Top 6 WebFx Alternatives for Lead Generation

WebFx defines itself as a full-service digital marketing agency. They provide several digital marketing services to help businesses grow their online presence and generate leads. 

They offer all types of digital marketing services, including website design and development, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing. 

The company is basically a team of highly-experienced marketing professionals who are experts in digital marketing and have the necessary tools to get the job done and get you the best results. 

They have a track record of success (with all the necessary awards, reviews, and testimonials to prove it) in helping businesses of all sizes and industries grow their online presence and generate leads.

But we don’t believe WebFx is the best-fit company you should work with if your sole goal is to hire for lead generation and appointment-setting services. First, we will tell you why we think so; then, we will share the five best WebFx alternatives you can hire for your lead gen needs. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Why WebFx is not the best choice for lead generation and appointment setting services

Don’t get us wrong. WebFx is indeed a terrific marketing service company. We only believe that their services are not best suited for you if you need lead generation and appointment setting services, and here are the reasons we think so. 

Reason 1: Non-fitting services for lead generation and appointment setting needs

According to the website, WebFx primarily relies on search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing to generate leads for their clients. 

Although they’re excellent at their services, they may not be fit for your business. If you are looking for a company to help you with lead generation and appointment-setting services, here is what this basically means:

  • You want meetings for your sales team, fast.
  • You are not growing at the rate you wish and are looking for a way to fill your sales pipeline with qualified leads.
  • You are looking for a team of experts who will go after your ICP and bring you hot leads without breaking the bank.

And these are the very reasons WebFx might not be the right fit for you. 

  • You may not have the budget to invest in PPC and social media advertising or business to business social media marketing services. 
  • SEO strategy and content marketing take a lot of long-term investments in educational marketing materials and time to yield substantial results; you may not have that much money and time to wait for search engines to pick up. 
  • Email marketing services implies that you must have an email list before they can do the work for you. Plus, their service is more about coding and sending emails than it is about creating email copies and sending out campaigns. 
  • Even the ABM service, which seems interesting, they still reach out to people by way of PPC and social media advertising — requiring a strong budget and lots of investments on your part.

When hiring for a lead gen or appointment setting, you want a company that will be proactive, reach out to people, and bring results instead of waiting for people to take the first step toward your company. 

You need a company that’ll build an ICP list based on people with pain points your product or service can solve, then reach out to them with personalized messages, find those with genuine interest in your product and bring them closer to your company or book a meeting with them. 

Because of this, the typical lead generation strategy for most service providers is to build a list, create personalized messages, reach out to the people, and bring you leads. 

The idea is that your company should be forth-going and reach out to people instead of waiting for leads to come to you. 

That’s basically an outbound lead generation strategy, but most of what WebFx offers is only inbound marketing, which is basically a strategy where you create marketing materials, advertise them, and hope for interested people to click — and that’s why we believe they might not be a fit for you. 

Reason 2: Highly-priced services with no specifications as to what results you’ll get

If you are hiring a company for lead generation services, you need to be sure of the number of leads you’ll be getting at the end of the month. 

You need a service that guarantees a steady stream of leads for your business and does so at a reasonable cost that your startup or small business can afford. 

Well, buckle up. 

WebFx’s services are highly-priced, all above the industry average, and you’ll have to make an initial investment before you get started. Here are two pricing of their services, for example — from their website. 

The email marketing pricing: 

The SEO service pricing:

Can you afford it?

Though, it’s fair to mention that their services do involve a marketing cloud tool from which you get a 360° view and manage everything. As well, they also have several other internal marketing tools they employ for the service they render their customers. 

But still, these prices are out of the league of the average businesses, and they are not specific as to how many leads you will get or the number of appointments they will set up for you. In other words, you’ll have to invest and sit back without being clear on what you get for your $$$.

Why Nerdy Joe is your best alternative to WebFx for lead generation and appointment services

Nerdy Joe exclusively provides B2B digital marketing services focused on email marketing and outbound B2B lead generation through cold emailing. 

Our shared goal with WebFx is to assist you in connecting with potential customers, generating sales-qualified leads, and scheduling appointments. 

However, at Nerdy Joe, we recognize the challenges faced by small businesses and large enterprises seeking to enhance their sales activities. 

Establishing a reliable process for active lead generation and customer acquisition is often a struggle, which can impede the productivity of sales teams. 

Also, salespeople in startups and small businesses are typically responsible for prospecting, researching, and reaching out to potential customers, consuming a significant chunk out of their time. 

This leaves them with only 12% of their time available for making calls, which is not an optimal use of their time. We take on the lead generation responsibility, freeing up time for salespeople to concentrate on their core strengths of in-person selling and closing deals. 

Here is why you should consider us over WebFx when it comes to lead generation and appointment setting service. 

You get a targeted approach with personalized outreach messages 

At Nerdy Joe, our lead generation outreach strategy allows us to target specific companies or individuals that fit your ideal customer profile. 

The thing is that with inbound marketing strategies like the ones WebFx relies upon, although you can have a general idea of the audience you are targeting, you can’t get really specific as to who you will be targeting. 

It’s essentially creating content for a general audience and leaving it up to the most interested individuals to come to you. This makes it impossible for you to target people individually, learn about their needs and address them properly, which is mandatory for acquiring quality leads. 

As well, leads generated like this will be the hardest to convert and will need a lot of educational materials to get there, which is not ideal because if you are hiring lead gen services, it means you want to fill your sales pipeline with sales-qualified leads and grow fast.

So, at Nerdy Joe, we prone an outbound lead generation strategy that involves researching and identifying your IDC profile, building a short list of potential prospects, and then reaching out to them directly with a personalized message that addresses their specific needs.

Researching and targeting short lists of ICP

We are very specific in who we target for you. And for it to yield results, the most significant part of the work is to spend time manually researching your ICP and building a list. 

Our ideal scenario is that we send 20 emails, get 15 replies, 10 positives, and get you 4 sales-qualified leads, meetings, or sign-ups.

For example, when you sign up with us, we ask you meaningful questions that tell us exactly who your customers should be. Here are some of the questions we ask:

  • Why did you start your company? 
  • What pain points were you trying to solve?
  • What are the top 3 objections you hear from prospective clients during sales calls?
  • Which type of clients have the highest lifetime value?
  • Which type of clients is easiest to close?
  • Which type of clients churns the fastest?
  • Etc.

Your answers to the questions we ask provide us with all the information we need to build a profile of who we should target and why. This is how specific this allows us to get:

“Our ICP is a VP of Sales at a b2b software company selling to HR professionals, and his main pain points are lack of organization, time management, and team collaboration. He often refers to XYZ podcasts to get insights as to how to manage his team efficiently.” 

The next step is creating highly personalized emails, and here is how we do it. 

Creating individually personalized emails and messages

Upon building our short list of individuals and companies to target, the next step is to research each prospect individually and collect data points to create personalized cold emails or messages that stand out and make them love you. 

The goal is to make each recipient feel like you know them personally and get them to take you seriously. Even if they don’t sign up for our offer, we still want them to give you a pleasant response — at the very least, a reluctant pass. 

It requires learning about each prospect or individual included on our lists individually and creating unique, separate emails for each one instead of relying on a single person-based email template. 

To achieve this, here is how we proceed to learn about each individual. 

  • We listen to podcasts they have been on.
  • We read blog posts they wrote. 
  • We read their LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon posts.
  • We read discussions on forums they’re in.

Outbound lead generation allows you to personalize your message to each prospect. You can use information you have gathered about their company or their specific needs to tailor your approach, which can increase the chances of success.

You get a direct outreach to prospects, ensuring faster results

As we explained earlier, most of WebFx’s lead generation strategies are not designed to deliver leads fast. Inbound marketing is a long-term game and requires a lot of investments to make it happen to success; you may not have that luxury. 

  • Getting substantial results from PPC campaigns takes a minimum of 3 to 9 months. You may not have the budget to sustain PPC and social media advertising for this long. 
  • SEO and content marketing take a lot of long-term investments in educational marketing materials and time to yield substantial results; you may not have that. 
  • Email marketing implies that you must have an email list before they can start doing the work for you. It will be more about educating the subscribers than being hands-on in generating leads. Plus, their service is more about coding and sending emails than creating email copies and campaigns. 
  • ABM implies direct outreach to prospects, but WebFx still reaches out to people through PPC and social media advertising — requiring a strong budget and lots of investments on your part.

These will only make sense to you based on your needs with lead generation. 

But from our experience, a company that hires for lead generation or appointment-setting services is simply not growing at the rate it wishes and is looking for a company that can guarantee a steady stream of qualified leads to help them grow. 

You probably don’t have months to wait for your first results or a huge budget to sustain investments without immediate results. 

At Nerdy Joe, we reach out directly to prospects, generate leads more quickly, and move them through the sales funnel faster. Working with us means that you’ll be getting results from the first month. 

As you can see from our targeted approach and the time we invest in crafting personalized emails and messages, we optimize everything for the best outcome for your business.

You have greater control, more control over lead volume

With our outbound lead generation strategy, we can adjust our outreach efforts to generate the desired volume of leads. This can be particularly useful if you have a specific sales goal or limited capacity to handle a large volume of leads.

For example, suppose you are a small business with limited resources. In that case, you may want to generate a smaller volume of high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into customers. Alternatively, if you are a larger business with more resources, you may want to generate a larger volume of leads to maximize your sales opportunities. 

In contrast, WebFx mainly relies on attracting potential customers to your business through marketing efforts instead of reaching out to them, which can be less predictable in terms of lead volume. Imagine what would happen if you were getting more leads than your sales team could handle.

You get a better ROI, flat rate pricing with detailed expectations

As you have seen earlier, it requires a significant investment in content creation and SEO efforts. PPC and social media marketing will also burn a hole in your pocket as well. Our cold email lead generation, on the other hand, is more cost-effective and produces faster results.

We require no initial investments or contracts. Yes, we won’t lock you up in retainer contracts while we test things, and you pay us and get nothing to show for it. Working with us means that we will start bringing you results from the first month — and we have a refund policy.

As a cherry on top, we charge you based on the results we will bring to your business, not based on the amount of work or the number of people we reach out to on your behalf. This way, you can see immediately what to expect from our service. 

We offer a flat fee for a specific number of leads or appointments booked for you and keep it all transparent on our site. 

  • Silver: It costs $499/month and only gives you two warm LEAD.
  • Gold: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $999/month and gives you six hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Platinum: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads on a monthly basis.

What’s interesting with us is that you know the results you’re getting upfront and know exactly how much you’ll have to pay for it. 

5 WebFx alternatives and competitors for lead generation and appointment setting

Here are five other WebFx alternatives you may consider for lead generation and appointment setting services.

1. CallBox

CallBox is a reputable company that provides top-notch lead generation and appointment setting services. 

While they also offer other services beyond lead generation, their primary objective is to assist you in generating more leads and boosting sales without enduring the tedious process involved.

To achieve this goal, CallBox primarily relies on cold emailing and cold calling as its primary outreach channels. They utilize a blend of manual research and cutting-edge technology to build targeted prospect lists for campaigns. 

Plus, they provide database profiling services that help businesses enhance their targeting strategies. It’s worth noting that Callbox does not disclose any pricing information on their website. Ergo, you need to contact them directly.

Though we’ve found that the company offers pay-per-lead and monthly subscription pricing models, with pricing determined by the number of leads generated. 

However, a review article on the Martal Group website reports that Callbox’s services cost some clients between $4,300 and $5,300 per month, with more extensive projects costing up to $15,000 monthly. 

This is a steep price for most businesses on a tight budget, and there is no guarantee that every appointment they generate will translate into a sale.

2. Cience

Cience is one of the household names in lead generation and appointment setting, which qualifies them as one of the best alternatives for WebFx’s lead generation services. 

And unlike WebFx, Ciene specializes in lead generation and appointment setting, focusing on outbound email and phone outreach. And like WebFx, they also offer you the sales intelligence tools and team you need for your lead generation service.

Some of their latest sales intelligence tools include programmatic ads tools, chatbot software, appointment setting tools, real-time chat, marketing platforms, CRMs, and project management tools.

Unlike Nerdy Joe’s subscription plan, Cience requires a minimum of a 6-months contract before you start working together. That’s a six-month investment whether you get results or not. 

This type of contract gives them time to try and test things, but it doesn’t really guarantee an ROI for you. It also means that you won’t be able to scale down, should you need to.  

Also, their website has no pricing details, but you can request a quote from their SDR. But you can expect a fixed monthly fee for their services, with pricing based on the people and tools you require from them.

3. The Martal Group

The Martal Group focuses on generating leads for tech companies in the IT, SaaS, and telecom industries. They also have a data intelligence platform with a curated database of 100 million contacts. 

Contrary to WebFx, their B2B lead generation and appointment setting services combine LinkedIn, Email, and Phone for outreach. They also provide you with weekly customized lists of pre-qualified leads for your sales teams.

The Martal Group works with a monthly flat fee after the 3-month Pilot Campaign, and businesses need to speak to the sales team to get a quote. 

4. is another household name in lead generation and appointment. We believe they are one of the best WebFx competitors in terms of lead generation and appointment setting services as they combine both inbound and outbound outreach in their targeting approach. offers a wider range of services, including lead research with prospecting tools, email nurturing campaigns, B2B appointment setting, and copywriting services. They specifically target SMBs and startups struggling with consistent client connections. also offers a flat-rate pricing model, but they base it on the number of leads they reach out to, making it easier to budget and plan for the cost of their services. 

5. Cleverly

Cleverly is also a lead generation and appointment setting company that caters to small businesses and startups. This is the perfect WebFx alternative if you want a company specializing in LinkedIn lead generation. 

Cleverly offers a fully managed service for LinkedIn, including profile optimization, targeted messaging, content creation, lead generation, and more. They focus exclusively on LinkedIn as their outreach channel. Though, their service stretches over the mere lead gen. 

Cleverly also operates with a flat-rate pricing model. And like Belkins, they base it on the number of leads generated. So, basically, you get a flat fee for everything they do, and the prices are relatively low, making it affordable for small businesses and startups. 

They offer three pricing plans based on the number of leads per month. Here they are: 

Let Nerdy Joe do appointment setting and lead generation for your business.

There you have it. Every company on this list offers you an excellent alternative to WebFX’s lead generation and appointment-setting services. They are all equipped to help businesses connect with potential customers, grow their sales pipeline and take their digital marketing efforts to the next level. 

However, you want to go for a company that:

  • uses a proactive approach and does wait for people to come to you,
  • is specific in who they target,
  • takes a more personalized approach, 
  • doesn’t buy or scrap lists, 
  • asks you meaningful questions to build a representative picture of the ideal customer profile and uses a unique targeting approach 

— that’s us. 

We believe heavily in research prospects and creating email copies that make an impact. 

We take the time to understand your business’s ideal customer and tailor our approach to each individual. And we are able to offer you high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into sales. 

So, if you’re looking for a personalized and effective lead generation and appointment-setting service, Nerdy Joe is the best alternative to WebFx. 

Our approach to targeting is more accurate, and our focus on quality over quantity ensures that you get the most out of your investment.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Top 7 Neil Patel Digital Alternatives for Lead Generation

Neil Patel and digital marketing company Neil Patel Digital are household names in the digital marketing industry. 

NP Digital is a full-service marketing agency that offers various digital marketing services, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing.

Frankly, if you can name a digital marketing service, they offer it. Their team consists of experienced digital marketing professionals who share the common goal of helping businesses grow and increase their online visibility, traffic, and revenue.

To be honest, the general sentiment about the agency in the marketing world is quite controversial. But at the same time, they have worked with many clients, from small startups to Fortune 500 companies, and have a proven track record of success in the industry.

But from our experience, we don’t believe you should hire Neil Patel Digital for lead generation and appointment setting service, and we will tell you why. In fact, it’s why we decided to create this post. 

On top of that, we will also share 7 lead generation agencies you need to consider for your goals, including our lead generation agency, Nerdy Joe. We specialize in delivering tangible results to our clients at a better value for money. 

From our prospecting to running the campaigns, we keep everything unique and customized for your needs. So, let’s start by discussing why NP Digital is not your best fit for lead generation and appointment setting needs. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

NP Digital’s range of services and why they are NOT the best fit for your lead generation needs

This is a bold statement for us to make. But we don’t believe you should hire NP Digital if your goal is to generate leads or book more sales appointments for your business, and here is why. 

It all goes from your goals with lead generation. We believe if you are hiring for lead generation or appointment setting services, it means that your business:

  • Is not growing at the rate you want, and you want a dedicated team that can do outreach and help you generate leads fast. 
  • Is struggling to establish a reliable approach to continuously attract and acquire leads and customers. So, you need a team to help achieve that. 
  • Is tight on funds and can’t afford long-term marketing investments. So, you want ROI-driven strategies and get results without waiting months or burning a hole in your bank account. 

However accurately this paints your current situation, when you are seeking an agency to generate leads for you, in most cases, the immediate implication is that you want qualified leads, want it fast, and on a budget.

That said, let’s look at what services NP Digital offers and why they don’t fit your needs. 

Reason 1: Services not adapted to the needs of lead generation and appointment setting

Here is a snapshot of the services Neil Patel Digital offers. 

For the sake of being reasonable and thorough, let’s eliminate the services involving tools and tech as well as data and analytics since we care about the workflow they unfold to generate leads for you and how it impacts the results you get. 

So, that leaves us with Earned Media and Paid Media. 

Earned Media

Earned Media is just a fancy term that means inbound marketing. All you have to do is look at the services involved, and you can see what we mean. And it’s because the services rely on inbound marketing strategies that we don’t believe that it fits your lead generation needs. 

Let’s take a few, for example, to make the case for our hypothesis. The idea is that most of the services are not right for your need to generate leads and revenue fast and on a low budget. Let’s explain why it is so. 

  • SEO and Content Marketing require significant investments in educational marketing materials and a considerable amount of time to generate significant results (more traffic, site audit, conversion optimization, turn ice cold prospects in new clients, etc.), which may not be feasible for you at the moment. Plus, there are hidden fees we can’t think about on the spot.
  • Even if they guarantee a great team and a simple process, Email Marketing presupposes the need for an existing email list before any work can commence, with the focus being more on coding and sending emails rather than creating compelling email copies and executing effective campaigns.
  • Organic Social MediaDigital PR, and Influencer Marketing are still inbound because they don’t involve any outreach. But rather creating and publishing content on your social media accounts or other places online and crossing your fingers for engagement. 

Now, like we said. 

We believe that when searching for a lead generation or appointment-setting service provider, it is essential to find one that takes a proactive approach by reaching out to potential customers and delivering measurable results. 

This means building an ideal customer profile list based on individuals with pain points that your product or service can solve and then engaging them with personalized messages through social media outreach, cold email, or cold calls. 

The goal is to identify those genuinely interested in your product or service and either bring them closer to your company or schedule a meeting with them.

That’s why most lead gen service providers adopt an outbound lead generation strategy, where they build a list, create customized messages, and reach out to potential customers, rather than waiting for leads to come to them. 

However, Neil Patel Digital primarily offers inbound marketing, where you create marketing materials and advertise them, hoping for interested individuals to click. And that’s why Np Digital may not be a suitable choice for you.

Paid Media

Paid Media can be summed up to acquiring leads through paid advertising methods like PPC, display ads, social media ads, and the likes. 

We do agree that paid media can help you generate leads and set appointments with qualified prospects for your business. The main issue here is that it is not always the best option for every business, even more so if you are a small business that wants to grow fast and has a low budget. 

Here are the reasons we don’t believe NP Digital’s Paid Media is not a fit for your business’ lead generation needs. 

