How to Write a Welcome Email With 15 Examples

Picture this:

A new customer takes the leap of faith and makes their first purchase. They’re excited but also a little apprehensive about what comes next. 

On the other side, imagine a new employee, nervous about stepping into a new role, seeking affirmation that they’ve made the right career move. 

Both situations are critical junctures where a welcome email can turn uncertainty into confidence and forge a lasting bond between your organization and the other party.

In this article, we will teach you how to write effective welcome emails that engage new customers and new employees. We’ve added successful welcome email samples and templates to get you started easily. 

Let’s get started. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

What is a welcome email?

Welcome emails are corporate handshakes offered to new employees or new customers joining your company’s ecosystem. It’s the initial point of contact, a chance to roll out the red carpet, and an opportunity to initiate a meaningful connection.

For new customers, it’s a way to introduce them to your products or services, express gratitude for their trust, and guide them toward their first interaction with your offerings.

On the flip side, when it comes to new employees, welcome emails are a cornerstone of the onboarding process. They create an environment of inclusivity and excitement from the first interaction. It’s an effective way to make team members feel at home and reinforce the organization’s culture and values.

Whether you’re welcoming a new customer or a new employee, a welcome email can serve multiple purposes:

  1. A friendly welcome email sets the foundation for trust and a positive relationship.
  2. It’s an opportunity to provide valuable information about your products, services, or company culture.
  3. Ease any anxiety associated with a new purchase or a new job, making the transition smoother.
  4. Encourage recipients to take action, whether it’s exploring your website, making another purchase, or completing necessary onboarding tasks.
  5. Make the recipient feel special and appreciated.
  6. Clarify what recipients can expect from your company, from future communications to support.

How to write welcome emails: what to include in the email and how to format it

Although it may seem simple, writing welcome emails is not a given. You need a great writing strategy that ensures you say the right things in the email and that you format it right to ensure it makes it into the recipient’s inbox and gets noticed and read. 

So, here, let’s start by discussing what you should include in the email to make it a warm and smiling welcome for them. Next, we’ll talk about how you should format your welcome emails. 

What to say in an email when welcoming someone? 

First, you need to have a clear purpose for the welcome email from the start. The email needs to be about more than simply saying welcome to provide value and be relevant. Here are a couple of ideas you can consider for this:

  • Expressing gratitude 
  • Sharing your brand story 
  • Highlighting key products or services 
  • Offering exclusive discounts or incentives 
  • Encouraging engagement on social media 
  • Requesting feedback and reviews
  • Using a video to facilitate onboarding

That cleared, here’s a general structure and some key points to include in your welcome email:

  • Start by thanking them for choosing to be a part of your community, organization, or initiative. Use the right words and show excitement about having them on board.
  • Provide a succinct overview of what your organization does or what the community is about.
  • Clearly state what the recipient can expect from being a part of the community, service, or organization. If there is room for it, outline any benefits, services, or experiences they will receive.
  • Provide essential information they may need, such as contact details, support channels, or where to find additional resources. Also, if applicable, direct them to any onboarding materials, tutorials, or guides.
  • Invite them to engage with your organization, ask questions, or provide feedback.
  • Include a clear and compelling call to action (CTA), encouraging them to take a specific step (for example, complete a profile, sign up for a newsletter, or join a discussion forum).

Welcome email format

Your welcome email, as seen with most business and professional emails, needs to have three key parts. These include the subject line, the email body, and an email closing. Let’s break each part down and discuss the best tips to write them effectively.

Subject line: How to write the best welcome email subject lines

As you can tell, the subject line for your welcome email is the first thing your recipients see, and it needs to captivate their attention and entice them to open the email. Ideally, this needs to be simple and direct. Let them see your excitement for having them aboard. 

Let’s explore the strategies that will help your subject line stand out and entice engagement from the very start.

  • Be concise: Keep it short and sweet, ideally under 50 characters.
  • Be explicit: Show them that you want to welcome them and keep it simple. 
  • Personalization: Include the recipient’s name or other personalized elements.
  • Create curiosity: Ask a question or offer a teaser that sparks interest.
  • Highlight benefits: Mention the value or benefit the recipient will gain.
  • Avoid spam triggers: This is most likely your first email to them. So, you want to steer clear of spammy words and excessive punctuation so that your emails don’t get flagged.

