50+ Sales Follow-Up Statistics To Improve Your Sales Strategy

Did your sales email or call go unanswered? 

Oh, cool! It just got real. It’s not uncommon for sales emails or calls to go unanswered. Most sales professionals and marketers know this, and a lot of sales statistics back it up. So, no reason to tremble. 

According to a study by InsideSales, 80% of sales require 5 follow-ups or more to close. Yet 48% of salespeople never even make a single follow up attempt, and 44% of those who do, give up after just one follow-up. 

That’s about half of sales reps/sales teams and marketers walking out of deals and closure they could’ve bagged for their business by simply following up a few times. And according to Invesp, 60% of customers say no four times before saying yes. The same is true for sales calls.

This goes to highlight the importance of persistence and dedication when it comes to following up with your sales leads. The marketers who said the fortune is in the follow-up couldn’t be more right. 

In this article, we will discuss the most important sales figures about follow-up to help you understand its current state and the different trends surrounding it. 

Buyer behavior about sales follow-up

Considering buyer behavior when conducting sales follow-up allows you to understand your customers’ or leads’ needs, preferences, and decision-making process, and this can help you tailor the follow-up approach and increase the likelihood of making a sale. 

Here is what statistics say about buyer behavior when it comes to sales follow-up. 

60% of customers say no four times before saying yes (InvespCro)

Persistence in following up is an important aspect of it. Many customers will need multiple interactions before they are ready to make a purchase. So, it is important for you to be persistent and not give up too soon. You could be one touch away from scoring the sale. 

35-50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first (InvespCro)

This statistics calls you up to be more responsive in dealing with prospects. As a sales rep, a quick response time demonstrates that you are proactive, attentive and professional and being the first to respond can give you a significant advantage in closing a sale. 

This is especially important in today’s fast-paced business world, where customers have high expectations for quick and efficient service. Therefore, you should prioritize following-up and responding to customer inquiries and requests in a timely manner.

57% of people said they would be encouraged to make a purchase from a salesperson who doesn’t try to apply pressure or hassle them when following up (InvespCro)

Non-pushy, non-harassing follow-up approaches are more effective in encouraging customers to make a purchase. 

That’s because high-pressure sales tactics can be off-putting and may make customers feel uncomfortable or resentful, which can negatively impact the sales process. 

On the other hand, a more relaxed and non-intrusive follow-up approach can make customers feel more at ease and comfortable with you, and it can help you increase the likelihood of making a sale.

42% of people would be encouraged to make a purchase if the sales rep called back at an agreed-upon, specified time (InvespCro)

You should always be mindful and respectful of the customer’s time and preferences in your sales follow-up, be it through a call or by way of email. 

Whatever the channel, this stat shows that people appreciate when salespeople follow through on their commitments and keep to an agreed-upon schedule. 

You can use this to build trust and demonstrate that you are reliable and dependable. It’ll help you win more customers, gain their trust, and score sales. 

A typical market has only 3% of people actively buying at any given time. 56% are not ready, 40% are poised to begin (Vorsight)

Not all customers will be ready to purchase at the same time. It comes down to understanding the customer’s buying journey and working on your sales funnel accordingly because it means that different customers will be at different stages of the buying process. 

So, before sending random follow-up emails, you might need to take the time to understand where the customer is in the buying journey and to tailor the follow-up accordingly. 

12% of buyers like a company to try as many times as it takes to get a hold of them (InvespCro)

This could possibly mean two things. 

  • That some buyers will appreciate a more persistent follow-up approach from you.
  • That some buyers may not purchase until after multiple interactions with the salesperson. 

So, sometimes, persistence and dedication in your follow-up approach can be the best way to go. 

75% of online buyers say they hope to receive 2-4 phone calls before a company gives up (InvespCro)

Customers expect a certain level of follow-up on sales. And you should not give up too soon in your follow-up efforts. People in general, and especially interested prospects, expect a consistent follow-up and communication. So, they may not want you to give up on them too quickly. 

You need to understand those expectations and maintain a consistent follow-up approach, even if the customer does not make a purchase or answer right away. This will help build a long-term relationship with them and they are ready to buy, they will think of you.

Follow up frequency (follow-up cadence)

Maintaining a good follow-up frequency in sales will help you stay top of mind and maintain a relationship with prospects. It will also help you address any concerns or objections prospects may have, while making sure they are still interested in making a purchase. 

Here are the stats you need to know about sales follow-up cadence.

Typically, high-growth companies have 16 touchpoints with prospects every two to four weeks (ZoomInfo)

High-growth organizations are making multiple attempts to reach out to their prospects and maintain a consistent level of communication over a relatively short period of time.

This can help increase sales likelihood and demonstrates that the company is interested in their business and is willing to put in the effort to maintain a relationship.

So, this statistic from ZoomInfo suggests that a high volume of touchpoints, or interactions with a prospect, can be beneficial for sales success. It’s basically a representation of a consistent and persistent follow-up approach. 

The optimal number of email messages is five and the optimal number of call attempts is six  (Marketing Donut and Inc

It can also be beneficial to have a moderate number of touches with your prospects. Too many touches can be overwhelming and may lead to the recipient unsubscribing, blocking your phone number or marking your emails as spam

On the other hand, too few touches may not be enough to maintain the customer’s interest. Five or six touches is the perfect balance, it is enough to maintain contact and interest, but not too many to be seen as aggressive or annoying. Plus, other studies show that 95% of all converted leads are reached by the sixth call attempt. 

The ideal sales cadence based on replies is six touches within three weeks with follow-ups spaced out three or four days apart (Yesware)

This stat pretty much corroborates the one above it. What you should put your mind on here is that spacing out your follow-up touches at regular intervals can be a great idea. 

So, basically, you should make multiple attempts to reach out over a relatively short period of time, but also space out the follow-up interactions to maintain a balance between persistence and respect for the prospect’s time and preferences. 

Doing so allows you to maintain a consistent communication level while also giving your prospect time to consider their options.

Sales follow-up statistics about consistency and persistence

Consistency and persistence are important in sales follow-up. Many of your customers will need several touches with you before making their minds up about your product or service. Some just won’t be ready at the time. 

Maintaining persistence and consistency in your follow-ups helps you maintain the relationship and reassures the prospects that you are a reliable, dependable business partner.

Here are the main sales follow-up statistics you need to consider about follow-up persistence and consistency and what they teach us. 

48% of salespeople never even make a single follow up attempt (Invesp)

This statistic indicates that many salespeople are not following up with customers as much as they should and it can be detrimental to the sales process. 

Follow-up interactions are mandatory to address concerns or objections your customer may have, and to make sure they are still interested in making a purchase while keeping the conversation on. 

70% of salespeople stop at one email. Yet if you send more emails, you’ve got a 25% chance to hear back (Invesp)

You should not give up too soon when following up on sales, even if you do not receive a response after the first email. Sending multiple emails increases your chances of hearing back from the customer, and thus increasing the chances of making a sale.

You can also refer to the user behavior stats and focus on the right follow-up balance (between 5 and 6 touches).

50% of sales happen after the fifth touch (InsideSales)

This aligns with most stats about the buyer’s behavior and the follow up cadence. Persistence and consistency should be part of your follow-up mentality. 

That’s because it takes multiple interactions with a customer before a sale is made. So, always make sure you see it through with the prospects so you don’t give up one touch too soon. 

The average sales rep only makes 2 attempts to reach a prospect (HubSpot)

This stat by HubSpot also indicates that the average sales rep is not following up or being persistent with their follow up as much as they should. 

This basically means that they are leaving deals on the table. You need to be more aware about and shoot for an outreach and follow persistence that’s balanced. 

92% of salespeople give up after no sales on the 4th call. (NuGrowth Solutions)

 We discussed earlier that 60% of customers say no four times before saying yes. So, it makes sense that a lot of marketers want to give up after being ghosted on the 4th call. 

But it has also been proven that 50% of sales are scored after 5 touches. So, these salespeople also might call it quits a while too soon. 

Reaching a prospect takes on average eight attempts. In 2007, this average was 3.68 (HubSpot)

It’s getting more and more difficult to reach out to customers over time. This could be explained by many reasons such as a fierce competition, lots of distractions and options for the prospects, and more. 

Anyway, the stat calls you to be more persistent in your follow up efforts today, given that it has a lot more attempts than it did in the past. 

Sales follow-up statistics about follow-up timing

Timing your follow-ups based on data allows you to reach out to your prospects at the most optimal time and it boosts your chances of getting your email or call engaged with and ensures you get a positive outcome.

Here is what data says about sales follow-up timing.

The odds of reaching a lead decrease by 10 times after the first hour of contact. After the first day, the odds decrease by 400 times (Insidesales.com)

This statistic indicates that timing is crucial in the follow-up process, as the chances of reaching a lead decreases significantly as time goes on. 

It implies that you should act quickly and follow up with leads as soon as possible. It means that you need to be responsive and available to customers — because waiting too long to follow up can decrease the chances of success.

Following up with web leads within 5 minutes makes you 9 times more likely to engage with them (Invesp)

The more time you let go by before following up with your prospects the less chance you have in closing them. This statistic joins the one above in that you need to act quickly and engage with leads quickly.

Salespeople who contacted prospects within an hour of receiving a query were 60 times as likely to qualify the lead as those who waited 24 hours or longer to contact the prospect (Invesp)

Here again, you need to act quickly and follow up with prospects as soon as you receive a query, in order to increase the chances of qualifying the lead and making a sale.

On average, you get a 25% email reply rate if you follow up within 24 hours of the initial outreach (Yesware)

Follow up within 24 hours of the initial outreach, in order to increase the chances of getting a reply and making a sale. Doing so lets you reach out to your prospects while they still remember you and are potentially interested in hearing more.

Best time to send sales emails to prospects are 9 and 11 AM and between 3 and 4 PM (Nerdy Joe)

This stat teaches us that sending emails at the right times of the day can increase the chances of success. 

Your prospects are busy professionals who will not be checking their emails at all times. And not sending your emails around the times they could potentially check their inboxes could see your emails lost in a swamp of emails in their inboxes. 

You need to be aware of the best times to send emails to your prospects. Doing so will help increase the chances of getting a reply and making a sale.

Tuesday and Thursday sales emails have the highest open rate compared to other weekdays (Nerdy Joe).

We conducted a study on the best days and times to send sales emails and follow up on them. We found that Tuesdays and Thursdays are the best days to send emails if you want the best results. 

People are generally busy on Mondays dealing with company duties, setting up their week, having calls, etc. Tuesdays offer you a better chance to catch their attention with non-business emails. 

On Thursdays they are already deep in the week, eliminating a good deal of their to-dos and much more likely to read proposals and make decisions. Fridays are no good because people are focused on getting things over with to enjoy their weekend. 

The best times to call are Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6:45 to 9AM and 4 to 6PM (ZoomInfo).

As it is for email, making calls at specific times of the day will also increase the likelihood of you getting replies from your prospects.

And according to ZoomInfo, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6:45 to 9AM and 4 to 6PM are the best time and days to call your prospects. 

Sales follow-up statistics about the role of technology in sales follow-up

The use of sales tools such as CRM and automation tools for streamlining the sales follow-up process can also help improve the results you get. Here is what figures say about that. 

Companies that use automation for sales follow-up see a 10% increase in sales productivity (Hootsuite

Data from Hootsuite revealed that the average company sees 10% increase in productivity when they automate follow-ups. This implies that automation can help streamline and optimize the follow-up process, making it more efficient and effective. 

Since it is an integral part of the sales process, sending follow-up emails or voicemails can quickly become a repetitive task and a time-consuming one. You can automate it along with other repetitive tasks such as scheduling appointments and tracking customer interactions. 

This can help you free up time for salespeople to focus on more important tasks such as building relationships and closing deals, which can then lead to an increase in sales productivity.

Companies that use CRM are 29% more likely to exceed their sales quota (99firms)

Using a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system can help you exceed your sales quotas easily. 

Your CRM system can help you manage customer information, track customer interactions, and analyze customer data. 

This will help you better understand your customers’ needs and preferences and tailor your follow-up touches accordingly and increase the chances of making more sales.

Companies that use marketing automation software see a 451% higher chance of qualifying a lead (GrowthMarketingGenie)

Marketing automation software can help you to automate your marketing efforts that require lots of touches, such as lead generation, email marketing, and lead nurturing. 

Automating these tasks (requiring many follow-ups) will help you accomplish them more effectively — and efficiently reach and engage with potential customers.

Sales follow-up best practices for success

Here are a few ideas on how to improve your sales follow-ups to get more results.

Set follow-up reminders

Especially if you are a big sales team or working for a big company targeting many prospects a day, it can quickly become a pain to remember all your prospects. 

Think about not getting a sale because you forgot. Or maybe the customer said they’ll get back to you, but didn’t and you forgot to follow-up. 

By setting reminders, you’ll ensure that you don’t let leads slip through the cracks.

Use data to tailor messages

Data informs you on what the best practices are and how to sell in the ways that work. 

Also you can refer to your own data (from your CRM) to learn from the previous touches you have had with customers you or other sales people in your team closed to understand what could possibly be the reason they are silent on you and how to revive them. 

By using data to personalize your follow-up messages, you’ll increase the chances of the recipient engaging with your message.

Use multiple channels for follow-up

It can also be that the channel you’re using to target your prospects is just not getting their attention at the moment or that they receive many requests on that platform. 

By using a variety of channels, such as email, sales call or cold calling, and social selling, you’ll increase your chances of reaching the lead and eventually getting a reply from them.

Follow-up with a purpose

Instead of just sending a generic message and asking them to come buy, have a specific goal in mind for each follow-up, such as scheduling a meeting or getting more information about why they are silent (objections and concerns). 

It will help you center your follow-up approach around a specific goal and be more meaningful and impactful. It will also help you come up with a clear call to action you can ask your prospects to take. 

Key takeaways

  • High performing sales teams always follow up. You need to consider follow-ups as an integral part of your sales process or sales strategy. Data show that only 2% of sales are close with a single touch. Meaning that most, if not all, of your customers will require follow-ups before committing to your business. 
  • You will need follow up to have meaningful conversations with high quality leads. Maintaining a good cadence and being persistent in your follow-ups can also help make difference between whether you close the deal or lose it to your competitors.
  • Unless the prospects completely disengages or says no, you can still follow-up to maintain the conversation going on until they are ready to buy. You can use these sales follow up stats to prepare your sales training materials and achieve better sales success.
  • Automation is also an excellent way to approach sales follow-up. By automating sending follow-up emails or scheduling follow-up calls, you get to focus on more important tasks such as building relationships with customers and closing more sales. For cold calls, you can set reminders.

AppSumo’s Killer $37m+ Per Year Email Marketing Strategy

SaaS email marketing has become complicated over the years and it takes more than executing a well-thought-out email marketing strategy to get the results your company needs.

Whether you are a SaaS founder, CMO, or even a solopreneur, you have already heard about AppSumo and its incredible growth.

In 2021, the company founded in 2010 by Noah Kagan plans to make over $74 million in annual revenue. And currently, they’re looking for an A-Class CEO who will take the company to the billion marks in revenue. Yes. Billion dollars.

But, hold on, this is not the most fabulous part of the AppSumo story. The craziest part is that the company gets a whopping 49.59 percent of its annual revenue from email marketing. 

What’s more, the AppSumo website has more than 110 000 monthly traffic.

And 6.70 percent of that traffic comes from their email list. That’s around 7300 visits per month.

This leads us to two conclusions:

  • Email marketing works when you know how to do it.
  • If you’re not getting results, chances are the $497 email marketing course you bought is not as effective. 

Now the 37 million dollar question is: HOW? 

How on earth do the folks at AppSumo approach email marketing to achieve this success?

It all started in 2010…

Let’s travel back to 2010 when it all started to help understand the Big Bang behind the AppSumo website and how they have been approaching email marketing since day one.

Upon acquiring their domain name, the one thing that was on their website was an email opt-in form. No content, no nothing. Just an opt-in form with an offer to pique visitors’ interest.

As a brand new company, Kagan’s first goal was to grow the company’s customer base, capture as many leads as possible, and do it all while keeping the business afloat. He uses marketing tactics like exclusivity and scarcity to get people to subscribe to AppSumo’s email list. 

Fast forward to July 2010, they started creating content, moved the opt-in form to the right hand corner of the homepage and added their first pop-up opt-in form to the site.

In September 2010, they revamped the website’s homepage, kept the same opt-in form at the top of the page, but improved the pop-up opt-in form by changing and using a more suitable color.

Now, let’s go a little farther. In 2015, the website homepage was improved and they had a welcome mat. 

A welcome mat is an email opt-in feature that is displayed at the front of a website and appears when visitors land on your site.

A little farther again. In 2019, they were no longer using any welcome mat. But instead, they gave the website a complete makeover and added above the fold and footer opt-in forms.

As you read this, the website has been upgraded to a modern day online business model and baseline standards. 

They added some copy to the page and the above-the-fold opt-in form. They also nailed the color schemes to perfection. But nothing changed with the footer opt-in form, the design and the copy remained the same.

As of 2013 – which is 3 years after its inception – the company counted 150000+ email subscribers. And today as we write this piece, the company has a base of 730 000+ Email Subscribers to market its services to. 

Now, as you may have guessed, AppSumo’s first marketing move has always been growing their email list. As it turns out, from day one, the company has never stopped aggregating its email list through the multiple digital marketing channels available.

What started out as an experiment for growing our small audience became one of the key marketing activities that helped grow our customer base,” said Noah Kagan, Chief Sumo Officer.  

Here are 4 steps showing how AppSumo was able to build its email marketing empire. 

4 Steps You Can Follow to Make $37M From Your Email Marketing, Just Like AppSumo

Step 1: Grow your email list

Growing an email list in your early days is one of the hardest things in any SaaS business. But AppSumo is living proof that this is possible. They started by creating simple above fold and footer opt-in forms. 

Use Above Fold and Footer Opt-in Forms

Position is key when it comes to the effectiveness of the opt-in forms on your website for the simple reason that you could be leaving thousands of subscribers on the table if you are getting the position right. And you don’t have to fill your website with opt-in forms to get amazing results. 

The folks at AppSumo captured thousands of email addresses using only two opt-in forms. One above the fold and the second at the footer.

Why was it so effective?

Well, if you are like most people, you won’t care to scroll down to the footer of a website. You would just pinpoint the content you’re looking for and bounce away. 

So, placing an opt-in form above the fold (aka: where visitors can see it firsthand) will give you a better shot at capturing the email addresses of the visitors without having to scroll down your page.

On the other hand, if you are a veritable digger like me, you are more likely to scan the whole webpage before taking any action. And if you have your opt-in forms both above the fold and at the footer, that makes it easy for the visitors to sign up wherever they want.

Add Lead Magnet Opt-in Popups to Your Website

Firstly, a lead magnet is web content offered to a prospect in exchange for contact information. 

Secondly, an opt-in form is a signup form intended to collect the email address of website visitors in order to contact them in the future for prospecting purposes. 

And thirdly, a pop-up is a window that automatically pops up (depending on its programming) on the screen of a web page. 

So, how do you come up with a lead magnet opt-in popup? 


You can create one following two straightforward steps:

  1. Create a popup opt-in form (like a traditional one) and then,
  2. Gate in a lead magnet along with a compelling copy as a traditional lead magnet to capture leads. 

Here is an example from AppSumo.

First, the opt-in popup (All the business ideas you need) appears, then it displays something the visitor will be ready to trade their email contact for (75 No-code business ideas). 

We know this whole thing might seem complex. So we decided to break down two lead magnet opt-in popup tactics AppSumo used to grow its email list. Let’s jump in it. 

  •  Grow your email list using these 2 lead magnet opt-in popup tactics 

Let’s clear something first. In most cases, people find pop ups to be annoying, especially instant intent pop-ups. And as an online business, the last thing you want is your website (aka: your business venue) to be annoying, and AppSumo understands it very well. 

Pop-ups do work, but you have to approach it the right way – leveraging timed and targeted popups. 

Case in point, AppSumo waits quite some time to pop its opt-in forms. By doing so, AppSumo gives the visitor the time to decide whether their website content aligns with their expectations and if the business model is the right fit for them.