  • It will come out expensive: Paid advertising can be expensive and thus not sustainable for smaller businesses. The cost of advertising can quickly add up, and if you’re not seeing a return on your investment, it can be hard to justify the expense or any results to show for it.
  • Low-quality leads: Paid advertising can attract a large number of leads, but not all of them will be high-quality. Some people click on ads out of curiosity, without any intention of buying your services. This can result in a lot of wasted time and money as you pay per click and try to follow up with leads who are not truly interested in your services.
  • Limited reach: Paid advertising is limited to people actively searching for your services or products. I mean, if people don’t google it, your ads won’t pop up. This means that you may miss out on potential leads who are not actively looking for your services but are interested in them if they were presented with the right information through outreach, for example.
  • Lack of trust: Paid advertising can come across as less trustworthy than other forms of marketing. People are often wary of ads, and they are more likely to trust recommendations from friends, family, or other trusted sources.

Reason 2: Highly-priced services tailored to high-profile, $100milion ARR brands 

NP Digital offers no specific pricing figures on their website. So, we can’t tell you to the very dollar how much you’ll have to pay them for their service. We can paint a picture and let you know how this may impact your business. 

First, the company provides customized pricing for each client based on their unique needs and goals, which is cool. 

However, it’s worth noting that their services are geared towards larger corporations with an annual revenue of over $100 million, so the prices “probably” reflect that.

Still, they offer flexible payment plans, with the option to pay monthly or yearly through a retainer contract. They only work with clients who are committed to a minimum one-year contract.

The issue with retainer contracts is that you may be able to scale down based on your situational needs. As well, you’ll have to pay them, whether you’re satisfied or not with what they offer you.  

This is because they mainly rely on long-term marketing strategies that they believe will yield results well into the future, which is not ideal for your current need to acquire leads and set appointments to grow your revenue. 

So, the pricing will probably be out of the league of the average businesses, and they are not specific as to how many leads you will get or the number of appointments they will set up for you. 

In other words, you’ll have to invest and sit back without being clear on what you get for your $$$. 

Why Nerdy Joe is your best alternative to Neil Patel Digital for lead generation and appointment services

We specialize in B2B marketing services with outbound lead generation through cold emailing. 

NP Digital’s main goal is to help you grow your online visibility and increase your revenue. Ours is to assist you in connecting with potential customers, generating sales-qualified leads, and scheduling appointments. 

We understand small and large enterprises’ challenges in improving their sales activities. One of the major hurdles is developing a reliable process for active lead generation and customer acquisition. 

This challenge can be overwhelming for sales teams, often causing them to become less productive. They face an even more significant challenge as their salespeople are typically responsible for prospecting, researching, and reaching out to potential customers. 

These tasks consume a considerable amount of their time, leaving them only 12% of their time for making calls and closing deals. We take over the lead generation responsibility, allowing salespeople more time to focus on their core strengths, such as in-person selling and closing deals.

Here is why you should consider us over Neil Patel Digital when it comes to lead generation and appointment setting service. 

Our lead gen approach is highly targeted and proactive, with personalized outreach through cold emails and direct messages. 

We designed our lead generation strategy to help you reach your ideal customers directly. We use an outbound outreach approach where we target specific companies or individuals that fit your customer profile while customizing the approach to their needs and personalizing the email.

In contrast, inbound marketing strategies like those used by NP Digital typically target a more general audience. It’s basically creating content, publishing it, and leaving it up to the most interested individuals to come to you. 

While this approach can effectively generate leads, it’s challenging to get specific about who you’re targeting. 

This lack of specificity makes it challenging to personalize your outreach efforts and address the unique needs of individual prospects, resulting in low-quality leads that require significant educational efforts to convert into customers.

We believe the best way to generate high-quality leads is through an outbound strategy that focuses on researching and identifying your ideal customer profile. 

So, we begin by building a shortlist of potential prospects based on your ICP, enabling us to reach out to them directly with a personalized message that speaks to their specific needs.

Our approach allows you to connect with your potential customers on a more personal level. 

By addressing their specific pain points and providing solutions tailored to their unique needs, we can generate high-quality, sales-ready leads, filling your sales pipeline with the best possible prospects and accelerating your growth.

Let’s detail this. 

We start with in-depth research to identify your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and build short lists of prospects that align with your specific criteria.

We are not generalists. We won’t scrape a list and start shooting out mass cold emails at random people we know nothing about. We are very specific in who we target for you. And for it to yield results, the most significant part of the work is to spend time manually researching your ICP and building a list. 

Our ideal scenario is sending 20 cold emails, getting 15 replies, 10 positives, and getting you 6 sales-qualified leads, meetings, or sign-ups.

So, when you sign up with us, we ask you meaningful questions that tell us exactly who your customers should be. Here are some of the questions we ask:

  • Why did you start your company? 
  • What pain points were you trying to solve?
  • What are the top 3 objections you hear from prospective clients during sales calls?
  • Which type of clients have the highest lifetime value?
  • Which type of clients is easiest to close?
  • Which type of clients churns the fastest?
  • Etc.

Your answers to the questions we ask to provide us with all the information we need to build a profile of who we should target and why. Next, we spend time learning about each prospect we will target individually and finding out about their needs (coming up next). 

Here is how specific this allows us to get:

“Our ICP is a doctor at a healthcare company selling CBD-based oil for pain management, and his main pain points are lack of continuous product delivery and product stock management. He often refers to XYZ podcasts to get insights as to how to apply products efficiently.” 

Now, the next step is to create highly-personalized emails, and here is how we do it. 

We take the time to create individually personalized emails and messages that speak directly to the unique needs of each potential customer.

At Nerdy Joe, we believe the key to effective outbound lead generation lies in creating personalized cold emails and messages that resonate with each individual prospect. 

That’s why we take the time to research each prospect individually, gathering data points and insights that allow us to create highly targeted and customized outreach efforts.

Our goal is to make each recipient feel like you know them personally and understand their unique needs and preferences. By doing so, we can establish a meaningful connection that sets your brand apart from the competition and increases the likelihood that they will take you seriously and engage with your offer.

Even if a prospect doesn’t ultimately sign up for your offer, we aim to generate a positive response that leaves a lasting impression. 

To achieve this level of personalization, we create unique, separate emails for each prospect on your shortlist — rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all template. 

By tailoring each message to the recipient’s specific needs, pain points, and interests, we can maximize the impact of our outreach efforts and generate more high-quality leads for your business.

To achieve this, here is how we proceed to learn about each individual. 

  • We listen to podcasts they have been on.
  • We read the blog posts they wrote. 
  • We read their LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon posts.
  • We read discussions on forums they’re in.

Doing so allows us to customize the message for each prospective lead based on the information we’ve gathered about their company or specific needs. 

This personalized approach increases the likelihood of success, as it shows that we have taken the time to understand their unique situation and are offering a tailored solution.

We offer a proactive approach with direct communication with potential leads, achieving faster results rather than waiting for them to come to us.

As previously mentioned, most of Neil Patel Digital’s lead generation strategies are focused on long-term inbound marketing, which may not be suitable for companies looking for fast results without significant investment. 

For instance:

  • PPC campaigns can take 3 to 9 months to yield substantial results, which may not be feasible for companies with limited budgets. 
  • Similarly, SEO and content marketing require significant time and investment to generate results.
  • Email marketing typically requires an existing email list, and the service is more focused on sending emails, and educating subscribers than generating leads. 

From our experience, companies that hire for lead generation or appointment-setting services are looking for a steady stream of qualified leads to help them grow quickly.

At Nerdy Joe, we take a targeted approach and reach out directly to prospects, generating leads more quickly and moving them through the sales funnel at a faster pace. 

We optimize everything, including personalized emails and messages, to provide the best outcome for your business. By working with us, you can expect to see results from the first month without having to wait for months or have a huge budget for investments.

Our approach allows you to adjust the number of leads you receive based on your current capacity and needs, ensuring you have the right amount of leads to manage and nurture effectively.

Our outbound lead generation strategy allows for greater flexibility in adjusting outreach efforts to generate a specific volume of leads. This can be beneficial if you have specific sales goals or limited resources. 

For instance, if you are a small business, you may prefer a smaller volume of leads that are more likely to convert because you don’t have a lot of salespeople. In comparison, larger businesses may want to generate a larger volume of leads to maximize sales opportunities.

NP Digital’s primary focus on inbound marketing implies attracting leads rather than reaching out to them directly. This approach can be less predictable in terms of lead volume, and there is a risk of overwhelming your sales team with more leads than they can handle. 

With our outbound lead generation strategy, you have more control over lead volume, ensuring you receive the appropriate amount of leads to manage and convert effectively.

We pride ourselves on offering a better ROI for our clients with our flat rate pricing model and clear outcomes. 

Our cold email lead generation strategy offers a more cost-effective and faster solution compared to NP Digital’s content marketing, SEO, PPC, and social media marketing — long-term games with significant investments.

Also, unlike NP Digital, we don’t require any initial investments or a year-long retainer contract. We charge you based on the results we bring to your business, not on the amount of work or number of people we reach out to. 

This means you know exactly what to expect from our service upfront, and we have a refund policy in place. This approach guarantees a better ROI and offers transparent, flat-rate pricing with detailed expectations, ensuring you get the results you need to grow your business.

Here is what our pricing looks like.

  • Silver: It costs $499/month and only gives you two warm LEADS.
  • Gold: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $999/month and gives you 6 hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Platinum: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads on a monthly basis.

What’s interesting with us is that you know the results you’re getting upfront and know exactly how much you’ll have to pay for it. 

6 NP Digital alternatives and competitors for lead generation and appointment setting

1. WebFx

WebFx is a full-scale digital marketing agency. They offer both outbound and inbound marketing services. They are an excellent alternative to NP Digital’s services, and here is a breakdown of their services. 

  • Service range:  Just like NP Digital, WebFx uses SEO, PPC, content marketing, Email Marketing, and ABM marketing to generate leads for businesses of all sizes — from small to enterprise level.
    While they offer lead generation and appointment setting as part of their services, it is not their primary focus — pretty much like Neil Patel Digital.
  • Key features: WebFx boasts a team of digital marketing and sales experts who work with you to develop a customized strategy based on your unique needs.
    WebFx also has custom lead generation, marketing, and outreach tools that can boost your lead generation campaign — same as NP Digital. 
  • Pricing: When it comes to pricing for email marketing services (whether it’s lead generation or contact management) from WebFX, you’ll pay between $300-$5000 per month or $0.1-$0.05 per recipient, which is high for the average business.
    We can also say NP Digital also works primarily with high-ticket businesses. Also, you will have to make an initial investment of $900 with WebFx, and they also offer custom pricing for larger projects.

2. is a lead generation and appointment-setting service company and an excellent alternative to NP Digital. 

  • Service range: The primary difference between NP Digital and is that the first focuses on online marketing and brand visibility, while the latter focuses on ROI-focused lead acquisition.
    Also, NP Digital’s services are mainly inbound marketing and display ads; uses data sources like Google, LinkedIn, Crunchbase, Glassodor, Xing, and others to generate leads.
  • Key features: Belkins also offers multiple outreach channels, including cold email, cold calling, and social media outreach. They hand-curate thousands of prospects from data intelligence tools. 
  • Pricing: also offers custom pricing but based on the project’s scope and complexity.

3. KlientBoost

KlientBoost is a full-service digital marketing agency that helps businesses of all sizes increase their online presence and drive revenue growth. 

  • Service range: Along with NP Digital, KlientBoost offers many services, including PPC advertising, conversion rate optimization, landing page design, lead generation, and more.
    One of the company’s most popular services is email marketing, helping businesses generate leads and more revenue through targeted email campaigns — which is what brought them to this list.
    They conduct thorough research and design effective campaigns to bring prospects closer to their clients’ businesses. From creating emails to conducting A/B testing, Klientboost manages all aspects of your email marketing services. 
  • Key features: KlientBoost offers businesses a team of experienced digital marketers who offer them a DFY lead gen approach.
    One of their standout features is their advanced analytics tools. Thanks to these, the company is able to provide its clients with detailed insights into their online marketing campaigns, allowing them to make informed decisions that drive results.
  • Pricing: To learn about their pricing, clients can use Klientboost’s ROI calculator to get an estimate based on their specific needs.

4. CallBox

CallBox also fits right in the shoes of NP Digital’s alternatives for lead generation and appointment setting service. 

  • Service range: CallBox’s primary focus is to help you generate more leads and sales without suffering through the process involved. Their services include outbound telemarketing, lead nurturing, lead scoring, appointment setting, and event marketing.
  • Key features: Their main outreach channels consist of cold emailing and cold calling. They use a combination of manual research and technology to build targeted prospect lists they use for campaigns. They also offer database profiling services to help businesses improve their targeting.
  • Pricing: Callbox leaves no pricing information to be found on their website. You can only reach out to them and get customized pricing.
    But a review article on the Martal Group website indicates that a few Callbox clients paid anywhere from $4,300 – $5,300 a month, with some larger projects costing as much as $15,000 monthly.

5. Mayple

Mayple is a digital marketing platform that provides services across various industries, including e-commerce, healthcare, technology, travel, and more. Here is why you should consider them as an alternative to NP Digital.

  • Service range: Just like NP Digital, Mayple offers various inbound marketing services and paid media, such as SEO optimization, social media management, PPC advertising, email marketing, content creation, and more.
  • Key features: Mayple has a network of pre-vetted marketing experts with experience in various industries. These experts are carefully selected based on their skills, expertise, and experience.
    You’ll also get a set of project management tools that help you and marketing experts collaborate effectively. You can track the progress of your marketing campaigns and communicate with their marketing experts effectively.

Mayple also offers multilingual support, which means businesses can communicate with their marketing experts in their preferred language.

  • Pricing: Mayple does not require you to sign any long-term contract. Clients can start and stop their marketing campaigns at any time, depending on their needs and budget.
    Mayple does not disclose its pricing publicly. They offer flexible pricing plans that vary based on the scope and complexity of the marketing services needed. You get two main pricing plans: performance-based and monthly retainer plans.

6. Martal Group

The Martal Group is a B2B lead generation company that focuses on generating leads for tech companies in the IT, SaaS, and telecom industries. Here is how they compare to Neil Patel Digital’s service. 

  • Service range: Martal Group offers services, including lead research, lead qualification, appointment setting, and lead nurturing. They combine LinkedIn lead generation, Email, and Phone for outreach.
    They use a combination of technology and human expertise to identify and engage with potential customers on behalf of their clients.
  • Key features: They have a data intelligence platform with a curated database of 100 million contacts. The Martal Group provides their clients weekly customized lists of pre-qualified leads and marketing campaigns.
  • Pricing plans: The Martal Group offers a flat monthly fee after the 3-month Pilot Campaign, and businesses need to speak to the sales team to get a quote. 

Let Nerdy Joe do appointment setting and lead generation for your business

There you have it. 

If growing your business through online marketing, SEO, Digital PR, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, or PPC is what you care about, then we recommend working with WebFx, KlientBoost, or Mayple. 

But if you care about getting leads, booking more appointments without suffering through lead generation, and freeing up your sales team to have more meetings and close deals, then you’re in luck. 

Our outbound lead generation agency, Nerdy Joe:

  • uses a proactive approach and does wait for people to come to you,
  • is specific in who they target,
  • takes a more personalized approach, 
  • doesn’t buy or scrap lists, 
  • asks you meaningful questions to build a representative picture of the ideal customer profile and uses a unique targeting approach,
  • gets you happy customers.

We believe heavily in research prospects and creating email copies that make an impact. 

We take the time to understand your business’s ideal customer and tailor our approach to each individual. And we are able to generate high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into sales. 

So, if you’re looking for a personalized and effective lead generation and appointment-setting service, Nerdy Joe is the best alternative to WebFx. 

Our approach to targeting is more accurate, and our focus on quality over quantity ensures that you get the most out of your investment.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

7 Best Lead Cookie Alternatives and Competitors for Lead Generation

Lead Cookie is a lead generation company that helps B2B companies generate high-quality leads through personalized outreach campaigns. They mainly specialize in using LinkedIn to identify potential leads and then engage with them in a personal and effective way.

The company has many features and unique values for lead generation and appointment-setting services. 

We’ve been through the top review sites, including Clutch and G2, read some of their success stories, and must say that the general sentiment about the agency’s service is overwhelmingly positive. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

However, despite the many advantages of Lead Cookie’s service, you may want to explore other alternatives for your lead generation needs. Chances are:

  • You are simply comparing options and looking at the pricing or the service on the whole,
  • They didn’t deliver on the guaranteed number of leads or meetings and refused to give you a refund,
  • You’ve been pissed by the services they offered you, 
  • You were unhappy with it, 
  • You’ve found it to be too expensive for your business.

Whatever it is, you’re at the right place. In this post, we will take a closer look at Lead Cookie’s services, value proposition, and what makes them different from other lead generation agencies. 

We will also discuss the top 7 Lead Cookie alternatives, including Nerd Joe, our B2B lead generation and appointment-setting service agency. 

As a competitor in the lead generation and appointment setting space, we offer a unique set of features and benefits that set us apart from Lead Cookie and other agencies.

So, we will also discuss why Nerdy Joe may be the best alternative to Lead Cookie to help your business achieve exceptional results.

Why Nerdy Joe is your best Lead Cookie Alternative for lead generation and appointment-setting services

Together with Lead Cookie, we share the primary goal of helping you connect with your prospects on LinkedIn and guaranteeing a steady stream of high-quality leads for your sales team — to keep them busy and productive.

Also, as lead gen companies focused on helping you increase your sales, we are committed to assisting you in developing a reliable approach for acquiring active leads for your sales team’s benefit and turning them into customers. 

According to statistics, salespeople spend a significant amount of time searching for potential customers. Having meetings and finalizing deals only accounts for 12% of their time.

This is not an efficient use of their time, so B2B lead generation companies like us take on the task, enabling them to concentrate on their core strengths of personal selling and sealing deals.

With that in mind, let’s explore why Nerdy Joe is the best alternative to Lead Cookie. We will focus on key differences in how both teams generate leads. 

Outbound lead generation service overview — scope of work

Lead Cookie offers a laundry list of outbound lead generation and appointment setting services, with several outreach and lead generation channels, such as cold email, cold calls, LinkedIn, online chat, etc. 

Surprisingly, they don’t list or advertise any of their services on their website, which is quite strange for a B2B lead generation company. They only have a few resources that mention LinkedIn outreach and LinkedIn lead generation, and that’s it.

Based on everything we read, here’s how Lead Cookie works:

  1. First, they work with you to identify your ideal target audience and craft a messaging strategy that will resonate with them.
  2. Next, they use LinkedIn or data intelligence platforms like Crunchbase to identify potential leads who fit your target audience criteria.
  3. They then engage with those leads through personalized messaging (LinkedIn mainly but email as well), which can include everything from connection requests to follow-up emails.
  4. Finally, they deliver warm, qualified leads to your sales team.

At Nerdy Joe, we do quite the same, actually. Except we only offer one specific service, lead generation via good old-fashioned cold email (sometimes in tandem with LinkedIn outreach, depending on your needs), and have a full website to help you understand every aspect of it. 

We offer our clients customized LinkedIn lead generation services to meet their distinct sales and lead generation goals — and that’s for businesses of all sizes and industries. 

Moreover, we also offer expert guidance and counseling to businesses that are not experienced enough to outsource their sales and lead generation operations. We can help you understand the full dynamics of outbound services and help you devise strategies. The same is true for Lead Cookie. 

For example, at Nerdy Joe, we can help you understand the full dynamics of outbound services and help you devise strategies that’ll help you achieve incredible results.

Outreach volume — quality targeting over quantity 

Lead Cookie does an excellent job prioritizing quality over quantity for each outreach campaign. Like us, the company is also averse to the “spray and pray” technique, where it buys a huge list of prospects and sends them generic emails.

According to a resource on their website, once you sign up with them, they work on building lists of small subsets of individuals within your target market and reaching out to them with personalized messages, which is all great. 

Still, compared to our outreach strategy at Nerdy Joe, we believe Lead Cookie still reaches out to or includes way too many prospects in their campaign. 

Taking this specific case as an example, we believe reaching out to a contact list of 373 people is too much. As you can see, it does yield some interesting results. 

However, the real issue is that it begs whether it guarantees anything positive about the quality of the meetings or if the leads will convert at all. 

More specifically,

  • How did they build the list? 
  • How personalized were the messages?