Here are 10 best welcome email subject line examples you can learn from:

  • “Welcome aboard, [recipient’s name]!”
  • “Thank you for joining [your company name]”
  • “Get ready for something special, [recipient’s name]!”
  • “Your [product/service] journey begins now!”
  • “Welcome to the [your company name] family”
  • “Unlock exclusive access as our new member”
  • “You’re in! let’s get started, [recipient’s name]!”
  • “We’ve been expecting you, [recipient’s name]”
  • “Thanks for joining us, [recipient’s name]! 🚀”
  • “Welcome aboard! your [product/service] awaits”

Email body: How to write a welcome email body 

The body of your welcome email is where the magic happens. See it as your canvas to paint a vivid picture of your brand, express gratitude, and provide valuable information. From the opening sentence to the call-to-action, every word counts. 

Let’s dive into the crucial components that make up a stellar welcome email body and tips to make it impactful.

1. The warm email greeting

Start with a friendly and personalized email greeting. Address the recipient by their name if possible. Email greetings like “Hello + name”, “Hey + name,” or even “Welcome + name” will do great for the engagement. 

2. The welcome opening line:

Start here by expressing your gratitude for their decision to join, participate, or become a part of your organization, team, or community. Mention any specific reason for the welcome, such as joining a new job, subscribing to a newsletter, signing up for a service, or attending an event.

3. The main content:

The main content will depend on your audience, your business, and the purpose you chose for the welcome email. Ideally, you should include what we covered in the “What to say in an email when welcoming someone?” section. 

Here is a rough detail of what it needs to contain. 

  • Highlight the value they bring or the benefits they’ll receive from being a part of your group or community.
  • Briefly introduce yourself and your role, if applicable.
  • Share some exciting facts or information about what they can expect or look forward to.
  • Mention any important next steps, resources, or actions they should take.
  • Use a clear CTA to encourage them to explore, ask questions, or engage with your organization/team/community.

Email closing: How to end a welcome email

As your welcome email draws to a close, you have to strive for a lasting impression and set the tone for future interactions. Here is how to conclude your welcome.

1. The closing line: 

Reiterate your warm welcome and express your enthusiasm for having them on board. Also, provide your contact information or a point of contact if they need assistance or have inquiries.

2. The friendly sign-off

Sign off with a friendly closing phrase, such as “Best regards,” “Warm wishes,” or “Sincerely”.

3. The signature:

Include your name, title, and contact details. If applicable, you can also include links to your social media profiles or website for further connection.

5 welcome email examples and what makes them great

Here are 5 examples of welcome emails from top brands you can learn from.


This welcome email from, a task management tool, maintains a friendly tone and directs attention to the introductory video, which is a brilliant and fun way to welcome new customers — and ensure maximum engagement.  

What makes it great?

  • It is email-friendly and video-centric.
  • It creates a CEO-like connection with personalized greetings.
  • It uses the recipient’s name to boost email click-through rates.

2. InVision

InVision’s welcome email for their free prototyping app provides clear guidance on the next steps for users. So, with the video, it facilitates onboarding for new users by showing them how to, aligning with its visual and interactive nature.

What makes it great?

  • The welcome email clearly guides users on the next steps.
  • It uses videos to demonstrate app usage instead of listing instructions.
  • The approach aligns with the visual and interactive nature of the product.

3. Drift

Drift’s welcome email for their newsletter stands out for its minimalist approach. It begins with candid commentary, highlighting its brevity. The email then consists of a bulleted list of popular blog posts, with only a brief mention of the product at the end. 

For us, this serves as an excellent example of a non-interruptive, value-focused welcome email.

What makes it great?

  • It is minimalist, with no fancy design, videos, or photos.
  • The email features a bulleted list of popular resources.
  • Product mention is minimal, appearing in a brief postscript.

4. Baltic Born

Baltic Born’s purpose with the email is to encourage brand loyalty so that they can get more out of new customers. The email delivers on that purpose very well as it starts with concrete rewards, explains its reward system, and features a compelling button for earning more points. 

Also, the monochromatic design is visually appealing and mobile-friendly.

What makes it great?

  • Attractive offers.
  • It explains the reward system clearly.
  • The email includes a compelling button to earn more points.

5. SAXX Underwear

SAXX Underwear’s welcome email for men’s underwear stands out with its catchy and creative tone, evident in both its subject line and humorous yet relatable content. 