What’s more they only add pop ups to specific pages (i.e. pages or posts with the most traffic). 

Ultimately, as a result of the combination of great copy and perfect fitting pop-ups, people conveniently and easily sign up to the AppSumo email list.

Here are top-performing pop ups AppSumo used to grow its email as a breeze. 

Popup 1 : The Freebies Popup

AppSumo gathered 78,888 emails using the Freebies Popup  tactic alone. 


  • Perfect Timing

It is quite commonplace to come across websites where you get blasted with popups while you still have yet to find what you’re looking for. And that is the reason most people don’t like popups. They’re not timed to appear at the right moment. 

The AppSumo Freebies popup never appears unless the visitor has spent at least 15 seconds on the site. This way, AppSumo gives visitors time to view the latest products or deal opportunities before they are invited to sign up for an email.

  • Great Targeting

You can get the timing right. But if you don’t understand your audience, no one will sign up for your email list. 

In most cases, the people who visit the AppSumo website are looking for products, services or are start-up operators looking for a good deal. AppSumo understands this and uses this information to tailor the popup copy to what visitors are interested in.

  • Valuable Offer

After the attention-grabbing and interest-piquing popup copy, AppSumo brings something valuable to the table for visitors. 

The AppSumo Freebies popup invites visitors to register their email address and receive over $100 in freebies items each month. As a result, they sign up easily.

Popup 2: New Product Popup (Optimized For Mobile)

AppSumo created a popup form dedicated to presenting new product suggestions with an email signup form. They then optimized this popup to render appropriately on mobile devices. 

The outcome? 

AppSumo witnessed a 100.49% increase in mobile conversions in just a single day and, of course, more than 2,000 new email subscribers. 

Here are the main parameters set forth by the company to nail this popup to perfection. 

  • Organized Displaying

One of the reasons for this success is that the AppSumo website does not squash visitors’ eyes with its popups. The company uses certain display rules to tweak the display of its popups to perfection. 

For example, signup forms do not appear on all pages, but only some predefined ones, once in a certain time frame, and not on all devices.

  • Mobile Rendering

The AppSumo website gets a great deal of visitors from mobile devices. So, optimizing new product popup forms for a good mobile layout is nothing short of a great idea. The company used its highest-converting popup on desktop and optimized it for mobile layout. 

The mobile layout highly resonated with visitors and made it easy to enroll when browsing on mobile. So as a result, it doubled the mobile conversions and boosted email signups.

Takeaway: People hate pop-ups by nature, let alone when they block them from getting what they want. So, don’t blast your visitors with annoying pop-ups. Instead, design your pop-ups to appear only on specific pages and after the visitor has spent some time engaging with your content. And use CTAs that improve clicks.

Bonus: Using the cool stuff you did in the past to get new subscribers.

Are you familiar with the old saying: “he who gave in the past is likely to give again in the future”?  Well, it is verified and people believe it. 

In the setting of email marketing, this means that people will be more likely to sign up for your email list if you have already presented yourself as a benefactor in the niche. 

So, highlight the cool stuff you did in the past in your popup copy to create interest around it. 

Here is an example from AppSumo.

Run Viral Giveaways Campaigns

Most dictionaries define a giveaway as something that is given for free. 

For the sake of clarification, we’d like to express giveaways as something given to a specific group of people for promotional or marketing purposes. 

In other words, you don’t have to market your business or pitch your services all the time to increase conversion. And for the same reason, you don’t have to create opt-in forms or pop ups all the time to grow your email list. 


Because the cool stuff you do to get attention matters just as much. And a giveaway campaign is the coolest thing any company could ever do to grow its email list. 

Here is what Noah Kagan thinks of giveaways.

The one method I can consistently recommend for people starting their customer base has been giveaways.” 

He’s absolutely right and I can relate. When people value what you give away, they are more likely to recommend their friends to take action. That way, they help create virality around your brand and grow your customer base like crazy while you’re drinking coffee. 

This is nothing new for AppSumo. Their very first giveaway conducted in October 2012, a giveaway for 10 Dropbox lifetime licenses, resulted in a 200,000 person email list growth for the company. And today, AppSumo strives to do one giveaway every quarter.

Bonus: Leveraging influencer marketing to grow your list

There is always some nice thing going on at AppSumo. And no matter where you look from, you’ll always see Noah Kagan among the trailblazers. 

Noah is known for being more than the founder of AppSumo, he’s the corporate face of the company – a cool face. He’s to Appsumo what Elon Musk is to Tesla. 

And that status, Noah leverages it to send messages to AppSumo target audience to pique their interest, spur them to action and ultimately improve customer lifetime value and brand awareness. 

Thanks to his emails, the company gains trust and credibility with its target audience and is able to win them over. 

Well, this is influencer marketing. 

People like Noah and trust him for his track record over the years. So they’re more likely to take action when they sense that he’s part of the team that caters to them and especially when they feel like he’s talking directly to them. 

Here’s a sample of the emails Noah sends.

Takeaway: Noah Kagan is one of the hottest entrepreneurs in the world right now. And so, when people receive an email from him, it definitely affects them differently so they are more inclined to take action. Therefore if you have someone like Noah in your company, you can leverage that influence to gain the hearts of your subscribers.

Step 2: Send More Emails

If you are like most email marketers, chances are you always have your email marketing plan mapped out – top to bottom. What emails to send, what day to send them, what segment to send them to, how far apart should each campaign be sent and everything. The usual suspects.


Now with that in mind, sending more emails than you traditionally did may strike you as being invasive, bugging your subscribers or blasting them with emails. 

Good thinking!

But get this. Over the last year, AppSumo doubled the number of emails they sent at the company. And here is what they’ve gotten from it:

  • A 25% increase in customer lifetime value 
  • A 33% increase in average purchase rate 
  • Their open rates are higher than ever before 
  • Their email list is bigger than ever before

This is a radical shift in the company’s email marketing approach. And the result is literal: sending more emails translates into making more money. 

“I think the biggest problem right now, that most people have, is that they’re not simply sending enough emails […] if you could do one thing from this video, it is sending a ton more emails […]  the people that are on your email list, even if it’s just an email of 300 people, you should be hitting them up every week” Ayman I Al-Abdullah (Outgoing) CEO of AppSumo

But here’s the kicker. Unless you send great, personalized, well-targeted email sequences, you’ll piss your subscribers off and that’s when you will see your churn rate skyrocket. 

In other words, if you send generic, non-targeted email broadcasts or automated drip emails, even if the subscribers have a huge crush on your company, you will end up bugging and pissing them off. 

But before you start sending more emails, there are a few things you need to know.


Know Your Business

Data from marketingsherpa show that 91% of people love to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with. And sending promotional emails helps companies improve their average purchase rate (aka make more money). 

But before you start beating that drum, you need to take a step back and look at your business model, the service you offer and your target audience. Only this information will help you determine if you need to send more emails or not.

Here is an example.

If you do business with AppSumo, chances are you own a SaaS company or any product you’d want to promote.

And since AppSumo helps SaaS companies promote their service by offering them good deals, you will be interested in the many deals (aka emails) that AppSumo will offer you. The idea is that deals don’t perish, the more you get better deals, the more you’ll love it. 

However, if you use SEMRUSH, you wouldn’t want to know anything about the company. You simply renew your plan, gain access to the software and that’s it. No promotional emails needed. You are most likely to be like:

The idea is that the company doesn’t have anything to offer you anymore (except maybe guides that will help you better use the software) and you won’t want emails that will be useless to you. 


Know Your Audience

You need to know your audience. If you don’t know your audience then nothing else matters in your marketing strategy. 

Knowing your audience is the central key to any email marketing strategy. If you get it right, your emails will always appeal to your subscribers, then you will become their favorite email correspondent and of course you will make more $$$.

AppSumo has put email marketing to the frontline since day one. So, they knew firsthand that knowing their audience is vital to email marketing success. The company has always been digging to learn more and more about their audience. 

“You got to take a step back. It took us six years to get to that point, seven years to get to that point […] the only way we could have gotten to that point has been through knowing our audience over the past 7 years.” Ayman I Al-Abdullah the CEO of AppSumo

Clearly, you don’t have seven years to learn and get to know your audience. Here are a few tactics to help you nail this down quickly. 

  • Create surveys and ask your audience questions that will help you paint a sheer picture of who they are.
  • Conduct a market research to know whether the audience you’ve selected resonate with your brand and product – vice versa.
  • Create customer personas to better ideate your target audience.
  • Monitor the comments and engagements around your work or social media post to develop a set of patterns to better conceptualize your audience.
  • Learn everything you can about the way your competitors market their business as they share the same audience as you. Steal from them what works and what does not. 

Takeaway: The secret sauce to making more money with email marketing is sending more emails.

But first, you have to ensure your email content is personalized, well-targeted and valuable to your audience. If this is checked, then you can send tons of emails without pissing your recipients off. That’s how you make more money with email marketing. So make sure you do it.

Step 3: Write kickass copy

According to the outgoing CEO of AppSumo, Ayman I Al-Abdullah, it takes their creative team 3 weeks to finalize an email. One email.

Here is the procedure they follow to write such witty emails.

Be concise and to the point

Have you ever come across an email as long as an ebook? 

If so, have you read it all? No one would blame you if you haven’t. 

The point is that it’s hard for someone to spend about an hour reading one email when they have 125 others to explore. 

Don’t get it wrong. We’re not saying that long-form emails don’t work. When if it’s well crafted and centered around a story, people read and love it. 

But, again, that’s no reason to copy-paste an entire blog post and send it to your list. In doing so, the recipient becomes confused and misses your message.

If you want a better clickthrough rate, you’d better go to AppSumo school and learn how to write short, clear, and concise emails. 

For each email, AppSumo has a specific goal. It could be to promote a product, a YouTube video, or to make a flash sale. That’s why their emails are streamlined and to the point.

Don’t be pushy and salesy

Most people have a bad experience with email marketing simply because they don’t know the difference between spam words and valuable content.

Email marketing is a two-way street: you have to give before you can receive. No room for fluffy and salesy emails. And AppSumo has figured this out early on. 

If you’re on the AppSumo list, you’ll probably have noticed that their emails have two characteristics.

  1. They are loaded with humor.
  2. They show and tell what’s in it for the reader. 
  • Humor

AppSumo uses humor to appeal to the reader’s emotional instincts, while improving open rates and building loyalty. 

That makes their emails memorable and creates a stronger connection with prospects and customers.

  • Show and then tell 

Show, don’t tell is one of the most common pieces of advice given to marketers. 

Well, the copywriters at AppSumo follow this advice to perfection and even make it better by “showing and telling”.

Each of AppSumo emails begins with an image of the interface of the software or product they’re promoting. Then, using carefully-chosen power words, they try to convince you to buy or click.  

Think of this technique as the Swiss army knife of email marketing. It kicks ass!

Leverage FOMO

In marketing, FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is a technique that triggers your audience’s innate fear of missing out in order to make them more likely to take action.

Using the Countdown technique, AppSumo triggers emotions that encourage the email recipient to convert or click to ensure they get the exclusive offers before it’s too late.

But it’s not just countdown timers that drive FOMO. Simply writing that the “deal or offer ends soon,” also creates a sense of urgency in the reader’s mind, which encourages them to click.

Write catchy subject lines

If you want your email content to be opened, read and clicked on, then spend a little more time on your subject line, just like AppSumo.

AppSumo subject lines are short and curiosity-provoking. 

Here is the simple reason why this type of subject line works. 

Sometimes subject lines work because they directly translate what’s in it for the reader. But other times, by maintaining a sense of mystery, you manage to pique the recipient’s natural curiosity and interest.

This compels them to open your email for more information – which translates into a higher open rate.

There is also a scientific explanation for keeping subject lines short and sweet. 

Statistics show that subject lines longer than 10 words have very low open rates. At the same time, subject lines with few words get a lot of clicks.

Never use more than 2-3 CTAs

The number of CTAs you have in your email can make or break your click-through rates. 

Think about it. What would you do if you had an email that asked you to do a zillion things at once? 

You would be confused. No doubt about it. Anyone else would be. 

Well, AppSumo improves clickthrough rate by using very few CTAs. Two or three at most. 

Keep in mind that having multiple CTA buttons does not mean having different CTAs. You can have 2 to 3 CTAs that all do essentially the same thing.

It is also important to remember that AppSumo in each of its emails is focused on a single action or offer and in such a case, a visitor does not need more information on another product. That’s why Noah Kagan and his team opt for multiple CTAs of the same type.

Also note that in every AppSumo email, there is a CTA button. This type of CTA is effective because it is more visible and emphasizes the action to be taken.

Statistics show that you can improve your click-through rates by 127% with a button-based CTA.

Step 4: Be serious about segmentation

As you can imagine, segmentation is one of the key elements of a successful email marketing campaign.

AppSumo’s email marketing empire would have crumbled by now if the company didn’t double down on segmentation.

In fact, segmentation is one of the first personalization tactics long before the use of variables like {First name} and {Company name}.

AppSumo uses this tactic to send appropriate messages to its fans according to the stage of the buyer journey or funnel where each one is. 

Here is a break down of the sequences AppSumo uses in each of its email campaign: 

3 email series welcome sequence

Only 39% of companies send a welcome sequence after a user subscribes, and AppSumo is one of them.

The AppSumo welcome sequence has a series of 3 emails.

The first one is just a welcome message with a goal to get the recipient acclimated. It’s very simple and the CTA doesn’t ask for anything BIG.

The second one is an email that explains a little bit about how AppSumo works and details a little bit what the recipient should expect up front.

The third one is also a welcome email with the only difference that it offers a 10% welcome coupon on any purchase on AppSumo. This is the email that introduces the promotional email sequence.

Note that each of these emails are 1 day apart – making the welcome sequence a 3 day series. 

Promotional emails sequence

Once the recipient is acclimated by the welcome sequence, they’re taken to the promotional email sequence.

At this stage, every day, Appsumo sends them emails containing offers. These emails range from Limited-Time Offers and Sales Promotion Emails to Subscriber-Special Offers. 

Sometimes there are also Seasonal Campaigns and Giveaway Emails, like the last year when Noah Kagan gave away his Tesla during Black Friday. 

As seen in the Email Copy Teardown section, each of these emails is concise, to the point and not aggressive from a sales perspective. 

When the recipient clicks on the offer link in the email, they are taken to a landing page where there is more information about the product. At this point, there are two possibilities.

The first event is that they decide not to buy the product and leave the page. After a while, AppSumo sends them an email to try to encourage them to return to the page and make a purchase.

This kind of email is called cart abandonment email. Its purpose is to try to win back a person who was close to buying an item. It has been proven that 50% of the users clicked purchase after being sent a cart abandonment email. 

The second possibility is that the person decides to buy. At this stage, it is taken in the post purchase email sequence. 

Post purchase email sequence

AppSumo’s post purchase sequence contains just one email. The purpose of this email is to thank the buyer and solicit feedback on their experience with the purchased product.

Post purchase emails are an excellent way to increase overall satisfaction. It allows you to maintain a good relationship with your customer base, and to easily upsell and cross-sell when needed. 

After the post purchase email, you are taken back to the promotional sequence and continue to receive emails on a daily basis. 

Email Marketing Tools AppSumo Use


KingSumo is a WordPress plugin and platform that allows users to grow their email and fan lists through viral contests and giveaways. 

It is ideal for small businesses and entrepreneurs who want to generate tons of new leads.

Using KingSumo, you can offer your own product, physical and virtual goods, partner products, PDF, etc.

One of the benefits of KingSumo is that it allows you to get leads at a fraction of the cost of Instagram influencers and Facebook ads.


Sumo is a powerful tool that helps businesses grow their email lists, increase conversions and generate more sales. 

It is the email collector that has helped AppSumo get over a million emails on its list.


SendFox brands itself as an “email marketing platform for content creators,” making it easy to “automatically send personalized emails to your followers, subscribers, and fans.”

SendFox is part of Sumo Group’s suite of offerings that were created by Noah Kagan, and are now used by millions.

Key Takeaways

Growing a business through email marketing is not easy. Nevertheless, email marketing is always fruitful. So you need to approach it the right way to achieve optimal results. Chances are, this article has helped you learn a bit more about how to take your email marketing to the next level. Here are a few things we’d like to leave you with.

  • Understand your business

Understanding your business is the foundation for the success of every action you take to move it forward. Failing this, everything goes downhill from there. 

In addition, understanding your business will help you better conceptualize which audience you need to address in order to create a better product for them. And remember, successful email marketing is all about a great product/service. So make sure you understand your business.

  • Grow your email list

Your email list is your customer and prospect base and this is how you should view it. These are the people you will be promoting your services to through your email marketing efforts. So, the bigger it is, the better. Develop a great strategy and capture as many email contacts as possible.

  • Write email your subscriber will love

People like emails they can relate to. And this comes down to knowing your audience, segmenting your email list and personalizing your email content. Learn from AppSumo, don’t be too strict with your content. Let people feel alive in your content and they will like it more. 

  • Send more emails 

As you’ve seen, sending more emails translates into more money. But don’t just close your eyes and bombard your subscribers with promotional content. Understand your business first. Then find out on what basis you can send more emails.

  • Run giveaway campaigns

Giveaways are always nice, people love giveaways. It helps appear as a cool brand. Plus, it creates a lot of buzz for your business. Give away valuable products and grow your business through word of mouth.

Top 11 B2B Lead Generation Companies And Services in 2023 [In-depth Review]

Trying to hire a lead generation agency to fill the pipeline for your sales team but don’t know where to start and have a lot of questions?

You might probably be wondering:

  • How to select the best lead generation agencies?
  • What to consider when comparing agencies?
  • What’s the cost of a lead gen company?

If that’s the case, we got you covered. In this article, we’re covering how to vet agencies, the best lead gen companies, and more.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

What Does A B2B Lead Generation Company Do?

There are two types of B2B lead generation companies:

  • B2B lead generation agencies who help companies generate leads and book sales-qualified meetings.
  • B2B lead generation software companies who provide agencies and in-house sales teams with the tools and data they need to run successful lead gen campaigns. 

Most B2B lead generation companies of the first category offer the following services:

  • Appointment setting
  • Building the contact lists
  • Personalized marketing campaigns
  • Database management
  • CRM integration
  • Account management
  • Lead nurturing
  • Dedicated management team

If either of the above is something you need help with, here are the top 11 of the best lead generation companies and agencies you might be interested in.

11 Best B2B Lead Generation Agencies

There are tons of other lead generation companies out there, but our list only includes the ones we see and hear pop up in most conversations. 

  1. Nerdy Joe
  2. Single Grain
  4. Belkins
  5. Martal Group
  6. Pearl Lemon Leads
  7. WebFX
  8. Callbox
  9. Lead Cookie
  10. Apollo
  11. Upgrow

Let’s detail and discuss what you need to know about each of these agencies and companies.

Lead gen agency 1: Nerdy Joe

Nerdy Joe is a B2B digital marketing agency that only offers email marketing and outbound lead generation services (i.e., cold emailing).

We keep our lead generation service offerings narrow because we like to keep only a few tricks in our box and perform them excellently. 

Working with us is pretty straightforward as we don’t require you to commit to a certain number of months, and you know exactly what you get when you choose to work with us.

Why’s Nerdy Joe the Best B2B Lead Generation Agency

Here are some reasons why Nerdy Joe is one of the best lead generation companies in the US.

We offer results — not the number of emails we send

If you’ve done business with one or two B2B lead generation companies, you know there are four types of lead generation agencies:

  • Lead gen agencies that charge their clients based on the number of emails they send or the number of contacts they put in your list.
  • Lead generation agencies that charge you a monthly fee and promise you’ll get the best leads ever but never deliver on their promise.
  • Lead generation agencies that call everyone who’s downloaded an ebook or PDF  a LEAD and charge you for that.
  • Lead generation agencies that charge based on the number of QUALIFIED leads they generate for your sales team.

To be fair, the best lead generation companies are those who charge based on results. And at Nerdy Joe, we live and breathe client ROI (return on investment).

