How to Write Win-back Emails With 5 Email Templates

Have you ever felt the frustration of seeing your once-engaged customers slowly slip away? You’ve invested time, resources, and effort into acquiring these customers, but now they seem disinterested or have vanished altogether. 

It’s a common issue for businesses of all sizes. That’s where win-back emails come into play. Win-back emails help you re-engage your customers and rekindle those fading relationships. 

In this article, we will teach you how to write effective customer win-back emails to help you win back your disengaged customers. We’ve also added unique win-back email samples to help you learn more and write your own emails from successful templates. 

So, let’s get started. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

What is a win-back email?

A win-back email is a marketing email designed to re-engage inactive customers or lost customers —customers who have gone inactive or stopped interacting with your brand. The emails aim to rekindle the customer’s interest in your products or services, ultimately driving them back into your sales funnel and recovering lost sales.

Why send a win-back email?

The first and most important reason why businesses need to send win-back campaigns is because of customer acquisition. We all know customer acquisition can be costly. But it costs even more to gain new customers than it does to retain existing ones. 

Win-back emails are a cost-effective strategy to retain existing customers. When done right, they help you remind your disengaging customers of the value your company can still offer them. It helps you win them back, and you get more mileage from your marketing efforts as they become repeat customers.

Also, by reigniting the interest of inactive customers, you can recover lost revenue that might otherwise be gone forever. These emails also provide an opportunity to rebuild the trust and customer loyalty that may have waned over time. It ensures that clients return. 

When should you send win-back emails to your customers?

You might wonder what makes a lost customer or a lapsed customer. Or, even better, you might wonder how to know when you need to send a customer a win-back email. Well, here is when you need to consider sending win-back emails to your customers.  

  • Inactivity period: The timing of your win-back email largely depends on your industry and customer behavior. It could be anywhere from a few weeks to several months of inactivity. Analyze your customer data to identify the right moment.
  • Seasonal opportunities: Use seasonal events, holidays, or special occasions to send win-back emails with tailored offers or messages.
  • Post-purchase: If you notice a decline in engagement after a purchase, sending a win-back email can prevent customers from churning.
  • Subscription expiration: For subscription-based businesses, sending a win-back email before a subscription expires can entice customers to renew.

How to write a customer win-back email: Key elements to include in your email and how to format it

The first step to writing an effective customer win-back email is genuinely knowing how to win back a customer who is disengaged or dormant before even considering the email. 

That’s why we’ve divided this part into two sections. First, we will discuss how to win back a disengaged customer, which will basically cover everything you need to include in your email to make it successful; then, we will discuss how you need to format your email to make it into their inbox and get a reply. 

How do you win customers back? 

Here is the main information your customer win-back email must contain in the right order.

Acknowledgment of their disengagement

The first step to winning customers back is knowing or understanding they’re disengaged in the first place. So, your win-back email strategy should start by acknowledging the customer’s recent disengagement. 

Express your understanding of their absence and empathize with their situation. Let them know that you genuinely miss their presence and are committed to addressing their concerns. Taking an empathetic approach demonstrates your dedication and offers them a personalized customer experience.

Understanding why they disengaged is paramount. By understanding the reasons behind their inactivity, you not only show that you care about their experience but also gain valuable insights. 

Was it a lack of interest, a negative experience, or simply forgetfulness? By identifying the root cause, you can tailor your re-engagement strategy effectively.

Expression of your value

Once you’ve acknowledged their disengagement, your email must remind them of the unique value your products or services offer. Reiterate the core benefits they receive from choosing your brand. Highlight the solutions you provide and how they uniquely align with their needs.

Furthermore, if there have been improvements or new features introduced since their last interaction, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase them. It helps your offering remain relevant and appealing to your customers.

An attractive or irresistible incentive

To entice your customers back, provide an attractive and exclusive incentive that makes a return to your brand irresistible. Whether it’s a significant discount, a special offer, or exclusive access, let them know the value they will receive. 

It’s also a good idea to emphasize that this incentive is designed exclusively for them as a token of appreciation for their loyalty.

A reminder of why they chose you

Next, try to rekindle the memory of why they initially chose your brand. Remind them of the specific benefits and unique selling points that set your brand apart from the competition. This is also an effective way to add to the value they see in you and can expedite their way back to you. 

Whether it’s your exceptional quality, outstanding customer service, or innovative solutions, reinforce the reasons that made them your valued customer.

Success stories or testimonials (if it makes sense)

This will depend on the product or service you sell and the unique situation with the lost customers you’re trying to win back. So, if relevant to the situation, consider including a brief customer success story or testimonial. 

Sharing real-life examples of how others have benefited from your products or services provides social proof of your brand’s effectiveness. They’ll likely know it as your past clients, but it reinforces the trustworthiness and reliability of your offerings.

A call to action (CTA)

Last but not least, your win-back email must have a clear and compelling call to action (CTA). Use language that guides them to take immediate action, whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Explore New Arrivals,” or “Redeem Your Discount.” 

Ensure that the CTA is prominently placed, easily clickable, and encourages a seamless re-engagement process.

Customer win-back email format

Now, it’s time to write your email. The email needs to adhere to formal and professional email formatting with a clear subject line, an email body, and an effective email closing. 

Here is how to write each part. 

Subject line: How to write the best win-back email subject lines

The customer is disengaging; they’re walking away from your business. You need to write an email subject line that hooks them and compels them to read what you have to say. It needs to be intriguing, concise, and relevant. 