From our experience, here is what it could mean if you are targeting huge lists: 

  • Lead blasting: When targeting a high volume of prospects, there is little room for thorough research and personalization, resulting in generic and impersonal messages that may come across as self-serving.
  • LinkedIn Restrictions: Excessive activity on LinkedIn may lead to your account being banned or restricted.
  • Poor lead quality: Due to the lack of personalization, the quality of leads generated from such mass outreach may be subpar, making it difficult to convert them within a short timeframe.
  • Negative prospect responses: Some prospects may respond unfavorably, requesting removal from your list or expressing dissatisfaction with your messages.
  • Brand reputation at risk: This can be particularly damaging if you operate in a competitive industry or rely on word-of-mouth referrals. It may negatively impact how your business is perceived.

You probably understand our position by now. We are not claiming that these consequences are indicative of the service you get from Lead Cookie. We only mean that quality outreach requires much work and time, and targeting huge lists doesn’t help. 

Also, we don’t want to reach out to 400 people to only close a small number of them. We don’t need 400 leads to book you 5-10 appointments. Our ideal scenario is that we send 20 messages, get 15 replies, 10 positives, and get you 6 sales-qualified leads, meetings, or sign-ups.

The most significant part of our job is actually learning and researching about your ideal customer profile (ICP) in and out before we send a single email.  We want each recipient to feel like you know them personally and take you seriously. Even if they don’t sign up for our offer, we still want them to give you a pleasant response. 

It requires researching each prospect individually and manually — and collecting data points to create personalized messages that stand out and make them love you. 

So, the first step mainly has to do with how we build our lists (more on that later) for the outreach. Also, you might wonder where we get information about each prospect or member of your target audience we use for personalization.

  • We listen to podcasts your potential customers have been on.
  • We read the blog posts they wrote. 
  • We read their LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon posts.
  • We read posts they like and comment under. 
  • We read LinkedIn discussions on forums they’re in.
  • Etc.

From there, we get a full picture of the individual we are targeting and can create excellent LinkedIn messages that align with them on a personal level — not single-persona-based message templates. 

List outsourcing — LinkedIn Sales Navigator and data intelligence tools

When it comes to list building, Lead Cookie’s go-to strategy is to use LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator tool or data intelligence tools like Crunchbase, ZoomInfo,, or even Lusha. 

Basically, they call on these tools, apply a couple of filters pertaining to your industry or target market to rapidly build lists of 1000s of people, and then curate them before outreach campaigns. 

This could work. We understand that these tools offer a great shortcut when it comes to building lists and can save outreach specialists a lot of time, and they won’t have to suffer through list building. 

Admittedly, list building is the hardest part of lead generation. But it’s also the most crucial to your success, and here is why we don’t use any tool to build our lists. 

First, using Sales Navigator has inherent limitations, and data accuracy issues are the primary reason we don’t trust it. Let’s elaborate.

  • Many LinkedIn users don’t update their profiles regularly, resulting in outdated job details and company affiliations. 
  • It’s crazy times (especially in tech), and the LinkedIn sales navigator may not accurately differentiate between laid-off employees and those still employed. That will lead to unreliable data for prospecting campaigns.
  • Most importantly, this approach lacks insights into the pain points and motivations of the prospects. This makes it challenging to create personalized and effective messages.

Also, when it comes to tools like Crunchbase or ZoomInfo, you’ll only get generic technographic and demographic data about the company. With these tools, it’s easy to find generic information like: 

  • Tech companies
  • Companies that raised series A funding
  • Companies that had an IPO
  • Companies that use HubSpot
  • Companies that have a headcount between 50 and 500

Again, the data can help you build a list of 1000 companies to reach out to within seconds, but it tells you nothing about their pain points, goals, and why they need your service. 

Also, from our experience, leads generated like this are the hardest to convert. You’ll need a lot of time and content to educate them, which is not ideal because hiring lead gen services means you want to fill your sales pipeline with sales-qualified leads and grow fast.

That’s why at Nerdy, we prioritize quality data to build prospect lists and craft messages that resonate with them on a deeper level.

Upon signing up with us, we thoroughly assess your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) through targeted questions. This is the most important part of our work. We inquire about the following: 

  • the types of clients with the highest lifetime value, 
  • the easiest clients to close, 
  • the clients with the fastest churn rate, 
  • common objections heard during sales calls, 
  • the reasons behind starting your company, 
  • the pain points you were trying to address, among other details.

By gathering these comprehensive insights from you, we pinpoint precisely which accounts to target and why, and we manually build our list accordingly. 

Here’s an example of how specific we can get:

“Our ICP is a CTO at a software company selling to DevOps, and his main pain points are lack of organization, time management, and team collaboration. He often refers to John Doe’s LinkedIn posts to get insights on how to efficiently manage his team.”

With this level of specificity, we create highly targeted and personalized lead generation campaigns tailored to resonate with the individual personally of each prospect we want to reach. 

Pricing model and rates; Money-back policy

Lead Cookie’s website does not provide any information about their pricing, making it challenging for businesses to determine if their services fit their budget and requirements. 

However, according to a Lead Cookie review on Cience and the reputable client review website Clutch, the average hourly rate for their services is typically between $25 and $49. Also, they do offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if their services fail to meet your target goals. 

While the pricing may seem low initially, it may not be sustainable for most businesses, considering that lead generation is a time-consuming process that requires significant effort from the agency.

Also, the pricing model seems to prioritize the amount paid to the agency over the actual results obtained, making the service less focused on achieving results for the client.

In conclusion, we believe that pricing is way too expensive, not sustainable for the average business on a budget, and does not tell you what you’ll be getting. 

So unlike Lead Cookie, we offer a flat fee for a specific number of leads or appointments booked for you and keep it all transparent on our site. 

  • Silver: It costs $499/month and only gives you two hot LEADS.
  • Gold: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $999/month and gives you 6 hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Platinum: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads on a monthly basis.

What’s interesting with us is that you know what you’re getting upfront and exactly how much you’ll have to pay for it. We don’t play “hide-and-seek” or get you on long sales calls to discuss pricing with you. 

Top 6 Lead Cookie alternatives and competitors for lead generation and appointment setting services

1. Cleverly

Cleverly is one of the best Lead Cookie alternatives as well its fiercest competitor on the market. Both companies cater to small and mid-sized businesses and startups. Here is how they compare:

  • Scope of work: Cleverly provides a fully managed service that includes profile optimization, targeted messaging, LinkedIn content creation, and lead generation. They also provide support with sales pipeline management and offer LinkedIn Ads as an add-on service. They also offer additional services like email marketing, CRM integrations, etc.
    Lead Cookie focuses on generating leads through LinkedIn outreach. We are not sure their tentacles stretch over to the other services Cleverly offers.
  • Target market: Both Cleverly and Lead Cookie target small businesses and startups. Though, Cleverly’s services are suitable for those who want a comprehensive lead generation service that covers all aspects of LinkedIn outreach. 

Lead Cookie is ideal for those who want a more targeted approach to LinkedIn outreach, with a focus on generating a specific number of leads per month.

  • Pricing plans: Cleverly has a flat-rate pricing model based on contact volume. They offer three pricing plans based on the number of people they reach out to. Here they are: 

2. Cience

Cience is a lead generation and appointment setting company that specializes in outbound email and phone outreach. 

They also offer sales intelligence tools such as programmatic ads, chatbot software, and appointment-setting tools. 

On the other hand, Lead Cookie is a lead generation agency that focuses on generating leads through personalized outreach on LinkedIn.

  • Scope of work and features: Cience’s scope of work includes outbound email and phone outreach and providing sales intelligence tools and a team to support lead generation efforts. They leverage various tools and technologies to optimize lead generation campaigns.
    On the other hand, Lead Cookie’s scope of work primarily focuses on leveraging LinkedIn to connect with potential leads, optimizing LinkedIn profiles, conducting targeted outreach campaigns, and providing lead research.
  • Target market: Both Cience and Lead Cookie target businesses looking to generate leads and increase their sales revenue. However, Cience’s services suit businesses across different industry verticals, while Lead Cookie’s approach is more tailored toward B2B companies.
  • Pricing plans: Cience requires a minimum 6-month contract before starting work, and pricing is based on your specific requirements (i.e., the number of people and tools needed for the campaign). Pricing details are unavailable on their website, and businesses must request a quote from their sales development representative (SDR).

On the other hand, Lead Cookie offers hourly rates.

3. The Martal Group

The Martal Group is a B2B lead generation company that focuses on generating leads for tech companies in the IT, SaaS, and telecom industries. They also have a data intelligence platform with a curated database of 100 million contacts. Here are the main ways it stands out from Lead Cookie:

  • Scope of work: Both services combine LinkedIn, Email, and Phone for outreach. The Martal Group provides their clients with weekly customized lists of pre-qualified leads and marketing campaigns.
    At the same time, Lead Cookie focuses on leveraging LinkedIn to reach out to a non-specified number of leads per month.
  • Customer onboarding flow: The Martal Group provides a customer onboarding flow for new customers. This helps ensure a smooth transition and setup process for their clients. Lead Cookie has an internal client dashboard.
  • Target market: The Martal Group’s target market is B2B technology companies in the IT, SaaS, and telecom industries, while Lead Cookie’s target market is broader, encompassing businesses across various industries.
  • Pricing plans: The Martal Group has a flat monthly fee after the 3-month Pilot Campaign, and businesses need to speak to the sales team to get a quote.
    On the other hand, Lead Cookie offers an hourly rate plan with non-specified features. It’s important to note that the pricing structures of these companies may vary depending on their clients’ specific needs and requirements.


Lead Cookie and are both B2B lead generation agencies that focus on helping businesses connect with potential clients. However, they differ in the scope of services, channels used, and target markets.

  • Scope of work: Lead Cookie specializes in building small business niche lists and reaching out to them on LinkedIn with personalized messages and offers. In contrast, offers a wider range of services, including lead research with prospecting tools, email nurturing campaigns, B2B appointment setting, and copywriting services.
  • Target market: specifically targets SMBs and startups struggling with consistent client connections, while Lead Cookie is open to working with B2B companies across industries. 
  • Pricing plans: Unlike Lead Cookie, offers a flat-rate pricing model based on the number of leads they reach out to, making it easier to budget and plan for the cost of their services. 

5. WebFx

WebFx is a full-service digital marketing agency that offers various services, including web design, SEO, PPC, and social media marketing. They also offer lead generation services for B2B companies. 

  • Scope of work: WebFx offers several outbound and inbound marketing services, while Lead Cookie focuses mainly on outbound outreach for lead generation.
  • Target market: No specific business industry is mentioned for both Lead Cookie and WebFx in terms of the target market. But contrary to Lead Cookie, WebFx does not have a specific focus on SMBs or startups.
  • Pricing plans: WebFx does not mention a specific pricing plan for their lead generation services on their website, so businesses need to contact them to discuss their requirements and get a quote. In contrast, Lead Cookie offers an hourly rate.

6. Pearl Lemon Leads

If your business primarily cares about establishing and growing its online presence, Pearl Lemon’s range of digital marketing services may be a better fit. On the other hand, if you are specifically looking for LinkedIn lead generation services, Lead Cookie is more appropriate. 

Here is how both services compare.

  • Scope of work: Pearl Lemon offers various digital marketing services, including SEO, PPC advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, web design, and development. Lead Cookie, on the other hand, specializes only in LinkedIn lead generation services. 
  • Target market: Pearl Lemon Leads targets small and medium-sized businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs, helping them establish and grow their online presence through effective digital marketing strategies.
    Lead Cookie, on the other hand, is open to working with any B2B companies across any industry.
  • Pricing plans: Pearl Lemon Leads doesn’t even have a pricing page on its website. But we could pull data from a review post on the Cience website. The minimum project size is $1,000, and an approximate hourly rate for Pearl Lemon Leads’ services is between $50 and $99, which is higher than that of Lead Cookie.

Let Nerdy Joe do appointment setting and lead generation for your business

All the companies mentioned in the list have the potential to compete with Lead Cookie or provide an alternative to their services. 

While each of these companies offers services in a unique way, their ultimate objective is to help you build a connection with your customers and increase your sales pipeline.

If your goal is to work with a company that fosters beneficial industry conversations, broadened brand awareness, content-driven audience growth, and delivers high quality results and valuable insights, we recommend Pearl Lemon Leads, WebFx, and Lead Cookie.

But if you want to get specific and work with an engaged partner who provide valuable insights to your sales teams and that:

  • takes a more personalized approach, 
  • doesn’t buy or scrap lists, 
  • asks you meaningful questions to collect user data and build a representative picture of the ideal customer profile,
  • uses a unique targeting approach,
  • creates super-personalized cold emails, 

— that’s us. 

At Nerdy Joe, we do not rely on extensive email lists or mass email campaigns to secure a few meetings or generate leads. Rather, we prioritize thorough research of prospects and craft email copies that leave a lasting impression. 

We take the time to comprehend your ideal customer and modify our approach accordingly, ultimately generating high-quality leads with a higher chance of converting into sales.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Top 10 B2B Lead Generation Companies in Canada

Finding the perfect lead generation company can be pretty intimidating. You need someone who gets you and can bring you the results you want in a quick and effective way. 

That’s because if you’re looking for a lead generation company, chances are you’re after high-quality leads that will boost your sales and revenue. 

The thing is, most lead generation agencies will recommend strategies that don’t fit your needs — like SEO, content marketing, and PPC – which require a lot of investment and time to yield results.

As a business that’s in dire need of leads and sales growth, you want something that’s tailored to your needs and budget. 

That’s why we’ve searched the internet high and low to find the top 10 lead generation companies that you should consider for your lead generation needs in Canada.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

10 most popular B2B lead generation companies in Canada 

Here is a quick detail of the top companies in Canada that you can consider for your lead generation and appointment setting service needs. 

1. Nerdy Joe

At Nerdy Joe, we’re not your typical lead generation agency. We specialize in B2B digital marketing and excel in providing email marketing and outbound lead generation services. We prefer focusing on one service and doing it really well.

Our team of experts are pros at generating leads and setting appointments. We use effective cold email and LinkedIn outreach strategies to connect with potential customers through cold outreach methods, such as cold email and email marketing. We take the time to understand your unique needs and tailor our services to ensure you get the results you want.

We don’t just stop at generating leads. Our goal is to help you convert those leads into loyal customers. That’s why we focus on finding leads that not only have a genuine interest in your product or service but are also more likely to make a purchase.

Working with us is “easy-peasy”. You don’t have to commit to a certain number of months, and you’ll know exactly what you’re getting when you choose to work with us.

Why Nerdy Joe is the best lead generation service provider in Canada for you

You pay for the actual results, the number of leads we bring to your table, rather than the quantity of emails we send out or how many channels we use.

The heading you just read might confuse you. And you might wonder what we mean by “you only pay for the actual results”. Now, here is our thinking. 

If you’re looking for a lead generation service provider’s help, it’s because you’re not growing as quickly as you want to, and you need more leads to sell to.

Because of this, we don’t care about or bother you with things like the number of emails we send or the work we do — we’re all about the results we get for you.

That said, there are four types of lead generation companies out there. 

  • The first type charges you based on how many emails they send or how many contacts they add to your list. 
  • The second type charges you a monthly fee, but they don’t always deliver on their promise to get you the best leads. 
  • The third type considers anyone who downloads an ebook or PDF to be a “lead” and charges you for that. 
  • And finally, the fourth type charges you based on the number of qualified leads they bring in for your sales team.

But let’s be real, only the last type of company truly cares about your return on investment (ROI) and gets you the best result — and that’s where we stand. 

We prioritize providing value and focusing on the metrics that matter, like the number of positive replies we get, the number of meetings we book, and the lead-to-close rate.

For example, if you want to work with us to increase your SaaS product’s customer base, we’ll report back on the number of: 

  • new sign-ups you get, 
  • positive replies you get, 
  • demo calls we book for you, 
  • new clients we bring in for you. 

If you’re selling a CBD-based healthcare solution to individuals with chronic pain, we will reach out to healthcare centers and doctors who treat people with conditions like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, etc., and we report back on:

  • doctors wanting to buy
  • doctors wanting to learn more by hearing from you
  • doctors wanting to describe their clients’ unique conditions
  • Etc.

You get the point, yeah?

Our offering is tailored to your specific goals and what outcome matters most to you. 

You get to work with a company that operates with strong and excellent outreach  — rather than one that just sends out generic, impersonal emails to everyone.

Lots of people in the lead generation industry think that to be successful with cold outreach or lead generation, you need to send out about 1000 emails a day. Basically, they see cold outreach as a number’s game.

Even some of the most well-known lead generation agencies recommend building lists of 30,000 people and reaching out to all of them in a month.

Their theory is that by sending out a ton of emails, they’ll eventually get a good amount of people interested in their clients’ products or services.

But while this approach may seem logical on paper, it’s not necessarily the most effective way to get results.

From our experience, here is what it means if you are targeting huge lists: 

  • Lead blasting: If you are sending emails to this many people, it means that you are not taking the time to properly research your prospects to tailor your email to each individual. You’re blasting people with generic cold emails and pushing for action. They might say you’re selfish and lazy. 
  • Poor leads quality: Since there is no super personalization, the quality of the leads you get the meetings with will be subpar, and you can’t convert, at least not easily or in a short timeframe. 
  • Pissed prospects: Some prospects can be mean to you, saying things like “Remove me from your list”, “Don’t ever email me again” or worse, “Your cold email sucks”. 
  • Your brand reputation is on the hook: Targeting people with generic emails can negatively impact your company’s reputation. This can be particularly damaging if you are in a competitive industry or rely heavily on word-of-mouth referrals. Also, we are sure that’s not how you want your business to be represented.

Unfortunately, lead generation has gone through some big changes lately. Just take a peek at Twitter and you’ll see what a lot of the “lead generation gurus” are talking about these days.

So, how do we do it at Nerdy Joe to guarantee excellent results for our clients? 

Now, first thing, quality outreach requires a lot of work and time, and targeting huge lists doesn’t help with that, and we understand it. 

So, instead of spraying emails and praying for results, our approach is about targeting a specific audience and crafting personalized messages for each recipient. 

Our ideal scenario is that we send 20 emails, we get 15 replies, 10 positives, and get you 4 sales-qualified leads, meetings or sign-ups.

We achieve this by being super-specific in who we target and creating personalized messages, to very short prospect lists, and guess what? It works. 

We spend time learning and researching about your ideal customer profile (ICP) in and out before we send a single email. 

We want each recipient to feel like you know them personally and take you seriously. Even if they don’t sign up for our offer, we still want them to give you a pleasant response. 

It requires researching each prospect individually and collecting data points to create cold emails that stand out and make them love what you have to say or offer them.

Just for some context on how this works for us, here’s an example of a reply we received as we reached out to a VP of Marketing who has historically blocked or reported SPAM to anyone who’s sent him a cold email.

Here’s another example where we pitched a Head of Marketing, and here’s the response. 

Gurus might say otherwise, but we usually focus our outbound lead generation campaigns on a small group of 10 to 15 people, not a huge list of 1000 prospects. We believe that the best way to make sales is by building trust and relationships.

You might be wondering how we gather information about each person in your target audience to personalize our approach. Well, we do a lot of things. We: 

  • listen to podcasts your potential customers have appeared on, 
  • read blog posts they’ve written, 
  • keep an eye on their social media posts on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon. 
  • check out discussions they’re involved in on online forums.

All this data helps us come up with unique and personalized ways to start an email conversation with your prospects. It helps us write cold emails that naturally stand out and connect with your target audience at a core level. 

Here’s an example of how it works in real life: we reached out to Ben Sailer, the Head of Content at CoSchedule, and asked him if we could write for them.

Here’s what he replied 1 hour later.

Here is another successful example from a similar strategy.

The emails we sent to those potential clients were so darn compelling that they just had to take notice and even offered to bring us on board.  

You get a squad of pros who are totally devoted to ensuring top-notch data quality and accuracy. We’ll handle all the prospecting, list building, and other tasks by hand.

It’s not that we are a bunch of crazy people who don’t understand the value of technology or sales intelligence tools. 