When we start working with clients, we always make it clear that the prospect list we build and the number of emails we send are not their business. 

That’s basically because we believe that the number #1 pain point of a company that needs help with lead generation is that they’re simply not growing at the rate they want and need LEADS. 

As simple as that.

So, our lead generation experts and appointment-setting specialists take pride in providing value and leading with metrics that matter — not vanity metrics like open rate, bounce rate, clickthrough rate, etc.

Metrics we lead with include: 

  • Number of positive replies
  • Number of meetings booked
  • Lead to close rate.

For instance, if you want to work with us to increase the number of guest posts your team writes per month, we’ll report:

  • The number of YES we get from editors. 
  • The number of positive replies we get.
  • And the number of high domain authority websites you get mentions from on a monthly basis.

If you’re a B2B company selling to accountants, we’ll only charge you for the number of appointments we set for your sales teams. 

Our offering varies depending on your company’s overall goal and what outcome matters the most to you.

We personalize every single email — we don’t believe in the numbers game

The lead generation/appointment setting industry has changed dramatically over the past few years.

Simply go on Twitter and check what type of advice or strategies most self-proclaimed lead generation experts are chanting.

Most people believe that you need to send 1000 emails daily to get the results you want (i.e., success is a matter of volume). 

Well, this tactic probably works for some companies, but it certainly guarantees the following:

  • Both ESPs and ISPs will flag your email and IP addresses as spammers.  
  • You’ll kill your company’s reputation and get a bad rap on social media. 
  • The quality of the leads you get will be subpar. 
  • Your domain will face severe deliverability issues.

At Nerdy Joe, we spend time learning about your ideal customer profile (ICP) in and out before we send a single email.

This is because we want each recipient to feel like you know them and wonder why you didn’t cross their paths months ago.

We also do that because we don’t want to send 1000 emails to get 4 meetings booked. Our ideal scenario is that we send 20 emails, we get 15 replies, 10 positives, and get you 4 sales-qualified meetings.

Now, don’t get this wrong. By personalization, we mean we make each email relatable and timely. We don’t just add [[First name]] and other variables to the email subject lines. 

Just for some context on how this works for us, here’s an example of a reply I received as I reached out to a Global VP of Marketing, but the timing wasn’t great. Still, she took the time to reply and communicate an appropriate time when it makes sense to touch base.

Personalization is what makes people who are averse to cold outreach reply to your cold email.

Here’s an example where we reached out to a VP of Marketing who has historically blocked or reported SPAM to anyone who’s sent him a cold email.

Here’s another example where we pitched a Head of Marketing, and here’s the response. 

Contrary to what these gurus suggest, most of our outbound lead generation campaigns are run towards 10 or 15 people, not 1000.

That’s because we simply believe that the best sales strategy is to build trust and relationships. That’s why most of the responses we get are:

  • “Wow, such a nice email, Ernest.”
  • “Thank you for the nice words and compliment, Ernest.”
  • “Let’s catch up next Thursday.”
  • “Ernest, love your email. Can you follow up on the 25th?” 

Where do we get information about each prospect or member of your target audience we use for personalization?

Glad you asked.

  • We listen to podcasts your potential customers have been on.
  • We read blog posts they wrote. 
  • We read their LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon posts.
  • We read discussions on forums they’re in.
  • We call their mom. 😂

Using this aggregated data, we find unique angles that we use to craft personalized first lines or icebreakers.

Here’s what it looks like in real life. I pitched CoSchedule’s Head of Content Ben Sailer and asked him if I could write for them.

Here’s what he replied 1 hour later.

Here is another successful example from a similar strategy.

As you can see from both screenshots, the cold emails sent to the prospects were so compelling that they couldn’t help but acknowledge it before offering to hire us.

We use quality, manually built data — and thus only book sales-qualified leads.

One of our core policies is that we don’t use client data when running lead generation campaigns. And unlike most lead generation companies, we don’t use data fetched from data intelligence tools such as ZoomInfo or Lusha.

We don’t trust these data sources because they only aggregate technographic and demographic data.

For example, using these tools, it’s easy to find data regarding companies that: 

  • Are in the accounting software industry, 
  • Have 30 to 65 employees,
  • Are series B-funded companies,
  • Are in Europe,
  • Use Slack or Digital Ocean as part of their tech stack.
  • Have a ping pong table at the office. 

The problem with this data is that it can only serve to craft obvious personalized first lines like:

So, if you want to go further down with personalization, you have to make use of psychographic data and other types of data.

How do we do that?

One of the first things we like to do when we sign a new client is to ask our clients questions about their ICP.

We ask questions like:

  • Which type of clients have the highest lifetime value?
  • Which type of clients is easiest to close?
  • Which type of clients churns the fastest?
  • What are the top 3 objections you hear from prospective clients during sales calls?
  • Why did you start your company? 
  • What pain points were you trying to solve?
  • Etc.

The answers to these questions help us know precisely who to target and why. And this type of information makes the difference between: 

We’re targeting series A tech companies,” 


Our ICP is a VP of Sales at a b2b software company selling to HR professionals, and his main pain points are lack of organization, time management, and team collaboration. He often refers to XYZ podcasts to get insights as to how to manage his team efficiently.” 

Once we have a clear understanding of who the ICP is, we proceed to manually build our list, and that’s what we use to run our lead generation campaigns.

We require no contract — you’re free to renew or stop your subscription based on satisfaction.

Unlike most lead generation companies that require you to sign a 3 to 6-month contract, Nerdy Joe is a subscription-based business. 

Working with us means you get results starting from Month 1, and you pay and renew your subscription depending on how satisfied you are with our service and your budget.

Also, because you know exactly what you are paying for, we don’t send you proposals based on surface-level information we have about your company. We also don’t waste your time with useless meetings. 

You get what you pay for — depending on your chosen plan, you know exactly what you get. 

Nerdy Joe’s offerings and pricing are clear — and this is probably why we’re one of the best lead generation agencies. You choose a plan based on your budget and needs, and you know exactly what you get at the end of the month.

  • No, “it depends on a lot of factors.”
  • No, “Your account manager swallowed the key to his office and couldn’t work.”

If you have product-market fit and are solving a problem that most people have, it is almost everything we need to get you results.

But if you’re still figuring out who your solution is best for, then we’re probably not going to be of help.


Our lead generation service’s pricing is crystal clear. We’re three plans:

  • Silver: It costs $499/month and only gives you two warm LEADS.
  • Gold: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $999/month and gives you 6 hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Platinum: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads on a monthly basis.

Our email marketing pricing includes the following:

  • The tech stack we use to build your prospect list and send and monitor your campaign.
  • A complete list of prospects that fit your buyer persona and ICP.
  • The campaign setup fees.
Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Lead gen agency 2: Single Grain

According to their website, Single Grain runs innovative growth campaigns for remarkable companies. Note that Single Grain is mainly known for being a CRO, Paid Ads, and SEO agency.

They offer full-service lead generation to their clients — assigning a dedicated campaign manager to each one of their clients.

Although its website does not provide much information about its lead generation strategies and service, Single Grain has made a name for itself, working with companies such as Salesforce, Uber, and Amazon.

Single Grain’s offering is not self-serve, meaning you have to download one of their gated content, then a sales rep will reach out to you and probably send you a proposal if you’re both fits.

That also means the agency has custom pricing and requires clients to sign a certain duration contract (probably 3 to 6 months). 

Lead gen agency 3: CIENCE

CIENCE is primarily a B2B lead generation company offering outbound lead generation technologies like ZoomInfo and Lusha. They help you grow your business using a variety of outbound lead generation strategies.

The company offers a set of outbound lead generation tools, including:

  • Sales intelligence software,
  • Intent data software,
  • Conversational sales platform,
  • Appointment setting tool,
  • Data enrichment tool,
  • And more.

On top of these tools, CIENCE also offers lead generation services to tech companies. CIENCE mainly offers SDR-as-a-service solutions to brands that need to level up their sales game. 

On its website, CIENCE claims it makes use of social media marketing, email marketing, phone calls, and many other lead generation techniques to get results.

Contrary to Nerdy Joe, CIENCE requires a minimum contract of 3 months, and you should go through a long sales funnel before the agency starts generating leads.

Also, their pricing is not available on the website, so you have to fill out a form and talk to an SDR and receive a proposal later. 

Lead gen agency 4: Belkins

Belkins describes itself as a B2B appointment-setting service for companies across more than 190+ industries. And they claim to have worked with the likes of Berkeley University, Born & Bred, Cemtrex, and more. 

According to information on their website, they have a 4 pronged approach to B2B lead generation:

  •  As soon as they sign you up, you get to meet some of their specialists to talk about your company, its goals, and your lead generation strategy.
  • After that, their data mining experts then go on and build your prospects list. 
  • They then assign you an SDR who runs the lead generation campaign on your behalf.
  • The final step is where they book sales meetings in your calendar. 

Although Belkins’ pricing hasn’t been mentioned anywhere on their website, they seem to work with clients on a contract basis. 

They require a minimum of a 6-month contract, and one campaign can last up to 12 months for the Startup and Growth Plan. 

For the Enterprise Plan, they require a minimum of a 12-month contract. 

Looking at their ROI calculator, it seems like for a list of 850 prospects and 64 appointments booked across the year (5 – 8 meetings per month), they charge $51,000 or $4250 per month. 

Lead gen agency 5: Martal

Martal Group is a B2B appointment-setting agency similar to Belkins. The Martal team uses many B2B lead generation strategies to book client meetings. They combine their knowledge of account-based marketing with inbound marketing and sales funnels.

Just like most B2B agencies, they require a minimum 3-month contract, and their pricing is only available upon request. 

The Martial Group has three pricing tiers, and each of them gives you:

  • A fractional sales executive
  • A fractional research manager
  • A sales operation manager

All of these three specialists cost about $11,500 per month if you’re to work with the Martal Group. That’s roughly $140,000 a year. 

Lead gen agency 6: Pearl Lemon Leads

Pearl Lemon is a UK-based lead generation company that serves clients across America, Australia, and Europe. 

The company offers a variety of outbound and inbound lead generation services, including cold calling, call center outsourcing, outsourced sales team, appointment setting, demand generation, account-based marketing, and many more.

They work on a contract basis, and for their fully managed lead generation services, they charge about £3000. They also charge the same price for their LinkedIn lead generation services.

Lead gen agency 7: Callbox

Callbox is a multichannel marketing company. They’re similar to CIENCE and combine email, SEO (search engine optimization), and chatbots to increase your lead conversion rate. 

Working with Callbox means you get:

  • Client Success Manager
  • Production Manager
  • Sales Development Rep
  • Email and Social Marketing Specialist
  • Research and Data Analyst
  • Quality Analyst

This lead generation firm works with Pipeline and HubSpot to automate your campaigns and fill your sales pipeline.

There’s no information available on Callbox’s pricing on its website, but if you want to work with the agency, you can request a quote. 

Lead gen agency 8: Lead Cookie

Lead Cookie describes itself as a full-service outbound marketing agency. They claim to have booked meetings with big tech companies like Google, Cisco, AT&T, and Microsoft.

Lead Cookie’s experts combine their knowledge of LinkedIn lead generation, cold email, and cold calls to fuel their client’s lead generation machine.

Their process is as follows:

  • You book a sales call with a sales representative.
  • You go through your company’s needs, and they get back to you with a proposal.
  • You sign a contract, etc.

Lead gen agency 9: Apollo

Apollo is a lead generation SaaS that provides firms and cold email agencies with contacts and data enrichment solutions. 

Similar to ZoomInfo, Lusha, and Seamless AI, Apollo is not a B2B lead gen service provider per se, but it equips you with the tools and necessary training to launch and run successful lead generation campaigns.

So, if you want to run your email campaigns by your in-house sales team instead of outsourced lead generation, Apollo is the right tool for you.

The tool costs $39 for the basic plan and $79 for the professional plan. It also integrates with most tools, such as Zapier and Hubspot, and supports CRM integrations.

Read more: How to Hire a Cold Email Agency? (10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring)

Lead gen agency 10: Upgrow

Upgrow is primarily a digital marketing agency before being a B2B lead generation service provider.

The company has worked with the likes of Lyft, TalkDesk, and Single Store, and their lead generation process is multi-channel. 

They require a 6-month contract for every client engagement, and their lead generation agency charges at least $2,500 depending on your needs. 

Lead gen agency 11: WebFX

Although they claim to be a lead generation company, WebFX mainly offers content marketing, SEO, paid ads, and email marketing services. 

They also claim to have 1.6 million hours of expertise and more than 500 marketing experts. WebFX has worked with the likes of Auntie Anne’s, Fujifilm, and Hilton.

If you want to work with WebFX, you have to request a quote for one of their services, and they’ll take it from there.

3 Things to Consider When Hiring a Lead Generation Firm

Hiring lead generation companies is not always black or white. It implies tons of things and can make or break your company’s success.

Here are five things to consider when hiring a lead generation company that guarantees you’ll get qualified leads. 

1 – What’s the lead generation company’s definition of a lead?

Every company and marketer has their own definition of what a lead means. 

For instance, a lead for a software company can be when someone signs up for a free trial. Or maybe when someone purchases a software license for the next two years.

For a marketing agency, high-quality leads mean someone requested a quote and agreed to hop on a call or that someone agreed on a sales call to discuss how the marketing agency can help them.

There are tons of B2B lead generation companies, and each of them can have different definitions of what a lead means. 

For instance, for the lead generation company you’re talking to, any person that downloads an ebook or a whitepaper is considered a lead.  

So, ensure to clear that from the get-go before agreeing on any sort of engagement. Failure to do that will lead to having  

2 – Does your B2B lead generation company specialize in your niche?

This principle applies to every type of digital marketing campaign.

If you’re a B2B SaaS company, working with a D2C lead generation company is not going to get you more leads, you’ll only get crickets.

It’s easier to generate qualified leads in a specific niche market when you already know how the industry works, how to find leads in that industry, how to set up the right sales funnel, etc.

And this is where niche expertise comes in.

If you’re a B2B company, work with B2B lead generation companies. This can make the difference between generating qualified leads and only generating low-quality leads. 

And that brings us to the next thing to consider when vetting B2B lead generation companies.

3 – How does the B2B lead generation agency ensure you get high-quality B2B leads?

Top lead generation companies have a clear lead generation process they use to build their prospect list.

Scraping the web and adding thousands of email addresses of people who don’t know you is only going to make your email deliverability worse. Not more.

On the other hand, working with the right lead generation agency can be crucial to your business growth as they’ll make sure your lead generation efforts bring in new leads that are qualified and fit your ICP. 

Which Lead Generation Agency Is Best For Your Company? 

As you’ve seen, many so-called lead generation companies offer services and marketing strategy that have very little to do with lead generation and the results you actually want.

If you’re just looking for an agency that’ll use paid ads or content marketing to promote your product, Single Grain and WebFX are the lead generation agencies for you.

But if what you’re looking for is:

  • An agency that runs custom lead generation campaigns.
  • An agency that charges you for results, not tasks.
  • An agency that doesn’t require you to commit to a contract.
  • An agency that does not waste your time and that’s affordable.
  • A group of experts that care about your company’s reputation and relationship with prospects.

Nerdy Joe is the lead generation agency you’re looking for. We do the market research, identify leads, do the lead research, lead management, and bring you qualified leads, we are part of your team.

Top 15 Startup Marketing Agencies [2023 Deep Dive]

If you are here looking for a great startup marketing agency, we’re taking a strong guess that either you just launched your startup and looking for an agency to help you confirm product-market fit…

…And grow an active customer base, or your startup is currently not growing at the rate you wish, and so you are looking for a marketing team to help you fill your pipeline with hot leads. 

We got you. In this post, we will be discussing the merits of the 15 top startup marketing agencies and will guide you to make an informed decision and work with the company that best serves your unique needs and pain points.

But first, let’s get clear on the pillars of startup marketing. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

15 best startup marketing agencies for lead generation

Now that you know why lead generation is essential for your startups, let’s take a look at the 15 best startup marketing agencies for lead generation.

1 – Nerdy Joe

At Nerdy Joe, we specialize in helping businesses grow by generating high-quality leads that convert into paying customers.

Our team of experienced marketers uses proven strategies to attract and engage potential customers through cold outreach strategies such as cold email and email marketing.

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and tailor our services to deliver the results they’re looking for.

What sets us apart from other lead generation agencies is our unwavering commitment to quality. We believe that generating leads is only half the battle — the real challenge lies in converting those leads into loyal customers for you. 

That’s why we focus on generating leads that are not only interested in your product or service but are also more likely to make a purchase.

We understand your business is different and unique, which is why we always offer customized lead generation solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. 

Whether you’re a startup or an established business looking to expand, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals. 

So if you’re tired of wasting time and money on ineffective lead generation strategies, our team of experts is here to help you take your business to the next level by generating high-quality leads that convert. 

Why Nerdy Joe is the best startup marketing agency for you

There are a couple of perks and approaches that make us a unique lead generation company for your needs. Here are the main reasons you need to consider Nerdy Joe. 

We care about your brand image: we will represent you in the best way possible by creating meaningful campaigns and cold emails that are representative of your brand

Log into your Twitter account and type cold email into the search to see what most of the so-called “cold email gurus” are preaching on the platform. You will find Tweets like the following:

Caught what’s wrong with that? They’re all preaching to send thousands of emails to only get a few replies and clients closed.

They imagine scenarios like sending 1000 cold emails per day, and at the end of the week, you have at least 100 replies and 10 booked calls or clients closed. 

This could work. We are not claiming that it won’t. But here is a quick question for you. How would you like your brand or company to be represented? Or, what startup marketing agency would you choose?  

  • A: One that builds huge lists of thousands of people and blasts them with generic emails and hopes to convert a reasonable percentage of them. 
  • B: On that builds a well-researched list of 30 prospects and crafts personalized, relevant, and compelling emails to reach out to them and close a good deal of them.

B, yeah? That’s what we figured.

The thing is, the A agency could get you results too. Because it’s easy to believe that cold outreach or lead generation success is a matter of volume. The more cold emails you send, the more likely you are to close clients. 

But that’s the best way to damage your brand and your relationship with prospective clients. Here are some well-known issues attached with targeting huge prospects lists. 

  • ESPs and ISPs will flag your email and IP addresses as spammers.  
  • They’ll kill your company’s reputation, and you’ll get a bad rap on social media. 
  • The quality of the leads you get will be subpar. 
  • Your domain will face severe deliverability issues.

Imagine waking up on a Thursday morning to 200 Twitter and LinkedIn notifications about how your company’s cold emails suck. 

We avoid this by being super-specific in who we target and creating personalized messages to very short prospect lists, and guess what? It works, and we are able to drive measurable business growth with it. 

A significant part of our strategy development is to spend time learning about your ideal customer profile (ICP) in and out before we send a single email.

We want each recipient to feel like you know them and wonder why you didn’t cross their paths months ago.

Honestly, we don’t want to send 1000 emails per day for a week to get you 4 sign-ups or meetings booked at the end of the week.

Our ideal scenario is that we send 20 emails, get 15 replies, 10 positives, and get you 4 sales-qualified leads or sign-ups.

Now, don’t get this wrong. By personalization, we mean we make each email relatable and timely. We don’t just add [[First name]] and other variables to the email subject lines

Just for some context on how this works for us, here’s an example of a reply we received as we reached out to a VP of Marketing who has historically blocked or reported SPAM to anyone who’s sent him a cold email.

Here’s another example where we pitched a Head of Marketing, and here’s the response. 

Contrary to what these gurus suggest, most of our cold email marketing campaigns are run towards 10 or 15 people, not 1000. That’s why most of the responses we get are:

  • “Wow, such a nice email.”
  • “Your email is well-done, partener”
  • “Thank you for the nice words and compliment.”
  • “Love your cold emails. Wanna write for us?”
  • “Let’s catch up next Thursday.”
  • “Love your email. Can you follow up on the 25th?” 

We believe the best marketing approach is the one that promotes trust and relationships. That’s why we always put in the extra work and patience it requires. 

You might wonder where we get information about each prospect or member of your target audience we use for personalization.

