprising a short thank you note sent to express appreciation or gratitude towards someone. It is generally used after someone has provided a service, given a gift, or otherwise helped you in some way.

Why should you send “thank you” emails

Here are some reasons why you should send a thank you email. 

Showing appreciation for a service rendered (or a gift received)

The primary purpose of every thank you email is to express gratitude. By sending a thank you email, you are acknowledging the effort or thoughtfulness of the other party. It’s a polite way of showing that you appreciate what they have done for you, and it fosters goodwill.

Building relationships

There is more to “thank you” emails than simply showing appreciation; they also help build and strengthen relationships. This can be particularly important in a professional context, where maintaining good relationships can have a big impact on your career.

Demonstrating professionalism

Sending a thank you email in an official setting demonstrates professionalism. It shows that you are considerate and respectful of the time and effort others have put into helping you. This can make a strong impression and reflect positively on your image.

Staying top of mind

Especially in situations like job interviews, a “thank you” email can set you apart from other candidates who may not take that extra step. It shows initiative and can leave a lasting positive impression which can facilitate recall when they’re making the final decision.

Continuing the conversation

A “thank you” email can also serve as a follow-up message to continue a conversation with someone, whether that’s asking further questions after a meeting or interview or simply keeping the lines of communication open for future interactions.

Customer appreciation and retention

Especially in a business-to-business and business-to-customer setting, sending a thank-you message to a loyal customer can help improve satisfaction and increase retention. It will make your customers feel valued and appreciated, which can strengthen their loyalty to your business.

When to send a thank you email

The best time to send a “thank you” email is immediately after a specific interaction with someone, be it a client, co-worker, business partner, and so on. Here are some scenarios that demand that you send a thank you email.

After an interview

Sending a thank you email after a job interview helps you to create a deeper connection with the recruiter. It highlights your appreciation and demonstrates your interest in the job.

After a business meeting or conference

Thank you emails constitute a professional way to express your gratitude after a business meeting. And on top of demonstrating gratitude, you can also use them to keep the conversation going with — or establish connections with — new people after a meeting, build relationships, and secure future business opportunities. 

After receiving a service or product

When you receive a product or service, you should acknowledge the gift or help you have received. It shows your sincerity. Plus, the giver will know you are happy and appreciate them for the good they’ve done for you. 

After a personal event (wedding, birthday, etc)

Sending a post-event thank you email is a quick message that shows you happy sentiment for the people’s decision to participate in your event. It is polite, and it lets your attendees feel appreciated for their time, contributions, and efforts.

How to structure a thank you email

You can use the following step to craft an effective thank you email. 

The “thank you” subject line

The subject line of your thank you email should be clear, concise, and relevant to the content of your email. Simply let your recipients know that you are coming to them to express gratitude for whatever service they’ve done for you

Here are some examples of subject lines you can use for a thank-you email. 

  • After a job interview:
    • “Thank you for the interview today”
    • “Appreciating the opportunity to discuss [job title] position”
    • “Thank you, [interviewer’s name]: post-interview appreciation”
    • “Gratitude for the insightful interview”
  • After a business meeting or event:
    • “Great meeting today – thank you”
    • “Thanks for your time at yesterday’s meeting”
    • “Appreciating your insights from today’s workshop”
    • “Thankful for the engaging conference session”
  • After receiving a gift:
    • “Thank you for the wonderful gift”
    • “Gratitude for your generosity”
    • “Overwhelmed by your thoughtful gift”
  • For customer appreciation:
    • “Thank you for your continued support”
    • “Appreciating your loyalty to [your company’s name]”
    • “Grateful for your trust in [your company’s name]”
  • For a mentor or someone who has given advice/help:
    • “Thankful for your guidance”
    • “Your advice made a difference – thank you”
    • “Grateful for your mentorship”


Email salutations often depend on the recipient. If it’s a formal email such as an email directed to your boss, clients, or professor, you can use “Dear.” If you don’t know the recipient, you can address them by their titles, such as Mr, Mrs., Dr, Prof., and more

If you have an existing relationship with the recipient, you can start the email by addressing them by their first name. This works well with a colleague at work, a friend, loved ones, and more. 