We’ve made it a policy to never use our clients’ data for lead generation campaigns. As well, we do not rely on data intelligence tools such as ZoomInfo or Lusha for data.

You might wonder why.

We don’t trust these data sources. We’vve tried them and they only aggregate technographic and demographic data. 

For example, using these tools, it’s easy to find data regarding companies that: 

  • Are in the accounting software industry, 
  • Have 30 to 65 employees,
  • Are series B-funded companies,
  • Are in Europe,
  • Use Slack or Digital Ocean as part of their tech stack.
  • Have a ping pong table at the office. 

The problem with this data is that it can only serve to craft obvious cold email opening lines like:

Subject line: Salesforce integration

Hey [[First name]],

You are in Canada and use Salesforce. Let’s hop on a call.

So, we like to take it a little further down the personalization road. We seek and make use of psychographic data and other types of data.

How do we do that?

When we sign a new client, one of the first things we do is ask about their ICP.

We ask questions like:

  • Which type of clients have the highest lifetime value?
  • Which type of clients is easiest to close?
  • Which type of clients churns the fastest?
  • What are the top 3 objections you hear from prospective clients during sales calls?
  • Why did you start your company? 
  • What pain points were you trying to solve?
  • Etc.

By answering these questions, we can pinpoint precisely who we should target and why. And this type of information makes the difference between: 

“We’re targeting series A tech companies,” 


Our ICP is a VP of Sales at a b2b software company selling to HR professionals, and his main pain points are lack of organization, time management, and team collaboration. He often refers to XYZ podcasts to get insights as to how to manage his team efficiently.” 

Once we have a clear understanding of who the ICP is, we proceed to manually build our list, and that’s what we use to run our lead generation campaigns.

You’ll get results from Month 1 and you don’t have to sign any contract with us — if you’re happy with our service, you can renew your subscription, and if not, you’re free to stop it anytime.

Most lead generation companies require you to sign a contract that lasts for 3 to 6 months, but not Nerdy Joe. 

We’re a subscription-based business that offers results right from Month 1. You can renew your subscription based on your satisfaction with our service and your budget. 

Plus, we won’t waste your time with unnecessary meetings or send you vague proposals based on limited information about your company.

Here is why you should dig our subscription system:

  • Unlike retainer contracts, our system doesn’t force you to commit to a fixed period of time and payment.
  • It offers less risk than a retainer contract. You won’t have to worry about the financial and legal implications of breaking a contract if you’re not satisfied with the service.
  • A retainer contract may cause a service provider to become complacent since you’re already committed to paying for their service, regardless of how satisfied you are. The system keeps us on our toes and we know we have to deliver, and that’s what we do.
Your get a clear pricing with detailed expectations

If you’ve checked a few lead generation agencies’ pricing page, you already know why it can be important that you know how much you’ll pay and what you’ll get for it before the get-go. 

Our offerings and pricing are clear. You choose a plan based on your budget and needs, and you know exactly what you get at the end of the month.

  • No, “it depends on a lot of factors.”
  • No, “Your account manager swallowed the key to his office and couldn’t work.”

If you have product-market fit and are solving a problem that most people have, it is almost everything we need to get you results. But if you’re still figuring out who your solution is best for, then we’re probably not going to be of help.


Our lead generation service’s pricing is crystal clear. We’re three plans:

  • Silver: It costs $499/month and only gives you 2 hot LEADS.
  • Gold: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $999/month and gives you 6 hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Platinum: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads on a monthly basis.

Our email marketing pricing includes the following:

  • The tech stack we use to build your prospect list and send and monitor your campaign.
  • A complete list of prospects that fit your buyer persona and ICP.
  • The campaign setup fees.

2. The Martial Group

This B2B lead generation company focuses on generating qualified lead opportunities and closing sales deals for clients in Canada. The firm has over 200 sales executives and serves various industries such as IT, financial services, retail, telecom, automotive, and more. It has four databases which consist of at least 100 million contacts. 

Once you sign up for their service, they develop targeted lists that consist of your ideal customer profile. Then, they develop marketing campaigns and implement other strategies that will get qualified leads to your CRM. Besides, you have access to a sales team that helps you to monitor your progress and close more deals. 

There is no pricing information on their website. If you want to know the exact pricing details, you must email or book a consultation with them. As well, if you intend to work with the company, you must sign a 3 months contract to get started.

3. Sales Nash

Sales Nash is another B2B lead generation company made of sales reps that offers prospecting and appointment-setting service to their clients in Canada. According to their website, they generate at least 400 appointments monthly and serve different industries such as software development, healthcare, SaaS, event management, health tech, and more. 

Their main goal is to generate qualified B2B leads while closing deals that promote the growth of the business. They achieve this through a simple process where they develop and implement strategies that enable them to discover your ideal customer profile. They also set up a dedicated sales team for you that initiates conversations with your prospects, selects the qualified leads, and makes appointments with them.

According to Clutch, their common project size ranges between $10,000 to $49,000. Their average referral rating is 4.9 out of 5. They offer a three-tier pricing plan for their SDR service. This pricing plan includes:

  • Junior team which costs $2250 per month
  • Standard team which costs $3250 per month
  • Extended team which costs $4750 per month.

4. NewBreedRevenue

This lead generation company focuses on delivering better outcomes for businesses while optimizing their CRM. Notable for partnering with HubSpot, they execute a series of technical and strategic approaches and provide proprietary analytics to ensure the growth of businesses on the platform. 

In addition, they provide custom configuration, exclusive revenue performance, and demand generation services while considering your needs and budget. They also partner with your in-house team to unlock their revenue potential and deliver the most impactful performance that propels your business. 

Unlike Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing detail on their website. But you can contact them to get a quote. 

5. Portage Sales

Portage Sales describes itself as a revenue enablement partner that helps to scale and realize your business’ true revenue potential. They offer a revenue enablement and training service where they apply a series of enablement solutions to support your needs and promote growth. 

If your team lacks the necessary skill to promote growth, they collaborate with your team and achieve the goal by creating a consistent buyer and customer experience. Then, they also offer a sales and customer success training service for your in-house team to improve their core revenue skills through their proven framework. 

Contrary to Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on their website. However, Clutch values its project size between $10,000 to $49,000. They also have an average review rating of 4.9 out of 5. But you can book a discovery call or email them to get a quote.

6. Purple Sales

Purple Sales is a hybrid lead generation and appointment-setting service for companies in Canada. They offer outsourced B2B sales and marketing services to companies in different industries such as financial services, manufacturing, technology, and more. 

Thanks to their appointment-setting services, they book appointments directly with your sales rep customer. They also offer other services such as sales outsourcing, tech stack optimization, and market expansion. They also provide you with a turnkey sales team that consists of 2 to 20 SDRs to grow your sales pipeline and update you about their progress. 

Unlike Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on their website. However, Clutch reveals that the common project size ranges between $10,000 to $49,000. They also have a 4.9/5 average referral rating. To get a specific pricing detail, you must request a consultation. 

7. Alphoric

This cold email agency specializes in generating qualified leads and improving sales through personalized email campaigns and a systemized AI outreach process. They are featured in notable publications such as Yahoo, Entrepreneur, Bloomberg, and Market Watch. 

Although Alphoric’s pricing details aren’t revealed on their website, they operate based on a pay-per-qualified appointment model. In other words, you only pay for each qualified sales meeting booked on your calendar. If you want to get an accurate quote, you must speak with a company representative.

8. Atlantic Growth Solution

Atlantic Growth Solutions is another Canada-based B2B lead generation company that serves FinTech, tech, telecom, aerospace, IoT, cloud, and other key industries. They specialize in improving the revenue of businesses by filling up the sales pipeline with qualified leads. They have worked with notable brands such as Spotify, BlackBerry, Under Armor, and more. 

Just like how other lead generation’s success is closely tied to their services, this lead generation company is no exception. Their lead generation efforts and sales solutions focus on account-based selling, where they identify and engage target accounts to produce effective outbound sales.

Clutch rates this company as the number one lead generation company in Canada and gives it a 4.9 average review rating. Unlike Nerdy Joe, their pricing information isn’t available on their website. But you can get in touch with them to get a specific quote.

9. Lead Generators International

This North-American-based lead generation company specializes in generating appointments that produce an excellent return on investment for businesses. They have partnered with top global brands such as IBM, HP, Salesforce, Shell, Deloitte, SAP, UBS, and more. 

They focus on setting up appointments, conducting in-depth market research, and registering prospects for webinars and events. They implement a strategic lead generation process that includes:

  • Onboarding session, which involves strategic planning with the team, market research, using Zoom info as a trusted source of data, and more.
  • Campaign session, which involves collaborating with clients to build a powerful CTA and generating daily progress reports.
  •  Post-campaign, which includes wrap-up reports and conference calls. 

Unlike Nerdy Joe, their pricing details aren’t available on their website. However, you should expect to pay a service fee of at least $10,000, according to Clutch. They also have an average referral rating of 5.0. To get a quote, you must speak with the team.

10. Clever Digital Marketing 

Clever Digital Marketing is a Canadian-based growth marketing agency that provides lead-generation services through Facebook, Instagram, and Google advertising. 

Their goal is simple – to see a consistent ROI. To do this, they implement their data-driven omnichannel approach which allows them to expose your business to a new customer base. They also use tracking platforms such as Hyros to monitor campaign performance. 

Unlike Nerdy Joe, their pricing details aren’t available on their website. But you should expect a service fee of at least $10,000 when considering working with them. They also have an average review rating of 5.0. If you need a quote, you must have a strategy session to get in touch with them. 

Let Nerdy Joe help you grow with lead generation 

You’ve probably taken an account of how all the companies listed here can help your business grow by generating leads. Now it’s just a matter of figuring out which one best fits your needs and goals for lead generation.

We already understand that you’re looking for a company to help you guarantee a steady stream of leads for your sales team and boost your business’ revenue, which we already qualify greatly for. 

That said, if you’re looking for an agency that:

  • Only charges you for results, not for doing tasks or sending mass emails
  • Doesn’t require you to sign a contract
  • Won’t waste your time and is affordable
  • Is made up of a team of experts who genuinely care about your company’s reputation and relationships with prospects

Then you’ll definitely want to check out Nerdy Joe as your lead generation service.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Top 5 B2B Lead Generation Companies in South Africa

Hiring lead generation companies in South Africa can prove to be a daunting task, especially when you don’t know what to consider. 

Although many claim to be experts, they struggle to book meetings or get replies with prospects that fit your ICP. In other words, they fail to deliver the results that skyrocket the growth of your business. 

To avoid making this costly decision, we have listed the top 5 B2B lead generation companies in South Africa to promote the growth of your business. 

We have reviewed each service and its features to help you with your decision-making process. So, let’s get started. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

The 5 top lead generation companies in South Africa

1. Nerdy Joe

Nerdy Joe is a B2B digital marketing agency that stands out from the rest because we solely specialize in email marketing and outbound lead generation services like cold emailing. We believe in providing one top-notch service and delivering exceptional results for you.

Our team of experienced lead generation and appointment setting specialists know exactly how to grab the attention of potential customers using our unique lead gen strategies by way of cold email, LinkedIn outreach and email marketing. 

At Nerdy Joe, we don’t just generate leads, we help you turn them into lifelong customers. Our aim is to find leads that not only have an interest in your product or service, but are also more likely to make a purchase.

We like to keep things simple, which is why we don’t require our clients to commit to a certain number of months. When you work with us, you know exactly what you’re getting, and we always deliver on our promises.

We also collaborate closely with our clients to fully understand their unique needs and customize our services to deliver the results they want.

Why Nerdy Joe is the best lead generation agency for your needs

🛟 Important note: 

This is just a rapid, high-level view of our lead generation service and the perks it entails. Read Why We Set Out To Be The Best Cold Email Agency to learn more about why we are the best lead generation agency. 

You pay for results — not the workflow or the number of cold emails we send. 

We understand that the main reason you’re seeking a lead generation or an appointment setting service provider is to get more appointments or sales meetings with sales-qualified leads and ultimately turn those prospects into customers. 

The drive for this goal can either be that you’re not growing at the rate you wish and are therefore looking for a service to help you expand or are simply looking to grow your business. 

So, we position our service accordingly and only charge you for the number of meetings we book. 

You get a personalized service with an approach that reflects your brand and makes people love you

Getting quality lead generation outreach results with cold emailing or LinkedIn outreach takes a lot of effort and time. Just targeting a big list won’t help, and we get that. 

Our strategy is to send 20-30 targeted cold emails or messages, get 15 responses, 10 positive ones, and ultimately deliver 6 sales-ready leads or sign-ups. How do we do it? By personalizing every message and being ultra-specific in our prospecting approach.

Before we even hit send on a single email, we do thorough research on your ideal customer profile. We want every recipient to feel like we know them personally and take your offer seriously, even if they don’t end up signing up. 

This requires collecting data points and creating emails that stand out and make your prospects love what you have to say.

You get a service with top-notch data quality and accuracy: we do the prospecting, list building, and everything manually.

We don’t use client data when running our outreach campaigns. As well, we do not use data from data intelligence tools such as Zoom, or Lusha. 

The reason for this is that these tools only turn up people from companies with generic criteria like “Tech companies”, “based in Europe”, etc. 

The data says nothing about who they are or what we should even target them — nothing about their pain points or how your service can help them. So, instead, we like to conduct our own research and build our lists manually. 

We have a process where when you sign up with us, one of the first things we do is ask about your ICP. Together, we will discuss your product, who it is for, why they should need it and more questions to pinpoint your ICP from the mass. 

As you answer our questions, we pinpoint precisely what company we should choose, why them, and who we should target there. Once we have a clear understanding of who the ICP is, everything else falls into place, and it gets really easy to manually build our list.

Your chosen plan clearly spells out the number of leads you’ll receive

We’re one of the top lead generation agencies because we make it easy to understand what we offer and how much it costs. With our plans, you get to pick what works best for you and your budget, and you’ll always know precisely what you’ll receive at the end of each month.

  • No, “it depends on a lot of factors.”
  • No, “Your account manager swallowed the key to his office and couldn’t work.”

If you have product-market fit and are solving a problem that most people have, it is almost everything we need to get you results. But if you’re still figuring out who your solution is best for, then we’re probably not going to be of help.

🛟 Important note: 

This is just a rapid, high-level view of our lead generation service and the perks it entails. Read Why We Set Out To Be The Best Cold Email Agency to learn more about why we are the best lead generation agency. 

2. Level 180

Level 180 is a B2B sales performance improvement company in South Africa that utilizes data, technology, and methodology to help businesses sell more. They offer lead generation services where they generate B2B qualified leads for their clients. They also solve the most complex challenges and look for how to drive sales opportunities. 

Their AI-driven approach is simple. They combine the latest tech tools and methods to produce relevant sales copy and distribute them on various channels to generate qualified leads. 

They also offer skills coaching and consulting services where they observe sales calls, analyze them, and ensure improvement to achieve your sales goals. They also give coaching cues to every salesperson and monitor their improvements. Their consulting services encompass all areas of B2B sales to drive performance improvement. 

Unlike Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on their website. However, Clutch reveals that their common project size costs less than $10,000. They also have an average review rating of 4.8. If you want to get an exact quote about their services, you must schedule a discovery call with them. 

3. Delta-v

Delta-v is another top B2B lead generation company in South Africa that offers sales development services to enterprise software companies. They mainly specialize in the information technology and financial service industries. Besides, they have worked for different brands such as Accurate, Arkk, Polymorph, Electrum, Lokulus, and more. 

This company offers sales outsourcing services where they help businesses to secure more sales meetings with key decision-makers at large enterprises. Once you outsource your sales activities to them, their talented SDR team provides you with a comprehensive proposal that outlines their strategies. 

These strategies include deploying a sales tech stack and building a custom outbound playbook based on your ICP within 45 days. Then, they employ the tech, people, infrastructure, and management to produce a consistent result. 

Contrary to Nerdy Joe, there are no pricing details on their website. However, you can book a meeting with them if you need an exact quote. 

4. Black Snow Group

Black Snow Group is a full-service digital marketing agency in South Africa that offers simple marketing solutions to solve complex problems and drive business performance. They have partnered with various top brands such as FedEx, Douglas Green, Goldwell, DaVinci, and more. 

As a digital marketing agency, they offer varieties of services such as website design, web development, social media marketing, and performance marketing. Their performance marketing services enable them to curate effective marketing solutions that enable businesses to grow online and achieve their sales goals. 

In addition, they analyze how your website is performing and implement solutions that can help to increase sales. They also monitor and measure the performance of the strategies to ensure you get the best possible results. 

Contrary to Nerdy Joe, their pricing information isn’t available on their website. However, you can get in touch with them to get a quote. 

5. Yep!

Yep! is South Africa’s digital marketplace that provides a scalable solution to grow local businesses. Here, you can search for and request different services from local businesses. You can also allow your customers to find your business either through keywords or location. 

Although the brand is popularly known as a digital marketplace that facilitates business transactions, it also offers lead generation services and ensures it appeals to the right audience. Their approach is simple. They help to build your brand, engage with your audience, attract the right customers, and convert them with their lead generation tools. 

They also craft and publish personalized ads to reach and appeal to your potential customers. Some of the solutions they utilize include Call Now, Calendar Booking, and Lead Form. They also offer other digital services such as online banners, Facebook ads, and Google AdWords to ensure brand visibility, attract the right audience,  convert them, and boost sales. 

Yep’s pricing information is straightforward. They offer their services for R123,30 per month. If you need further assistance with their services, you can get in touch with them. 

Hire Nerdy Joe to generate high-quality leads for your business in South Africa

There you have it. The list is rather short, as we aimed to give you only the best and save you some time. 

Each of the companies on the list can help you with your goal of lead generation, but we are quite different. Here’s what you can expect when you work with us:

  • We have a proven, surefire process for generating leads and booking meetings that we’ll share with you.
  • Our lead generation specialists use cold email to reach prospects and book meetings for you.
  • We will work tirelessly to generate leads and bring actual meetings to your table.
  • We use a unique process where we manually research prospects, build lists manually, and personalize every single cold email we send — we don’t send out generic emails to a massive list. 
  • We won’t lock you into a long-term retainer agreement – you only pay for the meetings we book for you, and you’ll get results from the first month.
  • We won’t bother you with metrics that don’t matter – we’ll only report on the metrics important to your business, like the number of meetings booked with sales leads, positive replies, and interested prospects.
Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

5 Best B2B Lead Generation Companies in Kenya

It’s a daunting task to find the perfect lead generation company that truly understands your needs and caters to them with an effective and timely approach to bring you the results you need. 

Inarguably, when you are looking for a lead generation company, it means that you’re in need of high quality leads to grow your business by increasing your sales, and growing your revenue. 

In light of this, most of the strategies and services that lead generation agencies suggest are unfit to your needs. They suggest long-term and huge investment lead generation strategies like SEO, content marketing, PPC, etc. 

We understand your needs and budget concerns as a business in avid need of leads and sales growth. We’ve scouted the net and found the top 5 lead generation services that you should consider for your lead generation needs in Kenya. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Top 5 B2B lead generation companies in Kenya

1. Nerdy Joe

We are a B2B digital marketing agency for sales and marketing teams that stands out from the rest because we solely specialize in email marketing and outbound lead generation services.

Our main lead generation channels are cold email and LinkedIn outreach. We are a team of lead generation and appointment setting specialists who understand how to craft compelling marketing copy that gets the attention of potential customers and compels them to act. 

As well, we understand the importance of generating leads that are not only interested in your product but also turn into lifelong customers for your business. 

You’ll be interested to know that we don’t require our clients to commit to a certain number of months. When you work with us, you know exactly what you’re getting, and we always deliver on your expected results.

We collaborate closely with you to fully understand their unique needs and customize our services to deliver the results you want.

Why Nerdy Joe is the best lead generation agency for you needs

🛟Important note: 

This is just a rapid, high-level view of our lead generation service and the perks it entails. Read Why We Set Out To Be The Best Cold Email Agency to learn more about why we are the best lead generation agency. 

You pay for results — not the workflow or the number of cold emails we send. 