Here are a few tips to help you write compelling win-back email subject lines:

  • Personalization: Incorporate the recipient’s name if possible.
  • Urgency: We can’t emphasize this enough. Urgency and the fear of missing out are the best ways to get a reaction from disengaged customers. So, create a sense of urgency or curiosity, like “Exclusive offer.”
  • Benefit-oriented: Highlight the value or benefit they’ll gain from opening the email.
  • Relevance: Ensure the subject line relates to the content of the email.

Here are some subject line examples: 

  • “🎉 We want you back! Get 25% off your next purchase”
  • “We’re back and better than ever! Join us”
  • “Missed us? Let’s catch up with a special surprise!”
  • “Last chance: Your exclusive offer expires soon!”
  • “Reconnect with [your brand name] and enjoy 20% off”

Email body: How to write the body of an email to win back a customer

So, here is where you do most of the work. Your email body’s main purpose is to convince the customers of your value and remind them that they can still gain a lot from working with you — potentially better than the competition. 

Here is the step-by-step blueprint you need to follow to write it. 

  1. Write a warm email salutation: Address the recipient by name for a personal touch.
  2. Start the opening line by acknowledging their disengagement and the reasons behind it:
    1. Mention their inactivity but avoid blaming or shaming.
    2. Show appreciation for their past engagement.
    3. Empathize with the challenges they may have faced.
  3. Let them know your value:
    1. Highlight the core value your brand provides.
    2. Mention improvements or new features.
    3. Connect these improvements to their needs or interests.
  4. Include an attractive or irresistible incentive:
    1. Clearly present the incentive (e.g., discount, special offer).
    2. Explain the exclusive nature of the offer.
    3. Convey a sense of excitement about the incentive.
  5. Write a reminder of why they chose you in the first place:
    1. Recap the unique benefits they enjoyed.
    2. Emphasize what sets your brand apart.
    3. Use persuasive language to reinforce their initial choice.
  6. Add a success stories or testimonials if it makes sense for the situation:
    1. Share a brief, relatable customer success story.
    2. Use testimonials to provide social proof.
    3. Ensure the story aligns with their situation.
  7. Write a compelling call to action (CTA):
    1. Use a clear, actionable CTA (e.g., “Shop Now,” “Claim Your Offer”).
    2. Make the CTA button highly visible and easy to click.
    3. Encourage immediate action.

Email ending: How to end a customer win-back email 

After the email body, you need to end your email by expressing gratitude for their past support. Also, let them know you care and reiterate your excitement about their return. Also, let them know that you’re available to offer assistance and support.

Next, add a professional email sign-off and add your signature with your name and ways they can reach out to you if they need to. If you want, you can add a postscript (P.S.) message for a personal touch or an additional incentive.

5 win-back email samples to re-engage customers

Re-engaging lapsed customers requires a strategic and personalized approach. 

We’ll explore 5 effective win-back email examples you can use to run effective win-back email campaigns. Each email example is designed to address different scenarios and encourage customer re-engagement. 

These samples are backed by tried-and-tested techniques to help you recapture the attention, remind customers of your value, and make more loyal customers.

Win-back email sample 1: Creating FOMO (the Fear Of Missing Out)

Creating FOMO, or the Fear Of Missing Out, is a powerful psychological trigger that can reignite customer interest. Writing this win-back email is simple. 

Focus on offering a limited-time, exclusive offer or highlighting a popular product or service that customers might have missed out on. Emphasize the urgency and benefits of taking action now.

Here is a win-back email example for this: 

Win-back email sample 2: Asking for feedback or a survey

Sometimes, customers or subscribers disengage due to unresolved issues or dissatisfaction. To gather valuable insights and re-establish trust, consider sending a win-back email requesting feedback or inviting them to participate in a survey. Show that you value their opinions and are committed to improving their experience.

Here is an email example you can use to run a win-back campaign and re-engage inactive subscribers and customers:

Win-back email sample 3: Reminder email for inactive users

In some cases, inactive users may simply need a friendly reminder to re-engage with your brand. Your email here should gently nudge them back into action by highlighting the value and benefits of your offerings. Keep the tone warm and inviting. Here is a win-back email template for this:

Win-back email sample 4: Making an exclusive offer

Making an exclusive offer is a classic win-back strategy. This email aims to win back customers by presenting them with an enticing, limited-time offer that highlights the value of returning to your brand. The email should create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. Here is a sample:

Win-back email sample 5: Offering an apology and asking for a second chance

Sometimes, customers disengage due to past negative experiences. This email demonstrates humility and a commitment to improvement by offering a sincere apology and inviting customers to give your brand a second chance. Here is a sample you can use: 

Key takeaways

  • The true purpose of a win-back email is to reinforce the unique value your products or services offer. Emphasize any improvements or new features since their last interaction, showcasing your commitment to meeting their needs.
  • Segment your email list and consider creating a win-back email sequence to target different groups of disengaged customers based on their past interactions and behaviors. Tailor your win-back emails to each segment for better effectiveness.
  • Be strategic about the frequency of your win-back emails. Sending too many can lead to annoyance, while sending too few may not effectively re-engage customers. So, always make sure you find the right balance and timing.
  • Need help with email marketing and lead generation? We are ready to help you get more customers for your business. Nerdy Joe can help you get stellar results from our sophisticated email marketing efforts. Talk with us today.
Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

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