The thank you 

The length of thank you emails can vary. However, brevity always wins. One to four brief paragraphs is an ideal length. Start your message with what your recipient did for you. Be specific and personalize your message to fit the situation. Here is an example:

Also, like we did, ensure to use professional and clear language. For instance, if you are addressing someone who gave you a gift, you should appreciate the item or the thought that they cared enough to get the item for you. 


If you expect something from your audience, you should make it clear. For instance, if you still need to set up a meeting with your recipient, do let them know. Or perhaps, if you want to collaborate with them on a project, ask them.


Finish your email with a professional sign-off to leave a positive impression on your recipients. If it’s a formal email, you can sign off with a full name and email signature. If it’s a casual email, your first name will suffice since you have an existing relationship with the recipient. 

Dos and don’ts of writing a thank you email

Tips and guidelines to keep in mind while writing.

As you write and send your thank you email, there are some guidelines you should follow. Some of these email tips include:

1 – Be timely

The best time to send the email is within 24 hours of the interview/interaction/receipt of service or gift because that is when the interaction is still fresh in the mind of both parties. When you delay for too long, you risk losing the opportunity of making a good impression.

2 – Be concise

You should avoid writing a lengthy thank you email. Keep your message short and go straight to the point. Your goal is to express your gratitude and show your interest to your recipient. Communicate in a clear and professional language. 

3 – Be specific

Personalize your message to fit the circumstance. For instance, if you want to appreciate a person for his help, don’t beat around the bush, let them know that that’s why you’re thanking them.

Common mistakes to avoid

Here are some common mistakes you can avoid when writing a thank you email. 

1 – Avoid grammatical errors or typos

Everyone makes mistakes. But what is worse is to send a thank you email with lots of grammatical spellings or errors that render your message incomprehensible. 

Before you hit the “send” button, you should proofread it. You can have someone do it for you or use tools such as Grammarly to highlight and correct these errors. 

2 – Making it too long

A thank-you email isn’t an essay. Avoid making it long for your readers. Cover the basics, state your reasons, and end the email. Present your ideas within three or four short paragraphs as it makes an ideal thank you email. 

3 – Making it about yourself

A thank you email shouldn’t entirely be about yourself. Even though you want to express your interest and show your gratitude, you should be specific about what you want. Don’t bore your recipient by selling yourself.  

23 successful samples of thank you emails 

Now that you are acquainted with the necessary details of a thank you email, let’s put them into practice. With these 23 templates, you can say thank you in an email even in professional situations. 

1 – Thank you emails about a job interview

You must send a thank you email after a job interview. Doing so confirms your interest in the job and tells the hiring managers that you appreciate their time. You should send one within 24 hours of the interview or on the same day if possible. A post-interview thank you email is interesting to read as you’ll see in this example. 

2 – Thank you emails after a networking event

Many people don’t know what to do after a networking event. Writing a thank you email after a networking event is a great strategy to build relationships and solidify your connections. In addition, you can generate leads or uncover other potential business opportunities. 

You should send one within 48 hours after the networking conversation. Here is a sample that can work for you. 

3 – Thank you emails to a mentor

Sending a thank you email to your mentor can help sustain your relationship in the future. Mentees often return to their mentors for advice or feedback. 

So, you will need to keep the relationship alive and positive by appreciating their advice so they can be of help to you. Here is a template that can help you out.

4 – Thank you emails after a meeting 

This acknowledgment is a courtesy you should extend after a meeting. Even if you have thanked them in person during the meeting, sending an email shows even more appreciation, and it can keep the conversational ball rolling for a potential follow-up email. So, here is an example: 

5 – Thank you emails for a customer or client after a purchase

Sending a warm thank you email after a purchase helps to deepen the relationship between you and your customer. About 68% of customers leave because they believe the business doesn’t care about them. 