We know that you’re looking for a lead generation or appointment setting service to get more sales meetings with qualified leads and turn them into customers. 

You are on this quest because you want to grow your business fast by increasing sales and getting more ups on your revenue curve. You don’t care about how many emails we send or the amount of work we do — that’s not your concern and you shouldn’t have to pay for it. 

That’s our philosophy and it is the reason why we tailor our strategies and methods to help you achieve your goals, and we only charge you for the exact results we bring you. We won’t waste your time and money with long-term strategies and investments. 

You pay, we reach out to people and bring you results. 

You get a personalized service with an approach that reflects your brand and makes people love you

Sending cold emails or LinkedIn messages for lead generation can be quite a challenge, and simply sending them to a huge list won’t do you any favors. 

The average service and lead generation guru believes in strategies like building huge lists, sending out cold emails and booking a significant percentage of the recipients at the end of the month. That’s a ticket to getting generic emails and landing in the spam folder

But don’t worry, we’ve got a better approach. 

Our ideal scenario is to send out 20-30 carefully targeted messages and get about 15 responses, 10 positive and get you 6 sales-ready leads or sign-ups. 

How do we pull it off? 

By personalizing every message and being super-specific in our approach.

Before we hit send on any email, we do our research to figure out who your ideal customer is. We want each person who receives our message to feel like we’re talking directly to them, which will make them more likely to take your offer seriously.

To make this happen, we research each recipient individually and gather data to create emails that really stand out and get your prospects excited about what you have to offer, even if they don’t end up signing up.

You get a service with top-notch data quality and accuracy: we do the prospecting, list building,and everything manually.

We don’t use any of our clients’ data when we work for them (reach out to people for them). And we also don’t rely on data intelligence tools like Zoom, Sales Navigator,, or Lusha.

The reason for this is that these tools only give us generic information like “Tech companies” or “based in Canada,” but we need more specific details to know who to target and how we can help them. So instead, we like to do our own research and create our lists manually.

When you sign up with us, we’ll work together to determine your ideal customer profile (ICP). We’ll ask you questions about your product and your target audience to get a clear understanding of who we should be targeting. 

Once we know exactly who your ICP is, everything else falls into place and we can easily create a list of companies to reach out to.

Your chosen plan clearly spells out the number of leads you’ll receive

We take pride in being one of the top B2B lead generation agencies that keep things simple and straightforward. With our plans, you can easily choose what works best for your budget, and you’ll always know exactly what you’ll get each month.

No “it depends on a lot of factors” or “your account manager swallowed the key to his office and couldn’t work” excuses from us. If you have a great product that solves a problem most people face, then we’ve got almost everything we need to get you results.

But if you’re still figuring out who your solution is best for, then we’re probably not going to be of help.

🛟Important note: 

This is just a rapid, high-level view of our lead generation service and the perks it entails. Read Why We Set Out To Be The Best Cold Email Agency to learn more about why we are the best lead generation agency. 

2. GrowthPad

GrowthPad is a digital marketing company in Kenya that delivers high-quality digital services to its clients. They have worked with various notable brands such as Asus, Zoho, Vision+, Uber, Red Hat, Sidian Bank, HP, Msingi, and more. 

They conduct market, competitor, and trend research to connect brands with their customers and get real business performance results. This research allows them to execute a digital audit strategy through different channels (email marketing, social media accounts, PPC campaigns) and help your business to grow tremendously. 

They offer a four-tier pricing plan for their all-in-one digital package which include:

  • Platinum plan which costs $4,000 per month
  • Gold plan which costs $2,000 per month
  • Silver plan which costs $1,500 per month
  • Enterprise plan which requires custom pricing.

3. Nevin Digital

Nevin Digital is also a Kenya-based digital marketing agency that mainly delivers SEO services to grow businesses. They offer their SEO services to different sectors such as healthcare, e-commerce, and service. 

Their SEO and marketing campaigns enable businesses to have more visibility, generate qualified leads, and create more online tractions that produce real results. Here is an overview of their processes.

  • They carry out a full audit of your website through tools such as Google Search Console, Google Analytics, SEMrush, aHrefs, and others.
  • They perform on-page optimization
  • They create content to drive traffic to your site
  • They acquire quality backlinks to impact your rankings
  • They provide a full report of the campaign performance.

Contrary to Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on their website. But you can fill out a form to get a quote. 

4. Global Des Arts Media

Global Des Arts Media is another Kenya-based digital marketing agency you can work with to grow your business. According to their website, they claim to be the best SEO company not only in Kenya but also in East Africa. 

Having gained over 500 clients, they deliver high-quality SEO services to help your business gain exposure, generate qualified leads, and grow your revenue. To achieve this, they create a custom SEO campaign that fits your business needs and goals. Their strategies evolve around keyword analysis and research, link building, backlinking, quality content, fast load speeds, simple website interface, and more. 

Once you sign up for their service, their team will set up white hat SEO strategies tailored to fit your business needs and implement them to gain results. They also deliver other digital services such as web design, social media marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click, graphic design, reputation management, and more. 

Unlike Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on their website. But you can contact them to get a quote. 

5. Higanijulu

Located in Kenya, Higanijulu is a lead generation company that generates high-quality leads for SMEs. They specialize in building a profitable, scalable, and reliable system to generate qualified leads for your business. 

Since they understand the frustrations that accompany lead generation, especially when you are not an expert, they have developed a unique strategy that attracts the right clients and enables you to know the number of leads you can expect every month.

According to their website, this unique strategy allows you to generate leads without networking, sales calls, conferencing, and referral requests. They developed a free guide that can enlighten you on this method. 

Unlike Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on their website. However, you can contact their team to get a quote. 

Hire Nerdy Joe to help you generate leads for your business in Kenya

There you have it. As you can tell, we kept the list short and sweet, so you can get the best service in Kenya without wasting time.

All the companies on the list can help you generate leads, but we’re hands-down the best lead generation company if your goal is to hire a company that generates high-quality leads without breaking the bank or waiting ages for it. 

Here’s what you can expect when you work with us:

  • We’ve got a proven process to generate leads and book meetings that we’ll share with you. 
  • Our lead gen specialists use cold emails to reach prospects and book meetings for you. 
  • We’ll work our tails off to bring you actual meetings. 
  • We use a unique process where we research prospects manually, build lists manually, and personalize every cold email we send – no generic emails here. 
  • We won’t lock you into a long-term retainer agreement – you only pay for the meetings we book for you or the number of leads you get, and you’ll see results in the first month. 
  • We won’t bother you with metrics that don’t matter – we’ll only report on what’s important to your business, like the number of meetings booked, positive replies, and interested prospects.
Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Lead Generation For Digital Marketing Agency: 7 Strategies That Work

Getting leads for your digital marketing agency is one of the most challenging experiences every digital marketer has to go through. 

For our little experiment, when we were trying to get leads for our content writing agency, we used cold email as our primary strategy and communication channel with potential leads. 

The strategy proved to be complex, but the result we had was quite excellent. Long story short, we were able to close companies such as, Ahrefs, AppSumo,, Vidico, and more. 

Here’s an overview of our results or responses after our cold email campaign.

Here is the answer we got from’s Irina.

How we closed Ross Simmonds, founder of FoundationInc

Here is another successful example.  

These are just a few of the positive responses we’ve gotten. We can show you plenty of others, but that’s not really the point. 

This article aims to show you how you can generate leads for your digital marketing agency with cold email — and the lead generation process we use to do it. First, we will start with some prerequisites to ensure your success.

Note: Wanna fill your digital marketing agency’s pipeline with more leads and need a team to help you effectively run outbound marketing campaigns? We will help you get 6 meetings per month at $999. Grab your deal here

4 things you need to nail right to guarantee your success 

Working for a B2B company as a digital marketing company or agency is quite multifaceted. 

Before we discuss the strategy you can use to get leads, let’s first outline some prerequisites you need to get right to differentiate yourself from the competition and get the attention of your prospective businesses.

Have a niche

It’s only natural that companies would want to work with a digital marketing agency with experience in their industry. 

Having a niche focus results in the company identifying with you better and being much more willing to work with you. 

There are other reasons for this as well. For example, niching down makes your service relevant to specific companies who see your service as the best for their needs and see you as the best expert on the market for them.

Niching down also implies some experience in a specific field or market and makes people trust you more easily. 

So, do you serve SaaS companies? E-commerce? Government companies? Fortune 500 companies? Companies that sell a specific type of product?

Also, having a niche is about specializing in one specific activity. You do digital marketing, cool. But that doesn’t mean that you have to offer social media marketing services, Facebook lead ads, etc.

Many marketing agencies do this. But we think it’s best and far more valuable if you offer only one service that you truly master and perform well.

Sell a strategy and know how to wrap it

You are a digital marketing agency; chances are you know at least 10 teams that can do the same work as you.

Also, in most cases, depending on the service you offer (SEO, Content Marketing, PR, Cold email, etc.), your service will revolve around content creation and outreach campaigns, or it will be a set of activities you perform routinely. 

So, it won’t be easy to get people to buy such activities because anyone can do it, and it doesn’t seem like something with a significant business value as it is. In our experience, it will be much easier for you to sell your service as a bundled strategy with a specific outcome for your target company will be much easier. 

You always have to assume that the B2B company you’re trying to work for can hire someone in-house to do the work, so what you want to sell has to be much more of an outcome-oriented strategy or service.

For example, at Nerdy Joe, we don’t sell cold emails or just email campaigns; instead, we sell a strategy or a marketing outcome that allows us to do super-personalized cold emails and bring ready-to-buy customers for your sales team to close. 

As such, we are not just another cold email company; we help our clients get leads that are ready to buy. Framing our offer from this angle is much more ideal and has much more value to the target companies.

Have a unique value proposition

Take Grow and Convert, for example. Their unique value proposition is that they don’t believe in top-of-the-funnel, volume-driven keyword content marketing strategies. They believe much more in creating business interaction-oriented content for their customers. 

And they explain it well by showing how going after keywords just because they have high search volumes doesn’t help companies generate business but instead gets them in front of prospects who aren’t ready to buy.  

On the other hand, the focus on keywords that have commercial and transactional value helps the company to make money because the content is positioned to convert the reader. 

Or, we, Nerdy Joe, for example, believe in sending very few emails and getting results instead of purchasing and targeting huge lists. 

Most cold email marketers or specialists approach it as a number game. They believe in scenarios like sending 500 cold emails per day, 2500 per week and converting at least 0.5% of them. 

The problem is that this process is messy and spammy, and that’s not how brands want to be represented.

Companies don’t want to appear as spammers and damage their online reputation because a marketer wants to send 500 emails to random people per day. 

So, the idea here is to have an idea or philosophy that differentiates you from most competitors in the market. As we’ve established earlier, several companies, teams, or individuals can probably do your job.

But your approach, your philosophy, your way of doing things, and your unique value are the elements that will allow you to differentiate yourself and really prove the value and effectiveness of your service to the prospective company.

Get ready to impress 

With most of the B2B companies you want to work for, the typical scenario is that these companies will already have an internal team doing marketing for them. 

They already have a team, a strategy, a plan, and people already doing the work for them. 

So when you’re trying to win them as a customer, your job is to either help them execute what they already have in place or bring new ideas, strategies, or approaches that promise better results or specific outcomes.  

That being said, if you are doing outreach, your message, for the most part, will have to be addressed to the company’s marketer. 

And even if you send your message to someone outside the marketing department and in a higher hierarchy, you can be sure that the person will refer you to the marketing department. 

This has happened a few times with us. For example, with Ahrefs, we tried to email the CEO, who added Joshua Hardwick to the conversation and asked us to continue the conversation with him. 

The same thing happened with Lemlist, where we sent the message to Guillaume, who loved our email, then added Vuk (the CMO at the time) to the conversation and asked him to talk with us. 

Having said that, we can tell you right now that it is never easy to get a marketing job from marketers. It’s hard to convince another marketer, and you’ll have to impress or beat their ego before making it through the door.

Your lead generation strategy will come down to impressing the other marketers so they can hire you to either do their job, contribute to their job or do something specific on the side. 

We know how marketers think in general, and we have taken the time to master how to send them cold emails, so they like it. 

You’ll notice that most of their responses to our emails start with words of appreciation for our work and tell us how they liked our emails. 

Here are some examples. Here is Ross’ example.

Here is another example.

Another one.

You’ll notice that after they tell us they liked the email and what we offer, they offer to work with us immediately.

That’s the “impression” we’re talking about. When you manage to impress them, they are much more likely to want to work with you.

7 steps to generate leads for your digital marketing agency using cold email

There are many lead generation strategies and channels you can use to generate leads for your digital marketing agency. You can use inbound marketing as well as outbound marketing. 

We primarily use cold email marketing (i.e., outbound marketing). We believe outbound cold emails give your brand a channel you can own to control who you reach out to compared to inbound marketing techniques. 

Here are the steps we typically follow to generate B2B leads for ourselves and the digital agencies that decide to work with us. 

Step 1: Understand your target company’s product and brand

This is more of a common courtesy — because you can’t possibly reach out to a company offering to do marketing for them without really knowing what product they sell, what it does, their target audience, and how they present their brand to their outer world. 

Understanding these is how you can devise an effective marketing and business strategy that aligns with the company and everything they already do and stand for. Here is how you can approach this. 

Company product

Start by researching the features and benefits of the product. Look for information about how the product is made, what problems it solves, and what makes it unique compared to similar products in the market. 

Try to understand how the product is used and how it fits into the customer’s life. You can also try finding answers to the following questions:

  • What pain point is the product or service solving?
  • What situations are users avoiding by using the product or service?
  • What happens to the users when they don’t solve the problem?

Target audience

Research the demographics and psychographics of the typical customer of your target company.

Demographics should include factors like age, gender, income, and education level, while psychographics should cover factors like values, attitudes, and lifestyle. 

Look for information about where the target audience spends their time, what they care about, and what motivates them to purchase.

On top of that, you can go deeper to understand the users and how they engage with the company. The following questions might help:

  • Which prospects are the easiest to close for the company?
  • Which are the hardest to close?
  • What’s their lead-to-close rate?
  • Which type of client has the highest lifetime value? Why?
  • Which type of client churns the fastest?

The answer to these questions will help you pick up patterns on how the company’s target audience typically engages with the company’s marketing materials and the average success rate they get.

This information can be useful and help you be more realistic in what results you promise the brand. 

Company brand

Here, start by researching the company’s messaging, visual identity, and tone of voice. Look for information about what the company stands for, what makes it unique, and what sets it apart from competitors. 

Try to understand the emotions the brand evokes in its customers and how it is perceived in the market.

This can help you learn how they want their company to be presented to their target audience and how they speak to them. 

You can use this data in your outreach cold emails to demonstrate how you will present your brand under its best lights. You can learn what makes the brand unique and suggest approaches to beat the competition. 

Step 2: Determine ICPs, score leads and qualify them

This step involves research, market segmentation, and persona creation. Basically, you’ll have to determine companies that are likely to be interested in the services you are offering. 

You certainly have some idea about who your ideal customer is. The problem with this step is that most digital marketers or digital marketing agencies get their ICPs wrong. We can see how easy it is to think that you should target any company that cries for digital marketers. 

But in our experience, that’s not the best way to find the best company to work with. Generally, when asked what’s their ICPs, digital marketing agencies owners reply something along the lines of:

  • Our ICP is SaaS companies
  • We work with eCommerce businesses
  • We are targeting tech companies

For some of them, that like to be a little more specific. They come with answers such as:

  • Our ICP is a B2B SaaS company that recently had an IPO 
  • Our ICP is man fashion e-commerce businesses

You can think that you’ll be able to be hired by all these companies and do a good job, but no.

Also, that’s not any quality data to run a highly targeted and personalized campaign. You can get more specific about what companies you offer your services to, and you need to. 

We have a couple of questions we think you can try answering to get to the bottom of that. 

Here are the questions.

  • What’s the story behind your company?
  • What type of pain points are you trying to solve through your digital marketing agency?
  • What’s your marketing philosophy?
  • What companies fit key characteristics you care about? (company size, industry, location, revenue, and marketing budget)

These questions will help you really understand who to work with, which type of companies will be the most beneficial to yours, and which customers you shouldn’t go after.

In other words, the answers to these questions will help you know precisely who to target and WHY. 

The data you collect here makes the difference between: 

“We’re working with series A tech companies,” 


“Our ICP is a B2B startup company that sells a B2B software to HR professionals, and its main pain points are lack of an outbound marketing strategy, long sales cycles, and little customer lifetime value.

They often refer to XYZ podcasts to get insights as to how to improve their sales cycle and get more customers.” 

Once we clearly understand who the ICP is, we manually build our list, which we use to run our lead generation campaigns. 

Step 3: Manually research recipients and build your list of leads

At this stage, you’ve already pinpointed the companies you’ll want to target for your marketing services.

Now, you’ll need a specific person or job position to which you’ll reach out to those companies to get your message across.  

Hence, the first step is to manually compile a list of the possible recipients for each company you want to target, including names, job titles, and email addresses.

Since you are looking to offer your digital marketing services, we recommend that you reach out to positions like:

  • Chief Marketing Officer, 
  • Content Marketing Officer, 
  • Head of Marketing, 
  • Head of Content, 
  • VP of Marketing, 
  • Content Marketing,
  • and other positions that suggest that the person is either a marketer or leads the marketing department. 

Here is how to find the person to reach out to at each company. 

Using the company’s website

The best place to find the people working at a company is on their website. Head over to their team, about page, or career page and find the best position to reach out to for your needs. 

Go to the site. Scroll down to the lower fold of the page. Ideally, you are looking for these keywords: 

  • Company
  • About
  • Team
  • Career
  • People 

Let’s take, for example. 

Then go to the page to see the team and find the person you seek. 

Using their blog

Sometimes, the company might not have a team page on its website to list the people working there and their different titles. An alternative tactic is to look at the company’s blog. 

Here, you want to find the name that publishes the most content on the blog. The person who has the most content on their name is likely to be the head of the content team. 

And even if they are not, they are still the right person to reach out to because they can easily link you up with the manager you’re looking for. Let’s take the blog as an example here.

Clearly, you’ll have a good chance of being heard if you reach out to Ross Simmonds.

Using LinkedIn

Go to your target website’s profile on LinkedIn and head over to their employee section to search for the position you are looking for to find the name you need. Suppose we are targeting SEMrush.

Step one, going to SEMrush’s profile on LinkedIn. 

Step two, click on “Employees” or “People” to find the people working there. 

Now you want to search for the keywords we mentioned earlier.

Here is the result. 

Find their email address using Hunter’s Email Finder

You’ve got your target’s name and the company they work for. Go to Hunter’s Email Finder to find their email address easily. 

Suppose your target’s name is Ibrahim Litinine, and they’re at Nerdy Joe ( Hit the find button and get the email address. 

Here’s the result.

find email addresses with hunter

Note: If you can’t find the email address this way, we share more tactics for finding someone’s email address here

Now, you might wonder. Why manually build lists when a simple data intelligence tool such as ZoomInfo can collect all the data? Well, we do this for a couple of reasons. 

  • Trust: Purchased lists or data intelligence tools may not always provide the accuracy and relevance that a marketing business requires.
  • Data quality: We believe in building customer lists manually because it gives us complete control over the quality of the data we collect. That’s how we are able to ensure that the information is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to our clients’ specific needs. 
  • More effectiveness and satisfaction: Manually building our lists allows us to focus on specific criteria most relevant to our customers’ needs. It helps ensure we are more effective in our cold email campaigns and obtain better conversion rates. 
  • Cost-effectiveness: While purchasing a list or using a data intelligence tool may seem like a convenient option, it can be pretty costly. Doing it ourselves is more cost-effective, especially if you run small businesses with limited marketing budgets.
  • Compliance: Depending on the industry and location, there may be regulations around how customer data can be collected and used. Manually building our outreach lists allows us to ensure compliance with any relevant laws and regulations.

Now since we’re already clear on the ICPs and critical characteristics we care about, manually building outreach lists becomes easy and fun. Here is an example of how we keep the prospects in a spreadsheet before the campaign. 