Visual elements include models showcasing comfort, complemented by a 10% off code for first-time buyers and a clear refund policy. 

What makes it great? 

  • Bold and catchy choice of words.
  • The email uses humor and relatability to connect with subscribers.
  • The email offers a 10% off code for first-time buyers and directs them to the store.
  • It presents a bold refund policy to build trust with prospects.

15 welcome email templates to get you started

Here are 15 welcome email templates you can learn from. 

1. Classic welcome email template 

The classic welcome email serves to send a warm and personalized introduction to your brand, saying thank you for the recipient’s engagement. 

In this email, you briefly introduce your brand, sharing its core mission and values. Moreover, you can emphasize the benefits of being part of your community or using your product or service. Encourage the recipient to take the next step, be it exploring your website, reading informative blog posts, or making another purchase. 

Here is an email sample you can use to write this:

2. Discount or promotion welcome email 

Discount or promotion welcome messages are powerful tools to make a memorable first impression on new customers or subscribers and push for customer loyalty. Your email here should swiftly introduce an enticing discount or promotion while highlighting its significant value. 

Writing a compelling call to action is paramount here. Encourage the recipients to immediately redeem the offer. You can also create a sense of urgency by including an expiration date for the offer. Here is a welcome email sample for this:

3. Newsletter signup welcome email 

This welcome email helps you offer a warm welcome to new signees and set clear expectations for what they anticipate from your newsletter content. 

Your email must show gratitude for the recipient’s decision to join your mailing list and then provide a concise preview of the value that your newsletter content will bring to their inbox. 

Also, specify the frequency of your newsletters, giving them an idea of how often they’ll receive your updates. Here is a sample to help write this:

4. Personalized product recommendations 

This type of welcome email is designed to make a new customer feel special right from the start. So, in this email, you go beyond the standard welcome message by showcasing a selection of products or services tailored specifically to the recipient’s preferences or browsing history.

Doing so shows that you understand their needs and also helps you pique their interest. You can include quick product descriptions, images, and links to individual product pages to make it easy for the recipient to explore further. Here are the best welcome email examples you can emulate for this:

5. Abandoned cart recovery welcome email 

The abandoned cart recovery welcome email is a marketing strategy to re-engage potential customers who have shown interest in your products but did not complete the purchase. 

Your email here should open with a personalized greeting, acknowledging the recipient and their abandoned cart. It should gently remind them about the items left behind and provide a sense of urgency or exclusivity, such as mentioning limited stock or a special offer. 

You can also include customer support information to address any concerns or questions they may have. You must conclude the email with a warm welcome-back message, expressing your eagerness to assist them further. Here is a sample:

6. Social media engagement welcome email 

A social media engagement welcome email is a message that you send to welcome new followers or subscribers to your social media profiles. Its primary goal is to foster an active and engaged social media community. 

When writing this email, make sure to thank the subscriber for their decision to connect with your brand on social media. Provide a brief overview of the type of content they can expect to see on your social platforms. 

Encourage the recipients to actively engage with your posts, like, comment, and share content. It’s also a great place to promote any social media contests, campaigns, or hashtags you might be running. Here is an email sample to help you write this:

7. Survey or feedback request welcome email 

A survey or feedback request welcome email serves as an initial contact point to request feedback from customers or subscribers. On top of the welcome message, it helps you gather insights and improve products or services. 

In your email, start by expressing appreciation for their engagement with your brand. Explain the purpose of the survey or feedback request, and emphasize how their input will shape your offerings. 

Also, make it easy for recipients to access the survey or provide feedback by including clear calls to action and direct links. Ensure the process is user-friendly and concise. Mention any incentives you might be offering. Here is an email sample for this: 

8. Referral program welcome email

This welcome email introduces new customers to your referral program. The primary aim is to promote user-generated growth and reward loyal customers. 

Begin by warmly welcoming the new customer and acknowledging their recent purchase or sign-up. Next, provide a detailed explanation of your referral program. Highlight the benefits and rewards they can earn by referring others. 

Include easy-to-follow steps on how to refer friends and family, and make sure to include clear calls to action for sharing and tracking referrals. Express enthusiasm for their participation and thank them in advance for helping your brand grow through their referrals. Here is a sample:

9. Educational content welcome email 

Educational welcome email campaigns serve as a gateway to your knowledge base. Chances are you are an online coach, a teacher, or just someone with resources people are interested in learning from — so they sign up. 