  • We listen to podcasts your potential customers have been on.
  • We read blog posts they wrote. 
  • We read their LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon posts.
  • We read discussions on forums they’re in.

Using the data we collect, we craft first lines and icebreakers customized to each individual.

Here’s what it looks like in real life. We pitched CoSchedule’s Head of Content, Ben Sailer, and asked him if we could write for them.

Here’s what he replied 1 hour later.

Here is another successful example from a similar strategy.

As you can see from both screenshots, the cold emails sent to the prospects were so compelling that they couldn’t help but acknowledge it before offering to hire us.

We are unwavering about data quality: we do the prospecting, list building, and everything manually.

First thing, it’s not that we are a bunch of people from the Victorian era trying it at marketing. We could easily sign up for a data intelligence tool like LeadsEngine, ZoomInfo, or Lusha, and they’ll quickly scrape up the net to build us lead lists, including 1000s of targets. 

And it could work. It does work for some people. But we know the level of data accuracy and customization it takes to cut it into someone’s inbox with an unsolicited cold email and get their attention. 

That’s why we do not rely on data intelligence tools. In most cases, such tools only compile technographic and demographic data from companies. For example, using these tools, it’s easy to find data regarding companies that: 

  • Are in the healthcare industry, 
  • Have 1000 to 1500 employees,
  • Are series A-funded companies,
  • They sell to eCommerce companies,
  • Are in the U.S,
  • Use financial technology,
  • Use HubSpot or Salesforce as part of their tech stack.
  • Etc.

It can even tell you that the company has a ping pong table at the office. You get the idea. Anyone with enough experience in the digital marketing industry can look at a company and guess those.

The thing is that this type of data can’t serve anywhere near strong personalization. You can only use it to devise poor first lines like:

So instead, we want quality data that we can use to create personalized emails that make the prospects feel like we know them and everything about their day-to-day and more.

So, we seek and make use of psychographic data and other types of data.

How do we do that? Glad you asked. 

Upon signing a new client, the first thing we do is ask about their ICP.

We ask questions like:

  • Which type of client has the highest lifetime value?
  • Which type of clients is easiest to close?
  • Which type of clients churns the fastest?
  • What are the top 3 objections you hear from prospective clients during sales calls?
  • Why did you start your company? 
  • What pain points were you trying to solve?
  • Etc.

By getting them to answer these questions, we can pinpoint precisely who we should target and why — and it gets easy to do it manually. And this type of information makes the difference between: 

“We’re targeting series A tech companies,” 


“Our ICP is a CTO at a software company selling to DevOps, and his main pain points are lack of organization, time management, and team collaboration. He often refers to XYZ podcasts to get insights as to how to manage his team efficiently.” 

Once we have a clear understanding of who the ICP is, we proceed to manually build our list, and that’s what we use to run our lead generation campaigns.

We care about your ROI: so you pay us for the results we get for you, not for the number of emails we send

There generally are four types of startup marketing companies:

  • Those who’ll charge you based on the number of emails they send or the number of contacts they put in your list.
  • Those charge you a monthly fee and promise you’ll get the best B2B leads ever but never deliver on their promise.
  • Those that call everyone who’s downloaded an ebook or PDF  a LEAD and charge you for that.
  • Those that charge based on the number of QUALIFIED leads they generate for your sales team.

To be fair, it’s only the last type of company that truly cares about your ROI and brings you great results. 

As a startup, you mainly care about your ROI, and chances are that your main point is that you need more leads to sell to, and that’s why you were looking for a startup marketing company in the first place. 

So, given this, our value does not revolve around the number of emails we send or the work we do, but rather the results we deliver.

Because of this, our experts only make sense of success and lack thereof with metrics that matter — not vanity metrics like open rate, bounce rate, clickthrough rate, etc.

Metrics we lead with include: 

  • Number of positive replies
  • Number of meetings booked
  • Lead to close rate.

For instance, if you want to work with us to increase the customer base for your SaaS product, we’ll report:

  • The number of new sign-ups you get. 
  • The number of positive replies we get.
  • The number of demo calls we book for you.
  • And the number of new clients we get for you.

If you’re a B2B company selling to accountants, we’ll only charge you for the number of appointments we set for your sales teams. 

Our offering varies depending on your company’s overall goal and what outcome matters the most to you.

You don’t have to sign retainer agreements and contracts: You are free to stop your subscription based on satisfaction

It’s a common service type for most B2B lead generation and startup marketing companies. Most companies will ask you to sign a 3 to 6-month contract before you start working together.

They’ll explain it by saying they’ll need to do some testing and that the purchase journey is long. 

That means that you pay every month for the results you are supposed to get — even when you don’t get them.

So, this makes you invest a lot of money, and at the end of the day, you may not have anything to show for it. That’s why our services are subscription-based. 

We promise to offer you results exactly from the first month, and you’ll have to choose whether to continue to pay and get the results or whether you want to stop working with us — depending on how satisfied you are with our service and your budget. 

That means that even before the get-go, you know exactly what you are paying for. We eliminate the stress that comes with long-term and binding contracts and let you decide.

Here are the benefits you can enjoy from this. 

  • Flexibility: A retainer contract usually requires you to commit to a fixed period of time and payment, regardless of your satisfaction with the service. In contrast, you are free to choose when to subscribe and when to stop. It’s all based on whether you are satisfied or not, which means that you won’t have to stay committed while you are not getting the results you want. 
  • Risk mitigation: If you are dissatisfied with the service, you can stop the subscription without incurring financial and legal consequences. You take on less risk than with a retainer contract. 
  • Accountability: The system rewards us for maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. We know you have the option to stop your subscription if you aren’t satisfied. The opposite is true with a retainer contract since the provider is already obligated to pay for the service regardless of your satisfaction.


Our marketing service’s pricing is crystal clear. We have three plans:

  • Silver: It costs $499/month and only gives you two warm LEAD.
  • Gold: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $999/month and gives you 6 hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Platinum: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads on a monthly basis.

Our email marketing pricing includes the following:

  • The tech stack we use to build your prospect list and send and monitor your campaign.
  • A complete list of prospects that fit your buyer persona and ICP.
  • The campaign setup fees.
Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

2 – Crowdform

Crowdform is one of the best digital marketing agencies. It is a digital product agency that launches ventures from scratch and partners with various companies to build digital products for their clients in the web3, cryptocurrency, gaming, and blockchain industry.

They have worked with various notable firms such as Sony, RedBull, Pura, HomeOffice, Inshur, Red Deer, and others. 

They are a design-led company that focuses on startups and help them develop digital products — websites and digital apps – through advanced technologies. They ensure that the developed products are easy to use and address users’ pain points.

Some of the services they offer include:

  • Product strategy
  • Product design
  • Product development 
  • Product growth

There is no pricing detail about their service, but you can contact them to get a quote.

3 – SeeResponse

SeeResponse is a digital marketing agency that focuses on helping B2B startups to generate qualified leads and grow their sales pipeline through a series of custom marketing strategies such as email marketing, outbound lead generation, marketing automation, and demand generation. 

They partner with startups to drive traffic, generate qualified leads, and grow your business. Some of the services they deliver for startups include:

  • Build a fast, functional, and well-designed website that makes the brand visible
  • Build apps to drive traffic and grow your business
  • Run targeted marketing campaigns across various channels 
  • Set up email drip sequences to move your audience through the buyer’s journey
  • Automate tasks and processes through marketing automation tools.

If you want to partner with them, you can call them, send them an email, or fill out the form on their website. 


WEBITMD is a digital growth agency that provides marketing, sales, and technology services for businesses.

They have partnered with various businesses that range from venture-backed startups to large enterprises.

Some notable organizations they have partnered with include Amazon, Google, Meta, HubSpot, Shopify, and more. 

Their goal is to create brand awareness, increase qualified leads, and drive revenue to grow their business. They operate through an all-in-one sales and marketing approach known as “The Growth Stack” to deliver measurable results and accelerate business growth. 

Here are some of the services you get from this approach.

  • They use email marketing campaigns such as email sequences and templates to build trust and nurture leads.
  • They set up intelligent workflow and automation to scale through the client’s journey.
  • They measure your lead’s activities and identify when they are ready for sales.
  • They improve the sales process.

There is no pricing information about their services. But you can give them a call, send them a message, fill out a form, or book a meeting to get in touch with them.

5 – WebFx

WebFx is a digital marketing agency that provides various marketing services such as content marketing, lead generation services, paid ads, SEO, and others to grow businesses. 

They have partnered with various companies and have generated over 7.5 million leads for their clients. Although their general focus is on digital marketing, they can also help startups to grow their business. 

If you want to partner with WebFX, you will have to contact them and request a quote from their website.

6 – Write2Market

Write2Market is a tech public relations firm that provides lead generation and digital marketing services for startups and other companies.

They optimize the sales pipeline and ensure that various marketing efforts achieve measurable results. 

They specialize in the healthcare, tech, and retail industry while generating qualified leads and accelerating the sales funnel for their clients. Here is a quick view of how they work.

  • They evaluate their client’s pain points at each stage of the buying cycle.
  • They create a clear call to action that attracts, nurtures, and closes deals for their prospects.
  • They improve their sales pipeline and measure their results.

To get their pricing details, you can call, email, or fill out their forms.

7 – Tuff Growth

TuffGrowth is a growth marketing agency that executes holistic and efficient marketing strategies to grow startups. They create customized growth marketing plans for each startup to help them scale their business.

They also have an in-house marketing team to help businesses in case they are short of in-house marketers or freelancers. 

They execute their systematic approach on different marketing channels to discover new opportunities and achieve measurable growth. Here are some of their processes:

  • They perform foundational research and analyze your existing funnel.
  • They set up clear goals.
  • They identify and tests underperforming marketing strategies and end up with the most effective one.
  • They evaluate results.

TuffGrowth offers three pricing plans for their services, and includes;

  • Growth plan, which costs $12,500 per month
  • Lean plan, which costs $25,000 per month
  • Full plan, which is a custom plan and is available on request. 

8 – Ironpaper

Ironpapper is a B2B growth agency that provides B2B marketing, lead generation, and content marketing services for B2B companies, especially startups.

They generate qualified leads and nurture sales opportunities for their clients. 

To do this, they implement various strategies to improve lead generation rates. Some of these strategies include:

  • Account-based and inbound marketing strategy to attract and convert qualified leads
  • Content and engagement strategy to build post-conversion
  • Full-funnel analytics to gather data from users across the funnel
  • Retention strategy to improve customer acquisition and retention
  • Behavior-based email marketing to send targeted messages

You must call or fill out their contact on their website to know about their pricing details. 

9 – Transcend Digital

Transcend Digital is a digital marketing agency that helps various brands, including startups, to build an online presence and achieve their goals in the digital space. They have worked with several firms, including Total, Tara, GoSnow, Fyxt, and more. 

They work on business objectives to craft solutions that boost ROI and improve customer retention. They also rely on their technological and analytics expertise to solve their client’s pain points and deliver measurable results. 

Depending on their client’s software, they integrate tons of software to help them produce scalable results. Some examples of CRMs they integrate with include HubSpot, Shopify, Salesforce, and so on. 

You have to contact them to get their pricing details if you want to work with them.

10 – Klicker 

Klicker is a digital marketing agency that offers inbound marketing and lead generation service for businesses. Although they work with businesses of any size, they give startups special attention to help them off the ground. 

They utilize advanced technologies and implement effective strategies to help startups drive traffic, generate leads, and close deals.

Some of the services they offer include content strategy, brand development, drip marketing, email marketing campaigns, drip marketing, and more.

There is no information about their pricing, but you can contact them to get a quote. 

11 – Digital Uncut

Digital Uncut is a digital marketing agency specifically for startups. They are a data-driven agency that enables startups to scale effectively and achieve measurable results.

On their website is a 5-step approach that shows how they work for their clients. Some services they offer include SEO, Digital PR, web development, data analysis, consultancy, and more. 

If you want to work with them, you have to contact them and know their pricing details. 

12 – Enventys Partners

Enventys Partners is a product development firm and marketing agency that works on new product ideas from scratch and scale them to the market.

They have worked with over 600 businesses and launched over 2,500 products to the market.

 They also focus on crowdfunding and e-commerce marketing which allows them to test the product’s market demand and find funds to scale it to commercial success. 

There are no pricing details on the company’s website, but you can contact them to request a quote.

13 – BAMF

BAMF is a LinkedIn marketing agency that provides LinkedIn influencer and lead generation services for businesses.

Although their primary service is LinkedIn, they also offer growth hacking services to help startups and businesses grow effectively and boost their revenue. 

They specialize in providing their services to B2B SaaS founders, sales leaders, agencies, and consultants. Here is a quick look at how their LinkedIn marketing service works.

  • They write ghost content for their client’s profile
  • They connect with relevant prospects that interact with the content
  • The message prospects and book meetings with them. 

To get their pricing details, contact them on your website. 

14 – GrowthRocks

GrowthRocks is a growth-hacking marketing agency that helps startups and other companies to achieve sustainable growth.

They are a data-driven digital agency that uses different experimentation and cost-effective tactics to grow a business.

Their main goal is to increase customer acquisition, improve customer retention, and generate more revenue. Some of their processes involve discovering new customer acquisition channels, generating leads,  optimizing marketing campaigns, and more.

 You have to contact them to get a quote if you want to work with them.

15 – CB Web Design

CB Web Design is a web development agency that helps businesses, including startups, with all their web development needs. They ensure that your website is efficient in terms of form and functionality.  

Although the agency primarily deals with web development, they also help their clients with marketing strategies such as paid search. They use paid search (Google Adwords, retargeting, or paid social campaigns) to generate B2B leads at a faster rate. 

If you want to know about their pricing details, you must fill out a form on their website.

What are the benefits of working with a startup marketing agency?

Working with a startup marketing agency provides numerous advantages. Some of these include:

1 – Marketing expertise

One major advantage of hiring a startup marketing agency is to have expertise in different areas of marketing. As a startup, you may not yet be familiar with different aspects of marketing or understand how it works. 

However, a good startup agency consists of experts who have real, hands-on experience in creating an effective online marketing strategy that can propel your brand to new heights.

Since they have mastered the art of marketing, their expertise can give you advantages over your competitors and ensure that you stay at the top.

For instance, if you are a startup looking for ways to generate leads, you can hire a lead generation agency that already knows the rudiment to help you scale faster and achieve the desired results.

2 – More time to focus on business needs

Most entrepreneurs are busy with one task or the other, thus prompting them to have less time to manage the marketing side of their business effectively. 

With the support of a startup marketing agency, entrepreneurs can better focus on more urgent matters that require their attention, such as the products or services they offer.

Consequently, this allows the marketing agency to take full responsibility for the brand message and amplify its growth to customers. 

3 – Expand the business

Traditionally, the urgent need of a startup agency is to expand the business. But that would require you to hire your marketing team. This can be costly and takes time, especially if the hires are new on the job. 

However, a startup agency doesn’t have to go through the process. They already have a customized marketing strategy that can help to scale up your business. 

By strategies, this doesn’t mean they already have a bunch of keywords to add to your webpage and hope for the best. Instead, they already have analytics that measures the effectiveness of each strategy. 

They have learned what can scale up your business and prevent it from falling. Unless you hire experts as your marketing team, which may turn out to be expensive, a startup marketing agency is the best shot to scale your brand. 

In some cases, you can also hire a cold email agency to perform outbound lead generation and reach prospects that can contribute to the growth of your business.

Three tips for choosing the right startup marketing agency

As a business owner, you have to consider some factors before choosing the right startup agency. Here are some tips to get started.

1 – A proven track record

Most startup marketing agencies claim to have an effective track record. However, you can’t just believe what they claim outrightly without any proof. 

Just like you review an employee’s work history before hiring them, you must apply the same principle to a startup agency. 

This ensures that you do not get crickets in the long run. Hiring a startup marketing agency with a proven track record enables you to get the desired results you aim for.

2 – Industry

Choosing the right marketing agency directly correlates to the industry of your business. In fact, you should avoid an agency that is too generic. Good agencies tend to be industry-specific. This ensures you will have a good fit that can accomplish your goals. 

For instance, if your company is a tech startup seeking to generate leads through email marketing, you wouldn’t make the right decision if you select an agency that primarily works for the retail or e-commerce industry.

Instead, you can hire a B2B SaaS agency that can implement some SaaS email marketing strategies and achieve your goals.

3 – Price

A common true principle is that “you get what you pay for.” When it comes to marketing, the return on investment is often determined by how much you are willing to invest. 

Going for the cheapest service may result in little or no return on investment, which can affect your business growth. 

Also, going for an expensive agency may affect your ROI. What matters is to find a business that fits within your budget and can achieve your marketing objectives.

Why brand storytelling and lead generation should be the top priority for your startup marketing strategy

Let’s discuss brand storytelling and lead generation and why you need them to establish and grow your business. 

Startup storytelling

Every business needs to connect with its audience and engage with them on a deeper level. This is where brand storytelling appears in the picture. 

Brand storytelling is the cohesive and coherent narrative that weaves the facts together and evokes your brand’s emotions. 

As a startup, your customers need to connect with your brand and relate to your solution so they can buy. You should tell them the story behind your brand and why it exists across all communication channels. 

Wrap up the message to stir people’s imagination and elicit an emotional response from them. For instance, you can tell a story about your startup’s history, value proposition, and more. The story must be woven creatively such that people see your value and differentiate you from the competition.

Brand storytelling isn’t just a nice-to-have tool for your startup. You need to implement it to enhance your business’s visibility, stand out from your competitors, and generate revenue. 

Outbound lead generation

In addition to brand storytelling, there is a need for startups to include outbound lead generation as a part of their marketing strategy. It is a process that is essential for getting yourself into general conversations and gaining brand awareness. 

As a startup operating as a new entity in the market, you probably don’t have customers, and you can’t sit around waiting for inbound strategies such as content marketing and SEO to take off. It’ll take too much time and budget you probably lack already. 

Generating leads helps you to identify people that may be interested in your products/services and convince them to become paying customers. It is a process that identifies who your target audience is and the problems they aim to solve, and you reach out to them with your solution. 

You do this by creating cold emails and crafting engaging campaigns that educate and build relationships with the target audience. Lead generation ensures that you acquire new customers to grow your business. 

We are that startup marketing agency you’ve been looking for

If you are looking for an agency that will use paid advertising, Search Engine Optimization, social media marketing, and content marketing to boost your sales, Digital Uncut, CallBox, and the others on this list are suitable lead generation agencies for you. 

But if what you’re looking for is:

  • An agency that charges you for results, not tasks.
  • An agency that doesn’t require you to commit to a contract.
  • An agency that does not waste your time and that’s affordable.
  • A group of experts that care about your company’s reputation and relationship with prospects.

Nerdy Joe is the startup marketing agency you’re looking for. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

6 Ways to Find Anyone’s Email Address [Personal + Business]

Finding someone’s email address is the first step to reaching out to a client or potential employer or even reconnecting with an old friend. 

In this post, we will explore several methods for finding email addresses and how you can do it for yourself.

Let’s get started. 

6 ways to find someone’s email address for free

Here are six surefire ways to find someone’s email address online. 

Google it

This may be basic and not be effective for most people trying to find people’s personal email addresses. If that’s the case for you, we suggest that you move on to the next method. 

Googling your recipient’s email address works well, especially if they are popular with a common name.

The trick is simple.

Simply type your target’s “name + email” into the Google search box and hit enter. Here is an example for Rand Fishkin, CEO of Spark Toro.

Here are other combinations you can use to bring up a person’s email address:

  • [name] + email
  • [name] + email (or) email address
  • [name] + contact
  • [name] + contact (or) contact information (or) contact me
  • [name] + “company they work for”

Keep in mind that Google might not always bring up the answers in the search snippet as it did above.

So, check the first few pages that pop up in the search results. These might be helpful in finding the actual email address. Here is an example. 

We searched for “name + contact details,” and here is what Google showed us. 

Obviously, the email address we are looking for is not immediately displayed there. But by simply clicking on the first link to check the page that comes first, we are able to find the email address. 

Here is what we found first. 