Step 4: Research your recipients and create icebreakers

You’ve already had a good deal of your outreach emails go unanswered. It’s nothing new. That’s because you are going against too many odds when you go unsolicited to a busy person’s inbox for the first time. 

One of the best ways to win your prospects’ attention from the first few lines of your cold email is to break the ice before getting to the subject. For this, we like to create what we like to call cold email icebreakers. 

Using icebreaker is a strong lead generation strategy that has always worked for us and can also work for many digital marketing solutions.

We research our prospects, personalize our message to the specific reader, and connect with them from the beginning. But there is more to icebreakers than just that.

Here is a cold emailing lesson that we’ve learned over the years: 

  • Most people always have their guard up regarding unsolicited marketing materials in their inboxes. 
  • For most recipients, your cold emails will feel like just another pitch from a salesperson. 
  • People don’t like cold outreach too much (because most people do it the wrong way). 

Because of that, we strongly believe in having a strong, personalized, and persuasive email opening, and that’s what using icebreakers is all about. 

Icebreakers help us break up the tedium of marketing by giving the recipient something to chew on or relate to before getting to the point.

How do we do it?

As we established earlier, we don’t rely on data intelligence tools like ZoomInfo or Lusha.

We don’t trust these data sources because they only aggregate demographic and technological information.

For example, using these tools, it’s easy to find data regarding companies that: 

  • Are in the accounting software industry, 
  • Have 30 to 65 employees, 
  • Are series B-funded companies,
  • Are in Europe,
  • Use Slack or Digital Ocean as part of their tech stack.
  • Have a ping pong table at the office. 

Unfortunately, this data can only be used to generate obvious personalized icebreakers like:

“Hey [[First name]],

You’re using Salesforce; let’s hop on a call.
[[Sender name]]”
We don’t want to come across as basic or boring, so we go further down with personalization. Among other types of data, we use psychographic information. 

And that’s how we go from 

Icebreaker A: Hope this email finds you well. I know your company uses bla bla bla.


Icebreaker B: I just watched your interview with Sam Parr, and I love your take on how businesses can double their income by aligning the marketing and sales departments. I, too, believe the best sales happen when marketing and sales teams can get together to discuss customer needs. 

Random opening lines simply won’t cut it. Success with icebreakers lies in relevance and details. 

So, how do we collect information about each prospect or member of the target audience?

Here is how.

  • We listen to podcasts your potential customers have been on.
  • We read the blog posts they wrote. 
  • We read their LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon posts.
  • We read discussions on forums they’re in.

As a result of the analysis of this aggregated data, we are able to identify unique angles which we can utilize to craft personalized first lines or icebreakers.

Here’s what it looks like in real life. We pitched CoSchedule’s Head of Content, Ben Sailer, and asked him if we could write for them.

Here’s what he replied 1 hour later.

Here is another successful example from a similar strategy.

First, they love the cold emails, and tell us they did love them. Then offer to hire us to work with them. Dope!

Note: The icebreakers are also part of the pre-campaign content we keep in our spreadsheets. Here is what it looks like. 

Step 5: Create personalized subject lines

From our experience, when someone opens your cold emails, we believe one of the following three scenarios has happened. 

  • They know you.
  • Someone introduced you.
  • You caught their attention.

Since we are talking about cold emails and generating B2B leads, the third is where we land. 

Creating click-worthy subject lines is a must for the success of our cold emails. It is the first thing the reader sees in the email, so it’s essential to make it compelling. We want to grab the reader’s attention and make them want to open the email. 

Ideally, we want something brief, specific, and relevant to the reader. Here are some tips we use for this. 

  • Personalization: Poorly written subject lines will leave your email unanswered. We like our prospects to know that we specifically researched and targeted them with an offer for them. You can personalize the subject line with prospects’ first names based on their job title, demographics, software uses, etc.
  • Curiosity: Curious people always want to learn more. Doing this helps get the reader excited about what we want to say. You can ask an intriguing question. Bring out a relevant fact. The sky’s the limit. 
  • FOMO: This is all about creating a sense of urgency to get prospects to act rapidly. If you do it right, people will click to see what you have to say or offer them. No one likes to miss out on something valuable. 
  • Simple: No all caps, no exclamation points (unless you’re asking someone out on a date). These are quick ways to get your emails flagged by spam filters and end up in the junk box. 

Step 6: Craft a compelling, personalized cold email

We don’t believe in sending many emails to get meager results. Also, personalization is your only chance of winning in this game. 

When writing cold emails, our primary strategy is to make the message about the prospects’ pain points.

We are trying to show them that we are not just blasting them with random emails. We are trying to convince them that our offer is unique and targeted to them. 

In our experience, mentioning their paint points makes our cold emails valuable and our offer relevant to them. 

So, we consider prospects’ pain points and needs as the starting point. We take a look at the challenges they face and how we can help them. We also consider their business goals and how our service fits into that. 

Based on that, we then develop specific use cases of our service that will be relevant to them in their unique situation. From there, we proceed to write the value section in your email body as follows:

  • Use cases: Unique situations where the offering will be the most meaningful and relatable to the reader. It covers their pain points or aligns with their business or lifestyle goals. 
  • Benefits: We demonstrate how adopting the offering will impact their life by reading the email body. The value we are bringing to their table or the lifestyle they will have after integrating the product or using our service.
  • Examples: Real-life case scenario of our service in action or how it has done the same for someone with the same need and goals as the prospect. 

This approach helps the reader quickly understand the value we are offering and why they should be interested.

We like to use bullet points and numbered lists to do this. It’ll also help to make our cold email copy email more readable and easier to scan.

Here’s an example. In this cold email, we pitched a Head of Marketing at a B2B Marketing Agency and focused on their specific pain point.

And here’s his reply.

We then make sure the email is well-written and end it with a clear call to action. Also, in our books, no two prospects are the same. 

Every potential customer is different and faces unique challenges. For example, two prospects might need the same tool, but you can close both by highlighting the same features.

Because of this, we study each of our prospects and create a unique cold email for everyone. 

That’s how we are able to get great results. 

Step 7: Send, track, analyze, and follow up

By this time, we have everything figured out and ready to go. We ensure our copy is compelling, load everything in our email marketing software, and make sure it is the best time to send our cold emails, and kick off the campaign. 

Next, we track and analyze the results to measure our campaign’s success or explain the lack thereof. So, we track email open, positive answers, prospects needing follow-ups, and the deals close — aka conversion. 

And for the leads who engaged with our cold emails and showed some interest but didn’t take any action, we follow-up. In most cases, our follow-up process is to handle their potential objections, provide more value about what we offer, and more. 

Finally, we continuously refine the process based on the results we get and how the prospects engage with our campaigns, considering factors such as response, open, and conversion rates.

Why you need to work with Nerdy Joe for your B2B lead generation needs

Here are a couple of reasons you need to work with our agency to generate B2B leads. 

Pay for results — not the number of emails we send

Ask or look around. You’ll find four types of lead generation agencies:

  • Those that charge you are based on the number of emails they send or contacts they put in your list.
  • Those that charge you a monthly fee and promise you’ll get the best leads ever but never deliver on their promise.
  • Those who call everyone who’s downloaded an ebook or PDF  a LEAD charge you for that.
  • Those that charge based on the number of QUALIFIED leads they generate for your sales team.

Given your needs, you should only care about those who charge based on results. And at Nerdy Joe, we live and breathe client ROI (return on investment).

When we start working with clients, we always make it clear that the prospect list we build and the number of emails we send are not their business. 

The number #1 pain point of a company that needs help with lead generation is that they need LEADS. So, we get you leads and charge you for that — not for our work. 

Our prospecting and lead generation strategies are performed manually to insure quality and accuracy — so you get qualified leads

As we explained, we are crazy about data quality and personalized targeting.

Manually building our list is how we ensure that. It helps ensure that we get you qualified leads, and your company won’t have to worry about the cost of data intelligence tools or compliance issues. 

We won’t make you sign any contract — you can renew or stop your subscription based on satisfaction.

Most people are stuck into 3-6 or 12-month contracts with their lead gen agencies that barely get them any results. It’s costing you a lot of money, you are not getting what you want, and you can’t walk back on the agreement; we feel you. 

That’s why we require no contracts. You choose what you want; we get it for you. You are happy; we take pride in that, and both parties are satisfied. 

We don’t play hide and seek — you know & get exactly what you pay for

Our offerings and pricing are clear — and this is probably why we’re one of the best lead generation agencies. You choose a plan based on your budget and needs and know exactly what you get at the end of the month.

  • No, “it depends on a lot of factors.”
  • No, “Your account manager swallowed the key to his office and couldn’t work.”
  • No “BS”

As long as you have product-market fit and are solving a genuine problem that your ICP has and cares to solve, it is almost everything we need to get you results. But if you’re still figuring out who your solution is best for, then we’re probably not going to help.

Our lead generation service’s pricing is crystal clear. We have three plans:

  • Silver: It costs $499/month and only gives you one warm LEAD.
  • Gold: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $999/month and gives you six hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Platinum: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads every month.

Our pricing also includes the following:

  • The tech stack we use to build your prospect list and send and monitor your campaign.
  • A complete list of prospects that fit your buyer persona and ICP.
  • The campaign setup fees.

Get leads to your digital marketing agency with Nerdy Joe

If you need leads from your digital marketing agency, you can reach out to us, and we will use our proven process and strategy to land you marketing gigs. All you have to do is hop on a call to clause your deals. 

If you have a valuable marketing strategy that you think companies can benefit from, you can work with us. We’ll help you with a stellar cold email campaign that’ll help you get unprecedented results. You’ve seen how we did it and got positive results. 

We can do the same for you, plus we’ll ensure you have a good from the get-go with excellent messaging and super-personalization for your brand. We’ll ensure you impress them and get to their hearts from the cold emails.  

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Pay Per Appointment Lead Generation: Is It Really Worth It?

Unlike other lead generation agencies that charge for each lead, pay-per-appointment only charges for confirmed appointments with interested and qualified sales leads

It allows businesses to reduce risks associated with lead gen investment and only pay for tangible results, making it a more efficient and targeted lead-generation approach

In this post, we’ll discuss pay-per-appointment lead generation, exploring how it works, its benefits, and how to find the right partner to maximize success. 

Let’s get started!

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

What is pay-per-appointment lead generation?

Pay-per-appointment is a lead generation model where you only pay for confirmed appointments with potential customers who have expressed a genuine interest in their product or service. 

Unlike the other lead generation models, instead of simply handing you off anyone who shows interest as a lead, the lead generation agency has to follow up with them, nurturing them (a little) to ensure that they’re ACTUALLY interested in your product or service and then book a meeting with you. 

It is a highly effective way to generate leads for businesses and salespeople looking to cut through the long lead generation processes and workflows and use a targeted and cost-effective approach to quickly gain new meetings with customers.

How does pay-per-appointment lead generation work?

As you probably know already, you’ll need to partner with a pay-per-appointment lead generation provider. 

Together, you’ll discuss their proposal and work to create a customized lead gen campaign for your unique needs and goals. This includes defining your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), selecting the right messaging, and setting appointment goals.

Once you set up the campaign, the provider will launch it using one or a variety of marketing channels, such as cold email, LinkedIn outreach, paid ads, telemarketing, and whichever channel they prefer to reach your potential customers. 

In fact, you’ll discuss it all, and the preferred channel will be part of their lead generation strategy. 

Interested prospects will then schedule appointments directly with the appointment-setting provider’s team, who will confirm their interest and schedule the appointment with you or your team. 

So, finally, you will only pay for confirmed appointments with interested prospects who meet the defined criteria.

Prospects who set up appointments with you are like low-hanging fruits; you can convert them into customers easily. 

This makes pay-per-appointment lead generation a more effective lead gen model since you only pay for tangible results — the number of people with whom you’ll have meetings. 

Why Nerdy Joe is the best pay-per-appointment lead gen agency

New businesses, startup marketing agencies, and salespeople spend much time scrapping the internet and exploring lead generation tactics to get new leads and sales appointments. It consumes their time and resources. 

Worse, if you are a new business, the sales team won’t be able to focus on the parts of their work that matter to them the most: having meetings and closing deals. That’s where our pay-per-appointment lead generation services come in. 

Working with us guarantees a steady stream of meetings with key decision-makers for companies that fit your ICP the best. Won’t bother you or report with vanity metric; we get you actual meetings with prospects who are the most likely to buy — and that’s all you pay for.

We are a team of lead generation and outbound outreach experts who believe in using super-specific targeting to generate quality leads and meetings with qualified leads for our customers by way of cold email. 

To be fair, our pricing model is not totally pay-per-appointment. But we do offer a flat fee for a specific number of appointments or meetings booked for you per month. Learn more about our appointment setting costs here.

So here is what the math looks like for our most popular plan, the Gold $999 for six meetings booked with qualified leads. That’s about $167 per appointment when working with us. 

Here are two reasons why you should work with us over any other pay-per-appointment lead gen company. 

Better leads with top-notch cold email campaigns aligned with brand and target audience

Chances are that you’ve already heard this. 

“We’ll send 1000 cold emails per day for every weekday and before the weekend, we will get 20 replies before the end of the week and book you four meetings with qualified buyers you can easily close.”

Most people and appointment setting service providers approach it as a numbers game. They believe the more people they target, the more likely they are to book more appointments for their clients. 

See them chanting it on Twitter. 

Granted, it does sound like some logical thinking to some extent and could even work sometimes. But we don’t do it, and here is why you shouldn’t hire an appointment setter who does this. 

  • Poor and mediocre service: If you send a thousand cold emails a day, you are not taking the time to research your prospects to tailor your email to them. You’re blasting people with generic cold emails and pushing for action. They’ll know you’re selfish and lazy and hate you for it. 
  • Getting flagged as a spammer: If you send that many cold emails daily, ESPs and ISPs will flag your email and IP addresses as spammers, which you are, indeed.  
  • Damaging both brand and sender reputation: Appointment setter who does this will kill your company’s reputation, and you’ll get a bad rap on social media. Also, we are sure that’s not how you want your business to be represented.
  • Poor leads quality: The quality of the leads they book the meetings with will be subpar, and you can’t convert, at least not easily or in a short timeframe. 
  • Pissed prospects: Some prospects can be mean to you, saying things like “Remove me from your list”, “Don’t ever email me again,” or worse, “Really? Your cold email sucks”. 
  • Deliverability issues: Your domain will face severe deliverability issues, and most of your future emails, if not landing in the spam folder, will bounce.

Apart from this, we don’t believe it’s an excellent service when you must send a thousand cold emails daily only to book four meetings. It rubs against our ethics as a group of marketers with quality work standards. 

Our ideal scenario is to send 20 super personalized cold emails, get 10 positive impressions and replies, and book six meetings with well-educated prospects genuinely interested in what you do. People you can actually convert. 

So, instead of sending random, template-based cold emails to thousands of people, we take an approach where we are super-specific in who we target and create customized cold emails that are personalized and tailored to their specific needs and unique individuals. 

We aim to make everyone we reach out to feel you know them, get them to take you seriously, and not just another spammer in their inbox. Stellar copywriting skills and personalization are how we achieve this. 

We take it slow, put in the research to find what your target audience cares about, and our cold email sequences are always optimized for maximum impact. How do we research people? 

We listen to podcasts they’ve been on, read blog posts they wrote, check their LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon posts, and read discussions on forums they’re in.

Using the data we collect, we craft customized first lines, icebreakers, and cold emails tailored to each individual. 

Here’s what it looks like in real life. We pitched CoSchedule’s Head of Content, Ben Sailer, and asked him if we could write for them.

Here’s what he replied 1 hour later.

But achieving this requires a meticulous process where we research prospects and build lists manually — and we enjoy it. 

Manual prospect research: we target a very short list, build a list, and do all the research ourselves.

So, in the first section, we explained how we research potential clients for your appointment-setting needs.

However, before we can start that process, we need to agree on who you want to target. Here’s where our method comes in and why we believe it’s your best option.

First off, we want to clarify that we do not use automated tools like ZoomInfo, Lusha, LeadsEngine, or Clearbit to build our lists. While these tools can speed up the process, they only provide basic data that can often be guessed. 

For example, using these tools, it’s easy to find data regarding companies that: 

  • Are in the healthcare industry, 
  • Have 50 to 100 employees,
  • Have recently made an IPO,
  • Are in Canada,
  • Use Trello or as part of their tech stack.

That’s generic data; it says nothing about the target company or its pain points. Even more, it does not tell us anything about the accounts we will target, and we can’t use the data to properly create cold emails that compel people to react and book appointments with you. 

So, we don’t use those, and here is what we do instead. 

Instead, we prefer to research manually, ask you meaningful questions and build our lists, ensuring we have accurate and comprehensive information on each prospect.

First, we will discuss your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Most people only have a surface-level understanding of the target audience, which does not help.

Here are the answers we get in general when we ask people about their ICP. 

  • Our target customer profile is tech companies.
  • Our ICPs are eCommerce companies based in the U.S.
  • Our ICP is a DevOpp that uses GitHub.

That’s not specific enough. We want to set you up with people who are actually interested in what you offer or have needs your solution will solve — literally. And so, we ask you questions that help us know precisely who we should target and why. 

Here are some of the questions we ask our clients about the people we should target for them. 

  • Which type of client has the highest lifetime value?
  • Which type of clients is easiest to close?
  • Which type of clients churns the fastest?
  • What are the top 3 objections you hear from prospective clients during sales calls?
  • Why did you start your company? 
  • What pain points were you trying to solve?
  • Etc.

Once you answer these questions, we can pinpoint precisely who we should target and why. And this type of information makes the difference between: 

“We’re targeting series A tech companies,” 


“Our ICP is a VP of Sales at a b2b Healthcare company in Estonia selling to HR professionals, and his main pain points are lack of organization, time management, and team collaboration. He often refers to XYZ podcasts to get insights as to how to manage his team efficiently.” 

Once we have a clear understanding of who the ICP is, we build our list manually, and that’s what we use to run the cold email campaigns and book meetings with prospects that you can turn into customers.

No minimum commitment, no contract: We are a pay-per-performance appointment setting service. 

We have created a unique appointment setting service that doesn’t require any long-term, binding contracts. 

We don’t want to force you into a rigid payment plan where you pay us for six months, and we only make promises. We won’t require any commitment before bringing you the results you need. 

Instead, we offer flexible options that allow you to choose the payment plan that suits you best. Working with us means you’ll start getting results from the first month. 

We charge you only for the meetings we book for you, and if you’re satisfied with the results, you can renew your plan. You won’t be locked into a contract that doesn’t work for you or your business.

Our pay-per-performance model allows you to scale up or down as needed without worrying about any financial or legal consequences. This way, you can always control what we do and make the best decisions.

We are committed to delivering results that exceed your expectations and keep you satisfied with our service. 

Four reasons you should consider pay-per-appointment lead generation 

Pay-per-appointment lead generation offers numerous benefits. Here are some of the key benefits.

1 – Improved conversion rates

As the leads generated through pay-per-appointment lead generation are people genuinely interested in your business and its service or product, you are more likely to see improved conversion rates. 

By only paying for confirmed appointments with interested prospects, you get to focus on nurturing these leads and increasing conversion. You can cut through uninterested prospects, the complicated buyer journey and immediately get sales appointments with people who are the most qualified and likely to buy. 

2 – Reduced risk for businesses

Pay-per-appointment lead generation minimizes your investment risk and lets you only pay for tangible results most likely to bring you ROI. 

It reduces the risk for you as a business, as you only pay for confirmed appointments with interested prospects. 

3 – Cost-effectiveness

Given that you only pay for confirmed appointments with interested and qualified prospects, this makes it a more cost-effective approach compared to other lead generation methods, where you pay for each lead or the workflow, regardless of whether or not it results in a meeting or sale.

4 – Increased flexibility

This lead generation model allows you to adjust your appointment goals and campaign criteria based on your evolving business needs. It gives you more flexibility to adapt your lead generation approach based on your priorities.