But a thank you email can change this narrative by showing that you care about their interest in your business. Here is a template that can help you out. 

6 – Thank you emails after receiving a gift 

When you receive a gift from someone, you must thank them. Sending a thank you email shows that you appreciate what they gave you or the person’s effort to provide you with something they think you will like. 

7 – Thank you emails for personal occasions

When you send a thank you email to someone for personal occasions, you appreciate their time. This can help to build the relationships between the two parties and improve the desired outcome. 

8 – Thank you emails for a job referral

If someone has gone out of their way to do something for you such as referring you to a job opportunity, it’s only polite to say thank you. Here is a thank you email template you can use.

9 – Thank you email to reference after getting the job

Getting a job is tough. If you eventually get the job through someone’s reference letter, you should send a thank you email to thank them for their kindness. Here is an example that can help you out. 

10 – After the career fair thank you email

A thank you email after a career fair is a great way to create a connection with a potential employer. Here is a template you can use.

11 – Thank you email to customer for feedback

If a customer has reached out to provide feedback about your business, you should send a thank you to appreciate their gesture. Whether their response was a good or bad one, you should acknowledge their effort and thank them.

12 – Thank you an email to the hiring manager after rejection

A thank you email to a recruiter after rejection is an essential part of the process. Even though you are disappointed, sending a thank you email displays some character and makes you stand out professionally.

13 – Thank you email for a great customer service

You should send a thank you email to someone who has gone beyond the regular call of duty to provide exceptional customer service. That way, you acknowledge their efforts which can prompt them to deliver better customer service. 

14 – Thank you email for your job application

Anyone that applies for a job has invested effort and time in their application. So, you must recognize their efforts. This example shows how you express gratitude to applicants while maintaining professional distance.

15 – Thank you for the opportunity to email

A thank you email for an opportunity is another way to show gratitude for being considered for a role. This email can be sent to the individual or HR team for their recommendation. Ensure you personalize this email template before sending it out.

16 – Thank you email for a pay rise

Receiving a pay rise can mean a lot, especially when the pay pocket is far stretched. A thank you email for a pay rise shows your appreciation for the kind act.

17 – Thank you email to CEO for recognition

When your CEO recognizes you for your efforts in your company, ensure to appreciate the act. A thank you email to your CEO goes a long way in showing that you care about your company and its growth.

18 – Thank you email for a promotion

Just like a pay rise, a promotion recognizes your skills, experience, and contribution to a  company. It also implies that you are getting a better job title with bigger checks. So, you should send a thank you email to show that you’re happy and grateful.

19 – Thank you email to an employee/team

Everyone loves a little appreciation. So, it’s a great idea to send a thank you note to your employees who have contributed significantly to your company. Let them know that you appreciate their assistance or their efforts in completing a task.

20 – “Thank you for becoming a member” email

If a user requests access to gated content or wants to join a community, it’s the perfect medium to express your gratitude for joining. By doing this, they feel welcomed and valued. 

21 – “Thank you for placing an order” email

One of the most automated emails you need for your business is placing an order or a thank you for a shopping email. As a customer makes a purchase, they should receive a thank you email for purchasing with your business. This type of email is a must for email marketing campaigns.

22 – Last day of internship thank you email

An internship is an opportunity to demonstrate your values to a company. Just as when you have started, you should send them a thank you email to appreciate the skills, experiences, and values they have imparted to you. 

23 – Last day of work thank you email

Sending a thank you email when you are about to leave a company shows how courteous you are.  

Key takeaways

  • The primary purpose of a thank you email is to express gratitude. It shows the other party that you appreciate their effort and time and promotes goodwill.
  • Your thank you email format must consist of a salutation, a message, a call to action, and a closing.
  • Depending on the situation, there are different types of thank you emails such as thank you emails for personal events, thank you emails after a business meeting, thank you emails after a job interview, and more. 
  • Need help with email marketing and lead generation? We are ready to help. Nerdy Joe can help you to get highly-stellar results from email marketing and lead generation. Give us a response today.
Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

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