In your email, start with a warm welcome and express gratitude for their interest in your educational resources. Provide an overview of the type of content they can expect to receive and how it will benefit them, such as solving problems or improving their skills. 

Include links to your most popular or relevant educational content pieces and invite them to explore further. Consider setting expectations for email frequency to manage their anticipation. Here is an email sample to help you write this: 

10. Post-purchase thank you email 

Technically, this is a thank-you-welcome email that you send customers immediately after they’ve made a purchase. 

So, it should start with a thank you message that tells how much their purchase means to your brand. You can include order details, such as items purchased, prices, and delivery information, to reassure them about their transaction. Next, it should welcome them to your customer base.

You can also add personalized product recommendations or related items they might be interested in. Encourage customers to reach out for any post-purchase assistance or questions and provide clear contact information for support. Here is an email sample you can use:

11. VIP or loyalty program welcome email 

A VIP or loyalty program welcome email helps welcome and show value to new members of your loyalty program by recognizing their ongoing engagement and loyalty. 

In your email, warmly welcome them and express your appreciation for their decision to become a part of your loyalty program. Explain the benefits of membership, and be sure to outline any tiers or levels within the program. 

Provide clear instructions on how members can earn and redeem rewards, and include a link to their loyalty account dashboard. Here is an email sample you can use to write this: 

12. Welcome email for nonprofit organizations 

This is a special message to new supporters, donors, or volunteers who have expressed interest in your nonprofit’s mission and activities. 

Your email should start with a heartfelt gratitude for them getting involved with your cause. Next, you can share a brief overview of your nonprofit’s mission and the impact their support will have. 

You should also explain how they can get further engaged, whether it’s through making regular donations, volunteering their time, or spreading the word about your organization. 

It’s also a good idea to invite them to follow your nonprofit on social media for updates and stories about the positive change they are helping to create.

Here is an email sample for this:

13. SaaS onboarding welcome email 

A SaaS onboarding welcome email is sent to new users of your software-as-a-service (SaaS) product to welcome and guide them through the initial steps of using your product to ensure a smooth and productive experience. 

Start your welcome email with a warm welcome message and show your excitement about their decision to use your SaaS solution over the competition. Provide clear instructions on how to get started, including account setup, profile creation, and any initial configurations. 

Offer links to video tutorials, user guides, or knowledge-base articles that will help them get acquainted with your platform. Highlight any unique features or benefits that set your solution apart from competitors. 

Also, encourage them to reach out to your support team for assistance and assure them of ongoing support throughout their journey. Here is an email sample for this:

14. eCommerce store launch welcome email 

This email is sent to an existing customer base or subscribers when you’re launching a new online store or making significant updates to your existing one. 

Begin by announcing the exciting news of your store launch or updates and express your appreciation for their continued support. Showcase the key features or improvements that make your online store special. 

Highlight any exclusive offers, promotions, or early access opportunities for your loyal customers. Encourage recipients to explore your revamped store and provide feedback if applicable. Here is an email sample for this.

15. Welcome email for online courses or webinars

This is the email to send a welcome message to people who signed up for your educational content, such as online courses, webinars, or workshops. 

After the welcome message, your email should acknowledge their interest in learning from your expertise. Provide details about the course or webinar they’ve enrolled in, including dates, times, and any required materials. 

Include instructions on how to access the course or webinar platform, along with any login credentials. Let them know the benefits of participating, such as gaining new skills, knowledge, or networking opportunities. 

Here is a sample for this:

Key takeaways

  • Welcome emails should always begin with a personalized touch. Address the recipient by name and tailor the content to their specific interests or actions, whether it’s a purchase, subscription, or social media follow.
  • Express genuine gratitude for the recipient’s engagement with your brand. Acknowledge their decision to join your community, subscribe, or make a purchase. This sets a positive tone from the outset.
  • Clearly mention what the recipient can expect from your brand, whether it’s informative content, exclusive offers, educational resources, or event invitations. Setting expectations helps manage their anticipation and encourages ongoing engagement.
  • Need help with email marketing and lead generation? We are ready to help. Nerdy Joe can help you get stellar results from our sophisticated email marketing efforts. Talk with us today. 
Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

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