Four tips for finding the right pay-per-appointment lead generation agency for your needs

When it comes to lead generation, finding the right partner is a critical step to guarantee success. Here are some tips to help you find the right pay-per-appointment lead-generation company:

Tip 1: Evaluate their lead qualification process.

The idea is to ensure that your potential lead generation partner is not simply setting appointments with random people. 

You want appointments with people who will convert into customers, so you must evaluate your lead gen provider’s lead qualification process to ensure they have a rigorous process for qualifying leads. That’ll help you get qualified leads that’ll convert. 

Tip 2: Consider customization.

There is no one-size-fits-it-all approach to lead generation. No two companies are created equal. Your business is unique; you need a provider to offer you a customized approach tailored to your needs, goals, and budget.

Conventional methods and lead generation channels such as LinkedIn outreach or cold email might not work for your business.

Your lead gen provider needs to be able to work around that and provide you with a customized approach that yields your results. 

Tip 3: Look for flexibility.

You may need to adjust your appointment-setting goals and campaign criteria based on evolving needs.

So, be sure to look for a provider who offers flexible pricing models and who can adapt their approach based on your changing needs.

Tip 4: Consider communication.

Communication is important to success when working with a lead generation agency. Look for providers who have clear communication channels and who provide you with regular updates on campaign progress and lead quality.

Work with Nerdy Joe to generate appointments with qualified prospects.

Pay-per-appointment offers you a targeted and cost-effective approach to lead generation. 

At Nerdy Joe, we take the time to discuss your goals and needs and build your ideal customer profile. Our team is only focused on bringing you incredible results. 

We design our process to cut you from long prospecting and meetings and help you close customers easily. 

Here are the perks you get when you work with us:

  • Proper prospecting and outreach that’s respective to your brand
  • Stellar copywriting and personalized approach to campaigns
  • Get results from the first month
  • Meetings with sales-qualified leads
  • Flexibility to continue or stop based on satisfaction, no contracts
Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Top 11 Outbound Lead Generation Services for B2B SaaS

Most outbound lead generation services for B2B SaaS companies charge you for the work they do for your business, not the results they produce.

They get you to sign long-term contracts, and at the end of the day, you get very little value from their services.

Making matters worse, many SaaS companies struggle to close the leads they get from their lead gen company’s campaigns.

In most cases, the leads are still for from educated and are not ready to buy, which does not guarantee your ROI — and that’s why we decided to create our results-driven B2B SaaS lead generation agency.

We have productized all our services. This means that you choose the result you want, we make it happen for you, and you pay for it.

Our goal is to build your buyer personas and fill your sales pipeline with sales qualified leads.

We do most of the marketing, lead generation, lead nurturing, and more in your sales process.

We strive to create an authentic product experience so that when prospects arrive at the meeting with your sales team, they are ready to become paying customers, and all your sales team has to do is sell.

In this article, we review 11 of the most well-known SaaS B2B lead generation services or agencies that come up in most conversations. We’ll provide the data you need to weigh them and work with the best company for your needs.

What Does An Outbound Lead Generation Service for B2B SaaS Do?

An outbound lead generation service company for B2B SaaS pushes its marketing messages to a specific audience that may or may not be aware of your brand’s product or services. 

They make use of strategies such as cold calling, cold emails, cold messages, and more to carry out their outbound lead generation services. 

If either of the above business methods is something you need help with, here are the top 11 outbound lead generation services that you may be interested in.

11 Best Outbound Lead Generation Services for B2B SaaS

  1. Nerdy Joe
  2. Belkins
  4. SalesPro Leads
  5. RevBoss
  6. Datarob
  7. Callbox
  8. Growth Rhino
  9. Apollo
  10. Uplead
  11. WebFX

Here’s in more detail what you need to know about each of these agencies and companies.

Nerdy Joe

Nerdy Joe is a B2B digital marketing agency that only offers email marketing and outbound lead generation services. We keep our service offerings narrow because it helps us do our job in the best way possible.

Working with us is pretty straightforward as we don’t require you to commit to a certain number of months, and you know exactly what you get when you choose to work with us.

Why’s Nerdy Joe the Best Outbound Lead Generation Service for B2B SaaS

Here are some reasons why Nerdy Joe is one of the best lead generation companies in the US.

You pay for results — not the jobs to be done

Working with most outbound lead generation services really comes down to these 4 scenarios:

  • They charge you for the jobs to be done, meaning you pay them to send X amount of emails per month. 

e.g., You pay $500, and we’ll build a list of 250 prospects per month.

  • They charge a flat fee per month to do lead generation for you, and they’re vague as to what the results will be. 

e.g., You pay $3,000, so the outbound lead generation service provider can run campaigns for you, and the results are just a matter of “it depends.”

  • They charge you a flat fee on a monthly basis and send you leads that aren’t close to being warm, let alone qualified.

e.g., You pay $1,700 per month, and they send a list full of people who have downloaded an ebook and call them leads.

  • They charge you for each qualified lead they bring, or you pay a flat fee, and they get a certain number of sales-qualified leads every month.

e.g., You pay $1,000 per month, and they generate leads (5 or 7) for you every month, and it’s up to you to close these leads based on your sales cycle and sales funnel. 

Without a doubt, the best outbound lead generation service for B2B SaaS is the agency that charges your SaaS company per qualified lead. 

At Nerdy Joe, we know that there are jobs to be done to get your software company leads. To be fair, that’s part of every agency’s lead generation process. We don’t just charge you for the job to be done.

 Instead, you pay for the ROI (return on investment) you get.

That means instead of charging you for the number of prospects we put in your campaign list or for the number of emails we send on your behalf, we charge you for the number of meetings we book for you or for the number of high-quality leads we send your way.

We do this because we know for a fact that every SaaS business struggling to increase its sales cares more about filling its pipeline with quality leads than the number of emails its sales teams send on a monthly basis. 

As simple as that.

When you start working with us, our outbound lead generation experts only lead with metrics that matter:

  • The number of meetings booked.
  • The number of “YES” and positive replies.
  • Lead to close rate.

Not the usual open rate, clickthrough rate, bounce rate, etc.

For instance, we have a client that’s a service-based business. They wanted to increase the number of quote requests they get on a month-to-month basis. 

Here are the metrics we report to them:

  • The number of clicks we get on each CTR. 
  • The number of positive conversations we have with prospects. 
  • The number of quote requests.
  • And the lead to close requests.

If you’re an e-commerce brand selling to individuals, we’ll only charge you for the number of orders we get for the company. 

The bottom line, the results we get for our clients depend on their company goals and context. We simply don’t have a one-size-fits-all lead generation. 

We don’t play the volume game — we personalize every single email

Cold email is not dead.

It’s just the playbook of nowadays self-proclaimed cold email gurus that’s outdated and shabby.
You’re probably familiar with some of these.

  • “Send 1000 cold emails a day.”
  • “Use Copy AI to flip some personalized first lines.”
  • “Buy 10,000 contact data from UpLead and send 300 emails a day.”

While this tactic seems to bring some leads for the people who run such campaigns, there’s a big difference between the quality of leads they get and that of someone who sends a cold email that reads personal, relatable, and timely.

Personalization and relatability make people reply to you even when your timing is not great.

Here’s an example of where I reached out to a Global VP of Marketing, but the timing wasn’t great.

Still, she took the time to reply and communicate an appropriate time when it makes sense to touch base.

Personalization is what makes people who are averse to cold outreach reply to your cold email.

Here’s an example where we reached out to a VP of Marketing who has historically blocked or reported SPAM to anyone who’s sent him a cold email.

Here’s another example where we pitched a Head of Marketing, and here’s the response. 

Contrary to what these gurus suggest, most of our outbound lead gen campaigns are run towards 10 or 15 people, not 1000.

That’s because we simply believe that the best sales strategy is to build trust and relationships. That’s why most of the responses we get are:

  • “Wow, such a nice email, Ernest.”
  • “Thank you for the nice words and compliment, Ernest.”
  • “Let’s catch up next Thursday.”
  • “Ernest, love your email. Can you follow up on the 25th?” 

Now, you’re probably wondering what our process is for nailing the personalization part of our campaigns. Where do we get information about each prospect?

Well, glad you asked.

  • We watch interviews and podcasts your target audience has participated in.
  • We read blog posts and thought leadership articles they wrote or contributed to.
  • We read their comments and posts on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon.
  • We read their company’s new mentions.

We then combine all of the information we collected to find unique angles and craft personalized first lines or icebreakers.

We don’t use purchased data or scrapped information — we build our data manually 

First things first, we don’t build our campaign data manually because we’re old school or like working hard.

We simply don’t use client data or purchase data when running outbound lead generation campaigns because this data is rarely accurate. 

The reason for this is very simple:

  • Most of this data is not updated. For example, with the great resignation, a lot of companies lost their talent. Some laid off thousands of employees, some of the people found new jobs, and some stayed jobless. So in most cases, you’ll likely end up with non-actualized data.
  • Most of these tools come at a hefty cost and aren’t worth the investment due to the number of email addresses that bounce back.
  • These tools are just good at finding prospects based on demographic and technographic data. And what really matters for our campaigns is the prospects’ psychographics. (i.e., what they really like, what podcasts they listen to, what publications they read, etc.?)

For example, using ZoomInfo or Lusha, it’s easy to find prospect data using filters like the following: 

  • The company is in the crypto trading industry, 
  • 50 to 500 employees,
  • Raised capital,
  • Based out of Austin, Texas,
  • Uses AWS for hosting and Magento.

Now, as much as you want to personalize your cold emails, what can you do with this data?

So, instead of relying upon this type of data, we go one step further and ask questions like the following:

  • What does your ideal customer look like?
  • Which category of clients has the highest lifetime value?
  • Tell me about one client you closed in an easy way.
  • Tell me about the category of clients that churns the fastest.
  • Tell me about the top 3 objections that constantly pop up during sales calls.
  • Etc.

We use the answers to these questions to identify your ICP and buyer persona

And you can tell this type of information makes the difference between: 

“Our target is series A crypto trading companies,” 


“Our ICP is a VP of Partnership at a crypto trading company, and his main pain points are that he struggles to close partnership deals with influencers, he does not know how to reach out to influencers. He often refers to TikTok and Gumroad’s blog to get insights as to how to influencers think.” 

Once we have a clear understanding of who the ICP is, we proceed to manually build our list, and that’s what we use to run our lead generation campaigns.

We don’t require you to commit to a 3-month contract

Nerdy Joe is a subscription business, and you only renew your subscription if you’re satisfied with the service. 

Unlike most outbound lead generation services that require you to commit to a 3 to 6-month retainer, working with us means you get results starting from Month 1. And if you’re happy, you can renew your subscription.

Also, because you know exactly what you are paying for, we don’t send you proposals based on surface-level information we have about your company. We also don’t waste your time with useless meetings. 

You get what you pay for — depending on the plan you choose; you know exactly what you get 

Nerdy Joe’s offerings and pricing are clear — and this is probably why we’re one of the best lead generation agencies. You choose a plan based on your budget and needs, and you know exactly what you get at the end of the month.

  • No “it depends on a lot of factors.”
  • No “Your account manager swallowed the key to his office and couldn’t work.”

If you have product-market fit and are solving a problem that most people have, it is almost everything we need to get you results.

But if you’re still figuring out who your solution is best for, then we’re probably not going to be of help.


Our lead generation service’s pricing is crystal clear. We’re three plans:

  • Starter: It costs $499/month and only gives you a warm LEAD.
  • Boss Mode: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $799/month and gives you 5 hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Outbound Machine: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads on a monthly basis.

Our pricing includes the following:

  • The tech stack we use to build your prospect list and send and monitor your campaign.
  • A full list of prospects that fit your buyer persona and ICP.
  • The campaign setup fees.
Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.


Belkins is a B2B outbound lead generation company that provides appointment-setting services and specialized sales strategies for several companies across 190+ industries. 

It is a notable company that has worked for thousands of companies, such as Mole Street, Ebanx, Cemtrex, CitrusAd, Berkeley University of California, and more.

Based on data from the company’s website, they approach lead generation services with the four following approaches:

  • As soon as you sign up for their services, they set up a meeting with some of their experts to discuss your company, marketing goals, and lead generation strategies. 
  • Then, their data mining experts will conduct audience research to build a prospects list that fits your ICP
  • Afterward, they design customized outreach email templates for your target audience.
  • Finally, they achieve the appointment-setting services by booking meetings with your leads, assigning you an SDR, and more.


Belkins’ pricing wasn’t specifically stated on their website. However, they seem to work with clients on a contractual basis. 

Their minimum plan, which is termed “Startup” and “Growth,” lasts for 6 or 12 months. Meanwhile, the “Growth Plus” plan lasts for 12 months. 

Thanks to their ROI calculator, it appears that a list of 900 prospects gets you 68 appointments throughout the year (at least 5 meetings per month) and costs you $54,000 annually or $4500 per month.


Cience is a B2B lead generation company that offers various outbound lead generation services and software to produce scalable results for various companies across 195+ industries. 

They reportedly have a top-notch sales development team that implements sophisticated sales processes through various software to execute multi-channel campaigns and generate qualified sales leads for organizations seeking to level up their sales game. 

Some of their sales intelligence tools include;

  • Chatbot software,
  • Programmatic ads tools,
  • Appointment setting tools,
  • Real-time chat,
  • Marketing platforms,
  • Project management tools, and
  • CRMs

They also conduct research through lead generation techniques such as phone calls, social media marketing, web prospecting, and email marketing to bring sales opportunities. 

Contrary to Nerdy Joe’s subscription plan, Cience requires a 3-month contract before they generate sales opportunities for your company.

Their pricing isn’t available on their website. But you can fill out a form and talk to an SDR to get a quote.

SalesPro Leads

SalesPro Leads is a B2B lead generation and an appointment-setting company that generates qualified sales opportunities for businesses in the technology industry.

They offer two programs that focus on generating these sales opportunities through B2B appointment-setting services. These programs include:

  • Exclusive Partner Lead Program
  • Target Market Program

Through these programs, they partner with your sales team and empower them to identify qualified sales leads that produce excellent results.

There is no information about SalesPro Leads’ pricing on their website. However, if you intend to work with the agency, you can call, email, or fill out their forms to get a quote.


RevBoss is a venture-backed sales prospecting software and service company that helps B2B companies generate qualified sales leads and win more clients. 

They focus on selected industries such as marketing agencies, SaaS companies, consulting firms, growth start-ups, and PR/communications firms. 

They implement outbound sales prospecting by providing data, software, and service to generate sales opportunities. RevBoss focus on lead generation by implementing these approaches:

  • They automate some processes (data, reporting, and more) to enable their team to focus on more lead-generation strategies such as targeted messaging, data analysis, and client relationships.
  • They connect your CRM to theirs to send over the generated leads and activity data. They use hundreds of apps (HubSpot, Salesforce, and more) to make the integration process easier. 
  • You get a RevBoss login to access relevant data and all their campaigns.

RevBoss offers two pricing plans, and both require a minimum of a 12-month contract.

  • RevBoss Growth which costs $3200 per month and 38,400 annually
  • RevBoss Pro, where the cost is unavailable. But you can contact them to get a quote. 


Datarob is a B2B lead generation company that specializes in generating qualified leads and boosting sales for various companies.

According to their website, they have a 5 pronged approach to how lead generation works:

  • As soon as you sign up for their service, they create your unique value proposition and ideal customer profile.
  • Their data researchers utilize some smart tools to identify your potential customers.
  • They set up targeted campaigns and reach these prospects via phone, socials, emails, or LinkedIn.
  • They A/B test their process and continuously reach out to your prospects.
  • They partner with your sales and marketing team and drive them to perform various digital marketing services such as SEO, PPC, chatbots, and SMM.

Datarob charges € 3,000 for their service, with €2,000 for SDR and €1,000 for database research. 


Callbox is a B2B lead generation service company that focuses on lead generation, outbound sales development, and sales appointment setting.

They implement a multi-channel marketing approach by combining emails, phone calls, SEO, chatbots, and social media to generate leads and win clients. 

Callbox executes its marketing campaigns through four crucial steps:

  • They focus on high-value accounts to identify your ideal buyers
  • They provide an in-depth understanding of each account and build a complete profile of each prospect
  • They reach out to the identified prospects
  • They nurture and follow up on each interested prospect to move them into the buying process. 

The lead generation company also works with Pipeline and HubSpot to automate campaigns and generate sales opportunities. 

There are no details about the company’s pricing model on the website, but you can request a quote if you choose to work with them. 

Growth Rhino

Growth Rhino is an email marketing company that helps companies to drive revenues through emails and a sales pipeline. They’ve worked with companies such as Educhain, Toasty, Crowdlinker, SPP, UrbanMonks, Dtec, and more. 

This company utilizes cold emails to secure partnerships, nurture leads, get trial users, generate awareness, book meetings with prospects, distribute content, and raise venture capital. To achieve these goals, Growth Rhino executes some proven processes:

  • They identify your target audience and craft relevant messages that fit each persona
  • They identify messages that resonate with your audience and figure out the channels that complement the email campaigns
  • Then, they focus on winning campaigns and amplify them
  • They optimize to discover qualified leads

There is no information about Growth Rhino’s pricing on the website, but you can book a 20-mins call or fill out a form to get in touch with them.


Apollo is a lead generation SaaS platform that provides contact and data enrichment for businesses.

Although it isn’t a B2B lead generation service agency per se, it equips you with the tools and training you need to run a successful lead generation campaign. 

Hence, if you want your in-house sales team to run your email campaigns rather than outsourcing to a lead generation firm, Apollo is your best shot. 

Apollo offers four pricing plan and which includes:

  • A free plan
  • The basic plan, which costs $39
  • Professional plan, which costs $79
  • Organization plan, which also costs $79.


Uplead is a lead generation software that provides high-quality B2B contact and company data.

They build a clean prospecting list from the data which you can integrate into various sales tools and generate new leads. Some of their services include:

  • Building prospects’ lists
  • Real-time email verification to ensure that your leads are real
  • Collecting thousands of leads at once
  • Enhancing the current data you have collected
  • Capturing leads through web browsing

Uplead offers four pricing plans for its customers.

  • A free plan
  • Essential plan, which costs $74
  • Plus plan, which costs $149
  • Professional plan, which costs $229 


Although WebFx claims to be a lead generation company, they mainly offer inbound marketing services, including content marketing, SEO, email marketing, and paid ads services. 

Thanks to the different services they offer, they have generated over 7.5 million leads and have worked with various companies such as Rowan University, Arrowquip, Kangol, Virginia Lottery, ABF Freight, and more.

If you want to work with WebFX, you will have to request a quote from their website. 

5 Outbound Lead Generation Strategies to Boost Sales for Your B2B SaaS

Let’s discuss some outbound lead generation strategies you can use to  boost sales for your B2B SaaS 

1 – Cold email

Cold email is an effective strategy for marketers dealing with outbound marketing. Although many think it is obsolete, it has numerous advantages as long as you use it correctly. 

After all, the cold email conversion rate as of 2021 stood at 15.11%. Interestingly, the average ROI for cold emails is 3,800%. In other words, you receive a $38 return for every $1 you invest.

Besides, a study by Hubspot revealed that 80% of prospects prefer to be contacted by email than any other marketing channel. This implies that cold email remains one of the most effective strategies you can use to reach out to your audience.

But, how do you craft a cold email copy that captures your prospects’ attention and gets you replies?

  • Research your ICPs
  • Personalize your messages
  • Craft a catchy subject line
  • Include a clear and compelling CTA
  • Send some follow-up messages
  • Know when to stop to avoid spamming your subscribers

2 – Cold calling

Just like cold emails, cold calls are also effective for outbound lead generation. The result you obtain often depends on how you use it.

The best way to do cold calling is after sending a few cold emails. This happens when your prospects have gone silent on your messages or after they know you.

When you intend to make cold calls, here are a few tips you can consider.

  • Know your prospects
  • Craft a personalized calling script
  • Provide value by holding conversations that build relationships
  • End the call by confirming what the next step is.