Then we scrolled down the page and found this as well. 

Use email lookup services to find and verify email addresses

There are several email lookup services or tools available online that can help you find email addresses. These tools work by scraping the internet for email addresses associated with a specific company or domain (based on the domain availability status). 

However, it’s important to keep in mind that these tools can be less accurate than other methods and may not find all available email addresses. Also, some of these tools may require a paid subscription.

Our favorite email lookup tool is Hunter.io. Here is how you can use it to find someone’s email address. 


Head over to Hunter’s Email Finder and paste your target’s name and the url of the company they work for. Like below: 

Hit the “Enter Button” or click on “Find” to find their email address.

Hunter verifies the email address automatically and gives it a score out of 100 to tell you how verified the email address is. You’ll also see the different sources they used to pull out the email address. 

The best thing about Hunter is that even if it fails to bring out the email address of the person you are looking for. It will still show the email format they use at their company, and if you know your target’s name, you can easily guess it. 

For this, you’ll need to use Hunter’s Domain Search tool or the chrome extension. We will be using the Domain Search tool. We put in our website url and hit the enter button.

Here is the result. 

You can see the formula we use at our company is “name @ domain dot com”.  If you’re looking to learn more about Hunter’s features and use cases, check this Hunter review.

Voila Norbert

VoilaNorbert is also another email lookup tool we recommend for finding someone’s email address. It works in pretty much the same way as Hunter.io. It asks for information about your target; you provide the information it asked for, and scrape the internet to bring you their email address. 

See it for yourself. 

Guess a personal email address and verify it

Every company has an email pattern they use for all their employees. And the most common email formula companies use is “first name @ company dot com. Just like us, ibrahim @ nerdyjoe dot com

According to a survey by Hunter, 49% of companies use that pattern. So, make it a rule of thumb to start your guessing with that pattern. 

That said, here are other patterns we’ve also found that companies use mostly — and which you can follow for your email address suggestions. 

first @ company dot com/co/ioibrahim@nerdyjoe.com
last @ company dot com/co/iolitinine@nerdyjoe.com
flast @ company dot com/co/ioilitinine@nerdyjoe.com
first.last @ company dot com/co/ioibrahim.litinine@nerdyjoe.com
firstlast @ company dot com/co/ioibrahimlitinine@nerdyjoe.com
lastf @ company dot com/co/iolitininei@nerdyjoe.com
f.last @ company dot com/co/ioi.litinine@nerdyjoe.com
firstl @ company dot com/co/ioibrahiml@nerdyjoe.com
lastfirst @ company dot com/co/iolitinineibrahim@nerdyjoe.com
last.first @ company dot com/co/iolitinine.ibrahim@nerdyjoe.com

In most cases, your target’s company email pattern will fall anywhere between the patterns we suggested. But once you have created all the combinations, you will need to verify the email address to ensure your guess is correct. 

Bear in mind that depending on the name of your target, they might cut it or readjust it in the email. For example, names like Robert could get cut and give “rob@company.com” or “bob@company.com”. 

Someone named Edward could use “ed@company.com” Vladimir could become “vlad@company.com” or Ibrahim could use “ib@company.com”. You need to be aware of these potential formats on the personal level — based on your target’s name. 

Verifying the guessed email address

There are two ways we suggest that you verify the email address’s correctness. You can use email verification tools or search google sheets.

Head over to Hunter’s Email Verifier tool, choose Bulk verification, and paste the email addresses you guessed. 

Launch the verification and watch it verify your email addresses. 

Here is the result.

Of course, only the correct email addresses will come out as “valid”. And you can move on from there. 

  • Second way: Google Sheets

Most people don’t know this, but Google Sheets is fit with a feature that allows you to ensure that an email address is correct. All you have to do is paste the addresses into a spreadsheet and use your mouse to hover over it. 

Google Sheets automatically identifies the email address associated with an actual profile and makes it pop up. 

Use social media to find personal email addresses

Social media platforms can also be a valuable resource for finding email addresses. Many people list their professional email addresses on their LinkedIn profiles, and some may even include it on their Facebook or Twitter profiles. 

Here is how you can find them on each platform.


To find someone’s email address on LinkedIn, try searching for their name and the company they work for, and then visit their profile. If they have made their email address public, it will be listed on their profile page. 

Let’s try to find the email address of our good friend Irana Maltseva, working as part of the growth team at Aura. 

So here is the search query I used to find the prospect’s linkedin profile. 

The result.

Now, the next step is to click to view her full profile and check out the contact information. 

Here is the result. 

Although this may not be the professional email address she uses at Aura, it can be an effective way to reach out and get a response. So, depending on whether your target took the time to professionally set up their profile, you can find their personal email address or the one they use at work. 

Here is an example from a perfectly set up profile by Vladimir Blagojević at FullFunnel.io.


Twitter is a popular social media platform and can be used for a variety of purposes, including networking and finding new contacts. It’s also a good place for you to find the email address of your targets.

Here are a few methods you can try:

  • Search Twitter for the person’s profile and check their bio

Many people include their contact information, including their email address, in their Twitter bio. This is often the easiest place to find an email address, as it is prominently displayed on their profile.

Here is an example from Mark Golbridge.

Sometimes, people will share their email addresses in a tweet. This can happen when they’re promoting a new product or service or when they’re looking for new contacts. Searching through their tweets for keywords like “email” or “contact” may reveal their email address.

But because their email addresses could get scraped by marketers using bots to send them unwanted emails, they hide them. Using Twitter Advanced Search features will help you dig them up. So, go to Twitter Advanced Research.

In the “Words” box, type in “email at”.

Then scroll down to “Accounts” and put in the name of the company your target works for. Let’s assume you’re looking for the email address of someone working at Ahrefs. 

Next, click on the search button and get your results. 

  • Reach out to the person directly/Tag them in a Tweet

If you’re unable to find an email address using the above methods, you can always reach out to the person directly. You can send them a direct message on Twitter or mention them in a tweet and ask for their email address. 

image source

Or if it’s a company, they’ll probably direct you to their support team.


Facebook is also a good place to find someone’s email address. It includes an “About” section where users can put their personal details and contact information.

Most people add their email addresses as part of their contact information, and you can easily access them. 

Simply log into your Facebook account and search for your target’s name. Go to their profile and click on “About”, then “Contact information”. Look here how we found Neil Patel’s email address easily. 

Important note: 

When searching for someone’s email address on social media, it’s important to be as specific as possible in your search terms.

For example, instead of searching for “John Smith,” try searching for “John Smith at XYZ Company.” This will help to narrow down the search results and increase the chances of finding the correct person.

It’s also important to consider the privacy settings of the person you are trying to reach.

Some people may have their social media profiles set to private, which means that you will not be able to view their email addresses even if they have them listed on their profiles. In this case, you may need to send them a message and ask for their email address.

Last but not least, while social media can be a useful tool for finding someone’s email address, it’s not a guarantee.

It’s important to keep in mind that not everyone will have their email address publicly available on social platforms and that some people may not want to share it.

Check out relevant online pages

You can also check some online pages that are about your prospect to find their email addresses. Here are the top online pages you need to consider.  


Go to your target’s website and look for their email address in the above folder or the one below. If it’s a company website, head over to their about or career page, where they could potentially list everyone working at the company’s contact detail.

Bio pages

If your prospect has a bio page, that can also make finding their email address an easy task for you. You can find their bio pages by simply searching it into the Google search box. Type in their name + bio, and the trick is done. 

Here is an example for Rand Fishkin. 

And here goes the email inside. 

Author pages

The author page on your prospect’s blog or website, linked from their name anywhere on their blog or website, is another easy place to start.

In some cases, this page can be very detailed about the person and include lots of valuable information.

Subscribe to their personal newsletter

Subscribing to someone’s newsletter is one of the easy ways to find their email address. You subscribe to their newsletter, they send you their next email, and that’s it. In most cases, the automated welcome email is all you need to get their email address. 

So, if your target has a newsletter, this adds to the many ways you can find their email address. Find their newsletter, subscribe to it, and get their email. 

Why you need to outsource list building

If you are looking for someone’s email address, chances are that you are looking to reach out to them for email marketing or outbound lead generation purposes. 

In these cases, it could also mean that you are not simply looking for the email address of a single person.

Chances are that you are building a prospect list for your cold email campaign. Here are the reasons why you may want to outsource it all (list + lead generation/email marketing).

Lack of time or resources (It will cost you a lot)

Finding someone’s email may be easy. But building a high-quality email list can be a complex and time-consuming process for you. Even if you find it fun, soon enough, it’ll become daunting, and you’ll find yourself wasting important hours building lists. 

It requires a lot of effort to research, identify and target the right audience and then acquire and manage leads.

Outsourcing list building allows you to focus on other important areas of your operations, such as product development, marketing, and sales, while still building your list.

Expertise (we have it, you don’t)

An outsourced list-building service will have more experience and expertise in acquiring and managing leads than your in-house team — We will be more able to build you a higher quality and more targeted list.

They will have specialized tools and methods for finding and targeting the right audience, and they may also have a better understanding of compliance and legal requirements for acquiring and managing leads.

Cost-effectiveness (We will cost you less)

Outsourcing list building can be more cost-effective than hiring an in-house team or building the list on your own.

Take Nerdy Joe, for example. Working with us means you choose a specific product you want (i.e., x number of leads). We charge you for exactly that, and you get your results. 

If you have an in-house team, it means you will have to pay out salaries, which can be more costly for your business. Outsourcing eliminates the need to pay for employee salaries, benefits, and other overhead costs associated with an in-house team. 

On top of that, outsourcing can provide business access to specialized tools and technologies that would be cost-prohibitive to purchase or maintain in-house.


Outsourcing allows for the list-building process to be scaled up or down depending on the needs of your business. 

For example, during a busy season, you may need to acquire a large number of leads quickly, while during a slow season, you will need to scale back the list-building efforts. 

Outsourcing allows you to adjust the list-building process as needed without committing to a long-term in-house team (and still paying huge salaries). It’s like we said, you choose what you want, we charge you for it, and give it to you. 


Outsourcing list building will allow you to focus on your core business activities and operations, while the outsource team will provide you with a high-efficiency list-building service. 

We will take care of the whole process of building and maintaining the list, which will free up time and resources for your business.  As a bonus, we also keep up with the latest techniques, trends, and technologies in list building, which will benefit your business in the long run.

Why you need to work with Nerdy Joe for list building and lead generation

The best thing about us is that we are your one-stop shop list building and lead generation service

We talk with you to discuss and understand your product and its target market. Then we identify the personas, build quality email lists, reach out to them, and market your product for you. 

The way we work, when we hand you over the prospects (or to your sales team), all you have to do is sell — we already took care of all the marketing.

Here is specifically what you get when working with us.

Specify the results you want, and pay for it — not for the jobs to be done

Most outbound lead generation services don’t charge you for the results or the ROI you get. They:

  • charge you for the jobs to be done, meaning you pay them to send X amount of emails per month. 

e.g., You pay $500, and we’ll build a list of 250 prospects per month.

  • charge a flat fee per month to do lead generation for you, and they’re vague as to what the results will be. 

e.g., You pay $3,000, so the outbound lead generation service provider can run lead generation campaigns for you, and the results are just a matter of “it depends.”

  • Etc

At Nerdy Joe, we know that there are jobs to be done to get your company leads. To be fair, that’s part of every agency’s lead generation process. We don’t just charge you for the job.

Instead, you pay for the ROI (return on investment) you get.

That means that we charge you by the number of meetings we book for you or the number of high-quality leads we send you instead of the number of prospects we add to your campaign list.

Our goal is to fill your pipeline with quality leads so that your sales teams can spend less time on monthly emails and more time on closing deals. 

We think like this because it is evident to us that every business looking to increase sales cares more about filling their pipeline with quality leads than the number of emails their sales teams send per month.

As simple as that.

When you start working with us, our outbound lead generation experts only lead with metrics that matter:

  • Number of meetings booked.
  • Number of “YES” and positive replies.
  • Lead to close rate.

Not the usual open rate, clickthrough rate, bounce rate, etc.

Our emails aren’t mass-produced — they are personalized

If you’re frequent on Twitter, you’ve probably read one of these before.

  • “Send 1000 cold emails a day.”
  • “Use ChatGPT to flip some personalized first lines.”
  • “Buy 10,000 contact data from LeadsEngines and send 1000 emails a day.”

Granted, doing this could bring you some results. The things that there’s a big difference between the quality of leads you will get and that of someone who sends emails that are personal, relatable, and timely.

Personalization and relatability make people reply to you even when your timing is not great.

Here’s an example of where we reached out to a Global VP of Marketing, but the timing wasn’t great. Still, she took the time to reply and communicate an appropriate time when it makes sense to touch base.

Personalization is what makes people who are averse to cold outreach reply to your cold email.

Here’s an example where we reached out to a VP of Marketing who has historically blocked or reported SPAM to anyone who’s sent him a cold email.

Here’s another example where we pitched a Head of Marketing, and here’s the response. 

Contrary to what gurus suggest, most of our outbound lead generation campaigns are run towards 10 or 15 people, not 1000. That’s because we believe that the best sales strategy is to build trust and relationships. 

All our data is manually built — we don’t use bought or scraped information

We don’t build our campaign data manually because we’re old school or like working hard.

We simply don’t use client data or purchase data when running outbound lead generation campaigns because this data is rarely accurate. 

For example, using ZoomInfo or Lusha, it’s easy to find prospect data using filters like the following: 

  • Company is in the crypto trading industry, 
  • 50 to 500 employees,
  • Raised capital,
  • Based out of Austin, Texas,
  • Uses AWS for hosting and Magento.

Now, as much as you want to personalize your cold emails, what can you do with this data?

So, instead of relying upon this type of data, we go one step further and ask questions like the following:

  • What does your ideal customer look like?
  • Which category of clients has the highest lifetime value?
  • Tell me about one client you closed in an easy way.
  • Tell me about the category of clients that churns the fastest.
  • Tell me about the top 3 objections that constantly pop up during sales calls.
  • Etc.

We use the answers to these questions to identify your ICP and buyer persona. 

And you can tell this type of information makes the difference between: 

“Our target is series A crypto trading companies,” 


“Our ICP is a VP of Partnership at a crypto trading company, and his main pain points are that he struggles to close partnership deals with influencers, he does not know how to reach out to influencers. He often refers to TikTok and Gumroad’s blog to get insights as to how to influencers think.” 

Once we have a clear understanding of who the ICP is, we proceed to manually build our list, and that’s what we use to run our lead generation campaigns.

No long-term commitments 

Unlike most outbound lead generation services that require you to commit to a 3 to 6-month retainer, working with us means you get results starting from Month 1. And if you’re happy, you can renew your subscription.

Nerdy Joe is a subscription business, and you only renew your subscription if you’re satisfied with the service. 

You know exactly what you get 

Nerdy Joe’s offerings and pricing are clear — you choose a plan based on your budget and needs, and you know exactly what you get at the end of the month.

  • No “it depends on a lot of factors.”
  • No “Your account manager swallowed the key to his office and couldn’t work.”

If you have product-market fit and are solving a problem that most people have, it is almost everything we need to get you results.

But if you’re still figuring out who your solution is best for, then we’re probably not going to be of help.

Key takeaways

  • Social media platforms, search engines, email lookup tools, and directly asking for an email address are all effective methods for finding email addresses. You can also use either a contact form or an opt in form to collect email addresses from people.
  • Be sure to use multiple methods to increase your chances of success. Also, it’s important to be specific and professional in your search terms and to respect the person’s privacy when asking for their email address.
  • Outsourcing list building can be a cost-effective and efficient way for you to build a high-quality list and increase conversions. By outsourcing list building, you can save time and money, improve ROI and lead generation, and do cold outreach more effectively. 

15+ LinkedIn Connection Request Messages That Work

Tired of sending boilerplate Linkedin connection requests?

Want to increase your LinkedIn lead generation success rate?

Looking for a better alternative for “I’m looking to expand my professional network?”

In this article, we will teach you how you can write LinkedIn connection request messages that are both effective and memorable. We will cover all the tips and best practices you need to know to build a strong and thriving LinkedIn network.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a meeting now.

17 LinkedIn connection request message templates that you can use for inspiration

Here are 17 templates for LinkedIn connection messages that you can use to come up with unique, personalized connection requests, that’ll win you new connections easily.

Template 1: Professional networking

Sending a professional networking LinkedIn connection request message is an excellent way to build and expand your professional network, establish connections with potential collaborators, mentors, and clients.

Message body

Hey [Name], I couldn’t help but notice your recent posts about [insert activity].  I also share your passion for [shared passion]! I’d love the opportunity to connect with you and to see if there’s a potential for collaboration. Let me know if there’s any way I can help. Let’s connect. Best regards.

Template 2: Collaboration

This is the perfect connection message template to help you target potential partners and collaborators in your industry, expand your network, and increase your professional opportunities. 

Message body:

Hello [Name], I came across your profile and was impressed by your experience in [insert shared industry]. I have a project coming up that would be an excellent fit for both of us. I’d love to discuss the possibility of working together and finding out if we could be a perfect match for future collaboration.

Template 3: To a recruiter

This template will help you build relationships with recruiters in your industry and increase your visibility to potential employers. 

Message body:

Hello [Name], I was thrilled to see your recent placement of [Candidate] in [Company]. I’ve been building a 4 years portfolio you’ll be interested in. You can access my portfolio here: [Link]. I believe connecting could lead to some exciting job opportunities and help me achieve my professional goals.

Template 4: Shared connection

This message is an effective way to build relationships and expand your professional network.

By mentioning a mutual connection in your message, you demonstrate that you have a common ground for establishing a professional relationship.

This can help build trust and get your connection request accepted more easily.

Message body:

Hi [Name], I noticed we have a mutual connection [connection’s name]. I’m also interested in the [content] [shared connection] shares, and I think we could both benefit from connecting.  Since we share a common interest in [interest], we could mutually benefit from working together. Let’s discuss this further.

Template 5: After a recent networking event

Want to continue the conversations and connections you made in person at an event? This is the template for you.

By connecting with others on LinkedIn, you can stay in touch, exchange ideas and information, and build on the relationships with people you met at the event.

Message body:

Hi [Name], It was great to hear your insights and perspectives on [topic] at [event]. I’ve been tracking your work for some time now, and I’d love the opportunity to connect and continue the discussion on [topic] from the event.  Let’s connect and discuss this further. Best regards, [Your Name]

Template 6: Common interest

Hey [Name], I couldn’t help but notice our shared interest in [interest]. It’s great to see someone who is also passionate about [interest]. I’ve always entertained the idea of connecting with someone with your portfolio to see if there’s a potential for collaboration. It’d be great if we could connect and discuss this further.

Template 7: To talent (as a recruiter)

Sending this template to candidates can help you expand your network and stay in touch with qualified candidates for current and future job openings. 

Message body: 

Hello [Name], Your passion for [Field] caught my eye, and you would be an asset to any organization. I have a vast network of [Industry] professionals, and I am confident I could help you find your next great opportunity. Let’s connect and see what comes out of it.  Best regards, [Your Name]

Template 8: Offering help

This template promotes your willingness to support your potential connection after you’re connected.

By offering to help, you can provide value to others, establish yourself as a resource, and potentially open up new opportunities for collaboration or future work.

Message body: 

Hello [Name], I must say, your profile is a gold mine for [topic]. Your insights can support my goals, given your knowledge in this area. I’d love to connect. I have some ideas on how we can help and support each other to grow professionally.  Let’s connect and do this. Best regards, [Your Name]

Template 9: Referral connection

This message template shows you have a mutual connection and someone who can vouch for you.

Message body: 

Hi [Name],  I was referred to you by [Name of Referrer] and was told that you are a great resource in [industry]. I would love to connect with you and see how we can help each other grow professionally.  Best regards,  [Your Name]

Template 10: Sales connection

This message is an excellent template for reaching out to potential customers, leads, or clients on LinkedIn. It allows you to introduce yourself and your business and highlight the value you can offer.