3 – LinkedIn cold messages

LinkedIn is another great means of connecting with your prospects and knowing their interests. Not only can you check their background on this platform, but you can also curate your profile to increase brand awareness. 

At least 4 out of 5 LinkedIn members drive business decisions, and 50% of B2B buyers go to LinkedIn when making a purchasing decision. Hence, it is a critical part of your outbound lead generation. Before you send a LinkedIn cold message, here are some tips you can consider.

  • Find common ground between you and your prospects
  • See if a mutual connection can introduce you
  • Craft a short and catchy message
  • Build a relationship before you sell
  • Give them a good reason to reply to your message
  • Follow up on your prospects

4 – Social selling

Social selling isn’t obsolete. It happens when a sales rep connects with leads to grow their brand. It is identical to a cold call, as the connection is made in person. Social selling occurs on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

Companies that want to try this should research their ICPs and have a sales strategy before contacting them. 

Cold outreach on social media is a great way to engage your prospects without disturbing them. Here is an example of a cold outreach on Instagram.

5 – Referrals

Referrals occur when your existing customers become brand advocates and share information about your company.

Inbound referrals occur when someone comes to you after hearing about your company from someone else. 

Meanwhile, outbound referrals require you to make contact with someone whose name you were given. It also occurs when you contact a prospect, and they tell you they aren’t the right person but refer you to someone else. 

Although they aren’t as qualified as inbound referrals, they remain relevant as a part of outbound lead generation. Here are some tips when contacting an outbound referral.

  • Start by requesting an introduction to your prospect. This should come from a referee.
  • Make a positive interaction by wording your request as if you are seeking assistance. For instance, you can say something like, “I was hoping you could help me with something: we are currently expanding our business.”
  • Treat your recommendations like VIPs by offering them exceptional services. This could prompt them to send you to another referral.

Which Lead Generation Agency Is Best For Your Company? 

If you’re just looking for an agency that’ll use paid ads to boost your sales, Single Grain and WebFX are the lead generation agencies for you.

But if what you’re looking for is:

  • An agency that charges you for results, not tasks.
  • An agency that doesn’t require you to commit to a contract.
  • An agency that does not waste your time and that’s affordable.
  • A group of experts that care about your company’s reputation and relationship with prospects.

Nerdy Joe is the lead generation agency you’re looking for. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Top 7 Belkins Alternatives for Lead Generation is a B2B lead generation company that helps businesses connect with potential clients through outreach campaigns. 

They specialize in providing a comprehensive suite of lead generation services that include prospect research, sales development, sales outsourcing, establishing a sales process, email and social media outreach, appointment setting, and lead nurturing. 

They’ve earned a positive reputation for their approach to B2B lead generation and their ability to deliver results and increase revenue for their clients.

However, if you are here. We believe there’s a good reason for that. Our hypotheses are that:

  • You’ve been pissed by the services offered you, 
  • You were unhappy with it, 
  • You’ve found it to be too expensive for your business, 
  • They didn’t deliver on the guaranteed number of meetings and refused to give you a refund,
  • Or, you are simply comparing options and looking at options from some comparison standpoint, be it the pricing or the service on the whole. 

If you’re here for one of the above reasons, you’re in for a treat. In this article, we will discuss the top 7 alternatives of Belkins, including Nerd Joe, our B2B lead generation and appointment setting service agency. 

In a nutshell, our service is focused on delivering tangible results to our clients at a better value for money. From our prospecting to running the campaigns, we keep everything unique and customized for your unique needs.

We will start the article by introducing you to Nerdy Joe in comparison to Belkins, and you will see why we are the best lead generation agency for your needs. Then you will discover 7 other lead generation agencies and how they compare and differ from Belkins.

Let’s get started.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Why Nerdy Joe is your best Alternative for lead generation and appointment-setting services

Just like Belkins, our main service is to help you connect with your potential customers, generate sales-qualified leads for you and set up meetings or appointments with them. 

We see that small businesses starting and large businesses looking to scale their sales activities struggle to establish a proven process for active lead generation and customer acquisition. 

Also, salespeople spend a lot of time prospecting, researching, and reaching out to prospects. Having calls only accounts for 12% of their time. That’s not the best use of their time. 

So, we do the work for them, freeing up time for them to focus on what they do best: face-to-face selling and closing deals.

Here is why you might want to consider us over Belkins. Keep in mind that this is not about trashing their service. We’re only comparing the values you’ll get from each service. 

Accurate Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) targeting

When it comes to lead generation and appointment booking services, the provider who gets the most accurate and the most representative picture of your ICP is the one that can bring you and your sales team the most qualified leads.

According to their website, uses open data sources like Google, LinkedIn, Crunchbase, Glassodor, Xing, and more to generate leads for your business. 

The problem we find here is related to whether the leads they get or the people they target will actually match your Ideal Customer Profile. Using these data sources, it’s easy to apply a few filters and scrap lists of thousands of companies in the blink of an eye. 

You can easily find the following:

  • Tech companies
  • Companies that raised series A funding
  • Companies that had an IPO
  • Companies that use HubSpot
  • Companies that have a headcount between 50 and 500

First, we don’t trust such data, and the information they provide about every company is basic. 

Second, leads generated like this will be the hardest to convert and will need a lot of educational materials to get there, which is not ideal because if you are hiring lead gen services, it means you want to fill your sales pipeline with sales-qualified leads and grow fast.

As well, while these data can provide a solid base to send cold emails to generate leads, they tell you nothing about the company’s needs. 

The thing is that even if you’re selling Salesforce, the fact that someone uses HubSpot or not doesn’t make them potential customers of your product. You should reach out to people who have needs and pain points that your product solves. That’s how you generate leads that buy.

So, at Nerdy Joe, we don’t rely on data farms to generate leads. Instead, we seek to learn about your ICP. And we don’t guess it; it’s all about understanding your product, what it does, and its use cases, and asking you questions to build a representative picture of your ideal customer. 

We ask you meaningful questions that tell us exactly who your customers should be. Here are some of the questions we ask:

  • Why did you start your company? 
  • What pain points were you trying to solve?
  • What are the top 3 objections you hear from prospective clients during sales calls?
  • Which type of clients has the highest lifetime value?
  • Which type of clients is easiest to close?
  • Which type of clients churns the fastest?
  • Etc.

Your answers to the questions we ask to provide us with all the information we need to build a profile of who we should target and why. And this type of information makes all the difference between: 

“We’re targeting series A tech companies,” 


“Our ICP is a VP of Sales at a b2b software company selling to HR professionals, and his main pain points are lack of organization, time management, and team collaboration. He often refers to XYZ podcasts to get insights as to how to manage his team efficiently.” 

Once we have a clear understanding of who the ICP is, we then unfold our unique targeting approach.

Targeting approach 

Belkins’ targeting approaches vary based on the plan you choose. But essentially, you’ll have three options. Here is what they look like. 

So, basically, based on the plan you choose, they will build a list of hand-curated leads, use new sending domains and mailboxes to guarantee deliverability and send them emails to get you a specific number of meetings booked at the end of the month — which is dope.

We do quite the same, actually. The difference is the number of people or the lists we target. Let’s take Belkins’ “Growth Plus” plan, for example. With it, you get a lead list of up to 30,000 hand-curated leads and 220+ meetings. 

That means that they’ll reach out to up to 30,000 people within the agreed-upon timeframe to book you 220 appointments. That’s just too many people to reach out to — even in 6 months — and it begs the question of whether it guarantees anything positive pertaining to the quality of the meetings or if the leads will convert.  

Granted, they’ll create new sending domains, and new mailboxes, warm up the domains, and try on a sample to find the go-to-market approach before completely unfolding the campaign. 

But from our experience, here is what it could mean if you are targeting huge lists: 

  • Lead blasting: If you are sending emails to this many people, it means that you are not taking the time to properly research your prospects to tailor your email to each individual. You’re blasting people with generic cold emails and pushing for action. They might say you’re selfish and lazy. 
  • Poor leads quality: Since there is no super personalization, the quality of the leads you get the meetings with will be subpar, and you can’t convert, at least not easily or in a short timeframe. 
  • Pissed prospects: Some prospects can be mean to you, saying things like “Remove me from your list”, “Don’t ever email me again,” or worse, “Your cold email sucks”. 
  • Your brand reputation is on the hook: Targeting people with generic emails can negatively impact your company’s reputation. This can be particularly damaging if you are in a competitive industry or rely heavily on word-of-mouth referrals. Also, we are sure that’s not how you want your business to be represented.

You probably understand our position by now. We are not claiming that this is indicative of the service you get from Belkins. We only mean that quality outreach requires a lot of work and time, and targeting huge lists doesn’t help with that. 

Also, personally, we don’t want to send 30,000 cold emails to book you 220 meetings with prospects. Also, we don’t need 500 leads to book you 5-10 appointments.

Our ideal scenario is that we send 20 emails to your ideal customers or key decision makers, get 15 replies, 10 positives, and get you 4 sales-qualified leads, meetings or sign-ups.

We achieve this by being super-specific in who we target and creating personalized messages, to very short prospect lists, and guess what? It works. 

We spend time learning and researching your ideal customer profile (ICP) in and out before we send a single email. 

We want each recipient to feel like you know them personally — and take you seriously. Even if they don’t sign up for our offer, we still want them to give you a pleasant response. 

It requires researching each prospect individually and collecting data points to create cold emails that stand out and make them love you. That’s why most of the responses we get are:

  • “Wow, such a nice email.”
  • “Thank you for the nice words and compliment.”
  • “Let’s catch up next Thursday.”
  • “Love your email. Can you follow up on the 25th?” 

You might wonder where we get information about each prospect or member of your target audience we use for personalization.

  • We listen to podcasts your potential customers have been on.
  • We read blog posts they wrote. 
  • We read their LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon posts.
  • We read discussions on forums they’re in.
  • We call their mom. 😂

To provide some background on our process, let me give you an illustration of a response we got when we contacted a Vice President of Marketing who had previously marked as spam or prohibited cold emails from senders.

Manually building lists

Belkins does a great job building quality leads. Although they build huge lists, their lists are hand-curated (“curated” means ‘carefully selected’; “hand-curated” implies that someone made the choices personally) to guarantee. 

What it also means is that their lead lists are either purchased, scrapped from data farms or built using data intelligence tools like ZoomInfo, Lusha, etc. Then people from their teams work on those lists to manually curate them. 

At Nerdy Joe, our campaigns are always targeted to very short lists of 20 to 30 people at most. Our list-building process is to thoroughly understand your ideal customer profile and then manually build the lists. 

The hardest part is to really get a hold of your ideal customer profile; from there, it’s easy to build the lists manually. And here are the advantages you get from this:

  • Greater accuracy: Manually building lists allows for greater accuracy in targeting. This is because we can carefully select each potential prospect based on their characteristics, interests, behaviors, and demographics.
  • More personalization: Our manually built prospect list enables us to personalize every email and tailor the message to each prospect’s needs and preferences. This approach can increase the impact of our message and the likelihood of converting the leads into a customer.
  • More control: It gives us more control over the quality and quantity of the prospects. We can target specific niches, industries, and geographies, and ensure that the list only includes relevant and high-quality prospects.
  • Cost-effective: It can be more cost-effective than purchasing one from a third-party provider. While it may require more time and effort upfront, it saves you (our client) money in the long run.
  • Improved data security: We have full control over the data and can ensure that it is secure and confidential. 

No contract, no retainer

When working with Belkins, the typical subscription period is 12 months. You have to commit to working with them for 12 months.

That means that you will have to pay or agree to pay them for a year before you can start working together. This might not be ideal for you, especially if you are a small business or a startup and here is why.

First of all, retainer contracts and long-term subscription plans typically come with a higher cost upfront. You will have to pay them a good deal of money before the get-go. This can be a significant investment, especially for small businesses or startups on a low budget.

Even more importantly, committing to a long-term contract or subscription can limit your flexibility to adjust your lead generation strategy or switch to a different provider. This can be problematic if your business needs change, or you are not satisfied with the results. 

Whether or not you’re satisfied with the service, you’ll still have to pay them and honor the contract. 

At Nerdy Joe, we understand that all this may not be the best offer to your business. If you are a small business or a startup, what you need the most from a lead generation company is to get more leads or book meetings. So, we don’t work with any contracts. 

You’ll know exactly what you get and only pay for that. Also, working with us means you’ll get results from the first month. We won’t lock you into a contract while we try stuff and oblige you to pay whether you’re satisfied or not. You can cancel anytime. 

So, working with us gives you more flexibility and control over your spending. Plus, you’ll only renew your subscription if you’re happy. 

Communication (Basecamp or Slack?)

When it comes to working together, Belkins keeps you in the loop for everything they do and uses Slack for all communications with customers. Once you sign up, they send you Slack Connect, and you can get things going from there. 

For this, our team uses Basecamp. We onboard you, explain how the platform works and everything you need to know, then move on to working together. 

Here is how we work together on Basecamp. 

We will discuss and get your opinion on every idea we try out and everything we do. We want to make sure that everything aligns with your brand as you fit. 

Here is what it is like working together on Basecamp.

  1. Centralized communication: We organize and track all communication, including to-do lists, files, and messages. 
  2. Customizable project views: We customize the view of the project to suit your needs. For example, we can choose to view tasks as a list or a calendar, and you can customize the information displayed for each task.
  3. Comprehensive project management: Basecamp offers us a wide range of project management features. These include task lists, scheduling, file sharing, message boards, and more. This helps us manage all aspects of the project together with you, and you’ll have a first-row seat for it all.

Pay-per-performance, flat fee: you know what you get

The first thing you’ll notice when working with is that they don’t have a clear pricing structure. 

I mean, the pricing model is clear they offer a pay-per-appointment lead generation service. 

The problem is that they don’t display any figures on their website at all, which might not be helpful in your quest to compare options. 

Instead, they’d rather discuss with their customer to devise customized pricing to suit their needs and budget, which is all nice.

But we dug a little deeper on the net, and according to The Cost Guys, they charge anywhere between $400 to $600 per appointment. Now, put your accounting cape on and get this. 

That’s literally between $4000 and $6000 for every ten appointments they book for you. Keep in mind that it can happen that the leads they get for you don’t convert. 

We believe that pricing is way too expensive and not sustainable for the average business on a budget. 

So unlike Belkins, we offer a flat fee for a specific number of leads or appointments booked for you and keep it all transparent on our site. 

  • Silver: It costs $499/month and only gives you 2 warm LEADS.
  • Gold: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $999/month and gives you 6 hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Platinum: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads on a monthly basis.

What’s interesting with us is that you know what you’re getting upfront and know exactly how much you’ll have to pay for it. We don’t play hide and seek or get you on long sales calls to discuss pricing with you. 

6 other Belkins competitors to consider for lead generation and appointment setting services


Cleverly is also a lead generation and appointment setting company that caters to small businesses and startups. Overlapping with and unlike us, Nerdy Joe, the company specializes in LinkedIn lead generation alone. 

They offer their clients a fully managed service that includes profile optimization, targeted messaging, LinkedIn content creation, lead generation, and more. They focus exclusively on LinkedIn as their outreach channel. Plus, their service stretches over the mere lead gen. 

Also, unlike Belkins, Cleverly offers a flat-rate pricing model based on the number of leads generated. So, basically, you get a flat fee for everything they do for you and the prices are relatively low, making it affordable for small businesses and startups. 

They offer three pricing plans based on the number of leads per month. Here they are: 

Lead Cookie

Just like Cleverly, Lead Cookie also primarily targets B2B prospects on LinkedIn. In fact, all their services circle around LinkedIn. Lead Cookie relies on LinkedIn search to build lists of prospects. 

They offer almost the same service as Cleverly. But it’s also fair to mention that they also offer email copywriting and cold email outreach as part of their service — which is where they mainly overlap with Belkins and us, Nerdy Joe. 

Lead Cookie offers an hourly-rate pricing model, meaning that they charge you by the hour. And like Belkins, they don’t display any pricing on their site. But according to data retrieved from Cience’s blog, the average hourly rate for Lead Cookie’s services is between $25 and $49. 

This may seem low, but it could mean that they spend hours working for and even though you’re not satisfied with the service or the results, you’ll still have to pay them. The prices can also go high pretty quickly. 

Imagine a month-wide service at that rate. You’re looking at $6,000 a month for an 8-hour day, and that’s for the lowest hourly rate of $25, which isn’t ideal if your business isn’t financially strong. 

Also, we’ve already established that LinkedIn is not always a dependable service. You could see your account blocked. You’ll also be required to pay for many other third-party tools, and you can even get clear metrics to reflect on the performance of your campaign. 


WebFx is a full-scale digital marketing agency, and they empower businesses to close deals through (both) outbound and inbound marketing services, meaning that they offer all of the digital marketing services you can think of. 

They use SEO, PPC, content marketing (turning website visitors into customers for sales teams), Email Marketing, and ABM marketing to generate leads for businesses of all sizes — from small to enterprise level. Note that while they do offer lead generation and appointment setting as part of their services, it is not their primary focus.

They have a team of experts who work with you to develop a customized, state-of-the-art lead generation strategy based on your unique needs. Compared to Belkins and Nerdy Joe, WebFx also has custom lead generation and outreach tools that can give your lead generation campaign a boost. 

When it comes to pricing for email marketing services (whether it’s lead generation or contact management) from WebFX, you’ll pay between $300-$5000 per month or $0.1-$0.05 per recipient, which is high for the average business. 

Also, you will have to make an initial investment of $900, and they also offer custom pricing for larger projects.


Cience specializes in lead generation and appointment setting, with a focus on outbound email and phone outreach. They also offer you the sales intelligence tools and team you need for your lead generation service.

Some of their sales intelligence tools include programmatic ad tools, chatbot software, appointment setting tools, real-time chat, marketing platforms, CRMs, and project management tools.

As well, they offer a database of key B2B decision makers where you can collect their phone numbers, their validated email addresses, and basically your next customer.

Unlike Nerdy Joe’s subscription plan, Cience requires a minimum of a 6-months contract before you start working together. That’s a three-month investment whether you get results or not. 

This type of contract gives them time to try and test things, but it doesn’t really guarantee an ROI for you. It also means that you won’t be able to scale down, should you need to.  

Also, there are no pricing details on their website, but you can request a quote from their SDR. But you can expect a fixed monthly fee for their services, with pricing based on the people and tools you require from them.


CallBox also fits right in the lead generation and appointment setting service shoes. Although they offer other services that stretch outside of lead gen, their primary focus is to help you generate more leads and sales without suffering through the process or the customer journey involved. 

Their main outreach channels consist of cold emailing and cold calling. They use a combination of manual research and technology to build targeted prospect lists they use for campaigns. They also offer database profiling services to help businesses improve their targeting.

Callbox leaves no pricing information to be found on their website. You can only reach out to them and get customized pricing. 

They do offer both pay-per-lead and monthly subscription pricing models, with pricing based on the number of leads generated. 

But a review article on the Martal Group’ website indicates that a few Callbox clients paid anywhere from $4,300 – $5,300 a month, with some larger projects costing as much as $15,000 monthly.

That still leaves open the question of how many leads people get. But clearly, this pricing represents a high price for most businesses on a tight budget. Plus, there’s no guarantee that all the appointments they get for you will turn into sales.

Let Nerdy Joe do appointment setting and lead generation for your business

In conclusion, every company on this list will provide you with lead generation and appointment-setting services to help businesses connect with potential customers and grow their sales pipeline. 

However, you need to go for a company that takes a more personalized approach, doesn’t buy or scrap lists, asks you meaningful questions to build a representative picture of the ideal customer profile, and uses a unique targeting approach — and that’s us. 

We don’t need huge lists or blast people with up to 30000 emails to get you a few meetings booked or leads generated. As aforementioned, we believe heavily in research prospects and creating email copies that make an impact. 

We take the time to understand your business’s ideal customer and tailor our approach to each individual. And we are able to generate high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into sales. 

So, if you’re looking for a personalized and effective lead generation and appointment-setting service, Nerdy Joe is the best alternative to 

Our approach to targeting is more accurate, and our focus on quality over quantity ensures that you get the most out of your investment.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.