Message body:  

Hi, [name] I came across your profile and was impressed by [specific aspect]. My company, [Company Name], can provide valuable solutions to your [needs]. Here is [resource] on how we helped [company]. As of now, they are experiencing a [results]. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Template 11: Impressive career journey

This connection request message is a great way to make a positive impression and build a relationship with your recipients. 

By acknowledging their achievements, you show that you are genuinely interested in their work and prove that you are willing to make a connection based on shared interests or goals.

Message body:  

Dear [Name], I went through your profile and was impressed by your experience and achievements in [industry or topic]. It’s so inspiring to see all the companies you’ve worked for and the incredible career path you’re charting. Bravo! I believe I can learn a lot from someone like you, and I’d love to connect.

Template 12: Industry humor/joke

Sending a LinkedIn connection request with an industry joke or humor is a fun and effective way to break the ice and start a conversation with your potential connection.

Humor can help put them at ease and make your message stand out from more formal or standard connection requests they receive.

Message body: 

Hi [Name],  [Industry joke] (e.g.) I heard that if you smile while doing SEO, you’ll instantly become 10% more productive, and Google can track your instant emotions to improve your site’s organic rankings. So go ahead, give it a try! BTW, I am a fan of your work, and I would love to connect and learn more about your work.

Template 13: After someone reacted to your content

By reaching out in this way, you demonstrate that you value their input and would like to connect with them to continue the conversation or explore potential opportunities.

Message body: 

Hi [Name],  Thank you for taking the time to [like/comment on your post]. I really appreciated your insights, and it was great to see that we share a common interest in [topic of your post]. I would love to connect with you and continue this conversation further. Let’s make it happen! Best regards,  [Your Name]

Template 14: After someone had an interesting take on a popular post

This is another effective way to start a conversation and build a connection with someone who shares your interests or ideas.

The message shows that you are paying attention and engaging with their content. 

Message body: 

Hi [Name],  I came across your recent comment on [topic], and I was impressed by your [specific aspect of their comment].  I couldn’t agree more with [specific point] and would love to continue the conversation further. I think we will both benefit from exchanging a few ideas on [topic]. Best regards,  [Your Name]

Template 15: Professional growth

A connection request message that shows appreciation for your target’s professional growth can help you establish a positive relationship and make them more likely to accept your request.

Message body: 

Hi [Name], Congratulations on your 4th anniversary at [company]. I recently came across your post about [industry or topic] on my feed, and it made me a fan. I’ve been practicing most of the ideas you share. I’m connecting to share more about this with you. Let’s make it happen.  Best regards, [Your Name]

Template 16: Urgent request

The idea of an urgent request can be an effective way to get someone’s attention if you need their help or advice quickly. 

Message body: 

Dear [Name],I am currently working on a project that requires [insert skill or expertise], and I believe you would be the perfect fit for the job. I would love to connect with you and discuss the possibility of working on this project. Let me know if you’re available for this. Best regards

Template 17: Network expansion

This is a common and effective way to increase your LinkedIn network and connect with new business contacts, collaborators, or experts. 

Subject line: Seeking connections in [recipient’s industry/specialty] – [your name]

Message body: 

Greetings [Name],I came across your post about [insert industry or topic]. It got me to check your profile, and I was impressed by your experience and caliber.I am looking to expand my network and connect with professionals in [insert industry or topic]. Looking forward to connecting soon.[Your Name]

3 steps to write a compelling LinkedIn connection message

Here are the three main steps you need to follow to write a compelling LinkedIn connection message that gets you through the door, beats the noise, and lands you new connections. 

Research and understand your audience.

The first step in writing a compelling LinkedIn connection message is understanding who you are trying to connect with. 

Doing so will give you insight into the language, tone, and approach that best resonates with your target connection. It will also make it easier for you to tailor your message to their specific needs and interests. 

So, your goal is to understand who they are, what they do, and what they are interested in. To achieve this, start by researching their LinkedIn profile and tracking their activities.

Try looking up the content they post, the content they react to or comment on, the content they share, the people they network with, etc. 

Doing this will help you build a complete persona of your target connection on the LinkedIn platform. You’ll be able to understand what they like and how they spend their time on LinkedIn. This will inform how you speak to them and what you offer them.

Also, you can use LinkedIn’s advanced search functionality to find individuals who match your criteria and review their profiles to learn more about their backgrounds, interests, and professional goals.

Then, look for common traits and characteristics among the people you want to connect with.

Here is how to do it. 

Step 1: Enter your keywords in the search bar and run the search.

Step 2: Click the category you want to search within the search results page.

You can click on the “All filters” button to bring even more filters for your advanced search. 

The filters you can use include companies, mutual connections, LinkedIn group, events, services, locations, degree connections, followers of the same LinkedIn group or LinkedIn account.

Step 3: Choose your filters and run the search. 

For example, if you want to filter by location, click the Locations section and enter the area, city, or country in the pop-up window. You can add multiple locations in the same search bar.

Step 4: Click the “Show results” button, and LinkedIn will start generating your search results.

And here is the result. 

Read more: LinkedIn InMail Vs. Email: Which Closes More Deals?

Create personalized first lines.

If you did the upper part well, this should be easy. First, it was to learn about the people you are reaching out to deliver your speaking accordingly. 

Now, your goal is to pick up bits of information from their footsteps on LinkedIn so you can come up with personalized opening lines.

You can easily pick up on important data you can include in your connection message to personalize it.  Here is an example. 

Suppose you are targeting Jacalyn Beales, manager of demand generation at Lever. 

First step, head over to her profile.  

Then you go through her activity to find the latest.

Important note: Her activity is full of interesting content and materials you can use for this. But this will not be the case for every person you target. 

There are many other ways and data you can use to do this. You can also search through their job experience, recommendations, mentions, company news, events they participated in, birthdays, awards, etc. 

So, here is her latest post from 12 hours ago. 

So based on that post. Your first line could read like this:

“Hey, Jacalyn

I’ve been following you for a while, and I’ve grown to become one of your biggest fans. 

I’ve been trying the strategies you share with us here and especially that cheat code on content marketing hierarchy. 

I’ve shown it to my manager, and they seem excited about the results we could get from it. Thanks, and keep up the good work!”

This personalization is critical to making a strong impression and building a relationship with your potential connection — and it will help you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of securing a connection.

Write a personalized message.

The body of your LinkedIn connection message is where you have the opportunity to make your impression and convey why you believe the connection will be mutually beneficial. Basically, you need to convince your potential connection that they have to connect with you. 

The first step to doing this is to create a message that is tailored to the specific interests and needs of your target connection — aka a personalized message.

Doing so shows your target that you have taken the time to research them and understand their needs. It immediately sets you apart from the generic messages they usually receive. 

Here are some tips and a step-by-step writing formula you can follow for writing a personalized LinkedIn connection message.

  1. Start by addressing the recipient by name and expressing your interest in connecting.
  2. Create a fun, interesting first line from the data you collected when searching them in Step 1. This will help you create rapport with them, and they will be more receptive to what you have to say. 
  3. Explain why you believe the connection will be mutually beneficial. This could be a shared professional goal, a potential collaboration, or a shared interest in a specific industry or topic.
  4. Entice them by offering value to the connection by sharing resources, connecting them with someone else in your network, or suggesting to help in any way you can. This will also set you up for the business talk down the road.
  5. Improve your relevance by mentioning a common interest, shared connection, or recent project or event that you both were a part of at the end of your message. 
  6. End with a call to action; simply tell them how great it’d be if you both connected and helped each other towards their respective goals and urged them toward that action.

Let’s share some templates with you so you can see them in action.

How to send a LinkedIn connection request message

It may not be evident for everyone to know how to send a LinkedIn connection request message — given that it is not an evidenced feature on the platform. Though doing it is easy. 

First thing, know that the connection request message is simply a note you add to your LinkedIn connection requests and are different from LinkedIn messages or LinkedIn InMails.

Go to the profile of your target. Depending on their profile, you’ll either find the “Connect” button displayed or you’ll have to click on the “More” button to find it.

Here is an example. 

Next, click on the “Connect” button, and you’ll be suggested to add a note to your connection request. That’s it.

The next step is to click to “Add a note”, and that’s basically where you write or paste your message for the connection request.

As you see, you’ll have to keep your message very short; you’ve only got 300 characters. 

Key takeaways

  • With so many professionals having a LinkedIn account, it’s crucial to know how to write compelling linkedIn connection messages that get noticed. Note the best connection message is the one that is not just about you. You need to show your target how valuable you are. Also, a generic connection request won’t be compelling enough.
  • The messages you attach to your LinkedIn connection requests is your chance to introduce yourself, express your interest in connecting, create a rapport (things like mutual connections, you are in the same LinkedIn group) and convey why you believe the connection will be mutually beneficial to you both. 
  • Personalized connection requests is your key to success. Simply tracking your recipients latest activity and using the data to tailor your LinkedIn messages is all you need to make an impact. So, don’t sleep on it. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a meeting now.

Top & Best B2B Lead Generation Companies in Singapore

Are you trying to hire a lead generation and telemarketing solutions company in Singapore that can grow your sales pipeline but don’t know which to choose? Let’s help you out. 

In this article, we have searched the whole of Singapore and have identified nine (9) lead generation companies. We’ve also reviewed each company to help you better understand how they work and what to expect from them. 

So, let’s dive into this piece to get started. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Top B2B lead generation companies in Singapore

1 – Nerdy Joe 

Nerdy Joe, we are an online B2B lead generation agency laser-focused on providing top-notch email marketing and outbound lead generation services, specifically through cold emailing to companies all over the globe.  

Our team of seasoned marketers employs cutting-edge strategies to captivate and engage potential customers through ingenious cold outreach techniques, with cold email campaigns at the forefront of our arsenal.

We understand that generating leads is just the tip of the iceberg; the real art lies in converting those leads into devoted customers. 

Hence, we prioritize generating high-quality leads who not only exhibit genuine interest in your product or service but also have a higher propensity to convert into loyal paying customers.

Why is Nerdy Joe the best B2B lead generation company in Singapore

Here are some reasons why Nerdy Joe is one of the best lead generation companies in Singapore.

Our lead generation approach is all about delivering concrete results that truly matter, and that’s precisely what you’re investing in.

The B2B lead generation market is flooded with various approaches when it comes to the service’s pricing in comparison to the value you get. From our experience, we find three types of service providers: 

  • Those charging clients based on email volume or contact lists. So, either you’ll pay them  based on the number of people they reach out to or the number of emails they send, not the results they’ll bring you or how their service impacts your bottom line. 
  • Those overpromising but underdelivering. You’ll hear beautiful stories about 300 leads per month. But you can’t convert either of them into actual customers for your business. 
  • Those labeling any download as a lead. Proving you with a list of leads who are not genuinely interested in your service or are not ready to buy. 
  • And more. 

Caught what’s wrong with those services? 

We believe that if you’re investing in lead generation, it’s because you need high-quality leads to fuel your sales pipeline and boost your revenue. And so, the company you work with should be able to bring clear results, ROI-related results to your table, and that’s what you should pay for.

That’s why we stand out by offering a results-driven pricing model, with our clients’ return on investment (ROI) at the forefront of our focus.

We are always upfront with our clients: the prospecting we do, the list building, and the email volume involved in our service is not their concern. We know that what truly matters to you is the number of qualified leads we can bring you, and so that’s all you pay for.  

Our team of lead generation experts and appointment-setting specialists take immense pride in delivering real value, honing in on meaningful metrics that truly pertain to your revenue growth, such as 

  • positive replies, 
  • booked meetings, 
  • lead-to-close rate. 

We don’t get lost in superficial metrics like open rate or bounce rate, because these have nothing to do with the outcomes you’re seeking, at least from your perspective.

So, for instance, if your goal is to get more clients to your SaaS business, we will only report you on the number of:

  • demos calls booked,
  • new sign-ups, 
  • positives replies,
  • new clients,
  • etc.

Our offerings are meticulously tailored to your unique business objectives, with a keen emphasis on delivering the results that truly align with your priorities.

We invest time and effort in crafting highly individualized and personalized emails for each recipient — we believe in quality over quantity.

While some lead generation service providers swear by the high-volume approach, flooding inboxes with impersonal emails, we at Nerdy Joe take a more thoughtful approach. 

Head over to your favorite lead generation company’s site. You’ll see that their strategy somewhere involves building a hand-curated list of thousands of people they will reach out to. 

What this means is that they will get a tool like Apollo.io or ZoomInfo to spit out all the data in a few minutes then their team will sit to manually curate the lists, create a persona-based email template they’ll use, then email all those people in the hopes of closing a small percentage of them.

A quick glance at Twitter will show you a plethora of advice and strategies espoused by self-proclaimed experts in this field.

However, this approach comes with its pitfalls, and here are the few that come top of our minds as we draft this: 

  • being flagged as spam by email service providers (ESPs) and internet service providers (ISPs), 
  • tarnishing the company’s reputation on social media, 
  • generating subpar leads, 
  • facing deliverability issues with the domain,
  • and more.

At Nerdy Joe, we believe in investing time to truly understand your ideal customer profile (ICP) before hitting that send button. 

We aim to create a sense of familiarity with each recipient, as if we’ve already crossed paths with them in the past. We don’t believe in bombarding prospects with generic emails. 

Instead, we send carefully tailored and individually-personalized emails to a select group of 10 or 15 people, with the intention of building genuine trust and relationships.

As such, our idea of personalization goes beyond just inserting a first name in the subject line. We dive deep into research. That’s the most important part of our work indeed.

You might wonder how and where we collect the information we use for personalization. Well, we:

  • Listen to podcasts they’ve been on,
  • Read blog posts they’ve written, 
  • Read social media posts they’ve liked and shared or commented on, 
  • Comb through online forums where your prospects are active. 
  • Etc.

This provides us with unique data points about each individual. It allows us to craft cold emails with compelling lines and icebreakers that make them feel like the email is crafted exclusively for them.

Here’s what it looks like in real life. We pitched CoSchedule’s Head of Content, Ben Sailer, and asked him if I could write for them.

Here’s what he replied 1 hour later.

Here is another successful example from a similar strategy.

Our approach has yielded positive results, even from people who historically blocked or reported SPAM to anyone who’s sent them a cold email.

Here’s another example where we pitched a Head of Marketing, and here’s the response.


Here is another example.

Contrary to what gurus and lead generation agencies suggest, most of our outbound lead generation campaigns are run towards 10 or 15 people, not 1000 — and guess what? We get incredible results. 

We use manually and meticulously compiled data, which ensures that we only book prospects who are truly interested and ready to buy.

At Nerdy Joe, we take a hands-on approach to lead generation. We have a strict policy against using client data and avoid relying on data intelligence tools like Lusha, Apollo, ZoomInfo that offer only surface-level information. 

We believe in the power of human research and list building. That’s how we are able to collect r rich, in-depth data that goes beyond basic technographic and demographic details. 

We refuse to settle for generic and impersonal data that anyone can easily guess. I mean, here is the type of information you get from these tools.  

  • Have an AI SaaS tool
  • Have 20 – 100 employees
  • Use HubSpot 
  • Located in Singapore
  • Recently had an IPO
  • Recently acquired by Square
  • And more basic data

We can’t achieve any significant personalization with this type of data. Plus, it says nothing about the prospects’ needs and why they might need your service. 

So, instead, we invest the time and effort to manually research prospects, uncovering unique insights and details that enable us to craft truly personalized and compelling cold emails that resonate with each recipient at a meaningful level. 

To do this, when we onboard a new client, the first step we take is to ask them specific questions about their ICP. These questions include inquiries about:

  • the types of clients with the highest lifetime value, 
  • the easiest clients to close, 
  • the clients that churn the fastest, 
  • common objections heard during sales calls, 
  • the reasons behind starting their company, and 
  • the pain points they were trying to solve.

With your answers, we gain a deep understanding of your target market and get highly specific in who we should target with our lead generation campaign. 

In fact, that’s how we go from we’re targeting:

“series tech companies,” 


“Our ICP is a CTO at a software company selling to DevOps, and his main pain points are lack of organization, time management, and team collaboration. He often refers to XYZ podcasts to get insights as to how to manage his team efficiently.” 

Once we have a clear ICP, we manually build our lead list. This approach allows us to craft more tailored and effective messaging that resonates with your ideal customers, resulting in higher-quality leads and better campaign performance.

We don’t require any contracts for our services — you are free to renew or stop your subscription with us based on your satisfaction with our performance.

We understand that time is money, and we aim to deliver results from day one. So, unlike traditional lead generation companies that require you to sign a 3 to 6-month contract, we offer flexibility in payment and renewal options based on your satisfaction and budget.

Also, we take the time to truly understand your business and its needs, ensuring that our lead generation efforts are targeted and effective. We also respect your time, avoiding unnecessary meetings and providing a streamlined approach to meeting your lead generation goals. 

We provide transparent plans with well-defined deliverables and outcomes, so you can have a clear understanding of what to expect from our services.

Lead generation can sometimes be uncertain, which is why we place a strong emphasis on clarity and transparency in our offerings and pricing. 

With each of our plans, you will know exactly what you are getting at the end of the month. We do not rely on vague statements or excuses, but instead, we are committed to delivering results based on your specific needs and requirements.

As long as your business has a well-defined problem-solving solution that resonates with your target market, then we are confident in our ability to help you achieve results. 


Our lead generation service’s pricing is crystal clear. We’re three plans:

  • Silver: It costs $499/month and only gives you two warm LEADS.
  • Gold: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $999/month and gives you 6 hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Platinum: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads on a monthly basis.

Our email marketing pricing includes the following:

  • The tech stack we use to build your prospect list and send and monitor your campaign.
  • A complete list of prospects that fit your buyer persona and ICP.
  • The campaign setup fees.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

2 – TDCX

TDCX is a digital customer experience solutions provider that provides sales services by generating leads and converting them into loyal customers. Headquartered in Singapore, they specialize in utilizing technology to discover opportunities and turn them into sales.

They ensure to grow your customer base while launching campaigns that qualify leads and push them along the sales funnel. Then, they engage and maximize sales conversations across various channels. Their A+ strategies enable them to audit their performances to ensure that your business receives high-quality service.

Unlike Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on their website. But you can contact them to get a quote. 

3 – Scenes City Telesolutions

Scenes City Telesolutions is a Singapore-based telemarketing agency that provides lead generation tactics, social media marketing and other services offer businesses exceptional marketing outcomes. They offer their services to businesses of all sizes, whether small businesses or large corporations, and help you to hit your sales target. 

Thanks to their B2B telemarketing services, they position their service to address the pain points of their clients and implement strategies that make lead generation successful. Here is a comprehensive overview of how they work.

  • They identify your target customers, create a sales cycle, reach out to prospective customers, and bring leads to your sales teams.
  • They identify your target audience and curate call scripts that provide a seamless connection with them
  • They optimize your telemarketing campaigns to generate sales leads

Contrary to Nerdy Joe, there are no pricing details on their website. But you can email them to get a quote. 

4 – Vantager Solutions

Vantager Solutions is an outbound telemarketing company offering B2B sales and appointment-setting services to grow businesses. Located in Singapore, they have worked with brands such as Zipmex, M1, BRT, Spring Forest Studio, Applivon, Info-Tech, and more. 

Their main goal is to increase the sales of businesses by ensuring a predictable flow of new clients. They implement strategies that cater to your B2B needs while ensuring direct selling to grow your revenue. To better understand the company, here is an overview of how its process works. 

  • They provide business consultancy to develop strategies, and identify and reach key decision-makers that fit your ideal customer profile (ICP).
  • They craft effective call scripts that maximize appointment setting 
  • They provide a high-quality database and leads to enable you to focus on sales activities
  • They report and record phone calls to assure you of their sales efforts.

Contrary to Nerdy Joe, their pricing information isn’t available on their website. But you can fill out a form to request a quote or obtain further information. 

5 – Primea TNC

Primea TNC is a top-tier consulting firm in Singapore and other countries in Asia. With over 20 years of experience, they have worked for notable brands such as Samsung, Hyundai, Smilegate Holdings, PayGate, Hankook, Kakao, Posco, Deep Search, and more. 

They offer various digital marketing services which allow them to market your products or services. Then, they ensure that your business reaches a wider audience to promote the growth of your business.

Unlike Nerdy Joe, their pricing information isn’t available on their website. But you can email or chat with them on WhatsApp to get a quote. 

6 – Kazehi Global

Kazehi Global is another Singapore-based B2B lead generation agency that helps businesses to get their sales appointments and generate more revenue. According to their website, they have partnered with notable companies such as FedEx, EDB Singapore, Temasek, SLS, Malvern Panalytical, and more. 

They mainly focus on pipeline generation to increase win rates and generate more revenue for your business. For their outbound lead generation service, they combine behavioral data with technological processes to drive leads through various channels such as email, social, website, chat, and webinars. 

Thanks to their sales appointment team, they implement outlined strategies to attract, nurture, and qualify your ideal potential customers. Then, they analyze the results and continue to make improvements to ensure the success of the campaign. 

Unlike Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on their website. However, you can book an appointment with them to get a quote. 

7 – S2M-Group

S2M-Group is a global marketing agency that helps B2B companies to attract the right prospects and convert them into real opportunities to promote growth. They have partnered with various brands such as Cisco, Waygate Technologies, Addactis, AxiomSL, Delphix, Sap Concur, Quadient, and more. 

Among the services they offer is a lead generation service where they grow your sales pipeline to generate opportunities and accelerate growth. They implement various effective marketing strategies to ensure that you connect and engage with your ideal prospects. 

Irrespective of your sales goals, they attract and nurture your prospects with compelling messages across different channels to increase qualified leads and boost sales productivity. 

Contrary to Nerdy Joe, there is no pricing information on their website. But you can get in touch with them to get a quote. 

8 – iSmart Communications Pte Ltd

iSmart Communications Pte Ltd is a Singapore-based marketing agency that offers various marketing solutions with the most competitive prices to generate qualified leads that promote the growth of your business. They have partnered with various notable firms such as Red Hat, Changi Airport, Seagate, IBM, Trax, MicroStrategy, and more. 

To perform the lead generation service, they plan, adopt, and execute multiple marketing strategies such as inbound marketing, account-based marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), and more. Then, they refine and measure the success of your lead generation campaigns. 

Although there isn’t information about their pricing packages, you can contact them to get a quote. 

Partner with us, Nerdy Joe, to get the best leads for your business in Singapore

At Nerdy Joe, we pride ourselves on being a lead generation agency that delivers real results and understands the needs of our clients.

As you’ve seen, many so-called lead generation companies offer services and outreach strategies that have very little to do with lead generation and the results you actually want.

So, if what you’re looking for is: 

  • An agency that runs custom lead generation campaigns. 
  • An agency that charges you for results, not tasks. 
  • An agency that doesn’t require you to commit to a contract. 
  • An agency that does not waste your time and that’s affordable. 
  • A group of experts that care about your company’s reputation and relationship with prospects. 

Nerdy Joe is the lead generation agency you’re looking for. We do the market research, identify leads, do the lead research, lead management, and bring you qualified leads — we are part of your team.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Top 7 Martal Group Alternatives for Lead Generation

The Martal Group is one of the best lead generation companies out there. They specialize in helping businesses achieve their full potential through strategic consulting, marketing, sales services, as well as outbound lead generation. 

The company is made up of over 100 sales executives and owns four curated databases containing 100 million contacts. Their specialty is generating leads for IT, SaaS businesses, and telecom B2B companies.

Generally speaking, The Martal Group’s services are overwhelmingly positive on review sites like Clutch and G2.

Essentially, they make their clients happy and they receive positive feedback across-the-board. But given that every business is unique in their needs and goals, you are probably looking for The Martal Group’s alternatives for one of the following reasons:

  • their service didn’t align with your brand,
  • you are comparing options based on pricing or overall service,
  • you were dissatisfied with the services provided by The Martal Group, 
  • you found them too expensive for your business, 
  • you didn’t receive the number of leads you expected, 
  • etc.

In this article, we will review the Martal Group’s outbound lead generation services and compare them to their biggest competitors on the market today, including our brand new lead generation agency Nerdy Joe. 

So, we’ll be discussing 7 lead generation company alternatives to the Martal Group’s outbound lead generation services. We will start with a comparison to Nerdy Joe by demonstrating why we are the perfect alternatives for your needs. 

Next, we’ll examine seven other lead generation firms and compare them to the Martal Group. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

Why Nerdy Joe is the best alternative to The Martal Group’s outbound lead generation services

Our main objective for lead generation aligns with The Martal Group’s: to generate sales-qualified leads and schedule meetings or appointments with our clients.

As a business owner or sales representative striving to expand your sales efforts, you may encounter significant obstacles in establishing a productive process for active lead generation and customer acquisition.

Furthermore, if you’re involved in sales or have worked with salespeople, you’re likely aware that they dedicate the majority of their time to researching and reaching out to potential clients, with only 12% of their time spent on actual conversations and finalizing deals.

That’s where both Nerdy Joe and The Martal Group come into the picture. We handle these tasks, freeing up salespeople’s time so they can focus on their core competencies: in-person sales and closing deals.

With that being said, there are some differences between our approach to lead generation and the channels we employ compared to The Martal Group. Here are some reasons why you might prefer our service over The Martal Group.

Important: Please note that we are not criticizing their service; we are simply outlining the benefits you will receive from each service.

Scope of work and outreach channels

The Martal Group’s outbound lead generation service combines all the top three outreach channels known to cold outreach B2B lead generation to bring you the best results. They use cold emails, LinkedIn outreach, and cold calls to reach out to your target audience. 

So, they create message sequences and outreach funnels that combine all those outreach channels to reach out to your target audience. The first step in the workflow is to build a target list for your needs and then work on creating persona-based message templates that ensure that every message is personalized. 

At Nerdy Joe, we only specialize in cold email outreach. Our outreach strategies are designed to engage and attract your potential customers using cold email and that alone. 

Once you sign up with us, we will discuss your ideal customer profile, build the prospect lists and start sending cold emails. 

Our team works closely with you to understand your unique needs and goals, and we customize our approach accordingly to ensure we deliver the results you need.

We believe that generating leads is only the first step, and true success lies in converting those leads into loyal customers. Therefore, we prioritize generating high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into paying customers.

One of the things that really sets us apart from other lead generation agencies, including The Martal Group, is our commitment to quality (more on that later). As we understand that every business has unique needs, we provide customized lead generation solutions tailored to your specific requirements. 

List building approach

The Martal Group does a great job creating target prospects lists for their campaigns. According to their website, they create a curated list of pre-qualified prospects on a weekly basis and use it for their campaign.

The website also mentions that they create a list of 3000 – 5000 prospects that they target per month. So, considering that they build the lists and target the prospects on a weekly basis, that makes it around 750 – 1250 prospects list that they build per week. 

We believe it’s fair to assume that outreach lists this long can’t possibly be built manually. That would mean that they leverage some data intelligence tool (of which they have one in-house) to build the prospect lists then proceed to curate those lists.

Now, building lists like that can be an effective way to accelerate the list building process and be able to target several prospects within the agreed upon timeframe (i.e; weekly or monthly). But at Nerdy Joe, we prefer to build all of our lists manually and here is why this benefits you best. 

First thing, the type of data provided by data intelligence tools are generic and can be guessed. Even while they do apply filters to narrow the lists and focus on specific audiences, the data they provide still remain generic. In most cases, you’ll see data in the range of:

  • IPO companies
  • Companies that have 500-1000 employees
  • Companies that use Salesforce
  • Companies that are in the UK
  • Companies that are Serie A funded
  • Etc. 

The main reason we don’t like these data types is that they don’t actually say anything specific about the ICP, target prospects, their pain points or anything interesting about them. I mean, simply because you’re selling HubSpot does not make a company that uses Salesforce your target. 

If you see them as your potential target, you should be able to tell the specific pain point that makes them a potential customer for your product. 

So, because of this, we build our lists manually to ensure that they actually include only people who will have genuine interest in your product. We only include people with clear needs that your product provides solutions for. So, how do we do it?

Well, we can’t and won’t guess it. So, we will discuss it with you. We will ask you specific questions that help us build a sheer picture of what audience or individuals your product serves the best and why. Here are some of the questions we ask: 

  • Why did you start your company? 
  • What pain points were you trying to solve?
  • What are the top 3 objections you hear from prospective clients during sales calls?
  • Which type of clients have the highest lifetime value?
  • Which type of clients is easiest to close?
  • Which type of clients churns the fastest?
  • Etc.

As you answer these questions very well, we can tell precisely who we should target and why. And this makes the difference between: 

“We’re targeting series A tech companies,” 


“Our ICP is a VP of Sales at a b2b software company selling to HR professionals, and his main pain points are lack of organization, time management, and team collaboration. He often refers to XYZ podcasts to get insights as to how to manage his team efficiently.” 

Once we have a clear understanding of who the ICP is, we proceed to manually build our list, and that’s what we use to run our lead generation campaigns.

Targeting approach

As part of their scope of work for your business, The Martal Group targets between 3000 – 5000 and sends anywhere between 9000 – 12000 emails per month. 

Also, during the same timeframe, they’ll also follow-up with the prospects on LinkedIn by sending anywhere between 600 – 700 LinkedIn messages.

The deal also includes following up with the prospects through calls. And in the end, you can expect 20 – 30 qualified leads out of the campaign.

The combination of these three platforms or outreach channels can be effective in hitting up prospects across channels and ensuring that you actually touch the prospects and get a response. But this might not be ideal all the time and here is why:

  • LinkedIn: Although it may be effective, teaching out to prospects on LinkedIn isn’t professional. Plus, people don’t go on LinkedIn to get offers, it’s a social platform and their primary goal is to network with like-minded people, not to buy. 
  • Calls: Especially cold calls, are always intrusive and people hate them in general. Too many calls can negatively influence people’s opinion of your brand. 

Even more importantly, the main issue we take here is that The Martal Group reaches out to TOO MANY PROSPECTS and SENDS FAR TOO MANY EMAILS. We get that the emails can be sequences and all, but still. 

Here is why targeting a huge list and sending too many emails isn’t great for you. 

From our experience, here is what it could mean if you are targeting huge lists: 

  • Lead blasting: If you are sending emails to this many people, it means that you are not taking the time to properly research your prospects and tailor your email to each individual. You’re blasting people with generic cold emails and pushing for action. They might say you’re selfish and lazy. 
  • Poor leads quality: Since there is no super personalization, the quality of the leads you get will be subpar, and you can’t convert, at least not easily or in a short timeframe. 
  • Angry prospects: Some prospects can be mean to you, saying things like “Remove me from your list”, “Don’t ever email me again” or worse, “Your cold email sucks”. 
  • Your brand reputation is on the hook: Targeting people with generic emails can negatively impact your company’s reputation. This can be particularly damaging if you are in a competitive industry or rely heavily on word-of-mouth referrals. Also, we are sure that’s not how you want your business to be represented.

You get the idea? 

Now, let’s make it clear that we are not making any claims about the quality of service provided by The Martal Group. 

We’re only highlighting the sheer amount of work and time it takes to create effective outreach campaigns and how targeting a large number of prospects is not necessarily an effective approach.

At Nerdy Joe, we are not interested in sending cold emails to 5000 prospects in one month to get you 20 leads. Preferably, we send personalized messages to a select few prospects after thorough research and analysis. 

Our ideal scenario is to send 20 carefully crafted cold emails to well-researched prospects, resulting in 15 responses, 10 positive responses, and ultimately 6 sales-qualified leads or appointments.

We do this by investing a lot of time in learning and researching your ideal customer profile (ICP) before sending emails. Our goal is to create emails that make each recipient feel personally connected to you and take your offer seriously, even if they don’t ultimately sign up.

To achieve this, we work closely with you to develop your ideal customer profile, study each prospect individually and collect data points to create cold emails that stand out and leave a lasting impression. 

You may be wondering how we get the information about each prospect or member of your target audience that we use to tailor our emails to each individual.

  • We listen to the podcasts your prospects participate in.
  • We read the blog posts they write.
  • We read their posts on LinkedIn, Twitter and Mastodon.
  • We read the discussions in the forums they participate in.

The data we collect is aggregated to provide a unique perspective that allows us to create personalized cold emails.

Contract-based service

As you sign up to work with The Martal Group for the first time, you’ll be required to commit to a 3 Month Pilot Campaign before you can move to the simple monthly subscription.

That means you’ll have to pay them the agreed monthly price for three months for them to test strategies to see what works and what doesn’t. It means your company will still have to be paying them for three months even when you don’t get results. 

From our experience, if you are looking for a lead generation agency, the most likely scenario is that you are not growing at the rate you want and are looking to fill your sales pipeline with qualified leads so you can increase your revenue. 

And if you are a small business or a startup, chances are you won’t have the budget to sustain a three month lead generation investment where you can’t guarantee results. 

That’s why at Nerdy Joe, we focus on bringing you results from the first month. We won’t make you sign any long-term or retainer contracts. 

We make it clear from the pricing page what you get as results and that’s exactly what you pay for. 


The Martal Group’s website does not provide pricing information, and the FAQs section does not address this topic either. Pricing cannot be found anywhere else, so you will need to book a consultation. But we can tell that they operate on flat fee, subscription-based pricing. 

Interestingly, a review post on Cience’s website reads that The Martal Group’s pricing policy states that the minimum project cost is $5,000. This is obviously expensive and can’t be a choice for a new startup or a small business looking to grow. 

At Nerdy Joe, our service’s pricing is crystal clear. We have three plans:

  • Silver: It costs $499/month and only gives you one warm LEAD.
  • Gold: This is the plan we recommend, as it gives you the biggest bang for your buck. It costs $999/month and gives you 6 hot and sales-qualified appointments or LEADS.
  • Platinum: This plan is for mid-level to enterprise companies willing to fuel their sales team with up to 15 sales-ready leads on a monthly basis.

Our email marketing pricing includes the following:

  • The tech stack we use to build your prospect list and send and monitor your campaign.
  • A complete list of prospects that fit your buyer persona and ICP.
  • The campaign setup fees.

Top 7 Martal Group alternatives to consider for lead generation


Looked from outside, Cience is a lead generation and appointment setting service company. They focus on outbound email and phone outreach lead generation. 

But the company also owns sales intelligence tools where you can access leads and data and a team of sales professionals to which you can outsource your sales or lead generation service.

Their sales intelligence tools include programmatic ads tools, chatbot software, appointment setting tools, real-time chat, marketing platforms, CRMs, and project management tools.

Cience charges a fixed monthly fee for their services, with pricing based on the people and tools required from them. But their pricing details are not available on their website, but potential clients can request a quote from their SDR.

Also, unlike Nerdy Joe’s subscription plan, Cience requires a minimum 6-month contract before starting to work with a client. 

This means that you must invest for at least six months, regardless of whether you see results or not. This type of contract gives Cience time to try and test things, but it does not guarantee an ROI for the client, and scaling down may not be an option.


Belkins.io is lead generation and appointment-setting service company and an excellent alternative to The Martal Group. 

The primary difference between us, the Martal Group, and Belkins.io lies in the approach taken to identify the ideal customer profile (ICP) and the source of the leads. 

While the Martal Group does not specify it, Belkins.io uses data sources like Google, LinkedIn, Crunchbase, Glassodor, Xing, and others to generate leads, and our team relies on meaningful questions to understand your ICP and their pain points.

Both Belkins and the Martal Group offer multiple outreach channels, including cold email, cold calling, and social media outreach and we only offer cold email outreach. 

We also differ greatly in the targeting approach. Both companies hand-curate thousands of prospects from data intelligence tools. We target very few people and deliver incredible results with a more personalized approach.

Belkins.io also offers custom pricing but based on the project’s scope and complexity, whereas our pricing is pretty straight forward, ensuring that you get the best value for your investment.


Operatix is a lead generation and outsourced SDR agency that focuses on helping B2B tech companies increase their pipeline and generate revenue, making them a great alternative to the Martal Group. 

The company offers more services than the Martal Group. Their main services include: 

  • Account identification
  • Cold prospecting
  • Lead qualification
  • Account-based selling
  • Outbound sales development

They also help you build sales funnels and outbound marketing channel programs that help you generate leads and drive more sales to your business. There are no details about their pricing. You will have to get in touch with the team to get a quote.


If you are looking for an alternative to the Martal Group that primarily focuses on LinkedIn outreach and LinkedIn lead generation, you’ve got a winner. 

Cleverly is lead generation and appointment setting company with a focus on LinkedIn outreach. They also offer other services and lead generation channels like cold email, content writing, paid ads, and more. 

Cleverly also targets hundreds of people based on the plan you choose. In fact, the main pricing factor is driven by the number of people they’ll reach out to for you and not the actual results they will provide for you — which may not always be ideal because your business cares more about the results than the actual work that needs to be done. 

Although Cleverly offers lower rates compared to us and the Martal Group, we believe our service and pricing offers you a better deal, especially if you’re a small business or a startup. Also, their service is primarily done on a platform that’s not dependable, LinkedIn.


WebFx is a digital marketing agency that provides a full range of outbound and inbound marketing services to businesses of all sizes. 

Like the Martal Group, WebFx employs custom lead generation and outreach tools to improve their clients’ campaigns.

They offer various inbound services, such as SEO, PPC, content marketing, email marketing, and ABM marketing, to generate leads and facilitate the sales cycle for their clients. While they do offer lead generation and appointment setting services, it’s not their primary focus.

However, their email marketing services are relatively expensive for the average business, ranging from $300 to $5000 per month or $0.1 to $0.05 per recipient. Plus, there is an initial investment of $900, and larger projects are priced based on their custom pricing model.


KlientBoost is a full-service digital marketing agency that helps businesses of all sizes increase their online presence and drive revenue growth. 

With a team of experienced digital marketers, they offer many services including PPC advertising, conversion rate optimization, landing page design, lead generation, and more.

One of their standout features is their advanced analytics tools. Thanks to these, the company is able to provide their clients with detailed insights into their online marketing campaigns, allowing them to make informed decisions that drive results.

One of the company’s most popular services is email marketing, helping businesses generate leads and more revenue through targeted email campaigns — which is what brought them on this list. They conduct thorough research and design effective campaigns to bring prospects closer to their clients’ businesses.

From creating emails to conducting A/B testing, Klientboost manages all aspects of your email marketing services. Also, they perform email audits to ensure that their clients’ email campaigns perform well.

To learn about their pricing, clients can use Klientboost’s ROI calculator to get an estimate based on their specific needs.

Lead Cookie

Like Cleverly, Lead Cookie focuses on B2B prospects on LinkedIn and their services revolve around the platform. They use LinkedIn search to create lists of potential prospects, similar to Cleverly’s approach. 

However, they also offer email copywriting and cold email outreach, which overlaps with The Martal Group and Nerdy Joe’s services.

Lead Cookie charges clients by the hour, but they don’t provide pricing details on their website. According to Cience’s blog, their average hourly rate is between $25 and $49. Although this may seem low, the cost can add up quickly, and there’s a risk that clients will have to pay even if they’re not satisfied with the results. 

Also, LinkedIn’s reliability is not always guaranteed, as account blocks are common, and there may be additional costs for third-party tools.

Let Nerdy Joe do appointment setting and lead generation for your business

At Nerdy Joe, we distinguish ourselves from other lead generation companies through our personalized approach. Unlike companies that rely on purchased or scraped lists, we take the time to understand your business and create a clear ideal customer profile by asking relevant questions.

Our unique targeting approach means that we don’t simply send out large numbers of cold emails in hopes of generating leads. Instead, we conduct extensive research on prospects and create customized email copies that truly resonate with them.

We take the time to listen to your specific business needs, and our tailored approach to each prospect enables us to generate high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into sales.

If you’re looking for an effective lead generation and appointment-setting service alternative to the Martal Group that:

  • prioritizes quality over quantity,
  • manually builds lists of pre-qualified leads and researches each prospect to ensure quality
  • target very short lists very well and ensures quality
  • customizes its services based on your unique needs
  • crafts super personalized cold emails and icebreakers
  • requires no contract and is only focused on delivering you excellent results

 Nerdy Joe is the perfect alternative to the Martal Group.

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

How to Email a Resume to Your Employer With 7 Templates

It’s a competitive job market across every industry. Spending hours to create an impressive resume is only half the battle. The other half is ensuring it lands in the hands of your potential employer in the most effective and professional manner. 

Imagine spending countless hours perfecting your resume, only for it to be overlooked due to a poorly crafted email. Heartbreaking, isn’t it? The initial email acts as a first impression, and just like an in-person meeting, you only get one shot at it. 

Even more importantly, employers value communication skills. The way you structure your email, your choice of words, and your overall tone give the employer a sneak peek into how you communicate. So, how do you nail it?

In this article, we will teach you how to write an email for sending your resume and ensure your resume gets the attention it truly deserves. We’ve also included 7 email samples and templates pertaining to ways and scenarios for emailing your resume.

So, let’s get started. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

How to email a resume: What to include in your resume email and how to format it

Emailing a resume isn’t as straightforward as simply introducing yourself in an email, attaching a file, and hitting the ‘send’ button. You need to give it the same attention and ensure it is impeccable as you did with your resume. 

There’s a strategy involved to ensure your email isn’t just seen but also resonates with the hiring manager or recruiter. So, we will start by discussing the essentials of what you should include in your resume email and show you how to format it.

What to write in an email when sending a resume

Here is what you need to include in your email as you send the resume. 

1. Express interest with a statement about the target position

Begin by stating which position you’re applying for. This immediately tells the recruiter or hiring manager what to expect from the email and sets a clear context. And while you’re at it, don’t just tell, express interest. Show that you want the job and that you care. 

Example: “I am writing to express interest in the Marketing Manager position at XYZ Company…”

2. Write an elevator pitch

It is a short, 30-second snippet about yourself, your qualifications, and what makes you the right fit for the job. It’s your chance to grab their attention right from the start and establish a difference with the competition. Think of this as selling yourself to the recruiter, your sales pitch, if you will.

Example: “I have over five years of experience  in digital marketing, and having successfully increased online conversions by 30% at my last role, I am excited about bringing my innovative strategies to a forward-thinking company like XYZ.”

3. Highlight relevant experience with similar roles or relevant results of similar jobs

Draw parallels between your past experiences and the role you’re applying for. Describe how your past has prepared you to handle the job with excellence. This section makes it easier for the recruiter to visualize you in the role, and they can immediately tell whether you’re fit for it. 

Example: “In my previous role as an Assistant Marketing Manager at ABC Corp, I spearheaded several social media outreach campaigns that led to a 20% rise in social media engagement and 50% brand recall.”

4. Point out that you’ve attached your resume (and cover letter, if applicable)

This might seem obvious, but it’s a courteous reminder that directs the employer to look for the attached documents. It is the main reason you are reaching out to them, and you want to make sure they don’t miss it. 

Example: “I have attached my resume and a cover letter for your perusal.”

Here are a few things you need to keep in mind for this:

  • File names to send resume: Rename your files to be clear and professional (e.g., “JohnDoe_Resume.pdf” or “JaneSmith_CoverLetter.docx”).
  • File formats: PDF is often preferred because it preserves formatting. Ensure the employer has not specified a different format.
  • Cover letter: If the job description asks for a cover letter, or if you believe it will enhance your application, attach one. Some candidates even choose to paste their cover letter into the body of the email.

5. Offer to answer any questions that the recruiter might have (about interview dates, for example)

The idea here is for you to show your openness and indicate that you’re available for any follow-up or clarification as you email your resume to an employer. 

Example: “Should you have any questions or require further details, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am also flexible for an interview at a time that’s convenient for you.”

6. Add your contact details and other relevant or helpful information

While your resume will have your contact details, writing them in the email ensures they’re easily accessible. This could include your phone number, your professional email address, your LinkedIn profile, or even a personal website if relevant.

Example: “You can reach me directly at (555) 123-4567 or via LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/yourname.”

7. Request information on the next steps

Show eagerness and interest in moving forward in the recruitment process. You can make this your call to action, and it’ll entice them to give you a response as you wait — paving the way for further communication. 

Example: “I would appreciate the opportunity to learn more about the selection process and any next steps that might be coming up.”

Resume email format

We’ve covered the information your email must contain to be effective. Now, you need to know how to structure it in an email. As you can tell, the email you send here needs to be professional and use a formal tone. So, the format needs to be that of a formal email with:

  • A clear subject line
  • An email body
  • A professional email closing

1. Subject line: How to write the subject line of an email when sending a resume 

Your subject line is the first thing the recruiter sees. You are emailing them for a clear and simple reason. So make sure the subject line tells them what that reason is. It should be clear, to the point, and relevant to the job application. Here are some tips:

  • Mention the job title.
  • If there’s a job reference number, include it.
  • Personalize it if you know the recruiter’s name.


  • “Application for content writer position – [your full name]”
  • “Job application (#12345): [your full name] for sales manager role”
  • “Referral from [referrer’s name]: [your full name]’s application for project manager”

2. Email body: How to write the body of a resume email

Your email body is where you give a brief introduction about yourself and explain why you’re a good fit for the job. This is where all the resume email essentials we discussed earlier go. It’s a more concise version of your cover letter. Here is how you write it with perfection:

  • Start with a professional email greeting. If you know the hiring manager’s name, use it. If not, “Dear Hiring Manager” is a safe bet.
  • Briefly introduce yourself and express interest with a statement about the target position in the email opening line.
  • Show you’re a fit and sell yourself with an elevator pitch.
  • Highlight relevant experience with similar roles or relevant results of similar jobs
  • Mention that you’ve attached your resume (and cover letter, if applicable)
  • Show your openness by offering to answer any questions the recruiter might have (about interview dates, for example)
  • Add your contact details and other relevant or helpful information
  • Request for information on the next steps

3. Email closing: How to end an email sending a resume

The closing of your email should be professional and courteous. It’s also an opportunity to express gratitude and show enthusiasm for the next steps. Here are the components of an effective email closing when sending a resume:

  • Gratitude-driven closing line
  • Professional sign-off: Use professional sign-offs like “Sincerely”, “Best regards”, or “Kindly”.
  • Professional signature: Create an email signature that encompasses your full name and ways to get in contact with you. 

7 email sample for sending your resume for a job

Let’s explore three types of emails you might send during the job application process, each serving a unique purpose.

1. Sample email for sending a resume

This is basically an initial email to a prospective employer, and it serves as your digital handshake, setting you up for all further interactions. This introductory outreach email must strike a balance between showcasing your qualifications and expressing genuine interest in the role. 

Research the company and the role you’re applying for. By understanding the organization’s overarching goals and needs and how you fit in, you can tailor your email content to resonate more effectively with the hiring manager. Here is a resume email sample you can use:

2. Sample email for sending your resume for a position you’ve been referred to

Referral emails harness the power of professional relationships. When someone vouches for your skills, it adds a layer of trust to your application. When writing this email, make sure to acknowledge the referring individual early on, as this connection may impact the hiring manager’s decision. 

Display gratitude for the referral and ensure that your message underscores the synergies between your experience and the role’s requirements. Here is an email sample you can emulate:

3. Sample follow-up email after sending your resume

See this email as a gentle nudge, a reminder of your enthusiasm for the role. That means your email shouldn’t come across as impatient but rather as a testament to your eagerness. 

The email should reiterate key points from your initial email and highlight your continuous interest in the position. 

Also, understand that timing is crucial—too soon, and you might appear desperate; too late, and the opportunity might have passed. Here is an email sample for this:

4. Sample email cover letter with attached resume

An email cover letter with an attached resume is a concise version of a traditional cover letter. When you’re sending your resume via email, the cover letter content can be inserted in the body of the email itself, serving as an introduction to the attached resume. 

It should capture your qualifications and enthusiasm for the job while prompting the recruiter to view the attached document. Here is a sample email template you can use for this:

5. Sample email for sending your resume for internship applications

When sending an email for an internship application, what will make you succeed is your passion for the field, your eagerness to learn, and how the internship aligns with your educational journey. This initial outreach sets the tone for your potential internship experience.

Here is an email sample you can use to write this effectively: 

6. Sample email for expressing gratitude after sending resume

An email expressing gratitude after sending a resume can be a courteous way to reinforce your interest in the position and appreciate the recruiter’s time. This email should be succinct, showing gratitude while subtly reminding them of your application.

Here is a sample you can use:

7. Sample email for asking someone to review your resume

When seeking feedback on your resume, approach the person politely, stating why you value their perspective. This email should convey respect for the individual’s time and expertise, making it more likely they’ll assist. Here is an email template for this:

Key takeaways

  • When it comes to emailing your resume, always consider the email the email body a concise version of a cover letter. Start with a professional greeting, introduce yourself briefly, express your interest in the position, highlight relevant experiences, and always mention any attached documents like your resume or cover letter.
  • Ensure that your resume (and cover letter, if applicable per the job posting) is attached to the email. It’s recommended to send them as PDFs to preserve formatting. Also, name your files professionally, ideally using your name and the document type (e.g., “JohnDoe_Resume.pdf”).
  • Your email address, tone, and content should all exude professionalism. It’s best to use an email address that incorporates your name rather than nicknames or unrelated phrases. Your tone should be respectful and formal, avoiding slang or overly casual expressions.
  • Need help with email marketing and lead generation? We are ready to help. Nerdy Joe can help you get stellar results from our sophisticated email marketing efforts. Talk with us today. 
Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

How to Write Win-back Emails With 5 Email Templates

Have you ever felt the frustration of seeing your once-engaged customers slowly slip away? You’ve invested time, resources, and effort into acquiring these customers, but now they seem disinterested or have vanished altogether. 

It’s a common issue for businesses of all sizes. That’s where win-back emails come into play. Win-back emails help you re-engage your customers and rekindle those fading relationships. 

In this article, we will teach you how to write effective customer win-back emails to help you win back your disengaged customers. We’ve also added unique win-back email samples to help you learn more and write your own emails from successful templates. 

So, let’s get started. 

Note: Struggling to get replies or book meetings with prospects that fit in your ICP? We’ll help you get 6 SQLs or book 6 meetings with prospects that are ready to buy for only $999/month. Book a 15-minute consultation now.

What is a win-back email?

A win-back email is a marketing email designed to re-engage inactive customers or lost customers —customers who have gone inactive or stopped interacting with your brand. The emails aim to rekindle the customer’s interest in your products or services, ultimately driving them back into your sales funnel and recovering lost sales.

Why send a win-back email?

The first and most important reason why businesses need to send win-back campaigns is because of customer acquisition. We all know customer acquisition can be costly. But it costs even more to gain new customers than it does to retain existing ones. 

Win-back emails are a cost-effective strategy to retain existing customers. When done right, they help you remind your disengaging customers of the value your company can still offer them. It helps you win them back, and you get more mileage from your marketing efforts as they become repeat customers.

Also, by reigniting the interest of inactive customers, you can recover lost revenue that might otherwise be gone forever. These emails also provide an opportunity to rebuild the trust and customer loyalty that may have waned over time. It ensures that clients return. 

When should you send win-back emails to your customers?

You might wonder what makes a lost customer or a lapsed customer. Or, even better, you might wonder how to know when you need to send a customer a win-back email. Well, here is when you need to consider sending win-back emails to your customers.  

  • Inactivity period: The timing of your win-back email largely depends on your industry and customer behavior. It could be anywhere from a few weeks to several months of inactivity. Analyze your customer data to identify the right moment.
  • Seasonal opportunities: Use seasonal events, holidays, or special occasions to send win-back emails with tailored offers or messages.
  • Post-purchase: If you notice a decline in engagement after a purchase, sending a win-back email can prevent customers from churning.
  • Subscription expiration: For subscription-based businesses, sending a win-back email before a subscription expires can entice customers to renew.

How to write a customer win-back email: Key elements to include in your email and how to format it

The first step to writing an effective customer win-back email is genuinely knowing how to win back a customer who is disengaged or dormant before even considering the email. 

That’s why we’ve divided this part into two sections. First, we will discuss how to win back a disengaged customer, which will basically cover everything you need to include in your email to make it successful; then, we will discuss how you need to format your email to make it into their inbox and get a reply. 

How do you win customers back? 

Here is the main information your customer win-back email must contain in the right order.

Acknowledgment of their disengagement

The first step to winning customers back is knowing or understanding they’re disengaged in the first place. So, your win-back email strategy should start by acknowledging the customer’s recent disengagement. 

Express your understanding of their absence and empathize with their situation. Let them know that you genuinely miss their presence and are committed to addressing their concerns. Taking an empathetic approach demonstrates your dedication and offers them a personalized customer experience.

Understanding why they disengaged is paramount. By understanding the reasons behind their inactivity, you not only show that you care about their experience but also gain valuable insights. 

Was it a lack of interest, a negative experience, or simply forgetfulness? By identifying the root cause, you can tailor your re-engagement strategy effectively.

Expression of your value

Once you’ve acknowledged their disengagement, your email must remind them of the unique value your products or services offer. Reiterate the core benefits they receive from choosing your brand. Highlight the solutions you provide and how they uniquely align with their needs.

Furthermore, if there have been improvements or new features introduced since their last interaction, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase them. It helps your offering remain relevant and appealing to your customers.

An attractive or irresistible incentive

To entice your customers back, provide an attractive and exclusive incentive that makes a return to your brand irresistible. Whether it’s a significant discount, a special offer, or exclusive access, let them know the value they will receive. 

It’s also a good idea to emphasize that this incentive is designed exclusively for them as a token of appreciation for their loyalty.

A reminder of why they chose you

Next, try to rekindle the memory of why they initially chose your brand. Remind them of the specific benefits and unique selling points that set your brand apart from the competition. This is also an effective way to add to the value they see in you and can expedite their way back to you. 

Whether it’s your exceptional quality, outstanding customer service, or innovative solutions, reinforce the reasons that made them your valued customer.

Success stories or testimonials (if it makes sense)

This will depend on the product or service you sell and the unique situation with the lost customers you’re trying to win back. So, if relevant to the situation, consider including a brief customer success story or testimonial. 

Sharing real-life examples of how others have benefited from your products or services provides social proof of your brand’s effectiveness. They’ll likely know it as your past clients, but it reinforces the trustworthiness and reliability of your offerings.

A call to action (CTA)

Last but not least, your win-back email must have a clear and compelling call to action (CTA). Use language that guides them to take immediate action, whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Explore New Arrivals,” or “Redeem Your Discount.” 

Ensure that the CTA is prominently placed, easily clickable, and encourages a seamless re-engagement process.

Customer win-back email format

Now, it’s time to write your email. The email needs to adhere to formal and professional email formatting with a clear subject line, an email body, and an effective email closing. 

Here is how to write each part. 

Subject line: How to write the best win-back email subject lines

The customer is disengaging; they’re walking away from your business. You need to write an email subject line that hooks them and compels them to read what you have to say. It needs to be intriguing, concise, and relevant. 

Here are a few tips to help you write compelling win-back email subject lines:

  • Personalization: Incorporate the recipient’s name if possible.
  • Urgency: We can’t emphasize this enough. Urgency and the fear of missing out are the best ways to get a reaction from disengaged customers. So, create a sense of urgency or curiosity, like “Exclusive offer.”
  • Benefit-oriented: Highlight the value or benefit they’ll gain from opening the email.
  • Relevance: Ensure the subject line relates to the content of the email.

Here are some subject line examples: 

  • “🎉 We want you back! Get 25% off your next purchase”
  • “We’re back and better than ever! Join us”
  • “Missed us? Let’s catch up with a special surprise!”
  • “Last chance: Your exclusive offer expires soon!”
  • “Reconnect with [your brand name] and enjoy 20% off”

Email body: How to write the body of an email to win back a customer

So, here is where you do most of the work. Your email body’s main purpose is to convince the customers of your value and remind them that they can still gain a lot from working with you — potentially better than the competition. 

Here is the step-by-step blueprint you need to follow to write it. 

  1. Write a warm email salutation: Address the recipient by name for a personal touch.
  2. Start the opening line by acknowledging their disengagement and the reasons behind it:
    1. Mention their inactivity but avoid blaming or shaming.
    2. Show appreciation for their past engagement.
    3. Empathize with the challenges they may have faced.
  3. Let them know your value:
    1. Highlight the core value your brand provides.
    2. Mention improvements or new features.
    3. Connect these improvements to their needs or interests.
  4. Include an attractive or irresistible incentive:
    1. Clearly present the incentive (e.g., discount, special offer).
    2. Explain the exclusive nature of the offer.
    3. Convey a sense of excitement about the incentive.
  5. Write a reminder of why they chose you in the first place:
    1. Recap the unique benefits they enjoyed.
    2. Emphasize what sets your brand apart.
    3. Use persuasive language to reinforce their initial choice.
  6. Add a success stories or testimonials if it makes sense for the situation:
    1. Share a brief, relatable customer success story.
    2. Use testimonials to provide social proof.
    3. Ensure the story aligns with their situation.
  7. Write a compelling call to action (CTA):
    1. Use a clear, actionable CTA (e.g., “Shop Now,” “Claim Your Offer”).
    2. Make the CTA button highly visible and easy to click.
    3. Encourage immediate action.

Email ending: How to end a customer win-back email 

After the email body, you need to end your email by expressing gratitude for their past support. Also, let them know you care and reiterate your excitement about their return. Also, let them know that you’re available to offer assistance and support.

Next, add a professional email sign-off and add your signature with your name and ways they can reach out to you if they need to. If you want, you can add a postscript (P.S.) message for a personal touch or an additional incentive.

5 win-back email samples to re-engage customers

Re-engaging lapsed customers requires a strategic and personalized approach. 

We’ll explore 5 effective win-back email examples you can use to run effective win-back email campaigns. Each email example is designed to address different scenarios and encourage customer re-engagement. 

These samples are backed by tried-and-tested techniques to help you recapture the attention, remind customers of your value, and make more loyal customers.

Win-back email sample 1: Creating FOMO (the Fear Of Missing Out)

Creating FOMO, or the Fear Of Missing Out, is a powerful psychological trigger that can reignite customer interest. Writing this win-back email is simple. 

Focus on offering a limited-time, exclusive offer or highlighting a popular product or service that customers might have missed out on. Emphasize the urgency and benefits of taking action now.

Here is a win-back email example for this: 

Win-back email sample 2: Asking for feedback or a survey

Sometimes, customers or subscribers disengage due to unresolved issues or dissatisfaction. To gather valuable insights and re-establish trust, consider sending a win-back email requesting feedback or inviting them to participate in a survey. Show that you value their opinions and are committed to improving their experience.

Here is an email example you can use to run a win-back campaign and re-engage inactive subscribers and customers:

Win-back email sample 3: Reminder email for inactive users

In some cases, inactive users may simply need a friendly reminder to re-engage with your brand. Your email here should gently nudge them back into action by highlighting the value and benefits of your offerings. Keep the tone warm and inviting. Here is a win-back email template for this:

Win-back email sample 4: Making an exclusive offer

Making an exclusive offer is a classic win-back strategy. This email aims to win back customers by presenting them with an enticing, limited-time offer that highlights the value of returning to your brand. The email should create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. Here is a sample:

Win-back email sample 5: Offering an apology and asking for a second chance

Sometimes, customers disengage due to past negative experiences. This email demonstrates humility and a commitment to improvement by offering a sincere apology and inviting customers to give your brand a second chance. Here is a sample you can use: 

Key takeaways

  • The true purpose of a win-back email is to reinforce the unique value your products or services offer. Emphasize any improvements or new features since their last interaction, showcasing your commitment to meeting their needs.
  • Segment your email list and consider creating a win-back email sequence to target different groups of disengaged customers based on their past interactions and behaviors. Tailor your win-back emails to each segment for better effectiveness.
  • Be strategic about the frequency of your win-back emails. Sending too many can lead to annoyance, while sending too few may not effectively re-engage customers. So, always make sure you find the right balance and timing.
  • Need help with email marketing and lead generation? We are ready to help you get more customers for your business. Nerdy Joe can help you get stellar results from our sophisticated email marketing efforts. Talk with us today.
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